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U kunt de volledige tekst van dit boek doorzoeken op het web via http://books.google.com 1 This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. http://books.google.com 1 MEMOIRS OF DON JUAN VAN HAL EN; COMPRISING THE ' NARRATIVE OF HIS IMPRISONMENT IN THE DUNGEONS OF THE INQUISITION AT MADRID, .. AND OF HIS ESCAPE, HIS JOURNEY TO RUSSIA, HIS CAMPAIGN WITH THE ARMY . OF THE CAUCASUS, EDITED, FROM THE ORIGINAL SPANISH MANUSCRIPT, BY THE AUTHOR OF "DON ESTEBAN" and "SANDOVAL." SECOND EDITION, * WITH ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS.. IN TWO VOLUMES'. : * : VOL. I. ' - 1 LONDON: HENRY COLBURN AND RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 1830. WS MiSW TORI ) PUBLIC LIBMIiY J| ASTCB, L3N0X AND LONDON : HEXRY BAVLW, JOHNSOn's-COURT, FLEET-STREET. I EDITOR'S PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The spirit of revolution is again abroad, and is the more welcome to us, as it now holds out the flattering hope that it will not desert us until it shall have broken the chains that bind the people of Europe to the iron yoke of their respective tyrants. During a long period of years we have seen the mercenary bands of perjured royalty propping up with their bayonets the tottering thrones of their masters ; but the people of France have shewn to the world that those glittering props were mere reeds, which a few children might safely destroy. The secret once discovered, other nations have made the same experiment — alas for the kings ! — with equal success. But the best feature of these revolutions is the pious zeal manifested by men of voL. I. b iv PREFACE. all nations, who, making common cause with those who differ from them in language, volunteer their services and lives to assist in the overthrow of military despotism. Liberty is in fact the cause of mankind, its language is understood by all, it makes brethren of men, and in whatever country it triumphs, its benefits are felt in every corner of the globe. To this kindred feeling, doubtless, which causes all differences of religion, language, country, to disappear, is owing the appointment of Don Juan Van Halen to the chief command of the army in Belgium. Whether there be wisdom or not in the selection — a question which has been discussed in the periodical press of this country — is probably best known to the Belgic patriots themselves ; for, as the Spanish proverb says, " Mas sabe el tonto en su casa, que el sabio en la agena.""* For our part we attach no sort of importance to that cir cumstance. But we shall heartily rejoice to find their cause triumphant, whether it be through the agency of Van Halen or Van Hoogvorst, because, * A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in that of his neighbour. PREFACE. V notwithstanding all that may be said to the con trary, we conceive it a just one ; being far from sharing the opinion of those politicians who think, that because Belgium is a country of small extent, it ought therefore to be the prey of whoever it be assigned to by the allied despots, and its inhabi tants to be destitute of a claim to national indepen dence. Should the Belgians succeed in the object of their endeavours, we have no doubt that so long as France (which is the only country by which any attempt at subjugation could now be made) enjoys the blessings of freedom— and . we devoutly hope she may enjoy them to the end of time — their independence will be respected — the age for na tional aggrandizement by an extension of territory being now gone by, along with divine right. With respect to the present edition, it has been carefully revised arid considerably condensed with the view to diminish its cost, and thus make more widely known the system of oppression and mis rule, which, up to this time, is strictly adhered to by King Ferdinand and his apostolic friends — whose downfal, however, we have reasons to be lieve, is now fast approaching. b 2 ILLUSTRATIONS. VOL. L Portrait of the Author To face the Title. vol. n. Panorama of Teflis 216 Installation of Ashan Khan 325 EDITOR'S PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. In bringing the present work before the pub lic, the Editor begs leave to observe, that the original manuscript from which the Narrative is drawn, has for its ground-work the copious notes taken by Don Juan Van Halen at the time of his trials ; and that its details are further authenticated by letters, official documents, and other papers now in the author's possession. All of these the Editor has carefully examined, and compared with the written and oral accounts of some of those gentlemen who have acted a part in the scenes described, especially in the first part of this work, to the truth of which in every par ticular they cordially join in bearing testimony. > viii PREFACE. With respect to the work itself, it is composed of two parts, unconnected in subject with, though naturally following, each other. The first part is interesting, not only because it relates the adventures and sufferings of a man on whose destruction many powerful enemies were bent, and who succeeded in making his escape in a manner partaking of romance; but because it offers a true picture of the times, and of the character of modern Inquisitors, whose sanguinary and re vengeful spirit, when we take into account the softened manners of the age, yields in nothing to that which roused the barbarous and remorseless Torquemada and his fanatical associates to the horrible deeds they perpetrated. The second part is also interesting on more than one account ; first, as treating of a country little known, and which few have had a better opportunity of ex amining than the author ; and secondly, as dis closing some of the resources of an empire whose influence is as baneful in Europe as it is beneficial in Asia. Of this, however, the public are to be the judges ; and the Editor willingly leaves it to the decision of those readers from whom he has him self experienced more than one favour. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. During the space of nine years that have elapsed since my escape from the dungeons of the Inquisition of Madrid, I have, for reasons which I shall briefly explain, endured in silence the ob loquy that has been lavished upon me by those who are alike unacquainted with my character, the actions of my life, and the motives that have influenced my conduct.
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