"Matt Hegemier" To: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> cc: Subject: Comment on George Washington Plan Revision 10/16/2008 12:41 PM I'm frustrated to hear the news of possible Wilderness designation for Adams Mountain and always very suspect of user groups who insist on limiting access to areas based on their own agenda. I am very familiar with the Whetstone Trail in this area. The difference in the trail has been amazing since the mountain bike club has gotten involved. I have spent several work days improving the Whetstone Ridge Trail as well as performing regular maintenance when I travel it. I have seen little from the Wilderness group performed on or in this area. I would guess that most of those proposing wilderness in the Adams rarely recreate there. I have never run into anyone enjoying the area who was not on a bike. Benefits Since Bike Club Involvement- 386 Volunteer Hours of Maintenance by CAMBC since 2006 on Whetstone Ridge - Jewel of Adams Area - Whetstone trail is now more accessible by all users - the trail is regularly maintained, brushed and blow downs removed by the club, keeping users from cutting new trail - erosion areas have been bench cut to allow for better water flow and sustainability of the soil/trail This area needs to continue to be open to all users, including cyclists. I see no advantage in this situation to turning the area into Wilderness. It appears the current management plan is sufficient. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to discuss further. Thanks for listening, Matt Hegemier 434-962-5965 Matthew Day To: <[email protected]> <matthewlday@hotm cc: ail.com> Subject: Comment on George Washington Plan Revision 10/16/2008 12:51 PM Hello, I'm writing to voice my concern that the Adams Mountain area will soon be designated as a Wilderness Area, which restricts mountain bike access on the land, namely on the Whetstone Ridge Trail. As a member of the Charlottesville Albemarle Mountain Bike Club, I've contributed part of the 386 work hours we've put into this trail. The trail is an exceptional one, and an example of how volunteer work can reinstate a once deteriorating trail. A Wilderness Area wouldn't allow using mechanical brushers, trimmers, or chainsaws to maintain this trail, which in my opinion would mean that the trail will once again fall apart and no one will be using it at all. The current management plan allows for adequate maintenance and allows for different types of trail users to enjoy a beautiful piece of the Forest. I ask you to NOT designate the Adams Mountain area as Wilderness. Thank you, Matthew Day Want to read Hotmail messages in Outlook? The Wordsmiths show you how. Learn Now Eric Anderson To: [email protected] <ericfanderson@yaho cc: o.com> Subject: Comment on George Washington Plan Revision 10/16/2008 12:55 PM "Susan Feild" To: [email protected] <[email protected] cc: > Subject: Comment on George Washington Plan Revision 10/16/2008 02:02 PM I am writing to ask you to please consider alternative designations or negotiate a multi-use corridor through the middle of Adams Mountain/Whetstone Ridge. CAMBC (Charlottesville Area Mountain Bike Club) has invested 386 hours of work on Whetstone - maintenance includes mechanical brushers, trimmers, and chainsaws that wouldn't be allowed in Wilderness. The current management plan provides adequate management and protection of the Forest. Thank you! Sincerely, Susan Feild -- www.alignwebdesign.com Erin Johnston Hurley To: <[email protected]> <eejohnston5@hotma cc: il.com> Subject: Comment on George Washington Plan Revision 10/16/2008 05:43 PM Hello, I am writing due to my concerns regarding the Adams Mountain area in George Washington NF. As a long-time member of the Shenandoah Mountain Bike Club (SMBC) and the Charlottesville Area Mountain Bike Club (CAMBC), I have spent several hours doing trail maintenance in the George Washington National Forest and on Adams Mountain specifically. For CAMBC alone, we have logged 386 man hours of trail work on Adams Mountain, which I can guarantee is more than any other user group in the area. Changing this area to Wilderness would drastically reduce the users on this beautiful ridge trail and all of the hours of trail work that has been donated. Let's not forget that Wilderness Area would restrict usage of important trail tools such as chainsaws on this very rugged, technical, and remote trail. Accessing deep parts on the ridge is FAR easier with bicycles (which are harmless to the trail) than on foot. I feel strongly and passionately about trail access for all non-motorized users in this area. Please listen to the masses and avoid deeming this Wilderness Area. Kind regards, Erin J Hurley [email protected] You live life beyond your PC. So now Windows goes beyond your PC. See how Peter Irvine/R8/USDAFS To [email protected] 10/16/2008 11:11 AM d.us cc Karen B Overcash/R8/USDAFS@FSNOTES, [email protected] bcc Subject Comments from 9/11/08 GW Plan Revision Workshop-IRVINE Dear GW Plan Revision Team: Below are my comments from the September 11, 2008 George Washington National Forest Plan Revision Workshop on Potential Wilderness and Roadless Areas. I did not submit them in hand-scribbled form that evening. I intended to submit them sooner than now, and apologize for the delay. 1. The Wall Chart of "Other Resource Demands and Uses" for the Pedlar District contains several inconsistencies. In the category "Presence of Heavily Used Trails" the reference should be to the A.T., not the ATC. In the category "Presence of Level 3 or Higher Maintenance Trails". The answer should be YES for the A.T. in Three Ridges Addition North, Three Ridges Addition Southwest, and Three Sisters areas. 2. On that same chart, two additional categories should be added: First: "Presence of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail" (Yes or No, and number of miles). Second: "Presence of A.T.-related developed overnight sites (shelters)" (Yes of No). 3. The maps and charts should be posted on the Plan Revision website. It is very difficult to do a full, good review in a single meeting forum. 4. The forest needs to confirm whether or not the Three Sisters Wilderness boundary is the current A.T. Corridor Management Area boundary or not. 5. I am concerned with the maps presented at the meeting -- showing all of the 1993 Mgt Area boundaries on these maps is deceiving -- it leads people to think that those MA boundaries are intended to carry over into the new Plan Revision, which they are not. It was also fairly difficult to differentiate between current Wilderness and Proposed Wilderness as shown on the maps . 6. The GW Revision needs to retain an Appalachian National Scenic Trail Corridor Management Area, on maps and in the plan, with associated management direction, including Standards, and it should be very similar, if not identical to the Appalachian National Scenic Trail Management Prescription in the Jefferson NF Revised Plan of January 2004. 7. At the meeting, it was stated that the responsibility of staying informed and engaged belonged totally to the public by continually checking the GW Plan Revision portion of the GWJ public website. This does not show a good-faith effort by the Forest to enable public participation in the Plan Revision process, and I was glad to receive a postcard on 10/14 announcing the next pair of topic meetings. The Forest should continue to explore the e-mail notification option. 8. As I stated in the return postcard, I do wish to remain on the Forest Plan mailing list (with my address information corrected), and I do wish to receive postcards announcing upcoming workshops, and I do wish to be added to the email list, if it becomes available. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. PETE IRVINE ==================================================== PETE IRVINE A.T. Coordinator, USDA Forest Service ==================================================== APPALACHIAN NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL [email protected]: 304-535-6737.......fax: 6270..... =============================================== NPS - Appalachian Trail Park Office P.O. Box 50 (252 McDowell St, Cook Hall) Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 ========================================== View "The REGISTER" , the AT's Stewardship eNewsletter, by visiting appalachiantrail.org. *********************************************************** "John Coleman" To: <[email protected]> <[email protected] cc: t> Subject: Comments on George Washington plan revision 10/17/2008 11:14 AM Attached are comments on GW plan revision Comments of GWNF Plan Revision to date (10/17/08) General I use the Lee Ranger District intensively for hunting, hiking, fishing and mountain bike riding. I also use the Glenwood-Pedlar for fishing and some grouse hunting and the former Dry River District for grouse hunting. I have done so for the past 30 years. I have a good knowledge of the history, terrain, trails, roads, special and unique places and vegetative conditions of the potential wilderness areas on the Lee from 30 years or prowling these areas. In the onset, Wilderness was a wonderful concept, setting aside the crown jewels of wild lands within the National Forest system. The Eastern Wilderness act was an effort to create wilderness in the East by lowering the standards of the original Act. This led to the various RARE spasms that have cheapened the very idea of Wilderness in an effort to establish areas on every Ranger District in the east regardless of meeting any wilderness criteria except perhaps the minimum acreage.
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