Official Publication of the Diocese of Algoma Volume 31 SEPTEMBER, 1984 Number 7 ew _gold mining. develo e in division of Maratho Anglicans in Mission Manitouwadge on the north Three companies are in­ Bishop Peterson has shore of Lake Superior. Re­ volved in the Hemlo develop­ established a committee to alignments are being con­ ment, Lac Minerals, Teck disburse the monies receiv- sidered in other parts of the Corporation, and Noranda. ed through the AIM Pro- - diocese. This summer, with construc­ gram, and each month there Marathon-Manitouwadge tion still underway, there will be information in the has been functioning as a will be an estimated 1,500 to Algoma Anglican about the parish unit, with the.priest in 2,000 workers, mostly allocation of funds and how Manitouwadge ministering located at the mine sites. By they are being used. The to both communities, with a 1987 there will be a perma­ committee is guided by the Church Army captain doing nent work force of approx­ diocesan case, and the the pastoral work in imately 1,050 employees, Bishop has asked the Marathon. •· many of them will be bring­ deanery councils to review Then came the Hemlo gold ing families with them. It is the case at their Fall strike, and the influx of estimated that 60 to 65 per meetings and to advise the workers, with greater cent of the permanent work committee of any findings developments and more peo­ force will settle in pertaining to the understan- ple to come in the next few Marathon, most of the re­ ping and interpretation of years. The Bishop presented mainder in Manitouwadge. the case, local situations . the situation and the many The influx of people will which fit the case and of new needs which are arising, and create many spin-off jobs developments since the case the committee allocated an and increased services, and was written, which might be initial $10,000 for immediate a huge challenge to the seen as "emerging oppor- re-alignment, i.e. the Church. tunities." dividing of a parish into two. Anglicans in Mission is The Reverend Larry helping Algoma to meet this Parish Re-alignment Winslow was the Rector of challenge, and we can all be The committee has Manitouwadge, arid the proud that we have been allocated $10,000 for the re­ Revernd Morley Clarke has given the opportunity of alignment of Marathon- been appointed to Marathon. sharing in this program. Marathon. 1984 Algoma Clergy School from September 1Oth to 12th, Blind River . In J ul~ Bisho.P Peter-son advised the Clergy of Algoma Diocese 9f the Clergy School, to take place this year at Blind River, from Monday, September lOth, to Wednesday, September 12th. Special speakers were announced to present various subjects, including Evangelism, Youth, the nature of the Ministry, working with the Roman Catholic Clergy, and there will be discussion on parish concerns, as well as periods of meditation with the Bishop giving leadership. Bishop Peterson asked that every active Priest and Deacon be present to share in the sessions. Archbishop Wright's anniversary On May 28th, the fortieth Reverend E. H. Capp, Rec­ anniversary of the consecra­ tor of St. Luke's Pro tion of Archbishop W. L. Cathedral from 1899 to 1905. Wright as Bishop of Algoma This Throne made of was observed at St. Luke's Georgia Pine was built by Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. S. Oldroyd and The Archbishop was the dedicated on January 6th, guest preacher and shared 1904, on the seventh anniver­ many of his interesting sary of Bishop Thornloe's memories. consecration. It was still in St. Luke's Cathedral at the Following the service, the time of Archbishop Wright's congregation gathered on consecration in 1944. the lawn to greet Archbishop ·Many people were present and Mrs. Wright, as they to offer best wishes to Ar­ stood in front of the Bishop's chbishop and Mrs. Wright on Throne designed by this memorable occasion. Holy Trinity, ·Uttle Current, held New Life festival for anniversary On the weekend of June Jerry Smith preaching on 22nd, 23rd and 24th, Holy Friday night, Bishop Peter­ Trinity Church in Little Cur­ son on Saturday night and rent held a splendid celebra­ Gordon Williams on Sunday tion of its 98th anniversary. night. Each of these times Special guests were Bishop · the Church was filled to Peterson; the Reverend capacity with people of all Gordon Williams, a United denominations who had Church minister from 100 come from as far away as Huntley -Street, and the Sudbury and Chelmsford. Reverend Jerry Smith, of Chapleau. On Saturday Bishop Peter­ This was the-occasion of the son led a workshop on third annual New Life Evangelism, speaking "to Festival, with the subject of an unchurched world" in the " Living the Christian morning and a workshop on Faith," arrangements for "physical and spiritual heal­ which were made by the ing" in the afternoon. Gor­ Reverend Gary Dobinson, don Williams led a workshop Rector. on "growing in the Faith" on On each of the three even­ Sunday afternoon: These ings was held a service of were well attended, and NO RANDA MINES: Mine buildings are erect worship and praise, with (Continued on page 2) 2 ALGOMA ANGLICAN -SEPTEMBER - 1984 Rick Sandberg graduates as Church Army oHicer By Marjie Smith, Chapleau good Anglican, but it 'wasn't boat. As for his work in the the love of God and salvation Official Pu"'Qlicaiion of the Dioce1e of Algoma "I was playing with fossils in my plan to be born prison, he knows that there through Jesus Christ. · I in the sand, when the im­ again." are many hurting people l;>elieve the Lord is going to P.-Q . Box 1168, Sau(t Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A SN7 mensity of creation was im­ Captain Sandberg had left who need the mEpsage of save a lot of men. I'm going The Right Reverend Leslie Peterson , Bishop pressed on me by· the Holy his job with the Expositor, God's love. to work really hard at not, Hugh K. N Mackenzie. Ed1tor Spirit." Thus, in a quiet way, bringing to a temporary end "I offer - them only one ·'doing the job rather tha n Robert J . Boyer, Associate Editor came about the conversion his scattered career with dif­ thing," he states, "That's sharing the person'." D. Oosterbaan. Treasurer of Rick Sandberg, a recent ferent branches of the news Anglican Church Army Subscriptions $3.00 pe r annum. media. His interest was Second cl ass ma il registration No. 1423. graduate, who hails from mainly in building a log Produced month ly by Muskoka Publication s Limited . Algoma, Sudbury to be ex­ cabin on his property on P.O. Box 1600, Bracebridge, Ontario, POB lCO. act. Manitoulin Island, and col­ Up to this point in his life, lecting U.I.C. God had other NOTE : Send cha nge of address notices and subscnption renewa ls to The three years ago, when he plans. He provided homes Algoma Ang lican , P.O. Box 1168, Sault Ste. Ma rie , Ontario, P6A 5N7 . came face to face with God, for Captain Sandberg on the the creator, Captain Sand­ Island, and gave him a berg was not particularly in­ strong church family. As Announcements terested in God. His lifestyle well he found part time work with a Christian printer. It is with regret that I announce that Michael McCar­ had r other priorities. But thy, formerly incumbent of the P arish of St. Mary's, those moments on the beach When the idea of entering Nipigon ; St. Peter's, Red Rock, and · St. Matthew's, brought to life the words the church army first occur­ Dorion, has voluntarily relinquished his Orders as a written in Romans 2:20: red to Captain Sa11dberg, he Priest in the Anglican Ch rch of Canada, effective July "For since the creation of balked. "With my hair and 31st; 1984, and will be working in Toronto for a consulting the world His invisible at­ beard, I didn't want firm. He will be living in Alliston, Ontario. tributes, His eternal power anything to do with army," and divine nature, have been he confesses. "That's where Ordination , clearly seen, being the Lord wanted me to go Mr. Nigel Shaw, B.A. , M. Div., (Trinity) will be Or­ understood through what and I argued with Him one dained to tne Diaconate, on Sunday, September 30th, at has been made, so that they night until about 3:20 a.m. I 7: 00p.m. The Ordination Service will take place in Trinity are without excuse." said I'd check into it. From College Chapel, Toronto. that time on I had great joy Nigel has been appointed to Holy Trinity Church, At the time of his awaken­ and e xc iteme nt about Sault Ste. Marie, as Assistant Curate under the direction ing, Captain Sandberg had going.'' of the Reverend William Stadnyk, and will be helping with been living on Manitoulin Through the two years at the Missions of Heyden and Searchmont', effective Oc­ Island, where he worked as Church Army in Toronto· tober 1st, 1984. editor of the Manitoulin Ex­ God verified his call, accor­ positor for two years. To ding to Captain Sandberg. The Reverend Frank Gower (St. John's, New him, it seemed logical that He had sold everything, in­ Liskeard), has been appointed as Incumbent of St. he should go and see a cluding his property and Alban's, Capreol, effective September"lst, 1984. minister. Having had some car, in order to be clear of affiliation with the Anglican debt and have some cash for Death _ Church in his younger days, tuition.
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