DragonDragon SlayersSlayers RPGRPG A game of epic adventure and dragon slaying! The heroes are traveling adventurers who boldly explore dark dungeons, hunt ferocious monsters, and loot ancient treasures. The darkest dungeons and most ancient treasures belong to dragons – the most ferocious monsters. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 2 A!"#$%&'() 12 T+, $%-, %. T+E (/!, 2 A00EA$A'!, 12 A)/! )TAT) 1 ,2&/03,'T *1 T+, ),4,' )"/--) 1 .EAT) 5%0T/%'A-6 *7 )"/-- (/!, 7 PARTY COMPANION (OPTIONAL) *8 $%--/'# T+, (/!, 7 MAGIC *8 EXAMPLE OF PLAY 9 -/)T %. )0,--) *8 COMBAT RULES 8 $IT&A-) 21 3%4,3,'T 8 HEROIC LEVELS 21 A!T/%') 8 MAGIC ITEMS 22 INJURY AND DEATH : MONSTERS AND NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS 22 HAZARDS AND RECOVERY : ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY 23 MOUNTS : EXAMPLE HEROES 23 HERO CREATION *; OPTIONAL EXTRAS 24 $A!, *; A(4A'!,( !-A))< ($&/( 24 !-A)) ** ,0/! -,4,-) 24 .$,, IE )"/-- ** OPEN GAME LICENSE 25 Credits and Legal LEAD GAME DESIGNER, RULES DEVELOPER, WRITER, AND SampleCOVER ILLUSTRATOR file – en $amos GAME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANTS – Ian Anderson, =ohn 0earson, =ames 2uick, 'ick $estifo – 0aul >aldana 5special thanks6 PLAYTESTERS – Travis Alvarado, Ian Anderson, "irsten attaglia, =ohn ult, =onathan !onvery, Erica .er, )am .razier, (arren #reen, @ren #roth, $yan "asprowicz, +eidi "ershaw, #erald 3cAlister, Tommy 3eeusen, +erson 3erino, (an 3iles, =ohnny 3iller, =ames 3organ, Alex 'eff, =ohn 0earson, !hris 0hilgren, =ames 2uick, Ian $, 'ick $estifo, 0atrick $usso, (evon )toll, !hris 4onArb, "endra @eaver, Andy White, 3aggie @ilson, (aria @inter, )amantha @ood, !laes Aoungberg, 0aul >aldana, and about a dozen strangers from #eorge 3ason &niversity PRODUCT IDENTITY – The following items are hereby identified as 0roduct Identity, as defined in the %pen #aming -icense version 1.0a, )ection *5e6, and are not %pen !ontent< All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names, 5characters, place names, etc.6, dialogue, comments in red, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. 5Elements that have previously been designated as %pen #ame !ontent are not included in this declaration.6 OPEN GAME CONTENT – ,xcept for material designated as 0roduct /dentity 5see above6, the game mechanics of this game product are %pen #ame !ontent, as defined in the %pen #aming -icense version *.0a )ection *5d6. 'o portion of this work other than the material designated as %pen #ame !ontent may be reproduced in any form without written permission. * Introduction (ragon )layers $0# is a RoleBPlaying Game. This means part of the game involves acting, but no worries! ItCs not as hard as it sounds. At its heart, itCs Dust you and your friends sitting down at a table and telling a story together. 'ot any old story mind you, but an epic fantasy adventure with wizards and dragons and enchanted realms full of danger! 'ormally a story told by four or five authors would get pretty chaotic, so one player is designated as lead storyteller – the Gam Ma!" # – and each of the other players controls one of the story's protagonists – the $ #% !. THE GAME MASTER – This player 5called #3 for short6 gets the most narrative power and the most responsibilities. !hoose the #3 long before playing. – As the #3, part of your Dob is to prepare deadly trials and exciting challenges for the heroes before the game starts. – (uring the game you describe the world, control the nonBplayer characters, and challenge the heroes. – If they succeed, great! If they fail, itCs not over... every dragon left alive is a potential seEuel. The #3 may never describe the thoughts, actions, or words of a hero, unless that heroCs player lets her. THE HEROES – Each player who is not the #3 plays the role of a hero in the story. – The #3 will set the scene and throw monsters and highBstakes situations at you. Aour Dob is to overcome them. – If victory was certain, it wouldnCt be fun! To accomplish risky things 5like slaying dragons6 the heroes need to roll dice. A hero player may never describe the thoughts, actions, or words of a nonBplayer character unless the #ame 3aster lets him. !hances are if you're reading this, you've played a penBandBpaper $0# before. .or the experienced gamer, (ragon )layers $0# is a toolbox you can use to run your own campaigns and publish your own roleBplaying games with. ItCs also an excellent set of Ftraining wheels.G /Cve had outstanding success luring friends and family into the hobby using this game. These rules were designed to be casual, balanced, and easy to learn. The system is very Euick to prep and very Euick to play. (espite endorsing a cinematic, standardBfantasy-sortBof setting, youCll find that these rules are adaptable enough to work in Dust about any universe. (ragon )layers is a labor of love, the tested and tempered product of one mad genius and his many patient friends. Together we created the game we wanted to play – an elegant system that is robust and flexible, yet rockBsolid simple at its core. 'o one should have to read 300 pages of rules to tell an adventure and roll some dice. &nlearn what you have learned... The Role of the Dice Sample file WHAT DICE& – Aou need Fpolyhedral” dice to play (ragon )layers $0#. These dice vary in the number of faces they have, ranging from fourBsided pyramids 5called (7Cs6 to twenty-sided icosahedrons 5called (20's6. A normal cube die has six faces and is called a (6. Aou can find sets of these inexpensive game dice at hobby shops, or on the internet. Aou'll want at least two of each die type< D', D(, D), D*+, D*,, and D,+. THE CORE MECHANIC – .ew daring deeds are guaranteed to succeed. In tense situations, !-.// #%//! represent the vagaries of fate, fortune, talent, and circumstance. – Aou roll a !-.// 0. based on your heroCs aptitude for the task 5(4, (6, (8, (10, or (12) and compare the result to a "a#1 " 23m4 # 5T'6. – If your result eEuals or beats the target number, you succeed! HEROES5 DICE EXPLODE – Every time you roll the maximum number on a skill die 5such as FHG on a (H6 you roll it again and sum the values. This is called an 67/%!.%2. – This rule only applies to heroes – most creatures donCt get to explode. BONUSES – These are numbers you add to your stats or skill roll results. onuses are notated like FJ*G or FJ2.G – Aou always resolve any explosions or special abilities first, before applying a bonus to your skill roll result. – %n the rare occasion that two or more bonuses apply to the same thing, you add them together 5no fiddly stacking restrictions6. ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE – If you have a08a2"a1 , you roll two dice and use the higher one as your result. – If you have 0.!a08a2"a1 , you roll two dice 5as above6 but use the lower one instead. – If some combination of effects gives your roll advantage and disadvantage at the same time, you count as having neither. 2 Basic Stats Aour 9/a!! 5see page **6 determines the following three statistics< HIT POINTS (HP) – An abstract value that represents your armor, stamina, courage, and fancy footwork. ItCs how much violence you can handle. – Aou might take FhitsG and FdamageG in battle, but at most itCs Dust scratches and close calls until you reach zero +0. – +0 can be reduced to zero but never below zero. SPIRIT POINTS (SP) – The most important resource in (ragon )layers $0#. These points represent your extraordinary luck, gallant resolve, and untapped potential. – Aou may spend a spirit point to reBroll any one !-.// #%// you know about 5after the dice have been rolled, but before the outcome is settled6. – Aou decide whether the original result or the reBrolled result gets used for this skill roll. Either way, it canCt be reBrolled again. Aou can also use spirit points to buy special options for your hero 5see page *76. MOVE (MV) – The number of sEuares you can move during your turn. Aour 34 value represents a Ftactical hustle,G not your actual footspeed. – %ne sEuare roughly eEuals two yards inBgame. If your group prefers to track 34 in yards, Dust multiply by two. The Seven Skills Aour heroCs adventuring aptitudes are called skills. There are four 3"./.": !-.//! and two 9%m4a" !-.//!. The seventh skill is 3agic... but with rare exception, only mages can use 3agic. ATHLETICS – This utility skill describes your physical fitness and constitution. – Aou might roll this to balance, climb, Dump, swim, tumble, resist special attacks, shake off poison, or evade traps and hazards. CUNNING – This utility skill describes your subtlety and knack for using tools. – Aou might roll this to sneak, pickpocket, slip out of irons, set and disable traps, operate a machine, or produce a useful item. INFLUENCE – This utility skill describes your charisma and force of will. – Aou might roll this to trick, persuade, perform, pacify, inspire,Sample intimidate, bribe, file haggle, or make a good impression. PERCEPTION – This utility skill describes your awareness and intellect. – Aou might roll this to search, investigate, detect lurking creatures, research and recall lore, or read someoneCs intentions. MELEE – This combat skill describes your proficiency with all forms of handBtoBhand fighting. – Aou use this when grabbing, pushing, tripping, or making attacks against adDacent targets and opponents. RANGED – This combat skill describes your proficiency will all forms of ranged weaponry. – Aou use this when throwing things, shooting targets, or making attacks against opponents from a distance. MAGIC – The magic skill describes your proficiency with fantasy spells and rituals. – Aou use this when making magical attacks, detecting the presence of other magicBusers, and performing rituals. There is no Farmor classG or Fdefense score.G In (ragon )layers, your hit points also represent your armor and parrying ability.
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