June 26, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12009 HONORING THE MEMORY OF MR. a talented golfer at the University of Missouri and essays, a wealth of knowledge on the KENNETH KRAKAUER where he was a captain of the golf team be- most interesting subjects. He asked about fore graduating in 1938 from the School of their day, their friends, their sports, their boyfriends and was important in their lives. HON. KAREN McCARTHY Journalism. His passion for golf remained Dogs Megan and Charlie and then Jocko OF MISSOURI undiminished throughout his life as he served lived there too and were the girls’ play- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in leadership capacities in the Kansas City mates. Our dog Ned was a problem when we Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Golf Foundation, the Kansas City Golf Asso- first moved into our house. Our yard was not ciation, the Missouri Golf Association, the Jun- fenced and he was running the neighborhood. Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I ior Golf Foundation of Greater Kansas City, Uncle Ken to the rescue. He arranged for a rise today to honor Kenneth Krakauer, whose and the Missouri Seniors Golf Association. man who lived in the country to take Ned death on June 16 is an incalculable loss to his Ken Krakauer also authored numerous golf ar- and care for him. Uncle Ken was forever re- loving family, cherished friends, and to our trieving balls from his back yard that wan- ticles in ‘‘Golf Digest’’ and ‘‘Golf Journal,’’ as dered over the fence, moving bicycles from community. Ken touched the lives of many well as the book, ‘‘When Golf Came to Kansas people through the inexhaustible energy and his driveway, buying cups of lemonade from City,’’ the 1986 winner of the National Golf the girls’ lemonade stands. Uncle Ken could caring that he brought to every aspect of his Foundation’s Eckhoff Award. He was instru- life. He was a lifelong Kansas City resident always be counted on to buy school trash mental in sponsoring college scholarships for bags, flowers, candy, help with Brownie and and the great grandson of Bernhard Ganz, area caddies through his participation as a Girl Scout projects, put a Band-Aid on a one of the first Jewish sellers in Kansas City. member of the Western Golf Association’s scratched knee. How wonderful to have Throughout his life, Ken Krakauer remained Uncle Ken across the driveway. The girls extremely dedicated to his faith, country, and Evans Scholars program. Mr. Speaker, former U.S. Senator, Thomas knew he could look in our kitchen window community. He served in the U.S. Army Air and that he knew everything that went on in F. Eagleton enjoyed Ken’s friendship through- Corps where he flew 27 missions in the Euro- the house next door. out his outstanding service to the people of pean Theatre and was awarded the Air Medal Ken loved the Kansas City Chiefs, and al- Missouri. I wish to share his reflections with with Five Oak Leaf Clusters for his bravery. ways listened with great interest and con- my colleagues: He played a significant role in and was de- cern to Jim’s tales of adventure on the grid- iron. He seldom missed a game and was al- voted to many organizations in our community, Ken Krakauer was a marvelous, steadfast friend. When I was young and in my first ways there to boost our spirits when we lost including: Director of the Menorah Medical statewide race for Attorney General of Mis- or give a strong pat on the back when we Center for 42 years, Secretary of the Kansas souri, he supported me not for what I had won. He followed the children’s little sports City Crime Commission, Chairman and Co- done, but for what he hoped I might do. too, gave directions on the art of roller skat- founder of the Kansas City Chapter of the Later when I was in the United States Sen- ing and mastering a bicycle. He could always American Jewish Community, Co-chairman of ate, he would occasionally drop me a note be counted on to help perfect a golf swing. the Kansas City Chapter of the National Con- saying he disagreed with a certain vote I had His stories on Kansas City golf history were ference of Christians and Jews, and a Director cast. Ken Krakauer believed that an impor- amazing. His stories on Kansas City in gen- of the Barstow School, Visiting Nurses Asso- tant part of friendship was candor. I have eral were amazing. We listened and we learned. ciation, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, UMKC enormous affection for Ken and his wife, Jane, and for Randee and Rex. All of us will Our son Jake was born 19 years ago; Ken University Associates, Jewish Family Services, dearly miss this wonderful, intelligent man, and Jane were at the door when we brought and the Jewish Community Relations Bureau Ken Krakauer. him home from the hospital. Ken asked us to to name a few. Ken Krakauer also was an im- Ken Krakauer loved his family and friends reconsider calling the baby Jake, ‘‘Sounds portant part of the Kansas City business com- with a passion even death cannot diminish. too much like an old Jewish man rather than munity. After his Presidency of the Greater an Irish Catholic baby boy.’’ Ken said. ‘‘Call Mr. Speaker, please join me in expressing our Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, The Kan- him Michael or Patrick.’’ But no, it would deepest sympathy to his devoted wife of 55 sas City Star praised him as ‘‘an unqualified stay Jake. years, Jane Rieger Krakauer, his son and success.’’ His grandfather, Bernhard Adler, Jake loved his Uncle Ken, as did Megan daughter-in-law, Rex Rieger and Xiaoning and Kara. He too would knock on the back founded Adler’s in 1894, and Ken became Krakauer, his daughter and son-in-law, door asking for cookies and a chat. Uncle owner and President in 1956. Adler’s was the Randee Krakauer Kelley and Michael J. Ken was so sweet with Jake, such a wonder- place women of all ages shopped to find the Kelley, and his beloved grandchildren, who ful role model for our young boy. A pat on latest in fashion. It was always a special occa- loved him as KK, Tyler Randal Greif and Eli the back, a bear hug, always a ‘‘How’s it sion for me because of the high standard of going Jake?’’ And then, he would listen. Jordan Greif. Their unqualified love of ‘‘KK’’ service and quality in his stores. His staff re- Most days, when Jim was out of town, my flected his love of helping people find the was shared with neighborhood children, untold newspapers would be at my back door when uniqueness in themselves. schoolmates and friends as you will find in the I came down to the kitchen. How many Ken Krakauer was instrumental in the remarks by Georgia Lynch which follow. many mornings did I see the top of his head founding of the Committee for County Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that walk past my kitchen window and hear the slight thump of Uncle Ken in his bathrobe, Progress (CCP) with community and civic the attached testimonial given by Georgia Lynch at the memorial service on Tuesday, delivering the news to the kitchen door? How leaders Bernie Hoffman, Jim Nutter, Sr., many times did I call him when the power June 19th follow my statement in the CON- Charles Curry, Alex Petrovic, Sr., and Frank went out, the alarms went off, a strange Sebree. The government reform movement in GRESSIONAL RECORD. sound was heard? He would show up at my Jackson County resulted from their efforts. A OUR SWEET BELOVED UNCLE KEN, JUNE 17, back door to see if we were OK, one time at charter form of government—modern, open 2001 1:00 in the morning dressed in his trench coat and accessible—was created which was re- For those of you whom I do not know, I am over his pajamas with a butcher knife up his sponsive to its citizens and inspired future Georgia Lynch. Jim and I moved next door sleeve, ready to protect the children and me generations of county leaders. I became active to Ken and Jane 27 years ago. We had two lit- from an intruder. tle girls Megan and Kara, ages 5 and 3, and a Two weeks ago, Jim was babysitting our in the CCP, volunteering in local elections to black lab named Ned. We had no family in two-year-old granddaughter Morgan Grace, keep the reform alive that Ken Krakauer Kansas City. Immediately, Uncle Ken and on a Saturday afternoon. They too, knocked achieved in the mid ’60s as Chairman of the Aunt Jane wrapped their arms around us and on the Krakauers’ back door. Aunt Jane was CCP. Through my friendship in high school for the next 27 years we had family, just not home but Uncle Ken was, and of course with his daughter, a treasured relationship that across the driveway. They have always been he brought them to the kitchen table for a has endured to this day, I came to revere Ken there for us, taking the place of the family big chocolate brownie and milk. Papa Lynch, Krakauer for his sage political skills as well as we lacked. Uncle Ken and now our grandbaby Morgan, his mentoring during my service in the Mis- Our little girls stopped at their back door continuing the tradition of so many years to ask for cookies, to show off their Hal- with our next generation.
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