Yale University EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale Yale University Catalogue Yale University Publications 1859 Yale University Catalogue, 1859 Yale University Follow this and additional works at: http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue Part of the Curriculum and Instruction Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Yale University, "Yale University Catalogue, 1859" (1859). Yale University Catalogue. 50. http://elischolar.library.yale.edu/yale_catalogue/50 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Yale University Publications at EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. It has been accepted for inclusion in Yale University Catalogue by an authorized administrator of EliScholar – A Digital Platform for Scholarly Publishing at Yale. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS IN YALE COLLEGE, WITH A STATEMENT OF THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. 1859- 60. NEW HAVE -r: pRINTED BY E. HAYES, 50 C B APE L ST. 1 8 5 ~ . 2 ~o~poratfou. THE GOVERNOR, LIEUTENA...'IT GOVERNOR, AND SIX SENIOR SENATORS OF THE STATE, ARE, ex officio, .Y:ElLBERS OF THE CORPORATION. PB.ESXDENT. REv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D.D., LL.D. FELLOWS. H1s Exc. WILLIAM A. BUCKINGHAM, NoRWICH. His HoNOR JULIUS CATLIN, HARTFORD. REv. DAVID SMITH, D. D., DuRHAM. REv. NOAH PORTER, D. D., F .ARMINGTON. REv. ABEL McEWEN, D. D., ,_NEW LoNDON. REv. JEREMIAH DAY, D. D., LL.D., NEw HAVEN. Rnv. JOEL HAWES, D. D., HARTFORD. REv. JOSEPH ELDRIDGE, D. D., NoRFOLK. REv. GEORGE A. CALHOUN, D. D., CovENTRY. REv. GEORGE J. TILLOTSON, BROOKLYN. REv .... EDWIN R. GILBERT, WALLINGFORD. REv. JOEL H. LINSLEY, D. D., GREENWICH. HoN. SAMUEL W. GOLD, 'VEsT CoRNWALL. HoN. DWIGHT W. PARDEE, HARTFORD. HoN. JAMES PHELPS, EssEx. HoN. HIRAM WILLEY, NEw LoNDON. HoN. WILLIAM B. 'VOOSTER, BtRl'tUNGHA'I't. HoN. MATTHEW F. MERRITT, STAMFORD. SEC.RETAB.V. WYLLYS WARNER, M.A. TB.EASVB.EB.. EDWARD C. HERRICK, M.A. 3 . §4tult!,! an'tJ ln~tt cto r;. REv. THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D. PRESIDENT. (117 N.) 128 Church at. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, 1\f. D., LL.D. .Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, Emeritu. 10 Hillhouse Av. ELI IVES, M.D. Professor of Materia illedica and TherapeutiC&, Emeritru. 49 Temple st. Dwight Profe..~sor of Didactic Theology. JONATH.. .t\.N KNIGHT, 1\f. D. Profe8sor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery. 90 Church st. JOSIAH W. GIBBS, LL.D. Professor of Sacred Literature. (158 D.) 71 High at. REv. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D. Lecturer on Homiletics. · 23 College at. REv. CHAUNCEY A. GOODRICH, D. D. Professor of the Pastoral Charge• (174 D.) 30 Tem le at. .Munson Profeuor of Natural Philosophy and_.AIIro"'lrmty. HoN. THOMAS B. OSBORNE, LL.D. Professor of Law. (3 Dwight's Bd'g.) 85 Crown at. HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL.D. Kent Profusor of Lo.w. (2 L.) 123 Crown at. CHARLES HOOKER, 1\1. D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiolo~. 31 Olive st. WORTHINGTON HOOKER, I. D. Profeuor (}f tile Theory and Practice of Phy 'c. 20 .lendow at. REv. \VILLIAi\1 A. LAR ED, f. A. Profeuor of Rhdoric and Engl' Literature. (135 Lye.) 1 tJohn Place. HENRY BRONSON, f. D. Profu:~or of JlateriD fedica a1ld Theraptut' • l (ff .. 4 OFFICERS. REv. NOAH PORTER, D. D. Clark Professor of Moral Philosophy and _Uetaphysics. (154 Ath.) 7 Hillhouse Av. WILLIAM A. NORTON, M.A. Professor of GlVil Engtneering. (144 Coll. Chapel.) Prospect st. JAMES D. DANA, LL. D. SiUi11Uln Professor of Natural History. 8 Hillhouse Av. THOMAS A. THACHER, M. A. Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. (136 Lye.) 86 Crown st. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, Ja., M.D. Professor of General and Applied Chemistry. 12 Hillhouse Av. REv. CHESTER S. LYMAN, Professor of l~tdustrial Mechanics alld Physics. 23 Whitney Av. PLINY A. JEWETT, M.D. Professor of Obstetrics. (Tontine.) 3 Wooster Place. JAMES HADLEY, M. A. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. (121 N.) 30 Elm st. JOHN A. PORTER, M. D. Professor of Organic Chemistry. (.&. L.) 14 HiUhouse Av. WILUAM D. WHITNEY, M. A. Professor of Sanskrit, and Instructor in .Modern Languages. (178 D.) 72 High st. REv. GEORGE P. FISHER, M.A. Livingston Professor of Divinity. 175 D. TIMOTHY D\VIGHT, M.A. Assistant Profeuor of Sacred Literatur~. (177 D.) 58 College st HUBERT A. NE\VTON, M.A. Professor of Jl,fatltematics. (89 N. H.) 28 College st. GEORGE J. BRUSH, M.A. Professor of Metallurgy. (A. L.) 23 Grove st. DANIEL C. GILMAN, M.A. Librarian. (Library.) New Haven Hotel. SA IUEL ,V, JOHNSON, M.A. Professor of Agricultural and Analytical Chemi:rtry. ( A.. L.) 76 High st. LEBEUS C. CHAPIN, M.A. Tutor in Natural Phil~ophy. 101 N. LE.tUEL S. POTWIN, M.A. Tutor in Greek. 5 s. JOH L. MILLS, M. A. Tutor in lathematicr. 21 •. OFFICERS. 5 HENRY A:. YARDLEY, M.A. Tutor in Latin. 102 N. TIMOTHY K. WILCOX, M. A. 'I'ulor in Latin. 53 S. H. LEVI L. PAINE, M.A. 'l'utor in Greek. 37 S.M. LEWIS R. PACKARD, M. A. Tutor in Mathematics. 70 N.H. MARK BAILEY, M.A. Instructor i11 Elocution. (155 Ath.) 76 College st. ROBERT BAKEWELL, Instructor in Drawing ancl Perspective. 22 College st. GUSTAVE J. STCECKEL, Instructor in Vocal .Music. 75 York st. JOHN M. BLAKE, B. P. Assistant in Analytical Chemistry. A. L. LOUIS BAIL, Teacher of Drawing in tlte Engineering School. 72 Park st. CHARLES S. KITTREDGE, B. P. 89 George st. Assistant i11 Engineering. ------------~-~---- 6 ~~tologtral J!leparttntnt. FACULTY. Rxv. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PnESIDXNT. JOSIAH W. GIBBS, LL.D. REV. ELEAZAR T. FITCH, D. D. REv. CHAUNCEY A. GOODRICH, D. D. REv. NOAH FORTER, D. D. (Acting.) Rs:v. GEORGE P. FISHER, M.A. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, M.A. B.ESXDENT LXOENTXATES. 160 D. \Villiam Aldrich Bushee, B. A. Worcester, Mass. )83 D. Carroll Cutler, B. A. Windham, N. H. 159 D. George Arba Dickerman, B. A. Hamden, 170 D. William Hutchison, M.A. New Haven, 154 D. Thomas Stoughton Potwin, 1\I. A. East Windsor, 179 D. George Mure Smith, New Haven, 137 Chapel st. Jewett Guernsey Smith, New Haven, 159 D. Pliny Fisk \Varner, B. A. Strykersville, N. Y. STl1DllNTS. George Blagden Bacon, New Haven, 181 D. Robert Linsley Braden, New Haven, 168 D. 164 D. Carlos Clement Carpenter, B. A. Bolton, 173 D. George W. Colman, B. A. Un. Detroit, Mich. 166 D. Solomon Johnson Douglass, B. A. New Haven, 161 D. Warren S. Duttoy, Milford, 180 D. George Whitefield Fisher, B. A. N. White Creek, N. Y. 179 D. Joseph Newton Hallock, B. A. Franklinville, N. Y. 165 D. Edgar Laing Heermance, B. A. Kinderhook, N. Y. 1 4 D. John Haskell Hewitt, B. A. P1·eston, Philander H. Hollister, New Preston, 169 D. 164 D. Elijah Franklin Howe, B. A. Grafton, Jl,fass. 54 Crown st. Horace Henry McFarland, B. A. New Haven, 182 D. Daniel Augustus Miles, B. A. Worcester, JYlass. Chauncey Dickerson Murray, Madison, 162 D. 54 Dwight st. Henry D. orthrop, B. A. Amh. New Haven, Charles B. Schuhz, Bethlehem, Pa. 37 High st. 163 D. Wilder Smith, B.•A. Har{ford, Asher Henry Wiloox, B. A. Norwich, 1 5 D. THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS, 27. J 1------=------- 7 ( a ro ro t p a r t tn t 1t t. FACUL T Y. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PnESIDll:~. HoN. HENRY DUTTON, LL. D. HoN. THOMAS B. OSBORNE, LLD. STUDEN TS. Edmund B. Allis, B. A.. East Whately, Mass. N.H. Hotel. Felix Ansart, B. A.. New London, Newton I. Behan, B.A.. OhioUniv. },!iddleport, 0. Francis C. Burgess, Port Tobacco, },!d. William C. Case, B. A.. Granby, Richard H. Chittenden, Libr'n. l{ew Hat·en, Theodore D. Dimon, Brooklyn, L. I. William Downes, Nezo Haven, JacobA.Geisenhainer,B.A..Columb. ~ew York City, F. Clinton Griswold, Wethersfield, H. Lynde Harrison, New Haven, Richard Z. Johnson, Winona, Wis. William Augustus Little, Talbotton, Ga. ' William H. McCulloch, Albany, N. Y. Thomas H. Merry, La Porte, Sierra Co., Cal. Sidney A. Moulthrop, New Haven, William Clayton Page, East Hat·en, Henry E. Pardee,• .New Haven Waldo G. Perry, Leicester, Yt. Leverett L. Phelps, Killingworth, Jay Edward Russell, Branford, William G. Smith, Orange, Charles P. Sullivan, Laurens, . C. · A. S. Ulrich, Annville, Pa. P. N. Vickars,• Thoma ville, G . • Horatio Nelson \Varner, Vickshurtr, fiss . • \Vashington F. \Vilcox, Killingu:orth, Frederick Alvin \Villoughby, 1Yew Haren, 8 ,ill t h i ( a l ro t p a r t tn t n t. f \ I FACULTY. REV. THEODORE D. WOOLSEY, D. D., LL.D., PRE IDENT. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, M.D., LL.D., Em eritu~. ELI IVES, M. D., Emeritus. JONATHAN JL~IGHT, M.D. CHARLES HOOKER, M. D., .Dean of the Fac·ulty. HENRY BRONSON, M. D. WORTHINGTON HOOKER, M.D. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN, Jn., M.D. PLINY A. JEWETT, M.D. :CXAlYl:tN:CB.S. ln audition to the Medical Professors, the following persons chosen by the Fellows of the State Medical Society ar~ members of the Board of Examiner~ . ASHBEL WOODWARD, ~t D., PRES. MED. Soc., Pres. ex officio, Franklin. J A~ES WELCH, M. D., lVe~t Winsted. ELISHA BOURNE NYE, M. D., ltliddletown. TIMOTHY Dll10CK, M.D., South Coventry. A. T. DOUGLA S, M.D., N ew London. SAMUEL B. BERE FORD, M. D., Hartjo,.d. STUDENTS. Lewi~ Henry Alling, New Ilaven, 15 Dwight st. David Carlisle Aney, Dimock, Pa. 25 Court st. John Henry Anketell, 1\I. ~· ]{ew Haven, 39 Elm t. !George hitefield Avery, Hampton, 1 eil on A.
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