volume 2issue 4|NovemBeR 2009 |theVIPmag.com VOLUME 6ISSUE 12 |October 2013 |theVIPmag.com of southeast texas thehealthy living issue taking shape Tips to get in shape,recover from an injury,createahomegym,stick to an exerciseprogram,eat right andhavefun whiledoing it all! The new Victory Medical Center Beaumont’sMixed Martial Arts scene Howtodress sporty chic complimentary The free Entergy App keeps me in control –and in the know. The free EntergyApp gives me the information and access to stay on top of my account. Outage maps and alerts let me knowwhat’shappening if the lights go out –and when they’ll be back on. Ican also pay my bill and manage my account with just afew quick taps. Download the free apptoday or go to entergyapp.com for more information. Convenience and control. That’sThe Power of People. Connect with us: Amessage from Entergy Texas, Inc. c2013 Entergy Services, Inc. All Right Reserved. We’We rer’ e so vein. Varicose veins or heavy,painful, swollen or restless legs? 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So stop worrying about your legs,and let the ModernVein SurgeryInstituteatPrevityClinic help. prevityclinic.com | 409.835.9500 ModEl PICTurEd noTaCTualPaTIEnT.IndIVIdual rESulTS WIll Vary. vip magazine contents Editorial Editor 07 vip home DAVID CONSTANTINE 07 Home gyms inside october [email protected] Contributing Writers 11 vip style CATHLEEN COLE 11 Sporty chic fashion LArENA HEAD grACE mATHIS 16 Hotpink accessories jANE mCbrIDE 11 HOLLI pETErSEN 19 vip leisure CHEryL rOSE 19 The WWIII.5 mud run Editorial Assistant 23 MixedMartial Arts LAurEN mCgEE Photography 26 vipersonality Contributing Photographers 26 Lindsay Oxford: SCOTT ESLINgEr Bikini pro LACIE grANT rENé SHEppArD 28 vip worthy LEE E. STINSON 28 Recovering from a Graphic Designer DAVID CONSTANTINE sports injury Advertising 32 vip viewing To advertise in VIP, 409.880.0700 32 Inside the newVictory 19 Medical Center Contact Us VIP of SoutheastTexas 380 main Street 36 food&drink beaumont, TX 77701 36 9superfoods you should be eating to sUbsCribE pLEASE CALL 409.838.2821 Or SubSCrIbE 39 Recipe: Grilledsalmon ONLINE AT www.THEVIpmAg.COm 40 vip spotlight to disPlAythE mAgAzinE AT yOur buSINESS LOCATION, 40 SE Texas events pLEASE CALL 409.838.2821 45 vip adviser sUbmissions TO SubmIT AN EVENT,OrgANIzATION Or pErSON 45 5great dates this month fOr CONSIDErATION IN AN upCOmINg ISSuE, 46 Calendar 36 SubmIT ONLINE AT www.THEVIpmAg.COm Or TO 48 Crossword puzzle [email protected] Or by uSpS AT ADDrESS AbOVE. 49 vip voices 49 The “C”word 50 Howtoget your body Adivision of hearst newspapers back after ababy Publisher mArK ADKINS jOIN uS ON fACEbOOK! www.facebook.com/thevipmag on the cover Don’t call Beaumont’sLindsay Oxford abody builder.She’saprofes- sional bikini girl. The self-described gym rat recently turned her love of fitness and alot of hard work into apro card with the International Federation of Body Building and Fitness. Now she hopes to share her passion for ahealthy lifestyle as aboot camp instructor and personal trainer for women across Southeast Texas Photography: Lacie Grant 4 October 2013 | theVIPmag.com McManus Company Jeff McManus Judy McManus George Kenney Shaylonn Riehl Interior Design Group CompleteFurniture and Lighting Gallery Comeinand scheduleyour in-home consultation withone of our designers 820 N. 11th St. Beaumont, TX 77702 409-833-4393 vip home home gyms MEMBERS Home gyms offer privacy, ONLY no-excuses convenience and no monthly fees text by CHERYL ROSE Whitneyworld of fitness Dailyfitness activities arepartofthe venwith all the best fit- lifestyle of Jason and Jessica Whitney, ness intentions, lifeoften whotake staying active and healthy gets in the way. Getting to seriously. Both have personal trainers in addition to their running and cycling Eand from agym on top of routines, usuallygetting in twoormore an alreadybusyschedule sessions of exercise every day. can mean exercise goals end up on the Loyaltogyms foryears, theybegan considering building their ownhome backburner.With the readyavailability gym when agarage remodel created the of sophisticated home fitness equipment opportunity foralarge second floor. and videos forevery exercise regimen, “When Ifirst thought about doing this, Ithought, ‘Oh, we’ll put some equip- creating adesignated space at home for ment in the garage,’but I’mglad that we working out can be apractical solution. did adedicated room,”Jason said. Here’show twoSoutheast Texas families Longtime friend Jody Nolan, the owner of World Gym in Beaumont, make working out work forthem: helped the Whitneys transform the >> theVIPmag.com |October 2013 7 How Much Space Do YouNeed? The American Council on Exercise recommends these square footage guidelines for fitness equipment: Treadmill—30 sq. feet Elliptical trainer—30 sq. feet Free weights—20–50 sq. feet Stationarybike—10 sq. feet Rowing machine—20 sq. feet Stair climber—10–20 sq.feet Ski machines—25 sq. feet Single-station gym—35 sq. feet Multi-station gym—50–200 sq. feet space, consulting on the equipment to buyand which vendors to use. Theypadded the concrete floor and installed professional-style rubber floors. Theypurchased commercial- grade equipment including a bench press, leg press, Smith machine, treadmill, ellipti- cal and dumbbells from 15 to 180 pounds. Then theyadded asurround-sound stereo and large-screen TV. “If youcome by the Whitney home around noon, youcould find me, my wife, our 18- and 22-year-old kids and their boyfriend and girlfriend, along with several friends, all work- The fully-stocked Whitney family gym. photographybylee e. StiNSON Setting Up to Work Out Setgoals Designate space Startsmall Measurefor activity What do you want to achieve with Ahome gym can be asmall corner or a Depending on your activity level and Cardio and weight training machines ahome gym? Are you wanting an dedicated room. “You can do amillion goals, Hansen recommends starting can be big and may need more occasional option or adaily workout? fitness options in asmall space with with less expensive equipment until you space then you think. “I almost put Do you want to emphasize cardio, just ayoga mat and access to You- are sure of your dedication and consis- in machines that were too big,” strength-training, flexibility or all of the Tube,”Hansen said. However,ifyou do tency.Resistance bands, hand weights, Jason Whitney said. “Fortunately, above? Do you have aphysical goal outfit agym space, be sure to consider mats and jump ropes represent asmall the equipment vendor came out to such as weight loss? Answering these the necessaryactivity space for each commitment in space and money. measure and advised me to have questions is important before canceling piece of equipment, not just the physi- “Start small and you can always grow it more space between the machines. your gym membership or investing in cal footprint. Also, Jason Whitney noted into abig room,”she said. My plan would have made the room expensive equipment. Tanya Hansen, a the importance of picking aplace that smaller and the machines bigger.” personal trainer and instructor at can take the punishment and the noise. Christus Health &Wellness Center in “My wife isn’t doing Pilates, she’sdo- Beaumont, suggests considering the ing Crossfit, so we needed afloor that longevity of your goals. “Are you doing could take the pounding if you drop a this for one goal you want to achieve in weight,”hesaid. Other considerations two months or are you doing this to be can include access to electrical outlets, better for the rest of your life?” ventilation and natural light. 8 October 2013 | theVIPmag.com ing out in this room together,” Jason said. Jessica believesitwas worth every pennybecause their fit- ness routines arenow family- friendly. “You want to instill so manythings in your children, such as morals and integrity,and that should include staying in shape and staying healthy,”she said, referring to her four chil- dren. “What Ireallyenjoyabout this room is that all of our kids can be therewhile we work out and it becomes apartoftheir UP routines, too.” TO A Hansen homestudio AND ACHANCE FOR US TanyaHansen is apersonal Tanya Hansen’smore modest gym trainer and group instructor at equipment. TO PAYOFF YOUR LOAN*. the Christus Health &Wellness Center in Beaumont. She loves mats, kettle balls, dumbbells gyms, but she likes having her and atelevision. Most of her ownspace at home, too.Asa equipment is low-tech, but that wifeand mother,Hansen knows doesn’t mean it isn’t effective. Want that new truck, car,pool, deck, or that running off to the gym “I’msuch an advocate of beforeorafter work can eat into bodyweight functional work- big screen TV? It's easy with amoney- familytime. outs,”Hansen said. “People can saving loan from FivePoint! For alimited “I love the idea of a15- to make differences in their body 30-minute workout that youcan with no equipment. Youcan just time we're offering loan rate discounts of do in abedroom or living room add equipment fordiversity and up to 2%* on avariety of loans. Come get that still givesyou results for to keep it new.” those days youcan’t make it to ForHansen, the critical piece yours today! the gym,”she said. “Then you’re is not the size of the space or the not neglecting your personal fit- sophistication of the equipment, ness. Youdon’t have to take the it’s consistency.“Afew pieces of Your Loan Could Be Paid Off time to drive anywhereand can equipment can give youfabulous be at home with your kids.” results, but it’s your consistency Up To $50,000* Her dedicated workout studio with the program that is your is in their garage, which means determining factor,” she said.
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