Public Document Pack Please ask for: Dawn Hughes 01492 576061 [email protected] Our Ref: RaG/DCH Your Ref: Date: 03.06.2021 NOTICE OF MEETING Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee Virtual Meeting Friday, 11 June 2021 10.00 am Rhun ap Gareth Head of Law and Governance To: Councillors: Jeanette Chamberlain-Jones Liz Roberts Geoff Corry Harry Saville Rachel Flynn Peter Scott Chris Hughes Nigel Smith Hugh Irving Graham Timms Ifor Lloyd Joan Vaughan Melvyn Mile David Gwyn Williams Arwel Roberts Please note: Due to the current restrictions on travel and the requirement for social distancing this meeting will not be held at its usual location. This will be a virtual meeting. The meeting will be recorded for live or subsequent transmission via the Council’s internet site. A G E N D A Note - In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, the Public and Press may be excluded from the meeting during consideration of items where exempt information is likely to be disclosed. Reminder – You are welcome to use the Welsh language at this meeting. Simultaneous translation is available. 1. Appointment of Chair (Note: As per the Committee’s Terms of Reference, the role of Chair shall alternate every two years between the elected membership of Denbighshire and Conwy Councils. Therefore, for 2021/2023 the Chair shall be a Member of Denbighshire County Council). 2. Appointment of Vice Chair (Note: As per the Committee’s Terms of Reference, the allocation of the Vice- Chair will be given to a member of the Authority, which is next scheduled to hold the position of Chair. Therefore, for 2021/2023 the Vice-Chair shall be a Member of Conwy County Borough Council.) 3. Apologies for absence 4. Declarations of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of their declared personal interests. 5. Urgent matters Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. 6. Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record minutes of the previous meeting. (Pages 4 - 12) 7. Well-being Assessment and Community Engagement Update (Pages 13 - 35) 8. Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board Annual Report 2020/2021 (Pages 36 - 45) 9. To receive the following reports: i) Public Accounts Committee - Delivering for Future Generations: The story so far (Pages 46 - 157) ii) Auditor General for Wales - Discussion Paper: Six themes to help make Scrutiny 'Fit for the Future' (Pages 158 - 179) 10. Forward Work Programme (Pages 180 - 181) 11. Confirmation of Meeting Schedule for 2021/2022 Friday, 12 November 2021 @ 10.00 am Friday, 11 March 2022 @ 10.00 am Friday, 21 October 2022 @ 10.00 am Note: The Local Government Act 1972 does not allow an item of business to be considered at a meeting of a principal Council unless requisite advance notice has been given. Therefore, unless the item is considered to be urgent, consideration of any other business is not allowed CONWY AND DENBIGHSHIRE PUBLIC SERVICESAGENDA BOARD ITEM JOINT 6 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Friday, 8 January 2021 at 10.00 am Virtual Meeting ___________________ PRESENT: Councillor Brian Cossey Conwy County Borough Council (CCBC) (Chair) Councillor Jeanette Denbighshire County Council (DCC) Chamberlain-Jones Councillor Geoffrey David Conwy County Borough Council Corry Councillor Hugh Irving Denbighshire County Council Councillor Ifor Lloyd Conwy County Borough Council Councillor Melvyn Mile Denbighshire County Council Councillor Arwel Roberts Denbighshire County Council Councillor Elizabeth Conwy County Borough Council Roberts Councillor Harry Saville Conwy County Borough Council Councillor Peter Scott Denbighshire County Council Councillor Nigel Smith Conwy County Borough Council Councillor Graham Denbighshire County Council Timms (Vice-Chair) Councillor Joan Vaughan Conwy County Borough Council In attendance: Councillor Pauline Heap- Conwy County Borough Council Williams Also in Justin Evans North Wales Fire and Rescue Service attendance: Helen MacArthur North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority Sian Williams Natural Resources Wales and Chair of the Conwy & Denbighshire Public Services Board Officers: Hannah Edwards Public Services Board Development Officer (CCBC) Rhian Evans Scrutiny Coordinator (DCC) Dawn Hughes Scrutiny and Committee Services Officer (CCBC) Nicola Kneale Strategic Planning Manager - Denbighshire County Council (DCC) Fran Lewis Corporate Performance and Improvement Manager (CCBC) Steve Price Democratic Services Manager (DCC) Absent: Cllr Rachel Flynn Denbighshire County Council Cllr David Gwyn Williams Denbighshire County Council Page 4 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE An apology for absence was received from Councillor Chris Hughes (Conwy County Borough Council). 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: CODE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONDUCT None. 3. URGENT MATTERS None. 4. MINUTES The minutes of the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 21 May 2019 were submitted for approval. RESOLVED- That the minutes of the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 21 May 2019 be approved and signed as a correct record. 5. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE FROM THE NORTH WALES FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF PARTNERS AND BENEFITS TO PARTNERS OF THE PUBLIC SERVICES BOARD The Assistant Chief Officer (Helen MacArthur) and the Head of Community Safety (Justin Evans) had been invited to the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee to give an update from the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority (NWFRA) on the contribution of partners and benefits to partners of the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board (PSB). The Assistant Chief Officer gave a presentation which provided Members with an introduction to the NWFRA; an update on aligning the work of NWFRA with the priorities of the PSB; and future focus. The presentation highlighted the following: Governance: - There were 3 Fire and Rescue Authorities across Wales and each Authority was made up of a number of constituent Authorities. - The NWFRA had 28 Members from the 6 Local Authorities. Legislative Framework: - Fire and Rescue Authorities administrative arrangements fell under the umbrella of the Local Government Act and within the scope of the Wellbeing and Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015. Page 5 Overview of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service (NWFRS): - Circa 1000 staff, with 36 retained stations; 5 day crewed stations; 3 whole time stations; and 3 community offices (Fire Safety). - Cost of circa £37m per annum, which equated to approximately £50 per head of population. Expenditure over the last 10 years. Presence across North Wales. Functions of NWFRS including fire safety; firefighting; road traffic collisions; and other emergencies such as flooding and water rescue. Well-being Objectives: - To support people to prevent accidental dwelling fires and stay safe if they do occur. - To facilitate high quality, responsive and better integrated services so that prevention activity and emergency response could continue to be available when and where required, affordably, equitably and on the basis of risk. Safety and the range of contributory factors that could lead to fires including being alone; age; having a disability; living in rented accommodation; fire interaction; and lack of working smoke alarm. The Head of Community Safety highlighted the following in relation to mental wellbeing and community empowerment: Proactive approach, with a focus on engagement and working with partners. Supporting business fire safety. Supporting community safety, with home safe and well checks (20,000 visits carried out across North Wales); and light touch approach by encouraging people to make better lifestyle choices. Educating the workforce in mental wellbeing, Alzheimer’s and dementia awareness and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In addition, the NWFRS had been awarded the White Ribbon accreditation in recognition of the actions taken to help end male violence against women. Educating young people to prevent the type of behaviour, which could lead to a fire. Phoenix Project, which assisted in developing young people by providing activities that would assist in their integration with peers and communities and educating them about the importance of fire safety and the consequences of fire criminality. Courses being delivered online during the pandemic, with over 1000 interactions. Awareness of mental health and wellbeing was embedded into the workplace culture. The Assistant Chief Officer advised that that the following matters were on the horizon, with a focus on environmental resilience: Carbon reduction strategy across the estate. Reviewing procurement opportunities Developing an Environmental Strategy to achieve statutory duties in 2020/21. Working with the public sector to progress ministerial aspirations.Page 6 Potential regulatory changes from the Grenfell inquiry. Changing demographics of communities in North Wales. Ongoing and financial challenges. The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee was advised that the benefits of working with PSB partners provided a greater understanding of the demographics and grass roots levels of North Wales and how NWFRA could contribute effectively to community empowerment. Following the presentation, Members discussed the following: Members acknowledged
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