CO'. HISTORICAL ASSt:., , Ji.J. X This Week '• \. COVERING 2450 COPIES TOWNSHIPS OP IIOLMDEI,, MADISON TWO SECTIONS MARLBORO, MATAWAN 20 PAGES AND - MATAWAN Membai Nation*] JEdllDritl AraodtUoa 89th YEAR — 7th WEEK New J«rs«7 Pre» Association MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST IS, 1957 Member County Prc»j AUOCUUOD Single Copy Ten Cents New Councilman Takes Oath Two Owners Appeal, Charge Gross New Ambulances For Matawan First Aid And Rescue Squad Assessment Inequities In Holmdel Mount Defends Levies; Special Meeting Tonight For Residents To Debate Issue. Two residents who arc- par-per cent of estimated true, ies to tax appeals on the as- nlue. .' ' " sessment on their properties, Mr.. Mount reminded Mrs. Mrs. Maude Cross and Mrs. Cross the assessment on her Marie Magce,' attacked tho as-hpusc had been reduced $1200 sessment practice of John this year. He also recalled she Mount, assessor, at. the- Holm- md sold two tracts for $18,000 el Township Committee meet- He found this made a total as- ing on Thursday, charging sessment of $14,800 Justified gross Inequities existed. Mrs. Cross protested the tracts Mrs. Cross and her husband, sold were corner business William, ara^ppeallng a $9800 properties which were out of levy on their refT acres plus a related value to the lest, $5000 assessment on their barn Questions Noble Assessment and house.- Mrs. Cross asked Mrs. Cross asked Mr. Mount Mr. Mount the assessment on about a $650 assessment on ft tillable land When he said it 25-acre tract belonging to bis . Matawan Borough Clerk J. Franklin Domlnick adminis- was from $50 to $60 an acre, brother-in-law, Frederick; tered (he oath of office to Everett E. Carlson who was ap-she complained only 149 acres Noble, on Longstreet Rd, whilo pointed to fill the unexpired term of Councilman James II. were tillable, yet-their whole Howard Corliss, of nearby Ilauscr who resigned the post recently. Mr. Carlson will farm was drawing nn average assessment ol $50 per acre. Everett Rd., was levied at serve as chairman of the police committee until Dec. 31. $1000 on 10 acres. Mr, Mount Mrs. Magee objected that an defended tbi Noble assessment $8000 assessment on the land as being on land largely Inac- Members of the Matawan First Aid and Rcaoue Squad, Inc., Other Biinad member* who were unnble to bo preient at ths owned by her husband. James, pose proudly with their two new 1DS7 Cadllli j ambulunccH which Matawan Police Air Force Lauds cessible. The assessor f o u n d. went Into suuad service rcoently. The rltjs ore equipped fully. time tlia plioto was taken »re Ted 1'hplan, Jim lUunor, RUT and herself, a 100 acre-tract of the $1000 levy on the Corliss: Doors, Urnlo Hamilton, Frank Dull, Ren Cartun, It, Colol, W. ; Those members present when the ambulances woro displayed the former Frentlss farm, land only one-terith of the, re were Capt Frank Cordasco, First Lt. Rlclmrd Lewis, Sgt. Wil-Wllkcnn, II, Thoniett, A. McDonald, J. Tourlno, Second Lt, T. Pay Boost Set Spafford Schanck makes them assessed at an av- ported $10,000 paid for It. liam Hulsnrt, II. Clunc, A. Dloduto, J. llodtllii, J. Nixon, II. Splooker, I', llutmjr, T, Iliumcy, M. noil, II, Holmes, F. Moser, rage of $75 per acre. Mrs. Kenneth Wllley Joined Mrs. Farlsl, s. Hnllock, M, Inaicy, F. Martin, W. Smith, «., W. It. Woollcjr, It, Uolnn, J. VntteW, M. Tune, L. Walker and Plan 15 Per Cent Receives Certificate Cross cited Uie Murray Todd Cross In criticizing a $25,250 Smith, Jr., I, Nnsbaum, C, Bardclla, J. Martin, 8. Iluilici anil C. Stulti. farm as having 44 acres levied M. Inguagfiato. ••'•• Across-The-Board For His Services t $1050 or $45. per acre and levy on 82.1 acres owned by he 27-acre Bherban tract, par- MI d d 1 c-Unlon Associates, a. Heeding a petition by Chief Clifton firm, In North Center-, . - At a special meeting of the tally subdivided, according to Sharks Return Sale. Suppfamont ~ , of Police John" J. Flood, the Matawan Borough Coun- ler report, assessed at $1500 ville when 79.5 acres owned Two Arc Killed Auto, Junkyard At Matawan Borough Council at cil held in the borough ball or $55 per acre. The Inequities by Stanley Stllwell, a Holmdel A youhr tiger ahark wax a special meeting Thursday developer, was levied at only tdvurllalni Thursday night, Mayor Spaf- which aroused Mrs. Cross the caught this week on the hook nitnounolnr on'- night Introduced an ordinance most, however, were on build- $6000. Mr. Willey claimed the In llcadon Crash bj Edward Durlew, ion of Mdic's Reopens providing a IS per cent across- ford W. Schanck was present- Middle-Union lend largely was K iiil(l.»iimiiicr bar* ings and personal property. Mr. rnd Mrs. William L. [dim for bandore »rc» the-board pay increase for ed a certificate by Master 3he found William B, Harding 'sand dunes" while the Stll- Centerville Man v* Durlew, Luppatatoni A v c, Attorney, For Keyport members of the police depart- Sergeant C. W. Moody of the wejl property was choice. He ihoppciri during tho M a ' a- assessed at $3600 for. build- Is Mishap Victim Keyport, while Utthlnir in Men Warns Of Rights ,van Salon Uuyi, whloll wilt ment. Trenton Air Defense Filter ings, and A total of $6450 on found it "odd" that the Stll- Itarltau Day. Tlio shark it held today Ihrouih Halur- Chief Flood said, according Center for his voluntary serv- ils 56-acre place, which she well property still was being Two persons, including a was about ono-foot-and-o it e Marlboro Township Commit- ay, la pti!>llnlmil thin week to state regulations, an enab- ices in support of the air de- ailed a "mansion" with a listed by the acre, like a farm. Hentervlllo man were Injured half lone, Tho adult tltor e was confronted with the h The Mntuwnu Journal. ling ordinance providing for fense of the United States. wimmlng pool. Mr, Harding Mr. Stllwell objected that 30 ntally yesterday morning. In a shark la a "man-enter" and roblom at Its meeting Thura- Mont Mntawan utorcn, the pay hikes must be adopted allowed $500 veterans ex- lots had been sold off tbe prop- two-car hcadon accident on grows to a much lartcr site. iy-bf-iwmlttlna two Koynorl ihack-r.li 11 of....«ntitindlii(_l by tbe borough council before The certificate set forth that emption on land which makes erty, so tbe assessment ap- Tho tiger hharks dis- It was presented to Mayor Route 3B near Palmer Ave. In nen, Roland Hoscr and Odour dioiuilnn valtirH, will rr- It can be placed on the ballot his assessment $6450, instead of plied to a much smaller sec- appeared from the lay wit- innin uppn tniluy nntl K«tur- Schanck, "In grateful recogni- $0950, according to Mrs. Cross. Holmdel Township, state po- tern alone with tho apart and oyl, to revive the auto wreck. in the November general elec- tion. lice nt the Keyport Barracks IR buelnosn conducted by. IQI- I unt'l II p.m. Htoren will tion for approval by the vot-tion and appreciation of the cdlhlo fish when Industrial Continental Air Defense Com- Mr. Wllley also wanted to reported. Tho victims w c r o 3ii Hall, Port Monmouth, mi- bo open l'rldiiy until 0 p.m. ers. Publlc,hearing on the bill Further Ob lection know why . William Mulheron, pollution fouled tlie bay wa- Tlio ruli IH ftunnnc 'oil b: tlm j is scheduled at the regular mand, Ground Observer Corps Anlello Mcrora, 60. Union ters In tho 1D20H. Now, with ll a few monlliH auo on Ten- for voluntary services." The She also objected that Ber- owner of 5.5 acres, had been Ave., Centerville, and Robert icnt lid,; Momnnvlllo. Tho Mutuwnn Mrruli'-tnta /VHKOOI« - council session Aug. 27, iard Goldsmith should be lev- tlio return of edible and atlon and In nxtipeiitca ta certificate was signed by E. E. able to get a $50 reduction jn h. Etraloy, 21, nn R.O.T.C.- stu- sport fish to llio- bay, the ninlncBB wan conducted by Mv, Pay boosts hi the ordinance Partridge, General U. S. A., ed at $6000 for two houses and assessment on a farm Hall undcv tlio unmo nt draw «ho|ipnrN troin throunh- md a garage apartment, when dent at Fort Monmouth whose "man.cateru" apparently aro imt Mnmnniitl! Ouuilly. are proposed as follows: Chief, Commander in Chief of the basis by subdividing his prop- home Is In Montgomery, Ala. rclurnlnir, necking Hull nn » dto'8 Auto WiecUnrn. $5000 to $5750; -captain, $4500 Continental Air Defense Com- the Cross farm house and barn erty into two smaller parcels. were assessed at $5000. She Hource of food and comfort Commlltoemnn .lotteitl 1' r i- n mimlolinl parktuy to $5175; sergeant, $1250 to mand. Personal Levies Inequitable Mr. 8traley was pronounced In theca tvattm whtoh In due unzavo Initialed the mtvtltv Iota, directly laouted In tho -14.887'''and patrolmen will, re- said the Harding "mansion" Mrs. Cross was aroused dead on arrival at Rlvcrvlow The presentation was made to- o outUuro hot, ary, by slatlnic lie wnu voctlvuit lluurl ol l|\c bunlliKHK' Cl»- was. being Lvalued at only .$20,- over personal property :lcvlp«. Hospital, Ucd 'Bank-, 'w* fire -ho 1 ceKre^maxiinunu! - pi>»385T to 1 ', •w'jaWiBt'ii*;.,-!- :.:' •;-,'.'...,-.-. - •-••,.• cpmpWnto nboiU Junkyavan li trlcl. wlH tin nindn uvallaMe *«00 -depending on length, of 1ri the presenco- of>Col;-sThe<J- OOO/eale price: ea against *3S;-, 'Slie:.loana./itv'lneiJ Jltii..l>l*.StBit: .win taken by the West KotmB.
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