Aldershot 1952

Aldershot 1952

ALDERSHOT 1952 Updated 24.3.2020 Saturday 5th April 1952 Tongham Greyhound Stadium, Aldershot Probables 57 Possibles 36 (Trial Challenge) Probables Bert Edwards 3 3 3 3 12 Charles Frenzel 0 2’ 2’ 0 4 2 Bill Grimes 3 3 3 2 11 Jack Davis 1 0 2’ 1’ 4 2 John Dore 3 F 3 3 9 Len Glover 2’ 3 0 2 7 1 Stan Stringer 0 0 0 0 0 Ern Steers 2 2 3 3 10 Possibles Ivor Powell 2 2 2 2 8 Chris Papworth 1’ 0 1’ 1’ 3 3 Doug Papworth 2 F 2 0 4 Jack Taylor 0 1 1 Bill Lockyer 0 1 1 1’ 3 1 George Watts 1 3 0 2 6 Berne Aldridge 1 1’ 1 0 3 Ron Burnett 3 2 0 3 8 Wally Wilson 0 0 Ht1 Edwards, Powell, C.Papworth, Frenzel 74.0 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Grimes, D.Papworth, Davis, Taylor 73.0 4 2 7 5 Ht3 Dore, Glover, Watts, Lockyer 74.2 5 1 12 6 Ht4 Burnett, Steers, Aldridge, Stringer 76.2 2 4 14 10 Ht5 Edwards, Frenzel, Taylor, D.Papworth (f) 76.2 5 1 19 11 Ht6 Grimes, Powell, Davies (nf), Burnett (nf) 75.2 3 2 22 13 Ht7 Glover, Burnett, Aldridge, Dore 75.0 3 3 25 16 Ht8 Watts, Steers, Lockyer, Stringer 76.2 2 4 27 20 Ht9 Edwards, Frenzel, Aldridge, Burnett 75.0 5 1 32 21 Ht10 Grimes, Davis, Lockyer, Watts 74.4 5 1 37 22 Ht11 Dore, Powell, C.Papworth, Glover 75.4 3 3 40 25 Ht12 Steers, D.Papworth, Stringer (nf), Wilson (nf) 75.6 3 2 43 27 Ht13 Burnett, Grimes, Davis, Aldridge 74.6 3 3 46 30 Ht14 Edwards, Watts, Lockyer, Frenzel 77.2 3 3 49 33 Ht15 Dore, Glover, D.Papworth (nf), Taylor (ns) 77.8 5 0 54 33 Ht16 Steers, Powell, C.Papworth, Stringer ? 3 3 57 36 Lap Trials Ht1 Edwards, Grimes, Dore, Steers 73.2 Ht2 Watts, Aldridge, Powell (nf), D.Papworth (nf) 79.0 Ht3 Frenzel, Glover, Davis, Stringer 74.2 Ht4 Burnett, Lockyer, C.Papworth, Taylor ? Final Edwards, [ Watts, Frenzel, Burnett ? Friday 14th April 1952 Tongham Greyhound Stadium, Aldershot Aldershot Easter Cup Trevor Redmond 3-3-2-3-3 14 Ivor Powell 2-2-2-1-2 9 Bert Edwards 3-2-3-0-2 10 Mike Wood 1-0-0 1 Basil Harris 3-3-3-3-1 13 Gerald Jackson 1-3-3-1-3 11 Ron Howes 3-1-3-2-3 12 Jack Taylor 0-1-0-1-0 2 Bob Jones 0-0-1-1-2 4 Charles Frenzel 1-1-0-0-0 2 Ray Ellis 2-1-0-2-1 6 Len Glover 0-2-0-0-1 3 Bill Grimes 0-0-2-2-3 7 John Dore 2-0-0-3-0 5 Doug Papworth 1-2-2-1-1 7 Buster Brown 2-3-2-3-2 12 Ernie Steers (res) 1 1 Trevor Bailey (res) 0 0 Ht 1: Trevor Redmond, Ivor Powell, Charles Frenzel, Bob Jones, 68.0. Ht 2: Bert Edwards, Ray Ellis, Mike Wood, Len Glover, 72.2. Ht 3: Basil Harris, John Dore, Gerald Jackson, Bill Grimes, 71.0. Ht 4: Ron Howes, Buster Brown, Doug Papworth, Jack Taylor, 72.8. Ht 5: Basil Harris, Bert Edwards, Ron Howes, Bob Jones, 68.8. Ht 6: Trevor Redmond, Doug Papworth, Ray Ellis, Bill Grimes, 69.8. Ht 7: Gerald Jackson, Ivor Powell, Jack Taylor, Mike Wood, 71.4. Ht 8: Buster Brown, Len Glover, Charles Frenzel, John Dore, 73.0. Ht 9: Gerald Jackson, Buster Brown, Bob Jones, Ray Ellis, 71.0. Ht 10: Bert Edwards, Trevor Redmond, John Dore (nf), Jack Taylor (nf), 69.4. Ht 11: John Dore, Doug Papworth, Bob Jones, Mike Wood, 71.6. Ht 12: Ron Howes, Bill Grimes, Ernie Steers, Charles Frenzel, 71.6. Ht 13: Basil Harris, Ivor Powell, Doug Papworth, Len Glover, 71.4. Ht 14: Trevor Redmond, Ron Howes, Gerald Jackson, Len Glover, 69.8. Ht 15: Buster Brown, Bill Grimes, Ivor Powell, Bert Edwards, 70.4. Ht 16: Basil Harris, Ray Ellis, Jack Taylor, Charles Frenzel, 71.6. Ht 17: Bill Grimes, Bob Jones, Len Glover, Jack Taylor, 71,6 Ht 18: Trevor Redmond, Buster Brown, Basil Harris, Trevor Bailey 70.0 Ht 19: Ron Howes, Ivor Powell, Ray Ellis, John Dore 73.8 Ht 20: Gerald Jackson, Bert Edwards, Doug Papworth, Charles Frenzel 71,6 Monday 17th April 1952 Pennycross Stadium, Plymouth Plymouth Devils 76 Aldershot Shots 31 (National Trophy) Plymouth George Wall 3 2’ 3 3 3 14 1 Brian Hitchcock 0 1 1 2 1 5 Alan Smith 3 3 2’ 3 2 3 16 1 Bill Thatcher 2’ 3 F 2’ 2’ 9 3 Pete Lansdale 3 3 2’ 3 3 2’ 16 2 Doug Fursey 1 0 1 2 Frank Wheeler 3 3 3 1’ 10 1 Denis Hayles 2’ 2’ 4 2 Aldershot John Dore 2 1’ 1 0 0 4 1 Ivor Powell 1’ 2 0 0 0 F 3 1 Basil Harris 1 2 0 2 1 6 Bill Grimes F 0 F 1 0 1 Bert Edwards 1 0 3 0 3 1 8 Doug Papworth 0 2 1 2 2 7 Charlie Frenzel 1 0 1 Len Glover 0 1 1 Ht1 Wall, Dore, Powell, Hitchcock 76.0 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Lansdale, Thatcher, Harris, Papworth 76.0 5 1 8 4 Ht3 Lansdale, Powell, Fursey, Grimes (f) 76.0 4 2 12 6 Ht4 Wheeler, Hayles, Frenzel, Glover 78.0 5 1 17 7 Ht5 Smith, Harris, Hitchcock, Grimes 75.2 4 2 21 9 Ht6 Thatcher, Papworth, Dore, Fursey 77.8 3 3 24 12 Ht7 Lansdale, Wall, Edwards, Harris 76.6 5 1 29 13 Ht8 Wall, Smith, Dore, Edwards 76.0 5 1 34 14 Ht9 Wheeler, Harris, Hitchcock, Dore 76.2 4 2 38 16 Ht10 Smith, Lansdale, Papworth, Powell 75.6 5 1 43 17 Ht11 Edwards, Hitchcock, Thatcher (f), Grimes (f) 77.0 2 3 45 20 Ht12 Wall, Thatcher, Harris, Powell 75.8 5 1 50 21 Ht13 Lansdale, Papworth, Hitchcock, Edwards 76.0 4 2 54 23 Ht14 Wheeler, Hayles, Glover, Frenzel 76.2 5 1 59 24 Ht15 Lansdale, Thatcher, Grimes, Dore 75.6 5 1 64 25 Ht16 Edwards, Smith, Wheeler, Powell 75.4 3 3 67 28 Ht17 Wall, Papworth, Fursey, Grimes 76.6 4 2 71 30 Ht18 Smith, Lansdale, Edwards, Powell (f) 75.4 5 1 76 31 Saturday 19th April 1952 Tongham Greyhound Stadium, Aldershot Aldershot Shots 48 Plymouth Devils 60 (National Trophy) Aldershot Trevor Redmond 3 2 2 3 3 3 16 Ivor Powell 0 1 0 0 1 2 Basil Harris 0 0 0 1 0 1 Bill Grimes 3 2 2 1 2 0 10 Doug Papworth 1’ 0 2 2 1’ 6 2 Bert Edwards 2 1 1 1 2’ 7 1 John Dore 2 2 4 Len Glover 1’ 1’ 2 2 Plymouth George Wall 2 3 1 3 3 1 13 Brian Hitchcock 1’ 3 0 2 2’ 8 2 Alan Smith 2 3 1 2’ 2 10 1 Bill Thatcher 1’ 2’ 1 0 0 4 2 Pete Lansdale 3 3 3 3 3 2 20 Doug Fursey 0 0 0 0 0 Frank Wheeler 3 3 1 7 Dennis Hayles 0 0 0 Ht1 Redmond, Wall, Hitchcock, Powell 3 3 3 3 Ht2 Grimes, Smith, Thatcher, Harris 3 3 6 6 Ht3 Lansdale, Edwards, Papworth, Furshey 3 3 9 9 Ht4 Wheeler, Dore, Glover, Hayles 3 3 12 12 Ht5 Smith, Thatcher, Powell, Harris 1 5 13 17 Ht6 Wall, Grimes, Edwards, Fursey 3 3 16 20 Ht7 Lansdale, Redmond, Smith, Papworth 2 4 18 24 Ht8Lansdale, Redmond, Wall, Harris 2 4 20 28 Ht9 Wall, Smith, Edwards, Powell 1 5 21 33 Ht10 Hitchcock, Papworth, Harris, Fursey 3 3 24 36 Ht11 Lansdale, Grimes, Thatcher, Powell 2 4 26 40 Ht12 Redmond, Smith, Grimes, Hitchcock 4 2 30 42 Ht13 Lansdale, Papworth, Powell, Fursey 3 3 33 45 Ht14 Wheeler, Dore, Glover, Hayles 3 3 36 48 Ht15 Wall, Grimes, Papworth, Thatcher 3 3 39 51 Ht16 Lansdale, Hitchcock, Edwards, Harris 1 5 40 56 Ht17 Redmond, Edwards, Wheeler, Thatcher 5 1 45 57 Ht18 Redmond, Lansdale, Wall, Grimes 3 3 48 60 Tuesday 22nd April 1952 Cornish Stadium, St Austell St Austell Gulls 50 Aldershot Shots 34 (Southern League) St Austell Ken James 1 1’ 1’ 1 4 2 Norman Street 3 2 2 2’ 9 1 Allan Quinn 3 3 3 3 12 Ticker James 1 3 2’ 1 7 1 Harold Bull 0 1 0 1 Mick Mitchell 3 3 2 3 11 Maurice Hutchens 2’ 3 0 5 1 Max Rech 0 1 1 Aldershot Len Glover 0 0 0 0 Ivor Powell 2 2 0 1 5 Basil Harris 2 3 2 3 10 Ron Burnett 0 0 2’ 2 1 Bert Edwards 1’ 1 3 0 5 1 Charlie Frenzel 2 0 0 0 2 Bill Grimes 1 1 3 5 John Dore 1’ 2 2 5 1 Ht1 Street, Powell, K.James, Glover 67.4 4 2 4 2 Ht2 Quinn, Harris, T.James, Burnett 68.4 4 2 8 4 Ht3 Mitchell, Frenzel, Edwards, Bull 73.0 3 3 11 7 Ht4 T.James, Hutchens, Grimes, Glover 69.6 5 1 16 8 Ht5 Harris, Street, K.James, Burnett 71.0 3 3 19 11 Ht6 Quinn, T.James, Edwards, Frenzel 70.0 5 1 24 12 Ht7 Mitchell, Powell, Bull, Glover 72.6 4 2 28 14 Ht8 Quinn, Harris, Dore, Rech 70.6 3 3 31 17 Ht9 Edwards, Street, K.James, Frenzel 70.4 3 3 34 20 Ht10 Quinn, Dore, T.James, Powell 71.4 4 2 38 22 Ht11 Harris, Mitchell, Grimes, Bull 69.8 2 4 40 26 Ht12 Hutchens, Dore, K.James, Edwards 72.0 4 2 44 28 Ht13 Grimes, Burnett, Rech, Hutchens ? 1 5 45 33 Ht14 Mitchell, Street, Powell, Frenzel 70.2 5 1 50 34 Saturday 26th April 1952 Tongham Greyhound Stadium, Aldershot Aldershot Shots 45 Southern Stars 39 (Challenge) Aldershot Arch Windmill 3 3 3 3 12 Ivor Powell 2’ 1 1 3 7 Basil Harris 3 3 2 3 11 Doug Papworth F 0 Bert Edwards 3 3 3 3 12 John Dore 0 0 0 1 1 Len Glover 0 0 1 1 Jack Taylor 1 0 0 F 1 Southern Stars Jimmy Grant 1 3 2 2 8 Bill Grimes 0 1 1 2’ 4 1 Benny King 2 2 3 2 9 Ron Burnett 1’ 0 1’ 1’ 3 3 Maurice Hutchens 1’ 2 2 2 7 1 Allan Quinn 2 1’ 0 0 3 1 Ernie Steers 2 2 4 Charlie Frenzel 1 0 1 1: Arch Windmill (r), Ivor Powell (b), Jimmy Grant (w), Bill Grimes (y), 70.0.

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