Log of Changes to IMA Mineral List This log file was begun in June 2010 to keep track of changes to the IMA list of minerals at http://rruff.info/IMA. 2 August 2013: Eltyubyuite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2011-022: Galuskin E V, Galuskina I O, Bailau R, Prusik K, Gazeev V M, Zadov A E, Pertsev N N, Jezak L, Gurbanov A G, Dubrovinsky L (2013) Eltyubyuite, 3+ 3+ Ca12Fe 10Si4O32Cl6 - the Fe analogue of wadalite: a new mineral from the Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia. European Journal of Mineralogy 25, 221-229 29 July 2013: Domerockite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2009-016: Elliott P, Kolitsch U, Willis A C, Libowitzky E (2013) Description and crystal structure of domerockite, Cu4(AsO4)(AsO3OH)(OH)3·H2O, a new mineral from the Dome Rock Mine, South Australia, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 509-522 27 July 2013: Haiweeite: Chemical formula changed from Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2·3H2O to Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2·6H2O: Plášil J, Fejfarová K, Čejka J, Dušek M, Škoda R, Sejkora J (2013) Revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of haiweeite, Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2·6H2O, American Mineralogist 98, 718-723 7 July 2013: Bairdite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-061: Kampf A R, Mills S J, Housley R M, Rossman G R, Marty J, Thorne B (2013) Lead- tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: X. Bairdite, 2+ 6+ Pb2Cu4 Te2 O10(OH)2(SO4)(H2O), a new mineral with thick HCP layers, American Mineralogist 98, 1315-1321 7 July 2013: Lusernaite-(Y): New mineral descriptions for IMA2011-108: Biagioni C, Bonaccorsi E, Cámara F, Cadoni M, Ciriotti M E, Bersani D, Kolitsch U (2013) Lusernaite-(Y), Y4Al(CO3)2(OH,F)11·6H2O, a new mineral species from Luserna Valley, Piedmont, Italy: Description and crystal structure, American Mineralogist 98, 1322-1329 4 July 2013: Terrywallaceite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2011-017: Yang H, Downs R T, Evans S H, Pinch W W (2013) Terrywallaceite, AgPb(Sb,Bi)3S6, isotypic with gustavite, a new mineral from Mina Herminia, Julcani Mining District, Huancavelica, Peru. American Mineralogist 98, 1310- 1314 1 19 June 2013: Yofortierite: 2+ Chemical formula changed from Mn 5Si8O20(OH)2·8-9H2O to 2+ 3+ (Mn ,Mg,Fe )5Si8O20(OH,H2O)2·7H2O: Hawthorne F C, Abdu Y A, Tait K T, Back M E (2013) The crystal structure of yofortierite, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 243-251 19 June 2013: Ferrochiavennite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-039: Grice J D, Kristiansen R, Friis H, Rowe R, Poirier G G, Selbekk R S, Cooper M A, Larsen A O (2013) Ferrochiavennite, a new beryllium silicate zeolite from syenite pegmatites in the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo Region, Southern Norway, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 285-296 18 June 2013: Wernerbaurite and schindlerite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-064 and IMA2012-063 reported in: Kampf A R, Hughes J M, Marty J, Nash B (2013) Wernerbaurite, {[Ca(H2O)7]2(H2O)2(H3O)2}{V10O28}, and schindlerite, {[Na2(H2O)10](H3O)4}{V10O28}, the first hydronium-bearing decavanadate minerals, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 297-312 9 June 2013: Aluminopyracmonite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-075: Demartin F, Castellano C, Campostrini I (2013) Aluminopyracmonite, (NH4)3Al(SO4)3, a new ammonium aluminium sulfate from La Fossa crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 443-451 9 June 2013: Fluorcalcioroméite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-093: Atencio D, Ciriotti M E, Andrade M B (2013) Fluorcalcioroméite, 5+ (Ca,Na)2Sb2 (O,OH)6F, a new roméite-group mineral from Starlera mine, Ferrera, Grischun, Switzerland: description and crystal structure, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 467-473 8 June 2013: Camaronesite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-094: Kampf A R, Mills S J, Nash B P, Housley R M, Rossman G R, Dini M (2013) 3+ Camaronesite, [Fe (H2O)2(PO3OH)]2(SO4)·1–2H2O, a new phosphate-sulfate from the Camarones Valley, Chile, structurally related to taranakite, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 453-465 8 June 2013: Leydetite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-065: Plášil J, Kasatkin A V, Škoda R, Novák M, Kallistová A, Dušek M, Skála R, Fejfarová K, Čejka J, Meisser N, Goethals H, Machovič V, Lapčák L (2013) 2 Leydetite, Fe(UO2)(SO4)2(H2O)11, a new uranyl sulfate mineral from Mas d'Alary, Lodève, France, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 429-441 4 June 2013: Manganoblödite and cobaltoblödite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-029 and IMA2012-059 reported in: Kasatkin A V, Nestola F, Plášil J, Marty J, Belakovskiy D I, Agakhanov A A, Mills S J, Pedron D, Lanza A, Favaro M, Bianchin S, Lykova I S, Goliáš V, Birch W D (2013) Manganoblödite, Na2Mn(SO4)2·4H2O, and cobaltoblödite, Na2Co(SO4)2·4H2O: two new members of the blödite group from the Blue Lizard mine, San Juan County, Utah, USA, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 367- 383 4 June 2013: Schlüterite-(Y): New mineral description for IMA2012-015 reported in: Cooper M A, Husdal T A, Ball N A, Abdu Y A, Hawthorne F C (2013) Schlüterite- (Y), ideally (Y,REE)2Al(Si2O7)(OH)2F, a new mineral species from the Stetind pegmatite, Tysfjord, Nordland, Norway: description and crystal structure, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 353-366 4 June 2013: Hylbrownite: New mineral description for IMA2010-054 reported in: Elliott P, Brugger J, Caradoc-Davies T, Pring A (2013) Hylbrownite, Na3MgP3O10·12H2O, a new triphosphate mineral from the Dome Rock Mine, South Australia: description and crystal structure, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 385-398 18 May 2013: Kangite: New mineral description for IMA2011-092 reported in: Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett J R, Rossman G R, Liu W (2013) Kangite, (Sc,Ti,Al,Zr,Mg,Ca,[_])2O3, a new ultra-refractory scandia mineral from the Allende meteorite: Synchrotron micro-Laue diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction, American Mineralogist 98, 870-878 4 May 2013: Kudryavtsevaite: New mineral description for IMA2012-078 reported in: Anashkin S, Bovkun A, Bindi L, Garanin V, Litvin Y (2013) Kudryavtsevaite, 3+ Na3MgFe Ti4O12, a new kimberlitic mineral, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 327- 334 4 May 2013: Minohlite: New mineral description for IMA2012-035 reported in: Ohnishi M, Shimobayashi N, Nishio-Hamane D, Shinoda K, Momma K, Ikeda T (2013) Minohlite, a new copper-zinc sulfate mineral from Minoh, Osaka, Japan, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 335-342 14 April 2013: Wopmayite: 3 New mineral description for IMA2011-093 reported in: Cooper M A, Hawthorne F C, Abdu Y A, Ball N A, Ramik R A, Tait K T (2013) Wopmayite, ideally Ca6Na3 Mn(PO4)3(PO3OH)4, a new phosphate mineral from the Tanco Mine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba: description and crystal structure, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 93-106 14 April 2013: Adranosite-(Fe): New mineral description for IMA2011-006 reported in: Mitolo D, Demartin F, Garavelli A, Campostrini I, Pinto D, Gramaccioli C M, Acquafredda P, Kolitsch U (2013) Adranosite-(Fe), (NH4)4NaFe2(SO4)4Cl(OH)2, a new ammonium sulfate chloride from La Fossa Crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 57-66 14 April 2013: Nashite: New mineral description for IMA2011-105 reported in: Kampf A R, Hughes J M, Marty J, Brown F H (2013) Nashite, 4+ 5+ Na3Ca2[(V V 9)O28]·24H2O, a new mineral species from the Yellow Cat Mining District, Utah and the Slick Rock Mining District, Colorado: crystal structure and descriptive mineralogy, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 27-37 9 April 2013: Andorite IV: Chemical formula changed from Ag15Pb18Sb47S96 to AgPbSb3S6: Nespolo M, Ozawa T, Kawasaki Y, Sugiyama K (2012) Structural relations and pseudosymmetries in the andorite homologous series, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 107, 226-243 30 March 2013: Kyzylkumite: 3+ 4+ 3+ Chemical formula changed from BeV 2Ti O6 to Ti2V O5(OH): Armbruster T, Lazic B, Reznitsky L Z, Sklyarov E V (2013) Kyzylkumite, 3+ Ti2V O5(OH): new structure type, modularity and revised formula, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 33-44 30 March 2013: Karenwebberite: New mineral description for IMA2011-015 reported in: Vignola P, Hatert F, Fransolet A M, Mendenbach O, Diella V, Andò S (2013) 2+ 2+ Karenwebberite, Na(Fe ,Mn )PO4, a new member of the triphylite group from the Malpensata pegmatite, Lecco Province, Italy, American Mineralogist 98, 767-772 25 March 2013: Štěpite: New mineral description for IMA2012-006 reported in: Plášil J, Fejfarová K, Hloušek J, Škoda R, Novák M, Sejkora J, Čejka J, Dušek M, Veselovský F, Ondruš P, Majzlan J, Mrázek Z (2013) Štěpite, U(AsO3OH)2·4H2O, from Jáchymov, Czech Republic: the first natural arsenate of tetravalent uranium, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 137-152 4 24 March 2013: Kleberite: New mineral description for IMA2012-023 reported in: 3+ Grey I E, Steinike K, MacRae C M (2013) Kleberite, Fe Ti6O11(OH)5, a new ilmenite alteration product, from Königshain, northeast Germany, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 45-55 19 March 2013: Bobmeyerite: New mineral description for IMA2012-019 reported in: Kampf A R, Pluth J J, Chen Y S, Roberts A C, Housley R M (2013) Bobmeyerite, a new mineral from Tiger, Arizona, USA, structurally related to cerchiaraite and ashburtonite, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 81-91 17 March 2013: Lucabindiite: New mineral description for IMA2011-010 reported in: Garavelli A, Mitolo D, Pinto D, Vurro F (2013) Lucabindiite, (K,NH4)As4O6(Cl,Br), a new fumarole mineral from the "La Fossa" crater at Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy, American Mineralogist 98, 470-477 16 March 2013: Shimazakiite: New mineral description for IMA2010-085a reported in: Kusachi I, Kobayashi S, Takechi Y, Nakamuta Y, Nagase T, Yokoyama K, Momma K, Miyawaki R, Shigeoka M, Matsubara S (2013) Shimazakiite-4M
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