TUB BBBKLUWI. THE BSBSI<I>IOR. luffno. AHIIBKA UNTS. AMVSKMKNri. 22 " ~ t ONDON i. INTBR GABDBN ~- . KXtllillTIU KEKNE .4 WANTED, _ K A TTBNTIONI TJECBUITS Pbtanlsit J *81 AC a. theatre A FREEMEN AROUSE! IV hoi » ou.pany F, regiment I URN TICKET*, LONDON AND BACK WALLKntnn r« on Broadway nii'l Thirtoeuib etieet w LauraLeasee « . MAGGIE lUTCilILL I Tin luasrniUwnl Ir.sh regiment, Organised by OOIjONIL rirstclaas .Also Mr Walinrtl SCOTCHMEN, ATTENTION fourth week, law 31). Aft TuesU, I RALLY 1 RALLYI RALLY bo the ail true Third Proprietor < Mondajr, July lSAl' NOW AND COKtOKAN, abould grand ra.lying point tut ela«e 06 at bal -, nut .nvi-n.' Oom'oeuoeeat TO-NIGHT MONDAY), JINK 30. positively two akt nig> th ok TUB UNION FOREVER! Steam Loomopen * Will be o wanted Irisuini n who wish to servo their oaaturr. weekly to Llv- rjmol, at Queenlown (Cork Notiuk .Tub of lb" uuv i* Cool produced Willi kith r uiiatleuiptud elaboration kanchor, the cricket Cor. oran Zo area, ia ibo Feuith touching u-o.pt>i»i.re tlcligfulUU|[ ¦ud lal tu an FOR TUB The Phuurix regiment, HarlsuJ..Liverpool, N w York and Piifladelpb a Bu-am- aud cu The programme wll. be n the »pe< alleitioo musical 1 pictorial etfoct, lb* JU sue ef-lui ruu mi thb I eaunful and moral drauia for INDEPENDENT BATTALION, la, En aui-r Uenoral joyuble g'btiy charged, ec N. Y. S V., regimnu Oi the Empire Briga Sp*a >!a, abmlOomiwoy intend d apal htng Utetr full powered Ob da pi ce» lively aud dHalilug. hu I <he rnl-*rl .nimeul concluded final Ketch National Opeiatic Diama of the Jaal ihi ac in mi thi.-Jtb-.i re h silil ub .bale 1, and to "Enlants Perdus" an will be commanded by Col. JAKES C. BURKE. Diitlt .run steamships as follows:. at the convenient hour of BOB HOY; luer the Wilktl of (Ml wli» have not vci * en wo (Formerly regiment) of tula were instructed Colonel oa.fpaal icn. it, -Id COL. CONIOUT, Commanding. The officers regiment by ULA8UOW , .............Saturday, Julv 6 MB AND MRS W.J FLORBMC*. OB INK have l» J*c Co tinned mil I ll.e end Of Ibe Season, hulas tin, Corcoran belore bla deparou* for the seal of war, aud neu¬ CITY OK BALTIMORE Satur ay. July I* DAYS OF Ab'U> LANti SYNE. tain 111 iiW wlilcb Ibc baa been I it T is IN) under TUB IRISH BOY AND YANKliK GlKL tjiealre -hoil it w! I ABLE BODIED MEN. ral 01 them nerved him during the memorable three EoJMtUi.GH Saturday, Ji-ly 19 EiCll NIGHT DEI.I IIIT1MO. DC Impossible to continue lunger compatible w .th la* this n.outba campaign. ami every at noon, lruin pier 44 Nurtn AND Produced under tlic direction of deinuiid of ibe oiibl. to see (be MWC Ha ul To complete M|ilen<tl<i regiment. onn and w noon an mut¬ succeeding baturdav, CROWDED FASHIONABLE AUDIENCES. .Hunger young 'The aeiue la now active in York town and Glou¬ Vuartein.rnt clothing furnished river. Th.a June JO. PROFESSOR ANDERSON, nr.ut in ..then roles, Until now the public of Near York bare doing duly tered in. frout to to commence from iMundayj evening, . cester Point, Virginia iiinler the cmiimami of Col Contort, ray $13 $23 per month, UTII OP PAMAOB. The entertauiiueu h wit! be Inaugurated by . new overturn with not had Hie opportunity of « tnasaliig tbe wonderful ro- date of enrolmeuL First cabin $76 New and Correct niitde bv n -r an old experienced French officer, who had served in the " Steerage" $30 by KeppiU's anperb orchestra. After which tun elegant Coatumea, g.e-s Ulw ba/4.e Mitchell h art sine- ber $1(10 BOUNTY to London ... HO to laoudon ... * African. Crimean and Ital an warn. " 33 CuMiuv oalled Magnificent Banner/, noviciate a few few years nceRu auoher theatre. I.ecbied when discharged from the at*twice. One month's pay In to Paris. " to Pai ls Si to no CUBE COME I " 66 THE IRISHMAN (Jrand Cuoral Combinations, factum* ,iM sue lit- at on. e b .unde I from a ONE, ALL advance. to 86 " to 36 IN NAPLES. aud ioln thiaooipa 10 give the last decisive blow to seces¬ Relief tickets will be to soldiera' families. Hamburg.. Hamburg Puudeen O Raiierty, lua celebiaUrt cliarnco-r Soul-xlirrim; Combats, normal couditiuii to the Isl. best point in drau.otic art. and given Passengers also forwarded to Havre. BrrnMn, Rotterdam, Or.in.I Tableaux, has In tn'a ber iih11re been irc aa na¬ sion! the . Mr. W. J- FLORENCE city . uixe.1 tiiefiuoM Recruits will be received at following p.a- es Ac., at low rates. Proc »muh tural an equally the . artist- of lite ilu,. HEADQUARTBUS, NO. Ill Leouard street. Dennis corner of Nineteenth street aud Firstave¬ Antwerp, Rut of character* by tbe great conn dy coiutany . Pageants, _ tiqullle Recruiting offices.No. on Walker atreet aud 82 Chatham Burns', Kates 1'rom Liverpool or QueenstownFirst cabiu. $76. $6$ To be followed by n medley of music. orciie»tr», tii .lilanJ SongM anal Highland Dancer Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL. ill tbe su<eest- nue; at Patrick Murphy's, corner of Second avenue and anil $106. froaa Ltvei $40; from popular of Mrs. will as oi withdrawing atieet, New York city. Steerage pool, Queenstown, KOPPITZ coddoctor Engagement ULADSIANE. wtio appear "Kaaebon" iroui ta b 1 , ark now- street; at James Burke's, 67 East Tickets can be here at these Jul play. respectfully CAPTAIN FERDINAND LEVY. Tulrty-seioudWin. Forty-fourth $30. bought rates, enabling The whole to eoaclude with the grand protean piece, by HELEN MACGRBOOJL ledai ber o'.luutlou to Wie (few York public lor tlirir kind Officer. street, McKeou, 140 Mulbeiry street, and at headquar¬ prsole to send for their friends. sailed Ftrat appearance of KMiLY THORNS ad her elforLVlo ber Recruiting Tayleure, _ _ cepreseulliig thb, ters of thia company. BERNARD O'REILLY, Captain. T..«*e strainers have superior aooomnvodationsfor passim- A LESSON DIANA VERNON. JjPP.C|nUu«ol original M. E. First Lieutenant. c FOR HUSBANDS O'Kwtrn, (ets, si strongly but t in water tight iron sections, and Tom Taffratt. a Bailor with The following will be the MONDAY. JUNE l*-LA8T TIME HIT ONE supplies. >*;-i patrp lire annihilators. Experienced surgeuus are Boy, JULl i. IMMENSE CAE!':- _ TklBoAi, p tbe lael li'ue ol ibe arcat O/rifi or Amy Clothiko aud Equinua, t BRIGADE.WANTED, FORTY ABLE at.udi.p to e ch steaiuer. NaiiojuniojU^PN^^^ ROH ROY M drama of sltireiy Army 1862. b-iuled to form a to be attached Molly Leaf, a ehild of nature, with ACGEEOOU. PROF. ANDERSON KANlUo.N, THE CKlt'KKT Naw Yobk, June 28, ! SPINOLA'8men. company to Hpiuo- Foi forme- in formation apply In Liverpool to WILLIAM Jm*"' yU)HEKCU Bailie Ntcul Jamc Mr J. (J Burnett WEDNESDAY, TWO NEW I'IK' E.S iu wbleb Healed proposals will be rece.red at this office until twelve la's Brigade. Pay, from $13 to $S3, to cutntnenre upon day INMAt: Sj.inl, 22 Wat r street: In Glasgow to ALEX. MAL¬ £ Gulbraith. Turn eon- ol enlistment. and subsistence furnished Funny Tottie, an actreu, with song Mrs. W. .1 FLORENCE Major Mr. C. Ilair MAGGIE MITi UKimL Wll.L APPEAR. 'O'clock M., on Tucaday. July 1, Tor tailing by Clothing upon COLM, No. 6 St. Enoch square; in Queens own to C. A W. Oabaldiktone i bis Ural wranco) v RID A i, July 4. in lionor ..t trie tract:. being mustered in. F. D. LITTLEJOHN, First Lieut. D. SEYMOUR A CO.; in London to BIVKS A M aCKY, 61 Madame Klltola^an opera ainger, wlih n»o«k.«a»vMtiuia. Raahlrlgh app celebration of tbe most SOU 341 Fulton William Mrs. W. J. Mr. Linrbam gloriousand eveullul da e of Antra .ran Independence, there Caps. Headquarters Empire Brigade street, Brooklyn King street; tn Paris to JULES DECOUB. No. 6 Ileaeklah, a Yankee Bo,, with Francl* Oxbaldlatona...... Mr. Chapliu will be «n mtIituvu ftud per:«j;muiic#*, duiinc S00 Jai kcta. Place de la Bourse; ia Philadelphia to JOHN O. DALE, 1U Sir Frederick Vernon Mr. T. K. Morris whicb tbe "National aulbetn," with VuU .-. 3UU Trouaera siren, oral the Yuare^ng, px»RENCR " cborua, wiU be fuag pair* LEGION, Walnut company's offices. Mile. Julie, an opera dancer, with 81 anlali Captain Thorntou .Mr. J. H. Andernoii. .Ir. by tbe entire company. bOO Vest Fronta, COL. JOHN O. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, New York. grand Dnnoe, The Do Creature Mr. Uniform or the Fourteenth New York State Mili¬ STANTON WM. H. ALLEN. La Scguatllla .lire. W. J. FLORENCE mat ffiempla regiment. 15 RECRUITS WANTED of a Mr. Owen Mr. H. Kiiaaall ok tia. For further Information aoply to the subscriber. for K BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN' ROYAL MAIL lUrney, Back-doorkeeper Mr. Stuart Mr. JetTriea academy music. to be endorsed for Uniiorma for Immediately Company In tuis Legion. Theatic^ ^ FLORMCJJ BrooklynA large otitnber of the most mlluential Propoaala "Piopoaals as as THE STEAMSHIPS Lauudera . eltl/ensof the recruit soon he is mustered in. Wylie .... Mr Burnett Fourteenth New York Stale Militia," and ad¬ $3 bounty paid BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CALLING PROGRAMME CHANGED EACH EVENING. Cj Brooklyu have deemed it aulLahle that the Hose or Ute utb- regiment, $100 bounty will be paid as soon as ha la discharged. Pay LIVERPOOL, Ad trew Kailaurvice Mr. Eraua matte acaaon In that should be dressed to from $13 to $23.
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