Nayarit and Lhe Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920 by wayne A. Sabesk i À thesis presented to the University of Manitoba in fu1fiLlment of the thesis requirernent for the degree of PhD in History winnipeg, Manitoba (c) wayne A. Sabeski, 1990 National L¡brary Bibl¡othèque na(ionale E*& of Canada du Canada Canadian ïheses Service Service des thèses cánadieînes Otlawa. Canâde KIA ON4 The author has granted an kevocable non- L'auteur a accordé une li{tence iñévocable et exdus¡ve liænce alktwing ttl€ National Ubrary non exclusive permettant å la B¡blbtñèque na- of Canada to reproduce. lcan, d¡stribute or sell tionale du Canada de reproduire. prêter. d¡s. coÍies of his/h€r thesis by any means and in any hibuer ou vendre des copies de sa thès€ de form or format; making this thesis available to ¡n- quelque manière et sous quelque fofme que ce persons. terested soit pour mettre des exempdaires de cette thèse á (a dispositicn des personnes intéressées. The author retains owneGhip of the copyright Lhuteur conserve la propriété du droit d'auteur in h¡s/her thes¡s. Neither the thes¡s nor substan- qui protège sa thèse. Ni lã thèse ni des extra¡ts tial extracts from ¡t may b€ printed or otherwise s{ôstant¡els de cel{e{i ne dcivent ètre ¡mprimés rep(oduced w¡thout his,/her pemiss'ton. ou autfement reproduits sans son autodsation. ISBN ø-315-63358_l Canadä NAYARIT AND THE MEXTCAN REVOLUTION, 1910 - 1920 BY Í,TAYNE A. SABESKI A (hesis subnlirted to tlrc Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Manitoba in partial fulfìllment of the requirentents of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY o tggo PermiSsion has been granted ro the LIBRARY OF THE UNIVER- S¡TY OF MANITOBA to lend or sell copies of this rhesis. to the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA ro rnicrofilm rhis thesis and to lend o¡ æll copies of the f¡lm, and UNIVERSITy MICROF¡LMS to publish an absrracr of this thesis. Thë author ¡es€rves othe¡ publication rights, and neither thc thesis nor extensive extracts from it may be printeC or other. wise reproduced without the author's written permission. I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. I authorize the University of Manitoba to ]end this thesis to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of schoJ,arly research. wayne A. Sabe sk i I further authorize the University of Manitoba to reproduce this thesis by photocopying or by other means, in total or in part, at the request of other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research. wayne À. Sabesk i - 11 - The University of Manitoba requires the signatures of all persons using or photocopying this thesis. Please sign below, and give address and date' - 111 - ÀBSTRÀCT This dissertation focuses on the relationship between Nayarit and the Mexican Revolution of. 1910 to 1920. It com- bines a local history of Nayarit during this period with an analysis of the effects of the Revolution on the region, including a review of the granting of statehood to the Ter- ritory of Tepic in 1917. The research resulted in the finding that the experi- ence in Nayarit is consistent with the thesis that the Mexi- can Revolution was an interrupted social revolution. More- over, the Revolution in Nayarit was less a struggle of the lower classes versus the upper classes, than a bourgeois civil war 1ed by frustrated members of the upper and middle classes. Nevertheless, the campesinos and working class made important subjective gains which eventually led to social change in the 1930s. The initiative to grant state- hood to the Territory of Tepic, however, appears to have been an arbitrary political decision that proved to have been untimely for the region. - 1V - ÀCKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research for this dissertation could not have been com- pleted without the support of a doctoral fellowship from the SociaI Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. It is also a pleasure to acknowl-edge my debt to the staffs of Mexico's Àrchivo General de la Nación, the Centro de Estudios de Historia de México (cONDuMEx), the Àrchivo His- tórico General Estrada, the Heneroteca de la Bibl-ioteca deI Estado de JaIisco, and the Hemeroteca Nacional de uéxico. Berta Ulloa graciously allowed rne the use of the library facilities at t.he Colegio de México, while Moisés GonzáIez Navarro provided some inportant orientation for the research. Special mention is aLso due to José Vidrios Gon- zâJ-ez, Basilio Rodríguez Moreno, and ManueI García--conte¡n- poraries of the Revolutionary period in Nayarit-whose per- sonal recolLect ions and impressions of the epoch were particularly valuabLe. I am also grateful to Thomas E. vad- ney and Mark Gabbert for their perceptive criticism and sound interpretive direction. FinaLly, my greatest debt is to my program advisor, Tinothy E. Anna, who diligently waded through successive drafts with a keen editorial eye and made countless suggestions for improvement. CONTENTS ABSTRÀCÎ 1V ÀCKNOI{LETXiEMENTS ChaÞter Þaoe I. INTRODUCTION 1 Interpreting the Mexican Revolut ion 12 Background to the Revolution in Nayarit 25 II. THE TERRITORY OF TEPIC ÀND THE MÀI)ERO REVOLIIUON, 19'l 0-1913 49 The Da¡,rn of Revolution . 49 Jefe Político Martín Espinosa 69 The Miguel cuerrero Rebellion 95 Thè Tensions Continue 108 III. TI{E TERRITORY OF ÎEPIC ÀND THE CONSTITUTIONÀIJIST REVOL'UTION, 1 91 3-1 91 É 122 The Origins of the Ànti-Huerta Rebellion . 122 Jefe Político Agustín Migoni 131 Jefe Político Miguel ciI 143 Jefe PoIítico Domingo Servín 149 IV. TTIE TERRITORY OF TEPIC ÀND THE POIJITICS OF THE coNvENTroN oF ÀGUÀSCÀLTENTES, 1 91 4-1 91 5 156 The Widening Rif t 166 Jefe PoIítico Carlos Echeverría 174 The Àguirre Textile Factories 181 Jefe PoIítico Juan Dozal . 193 Conventionist Governnent in Tepic 196 The Struggle For PoÌre r 207 v. NÀYÀRIT ÀND THE POLITICS OF THE CONSTIITUTIONÀI., COIÍ\TENTION OF OI¡ERÉîÀRO, 1916-191? 221 Reestablishing Constitutionalist Government . 221 Petitíons For Àgrarian Reform 226 Jefe Político Juan Torres 232 The Campesinos of Tuxpan and Mexcaltitán 249 The constitutional Convention 260 vl - vr. NÀvÀRrr ÀND STÀTEHOOD, 1917-1920 2?1 Provi sional Governor Jesús Ferreira 271 Ferreira and the Campesinos of Tuxpan 287 Governor José Santos God í nez 296 The Financ ial La¡,¡ of March 1 , 1918 304 The Àgui rre Factory Shutdowns 314 Godínez and the Campesinos of Tuxpan and MexcaLtitán 320 The Fading Light 32? VI I . CONCT,USION 341 Append i x Þa qe A. NÀYÀRIT: POPIIÍ,ÀTION BY OCCUPATION' 1920 359 SOI'RCES CONSI,'LTED 367 T,IST OF TÀBLES TabLe æ.SIg 1. TERRITORY OF TEPIC: POPULÀTION BY Dr srRI cr, 1910 . 45 2. NÀYÀRTT: POPULATION BY RACE, 1921 47 3. FOREIGN RESIÐENTS BY NÀTTONALITY, 1916 .48 LIST OF }IÀPS MaÞ Ege '1 . Mexico 2. The State of Nayarit 27 3. Municipalities of Nayarit 34 - v1l - Chapter I TNTRODUCTION Àt the outset of the Mexican Revolution, Nayarit-which Ìras at that time stilL the Territory of Tepic-was one of Mexico's more remote regions. Isolated from the rest of the country by a formidable mountain barrier, Nayarit was then, and remains today, a relatively underdeveJ.oped area of low population density. Ðespite repeated attempts by the authorities in Mexico City to bring this region under cen- tral- control that date back to the sixteenth century, the western range of the Sierra Madre Mountains which not only traverses Nayarit but constitutes the greater part of it, effectively prevented the region from becoming fuIIy inte- grated with central Mexico. The history of the Mexican Revolution in Nayarit has generally been neglected by historians because the region is of minor importance when viewed from a nationaL perspective, and because it was never a major arena of battle in the struggles of the Revolution. Nayarit was, however, militar- ily a strategically inportant area of the country, linking the northwestern states of Sonora and Sinaloa to Guadalajara and the center of the country. The revoLutionary armies swept through Nayarit on a number of occasions, leaving new 2 authorities in command in Tepic, in reaction to the fre- quently changing military and political currents of the day. The region was aLso the seat of a number of batLles and Local insurrections that contributed to the larger national experience of the Revolution. Furthermore, Nayarit under- vlent a change in st.atus during the Revolution, as it inci- dentally was elevated from the Territory of Tepic to the State of Nayarit by Àrticles 43 and 47 of the Constilution ot 1917. The main concern of this dissertation will be to focus on the relationship between Nayarit and the Mexican Revolu- tion of 1910 to 1920. It is not exactly a regional study of Nayarit during the Revolution, nor is it limited to analyz- ing the effects of the Revolution on Nayarit. It is rather a combination of these two tasks in an attempt to capture a sense of the movement of history in this region during the Revolutionary period, as well as to add yet one more dimen- sion to the already complex study of the Mexican Revolution. The periodization of the Revolution of 1910 to 1920 is based on much more than the symmetry of one decade: it is at the very heart of this treatment, and, indeed, at the very heart of the meaning of the Mexican Revolution. This period covers the national experience of the insurrectionary phase of the Mexican Revolution, and it is the first phase of a J.arger period of the Revolution f ro¡n 1910 to 1940.
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