
TI{EMATIC AND STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF SERIES OF PAINTINGS ON THE CEILING OF GALLERY SADEQUAIN Umaira Hussain UNIVERSITY COLLECE OF ART & DESIGN UNIVERSITY OF THE PIJNJAB, LAHORE July 20ll THEMATIC AND SryLISTIC ANALYSIS OF SERIES OF PAINTINGS ON THE CEILING OF GATLERY SADEQUAIN A Thesis submitl€d 10 the Universjty ofthe Punjab in Fulfilri€nt ofrhe Requir€ment for the Degre€ ofDoctor ofPhiloephy in An & Desigt Unairq Hussain IJNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB, LAHORE July 2011 Copy Right c 201I by Umaira Hussain Declaration I dabcth.tUhrh6i5.nrid.d Tt ndi. @td sr'tlL'Jh ANItlit oIsdi.t olPottttn&t @ th. C.llitg of Aa0.ry sad.q@in i5 Dy origi$l mlk I qicd n ou duing dE l.|N of Ph D d lI|G Uoi6ily Coucgp of An & D6igq U.itsity of tt Putjrh Ldor!. .ruly 201I islgn 11.7.20t7 SUTERVISOR'S CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAI llis i. to certify that the research work .leB. b€d in ths th6i! i6 trE ori8iral work of Mi Umana fluFin has been .aried dt udd fry diGt suPedtuim l hav. p€soMlly goe thrcud aU the dat! in ih. B.nusiPt and ertity iLs cor<h6 md auth.ntnrg. I turther.ertit that lh€ mlerial iftlud€d ln thi! $6is h6 noi b€cn ue€d in parr or tull in a mnsriPl alteady $bnittcd or in the Pri6 ol submi$ion in partlal / comPlete fulfillsBt oI the awatd ot any other degre trem an! odrer istitutim. I al$ qtily th.t the th6L hB ben PrcPaed unde. ny sup€nision aftordinA 1o th. Ptgribed tortut .nd I endors its salution ror rh€ aMrd ol Ph-D. DeSree lhrou8h the official PM€dus ot rh€ Univcsily z+-\s <--> Rerear.n su?enisor UNITIRSITYOFT E }UNJAA Arm fob€f cnN. rrfDE - P.titu Pn:91- 42 . t2t217a-19 F8-9r - 12'r2l27n F .i.hr;fun,!#1d*fr6.M -"r 'Mia..d.fl.dui* Thc Ccililg ofcsllery S.dequrin Abstract nr€ di*sbrion .xPlo6 thc rhmtdc dd $vlinic 6p€ds ofs!d.q@in\ Fi ilgs adoiine 6e omi6.nd eiling ofthc upF htll ofth. F@ Hall' callcd Grllcry Sad.quiE Th. anatysis ofdrcmltic .td srylistic 614ts ofth6e p.ittines both individually dd @ll.dively imish6 a nd udcBl&dirg of lhe 8{iu of Sadequin The thcMlic dabsis suggdrs lhlt s.d.quin h6 chrcmlogi.dlv n rEted the prcbledt und€rlyins @nrenponry huru condidon h a thorcughlv onprch4ible vis!41 ioMsery fld conclud.d his wort by ptoliding a lolulion to hMd nisry as w€ll The solution he su€igded is a combimdon of knowlcdg€ ed p@li@, which is ced.inlv d e@tabL ndghi. Stylisli€allx Sad€quain hB u*d his oM s1o.k ofvisual voclbularv dd nDde lhe G.llery Sadeq@n s icomgdphic l|@el FlNitrg ton a undGrdding ofhis &hi4@e bv. visiondv anisq lhc pntury inbtion b.hind rhis m* bs bdr to Ple S.deq@n ad bis an in a noE iofo@ed p.$}e1jtq nE disertation lchid.s this objaiive bv dscribi4 l[e tnisl and $c fomation ofhis siylislic dd thematic voobulary 4d then bv dalvzitg his bodv of wolk d.l vdiou expEssions ofhis thought Examphs fom his wotk @ disused ud sn.ly2!d in th€melts and on cenain i$|.lc6 in @tnpdien to his contenpo@i€s from tbe world of moden od. Th. 8.n.61 vi.w of lh. FMnalitv, thouelt &d wo* of Sadequin is foud @[email protected] in ! rm*tble w.v *bd lh. th€naric and stvlislic peulidili6 m ob6ded in hrs wu* .r Gallcrv Sad.quin The disshrion suge.sls lhd Ssd.qltin rcpllg1s a node &d s.h@l of Uough! strich aherb€d ! se of fredom toh th€ global snnosph€E of an ad plae- b.cd. a contribulor 10 liedom of dprestion b€ing a cititn oftire atler thm viii His oh.ddi@ ofhis !oci..tt ,nd tb explordic illo tL. !.rod. tiD llld 4.n Aon $. r€t ofth€ Do{hn aiiss sivils I c.ftin pitch to Nr dl.lG dd &8nniv@s to bir sylc. IrE fodrt .rd @n enud lndys ofFirb!8r !t OdLly Sad.qui! ersg.dOrllh.rtd6b.b3u{€drdll dylcheFf@dot shbyo(|a @sttr?icc of int U6lio[ aitit ed virnBity in a }!y rhd !r!ei.d y eho6lill Ttc qMiity of hi. eort is $Ueffici. b oqbin 6c *Dddi.8r of t bd MiHry nind bll nore ltnpoiad b th. qudity ofb$ rc* thlr pulls otn ofdircly ed dn*! u lo & oF .!t.!.1F6pdw ftlE rfis dismid ir o digiid ro(l 8rd yicl'r! mral i$igba i o lb..l€8@ ofs.dlq6ir's Evoldioody stdc! bo6 $ | hulM bcinS &d 6 .! artin. Contents Cbiper I I Sadequain in Oe enr.xi of Modm An t6 Cbryla 2: 1L Arti]dc ,o|mt of S.dcq@i! 29 Chrpt* 3: Tte Udcrlyiog Scial Visid ofsdaluin Chlpr.r 4: SD lisric Apptrctes in sad€q@inl Body or Wort Tbe qtdily ard Ue ofliE 5? a TMtnot of AE @y in Fi$lllivc An 67 74 Usiig Exrg86lrid rtrd Dido.rid 7E 4l Inmvdio$ in C.Uignpby 82 Chrp..r 5: ttodi. .d ko.€rqhic ADltdt of Ptidgt in 6. Goltav [email protected] 93 Cdnic.A-Tt AdofCEIt@ 9E cordc. B- rh. Triupl ofllt lccl 105 Co('ic. c- s&!,gglc of OEociB lt2 Cmie D S.ci.l S|!gldi@ 123 Ih. C.ili!g- C.filBlr of K|nLd& |Dd Pdic. lu 5f It Logic Ulddlyilg tb. S.qwG of 'Ib.D6 129 C!.pts 6: CrlLty Sd.qdiE AD tntiEic AElyri. t33 l1a 153 277 BiUioereby 219 Acknowledgements First ofall, I m srdetul !o Allah Alnidty fo. His bl*ings tbt embled be to submit ny disqbrion on rim€, I m 0@ttul ro ny supcriff Dr Shrtida M@oa Pref.ls, Ph D Prc8re .r the Univesity CoU.g. of An & D€si8n, for ber Frceptiv€ motatioc md h.r €ogebe.s for ny MrL She chuplizld m. dd rviee.d Dy ert bdy dm6 to bing . hetEr dissiation. Her inmme tiowledSe md nedodoloSicsl gdddc€ helped me in oeeirag ny mldid. Wirhour hd siperybion ard e@ungdd! rhis Mrl 'ls€4h would not have beo tak€r ns Fesmt shap., I believ. rhat wi$our her ooperario4 n euld rcw h.E b.en cmdd.d wifiin lhe dipuldld rir I m bighly oblis€d lo all ny t i.lFE 6pei.lly Dr. Krllid Matnoo4 Dr. Shau&al Mahn@4 Di. Nos€4 Ahter dd Dr. Mu$&!r E&ss, m,lelcr I m todsy is o.ly beclw ofdcir guid!@, dfedon &d blesingr. I m als thdltul b .I ln. ofre s1affof R66ch Ce.t . of Unive6ily Colleg. of An & D6i8! for their suppon od 4ist&8. ftey pbvid€d ft ! hmcly arnosphft to o!r. my vo.t @y. I d appreiatiE for th! help of Mi N&ir Alned Malik, Addilional Dislrid Ofrc{. pEsdy Esponsibl. for th€ Callely Sad.qun! FErc H.ll .lodg wirh his slaff, They always f@ilitat d ne in 3eebiog dE Elevdi Mt rial ed 6opd.ted wh.rev6 I visiied th€ Csll€ry Sadequin, I d taltjll to Mr. Abdd RehnEr for h.lpirg m. in pbd@ing lh. moplcte inage of lhe CalLry Sadequin. My gratitud. g@s 10 hy ncband Mulmrld Hus*in Khtu who supporrel me uwrcringly and .n@ung€d n. !o condnE ny stdi6. I adbiF my childrcn for hdilg Dy loog .l6e$. |!d lst of oy d.ofm silh conli(ktli@ I .n dlo ihelf,l 10 Dy coll.agl$ €sleidly lo Ms. No$.u Arif$ns dkcu8tic alut! t lp.d re &d g!v. tu rfl di@ioD!. I f*l !D!t .lcoulecd br ny Dd!o|! *n6. aff.clioo ad Udirg! tlsy3 t!@in d d ny bd.r lnd .ll ny a.hiwm.nE of lif.. I u ako d€.ply .ppr..i.tiv. lo oybFlkz.&.IhnSt il!$tt@hodpit ftyddIgl'n srPortD.&lEbds d.yr of l|otliry ir rdor. cdy. nii THEMATIC AND STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF SENES OF PAINTINGS ON TIIE CEILING OF GALLERY SADEQUAIN I.IST OT FICUR.ES INTf,ODUCTION tr \r&qorii..!idq,." Fis!ft ",r'z olddcchoflt6o! I hl .|d oil *ah d irrfk rhurcl: Fnr Hrrl tun(hl Ftoc 3: I'mlid on{itrr fl@bv,.n lPohE hr.lt fiii!! o rh. c'llfu ofrh' ctlldv S.d.q!nt FiRuE J; trn H.rl. x.n.hl ftuirl \ iR 201 | FtrEe: Mohrtr P.ha \rl*rn Fhurr: Fnr Hrll. xrn. 6n.tkr) Ktd,Itis EirttEofl'4dNdiodribiry BuiI h la7 flron6:(.i|iryor.,.|k^$d.qu.Il L&lliia orc.d€ aa dr ruDo& or Chop.er I Sd.qurin |[ lt Co ctt ofMod.rr Art Fn. nrd Ral,.E &iootaidnd ld&G Buldd By Joh! B'll fiPuc|.::|itno|ot8r|'hlo.Pr|||l''l roy:l R.n&* fi3!n r' ?: r.bh Pkr$ ci..,/d Birih€Et d r9t7 oildClb riRrF L r: ritrror or lrthb' P.rillo.ll Royrtnri&E Firu.l & P|do Pio$ vm{.d d &rrh6\ Erd.td ^d oild Dlnrt'd S4 tcn 6.Soud Kdiiah Cidna Ldr&\ EltLna lll5 Fiiuftl,.:^!hl dp.^|kroiic.| Lddo! EilLid Byrolu rbryFokt lnt oil d P'rc| rietrEl,Ir:L{rdAlLhBr&arrrr.r' DO? O o@ Figs. t 2r: s.d.qoh. tl' Ddrt'f c"" P.n ud iBjr d PrF r_icurc !.
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