Synod Meets: June 3 THE It is a happy co.-incidence that on the occasion of the twenty-first Synod to be held in this diocese we should have the honour of having as Guest Preacher ALGOMA at the opening Service, His Grace The Most Reverend Howard H. Clark, Archbishop of Rupert's Land, and Primate of All Canada. On behalf of the Synod dele­ ANGLICAN gates, both clergy and lay, and indeed of all our dioce­ Official Publication of the Diocese of Algoma­ san family, I wish to extend a warm welcome to VOL. 7, NO. 6 The Anglican ChuTch of Canada JUNE, 1963 Archbishop Clark in this his first visit as Primate to the Diocese of Algoma. WILLIAM L. ALGOMA Busy Agenda For Members Attendance at the Synod to be most exciting. The Social Service held at Sault Ste Marie, June 3, 4, Report should provoke s01ne in te­ 5, is expected to be about the resting discussion in view of the same as that of the last meeting movement afoot to take a new look ' held two years ago when a record at the question or re-marriage number of seventy-four clergy and after divorce; the author appears eighty-eight lay delegates were re­ like Ha·mlet as he broaches this gistered. Whether the new ar­ subject: "To be or not to be .•. rangements for billeting the del­ since it is the bishop's preroga­ egates at the Windsor hotel, the tive!" There is no hesitation, how­ cost to be borne by the parishes ever, about his insistence on the they represent, will affect the num­ need for a "conference" on the ber attending remains to be seen. matter of Christian marriage; this One reason for -accomodating most has been his "dream" for years - of the delegates under one roof perhaps some day it will come true. was that such 'togetherness' would Meanwhile, we don't know any bet­ help to expedite the business of ter way "by which the ideals of S~rnod. Those at Synod Office marriage might be more effectively are to be complimented on the ex­ conveyed" than by the Prayer cellent job they have done on the Book; it may be better if we learn­ Convening Circular for this ses­ ed to use it more effectively. How­ sion. ever, we hope some sensible action Acting as Chaplain to a large group of young people on a trip to New York was the will be taken to equip cle1·gy to !lovel task The Rev. A. R. Cuyler, Rector of Sundridge-Burks Falls found himself doing dur­ The "Notices of Motion" as pub­ offer man·iage guidance and to de­ rng the Easter week school holidays! He is fourth from the left in the back row in the ' lished in the circular are mostly in­ clare the Church's stand on some above photograph taken at the United Nations building, New York. Others accompanying troduced to correct inconsistencies modern problems young married the group were Dr. Wm. Copeman, the Lions District Youth Exchange Chairman, who or­ because of other changes which people face. Other matters touched ganize~ the trip; Miss Nellie Mallander, R.N., Supervisor of Nurses at Burks Falls Hospital, have come about and to "clean up" upon in the report should bring and M1ss Barbara Yeomans, a school teacher in Sault Ste Marie. the book of Constitution and forth the fruit of good resolutions, Ca.nons before it is re-printed by to say the least. Writing in his paper The Parish Nations Building, they also toured standing, were sponsored by the omitting those sections which have Messenger, Fr Cuyler says, "It was the Cathedral of St. John the Di­ District A 5 Lions Clubs of Wawa, since been replaced in the Church's The longest report offered to the really an tremendous experience. vine, the largest Gothic cathedral Sault Ste Marie, Loring, Torrance, government by similar canons of last Synod, that of the Board of I was anticipating all sorts of prob­ in North America; and visited the North Bay, Burks Falls, Blind the Provincial and General Syn- 'Reiigious Education (over five lems that never occurred and I can new headquarters of the Episcopal River, Mattawa, Parry Sound, Bala, ods, to which all Bishops and thousand words), is missing from say that I have never been with a Church which is situated one block Onaping, Levack, Ferris, Sundridge, Clergy subscribe by oath. this session's agenda. Unless it is nicer group of young people. Cer­ from the United Nations. , Trout Creek, Powassan and Hunts­ The attempt to open the door to prepared and mailed to the mem­ tainly, if tomorrow's wot·ld is in The tour lasted five days, and the ville. "It was like a dream," sai bers at least a week before the their hands, it will do well." thirty-seven students, who were one of the children, as they arrived ~lected women delegates which has Synod meets it may not be fair to chosen for their , high scholastic back in Sundridge on the Friday been aborted· at previous sessions, As well as visiting the United ask them to consider it. The Chair- although it got as far as debate man of this board went to a lot -------------------------------------------------------, morning. two years ago, will again be in- troduced by a motion 'which would. of trouble to prepare a brief on allow a parish entitled to send the importance of having a Christ- Primate Will Speak To CAMP CHAPLAIN ian Education Director in the dio­ Chaplain at the G. A. Camp, tO' three or more (at present three is cese; plans regarding the "New be held at Camp Manitou, July the ma."'Cimum) delegates, to elect Children At Catltedral one "female communicant." This Curriculum" should also be brought 6 -15 this summer,. will be The is to apply the same rule to Synod to the attention of the Synod. During their stay in Algoma, The at the Windsor Hotel. His Wor­ Reverend David Luck, who since his graduation from the Uni~ delegates tliat has governed parish Among the financial statements, Primate and Mrs. Clarke will be ship, Mayor Elmer Anderson will versity of Toronto and W ycliffe vestries since 1920, viz., that the the Church Extension Fund will guests of Archbishop and Mrs. bring the greetings of the city. College in· 1952, has spent his majority must be men. likely receive some verbal over­ Wright at Bishophurst. A busy Later in-the afternoon a reception entire ministry as a missionary in l'muling. At the last Excutive meet­ schedule has been arranged from will be held at Bishophurst to which The debate on the motion will be ing Archdeacon Peto made an elo­ the time they step off the plane in all the delegates and their wives India. He will deliver a series of watched with considerable interest, quent plea for a moratorium on the morning. A publicity committee a1·e invited and the Primate and addresses on his experiences in especially by the women in those loans until the debt now owing has been formed and newspaper Mrs. Clark will be guests of honor. that country. parishes where there are more the bank ($113,000) had been paid; and television inte1·views are being than two hundred canonical voters however, no one was prepared to arranged. A huge service at the at the annual vestry meeting. second his motion and we may look Cathedral in the afternoon to which all the Anglican children in Sault The Repol'ts as presented to Syn­ for an even larger deficit when the Eighty Years Church Life Ste Marie have been invited will od in the Convening Circular are budget for Thorneloe College is give the young members of the fresh, factual and forthright;· presented. The Archbishop Wright Church the opportunity to hear the which is something to be said when Church Extension Fund is a "re­ Marked At Sturgeon Falls volving" furid, but the Archdeacon Primate speak to them personally. clergy have a tendency to become On Friday, Ma~r 3, a special the village of Sturgeon Falls, thought is was not revolving fast That night he will preach the ser­ verbose! The W.A. report sets the Service was held at St. Mary Mag­ which was attended by twenty-tw enough! He felt there was apathy mon at the Synod Service and the best standard for summary and dalene's Church, Sturgeon Falls, to persons and at which a child, the on the part of parishes to which following day at 12.30 p.m. he will clarity. A newcomer, "Beaver mark the eightieth anniversary of infant daughter of George Corn~ the fund had loaned large sums of be the speaker at a luncheon at­ Creek Correctional Camp" is the wall, was baptized. money, and asked: "How are · we tended by all the Synod delegates the first recorded Angliean Service to be held in that town. It was on ----0---- going to tackle the projects which This Service, held eighty years Ascension Day, May 3, 1883, that press upon us if we have a large DOCTOR IN THE PULPIT after to the day, filled the church The Rev. Forster Bliss, Missionary ATTENDED TEACHING debt holding us up?" Some of the In observance of Canada's Na­ and was attended by pa1·ishioners at Mattawa, then in the Diocese of SEl\UNAR parishes are not paying the inte­ tional Health Week, the special from St. Bamabas', Cache Bay and Ontario, travelling along the con­ rest on their loans which cause- speaker at St.
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