Log of Changes to IMA Mineral List

Log of Changes to IMA Mineral List

Log of Changes to IMA Mineral List This log file was begun in June 2010 to keep track of changes to the IMA list of minerals at http://rruff.info/IMA. 2 August 2013: Eltyubyuite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2011-022: Galuskin E V, Galuskina I O, Bailau R, Prusik K, Gazeev V M, Zadov A E, Pertsev N N, Jezak L, Gurbanov A G, Dubrovinsky L (2013) Eltyubyuite, 3+ 3+ Ca12Fe 10Si4O32Cl6 - the Fe analogue of wadalite: a new mineral from the Northern Caucasus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia. European Journal of Mineralogy 25, 221-229 29 July 2013: Domerockite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2009-016: Elliott P, Kolitsch U, Willis A C, Libowitzky E (2013) Description and crystal structure of domerockite, Cu4(AsO4)(AsO3OH)(OH)3·H2O, a new mineral from the Dome Rock Mine, South Australia, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 509-522 27 July 2013: Haiweeite: Chemical formula changed from Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2·3H2O to Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2·6H2O: Plášil J, Fejfarová K, Čejka J, Dušek M, Škoda R, Sejkora J (2013) Revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of haiweeite, Ca(UO2)2(Si5O12)(OH)2·6H2O, American Mineralogist 98, 718-723 7 July 2013: Bairdite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-061: Kampf A R, Mills S J, Housley R M, Rossman G R, Marty J, Thorne B (2013) Lead- tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: X. Bairdite, 2+ 6+ Pb2Cu4 Te2 O10(OH)2(SO4)(H2O), a new mineral with thick HCP layers, American Mineralogist 98, 1315-1321 7 July 2013: Lusernaite-(Y): New mineral descriptions for IMA2011-108: Biagioni C, Bonaccorsi E, Cámara F, Cadoni M, Ciriotti M E, Bersani D, Kolitsch U (2013) Lusernaite-(Y), Y4Al(CO3)2(OH,F)11·6H2O, a new mineral species from Luserna Valley, Piedmont, Italy: Description and crystal structure, American Mineralogist 98, 1322-1329 4 July 2013: Terrywallaceite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2011-017: Yang H, Downs R T, Evans S H, Pinch W W (2013) Terrywallaceite, AgPb(Sb,Bi)3S6, isotypic with gustavite, a new mineral from Mina Herminia, Julcani Mining District, Huancavelica, Peru. American Mineralogist 98, 1310- 1314 1 19 June 2013: Yofortierite: 2+ Chemical formula changed from Mn 5Si8O20(OH)2·8-9H2O to 2+ 3+ (Mn ,Mg,Fe )5Si8O20(OH,H2O)2·7H2O: Hawthorne F C, Abdu Y A, Tait K T, Back M E (2013) The crystal structure of yofortierite, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 243-251 19 June 2013: Ferrochiavennite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-039: Grice J D, Kristiansen R, Friis H, Rowe R, Poirier G G, Selbekk R S, Cooper M A, Larsen A O (2013) Ferrochiavennite, a new beryllium silicate zeolite from syenite pegmatites in the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo Region, Southern Norway, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 285-296 18 June 2013: Wernerbaurite and schindlerite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-064 and IMA2012-063 reported in: Kampf A R, Hughes J M, Marty J, Nash B (2013) Wernerbaurite, {[Ca(H2O)7]2(H2O)2(H3O)2}{V10O28}, and schindlerite, {[Na2(H2O)10](H3O)4}{V10O28}, the first hydronium-bearing decavanadate minerals, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 297-312 9 June 2013: Aluminopyracmonite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-075: Demartin F, Castellano C, Campostrini I (2013) Aluminopyracmonite, (NH4)3Al(SO4)3, a new ammonium aluminium sulfate from La Fossa crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 443-451 9 June 2013: Fluorcalcioroméite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-093: Atencio D, Ciriotti M E, Andrade M B (2013) Fluorcalcioroméite, 5+ (Ca,Na)2Sb2 (O,OH)6F, a new roméite-group mineral from Starlera mine, Ferrera, Grischun, Switzerland: description and crystal structure, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 467-473 8 June 2013: Camaronesite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-094: Kampf A R, Mills S J, Nash B P, Housley R M, Rossman G R, Dini M (2013) 3+ Camaronesite, [Fe (H2O)2(PO3OH)]2(SO4)·1–2H2O, a new phosphate-sulfate from the Camarones Valley, Chile, structurally related to taranakite, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 453-465 8 June 2013: Leydetite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-065: Plášil J, Kasatkin A V, Škoda R, Novák M, Kallistová A, Dušek M, Skála R, Fejfarová K, Čejka J, Meisser N, Goethals H, Machovič V, Lapčák L (2013) 2 Leydetite, Fe(UO2)(SO4)2(H2O)11, a new uranyl sulfate mineral from Mas d'Alary, Lodève, France, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 429-441 4 June 2013: Manganoblödite and cobaltoblödite: New mineral descriptions for IMA2012-029 and IMA2012-059 reported in: Kasatkin A V, Nestola F, Plášil J, Marty J, Belakovskiy D I, Agakhanov A A, Mills S J, Pedron D, Lanza A, Favaro M, Bianchin S, Lykova I S, Goliáš V, Birch W D (2013) Manganoblödite, Na2Mn(SO4)2·4H2O, and cobaltoblödite, Na2Co(SO4)2·4H2O: two new members of the blödite group from the Blue Lizard mine, San Juan County, Utah, USA, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 367- 383 4 June 2013: Schlüterite-(Y): New mineral description for IMA2012-015 reported in: Cooper M A, Husdal T A, Ball N A, Abdu Y A, Hawthorne F C (2013) Schlüterite- (Y), ideally (Y,REE)2Al(Si2O7)(OH)2F, a new mineral species from the Stetind pegmatite, Tysfjord, Nordland, Norway: description and crystal structure, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 353-366 4 June 2013: Hylbrownite: New mineral description for IMA2010-054 reported in: Elliott P, Brugger J, Caradoc-Davies T, Pring A (2013) Hylbrownite, Na3MgP3O10·12H2O, a new triphosphate mineral from the Dome Rock Mine, South Australia: description and crystal structure, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 385-398 18 May 2013: Kangite: New mineral description for IMA2011-092 reported in: Ma C, Tschauner O, Beckett J R, Rossman G R, Liu W (2013) Kangite, (Sc,Ti,Al,Zr,Mg,Ca,[_])2O3, a new ultra-refractory scandia mineral from the Allende meteorite: Synchrotron micro-Laue diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction, American Mineralogist 98, 870-878 4 May 2013: Kudryavtsevaite: New mineral description for IMA2012-078 reported in: Anashkin S, Bovkun A, Bindi L, Garanin V, Litvin Y (2013) Kudryavtsevaite, 3+ Na3MgFe Ti4O12, a new kimberlitic mineral, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 327- 334 4 May 2013: Minohlite: New mineral description for IMA2012-035 reported in: Ohnishi M, Shimobayashi N, Nishio-Hamane D, Shinoda K, Momma K, Ikeda T (2013) Minohlite, a new copper-zinc sulfate mineral from Minoh, Osaka, Japan, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 335-342 14 April 2013: Wopmayite: 3 New mineral description for IMA2011-093 reported in: Cooper M A, Hawthorne F C, Abdu Y A, Ball N A, Ramik R A, Tait K T (2013) Wopmayite, ideally Ca6Na3 Mn(PO4)3(PO3OH)4, a new phosphate mineral from the Tanco Mine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba: description and crystal structure, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 93-106 14 April 2013: Adranosite-(Fe): New mineral description for IMA2011-006 reported in: Mitolo D, Demartin F, Garavelli A, Campostrini I, Pinto D, Gramaccioli C M, Acquafredda P, Kolitsch U (2013) Adranosite-(Fe), (NH4)4NaFe2(SO4)4Cl(OH)2, a new ammonium sulfate chloride from La Fossa Crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 57-66 14 April 2013: Nashite: New mineral description for IMA2011-105 reported in: Kampf A R, Hughes J M, Marty J, Brown F H (2013) Nashite, 4+ 5+ Na3Ca2[(V V 9)O28]·24H2O, a new mineral species from the Yellow Cat Mining District, Utah and the Slick Rock Mining District, Colorado: crystal structure and descriptive mineralogy, The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 27-37 9 April 2013: Andorite IV: Chemical formula changed from Ag15Pb18Sb47S96 to AgPbSb3S6: Nespolo M, Ozawa T, Kawasaki Y, Sugiyama K (2012) Structural relations and pseudosymmetries in the andorite homologous series, Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 107, 226-243 30 March 2013: Kyzylkumite: 3+ 4+ 3+ Chemical formula changed from BeV 2Ti O6 to Ti2V O5(OH): Armbruster T, Lazic B, Reznitsky L Z, Sklyarov E V (2013) Kyzylkumite, 3+ Ti2V O5(OH): new structure type, modularity and revised formula, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 33-44 30 March 2013: Karenwebberite: New mineral description for IMA2011-015 reported in: Vignola P, Hatert F, Fransolet A M, Mendenbach O, Diella V, Andò S (2013) 2+ 2+ Karenwebberite, Na(Fe ,Mn )PO4, a new member of the triphylite group from the Malpensata pegmatite, Lecco Province, Italy, American Mineralogist 98, 767-772 25 March 2013: Štěpite: New mineral description for IMA2012-006 reported in: Plášil J, Fejfarová K, Hloušek J, Škoda R, Novák M, Sejkora J, Čejka J, Dušek M, Veselovský F, Ondruš P, Majzlan J, Mrázek Z (2013) Štěpite, U(AsO3OH)2·4H2O, from Jáchymov, Czech Republic: the first natural arsenate of tetravalent uranium, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 137-152 4 24 March 2013: Kleberite: New mineral description for IMA2012-023 reported in: 3+ Grey I E, Steinike K, MacRae C M (2013) Kleberite, Fe Ti6O11(OH)5, a new ilmenite alteration product, from Königshain, northeast Germany, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 45-55 19 March 2013: Bobmeyerite: New mineral description for IMA2012-019 reported in: Kampf A R, Pluth J J, Chen Y S, Roberts A C, Housley R M (2013) Bobmeyerite, a new mineral from Tiger, Arizona, USA, structurally related to cerchiaraite and ashburtonite, Mineralogical Magazine 77, 81-91 17 March 2013: Lucabindiite: New mineral description for IMA2011-010 reported in: Garavelli A, Mitolo D, Pinto D, Vurro F (2013) Lucabindiite, (K,NH4)As4O6(Cl,Br), a new fumarole mineral from the "La Fossa" crater at Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy, American Mineralogist 98, 470-477 16 March 2013: Shimazakiite: New mineral description for IMA2010-085a reported in: Kusachi I, Kobayashi S, Takechi Y, Nakamuta Y, Nagase T, Yokoyama K, Momma K, Miyawaki R, Shigeoka M, Matsubara S (2013) Shimazakiite-4M

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