Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/96237 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Turner, D.R. Title: Grave Reminders : Comparing Mycenaean tomb building with labour and memory Issue Date: 2020-06-11 References Cited Aaberg, Stephen, and Jay Bonsignore. 1975. A Consideration of Time and Labor Expenditure in the Con- struction Process at the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun and the Poverty Point Mound. In Three Papers on Mesoamerican Archaeology, 40–79. Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facil- ity 24, Berkeley. Abe, Daijiro, Satoshi Muraki, and Akira Yasukouchi. 2008a. Ergonomic effects of load carriage on energy cost of gradient walking. Applied Ergonomics 39: 144–149. —2008b. Ergonomic effects of load carriage on the upper and lower back on metabolic energy cost of walking. Applied Ergonomics 39: 392–398. Abe, Daijiro, Kazumasa Yanagawa, and Shigemitsu Niihata. 2004. 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