' .. '.'Goveilnment.:,"'OF.' 'OOA~~~""

' .. '.'Goveilnment.:,"'OF.' 'OOA~~~""

." ,,:.:r~<:~ ~ 'T '.. '.'GOVEIlNMENt.:,"'OF.' 'OOA~~~"":- .. '~ ,_,", ' " .," ~... ',0; .' :~';'" ~ ::'~;.:'.,~<.~~?_ '.~ -;,-'~:L;:'~:.} :.:.~.;;:.':: ;.::...~ .. ;~\; .... '~':~<":2~: ):';~;:\ .~~~' )~ NOTE: ---' There is one Extraordi'i'!llry is~ue.to. the.Off~9ial This issues with the cOncurrence.of. Finance Department Gazette, 8eries' II No:3lt aa£iid 20.:'t:e~1991 vide their U. O. No. 3338 dated! 10/;'fl91. , .: . ::.:. "~.:':-.::~.' . With 8:aJmeiUit.eJr..o:t1i P!J~.· .7,11 to 718'regatrding Orde,'s' from Labour Department; By order and~.iB._t1!~,~~~~ofJ~e.9<>vernor of Goa, ". G. p. Ohimulkar" Under ,Secretary (Ho~e). "; ~.~~: ;)" ,_.J", .-; ';..- .. GOVERIN-MENT OF GOA Panaji, 22nd July,'lm' - .. ~ . ,. .;. Hpme (Gener'iJD Department' --------~.4.. ~'~.--~~- _. J PlanningOepartment , " or" _ ,Order. No. '11-46~~9(}~:a,D(G) Ofaer" . •. / '~ub: "-'- Weightage ·of qualifying service for supera"nua'- ~Q~ p.ensipn in respect of. freedom fighters: from this Read: _ Govern~ent's . Order' No.. 4i~!89-PLG . State.wh,Q joined Government service after Libexation dated 13}2/1991. , '. ", . :OLgg,~: :tf?Ji:t~n.and Pi'Q: .' .. '.', " ... ', . ,"'" Sanction of the Goverhment is hereby accorded to exteli<f, :A.: .lal'rige.number .. of,rioopletfrom thi~ State (fornie'J'ly Unii'on the ad':'hocappointnients of the following ':officers .bOrne,oi:l~ ~~tQry PfG<l3-.D~ and '. Diu) . had joined. freedom nw- Common Statistical Cadre of. theDir~ctorate 'of Pl3.rining• •vement for Liberation.'ofGoa, Damanand.Diufi'om Portuguese Statistics and Evaluati()J;l,Panaji whicp. expired on 30/6/1991 rule. After.liper?-t~Oi.l:,~f .thistrpioJ;lT~to&·many &uchfor a further period.bIG' months tintil31/12/1991 or till the freedom fight~r~Iilotv~' 'joined GoYE!rriment. services' in various - posts: are filled llP on: regular basis whichever is ea:rlier. They . Government Departments. Due to· late joining in Gbverument ;81re. wSlt~d where tl),eyare working atpreseht:-.' '. " ser.Vice, total service rendered by such pe,rsons fall short in . qUalifying period of service prescribed in thee.C.S. ,(Pension) . Rules for claiming supen"aruiuation pension. .St.No: Nafueof' OffiCer During the Independence of India, large number' of people 1. Shri B.. V. Dubhashi :r:>eputy Di:r:ectOf, ,~, ··WOlt·part in the- National Movement; These persons coUld ..... ~.:;,:....~ >;... ir__ .< .~~ .~ ••",'" .~.,-,." nQtlilvail~.thenrselves'of normal opportuhitiesfotentry ~:into 2. Shri D. G. K. Bambolkar Deputy Director-~ ';.;",:",. 'G9vernmentser"i.ce.. As far as 'CentraJ Govei'nmentsei'Varits .are concerned, the Gqve'r:runeht of India l,l'ave grl:mt,ed conces­ 3. Shri Ivo Furtado " Statistical Orr-reef:; si@n$i;f~r'allow'Ulg 'the safdC-overnment servants to add to ll1:~1:r ~vj.?e.quaUfyjll~,for superann\lationpension, the actual 4. ShrJ A. M. Shadkh Statistical Officer . PElt1ddnote~ceeding' one fourth of length of their service . -or actual period' by which their age at the time of retirement 5," Shri M. G.Naik' ,'. ~""' ..: ,.-:! Statistical Officer .e~~eedeq,.25. y~,;,~,a>IJ.e~od,:;:ofi f,ive .years whiche\ier. is 6. Shri .J. L. M.,,:p.:Di~ , ' .: Stati$ticaL:GH!ce:E": tftel.east;· '. ..' . .. .' '. , -'. ~ j ...,.r~, ":; '.: ,.:;~- .:;., , ~",,~~~; (~:~: (J~ ~~".:., , 7., 8h:ri S;. tl. Bhat In pursuance to. the-representations' made. bY;tl1e concerned ::s~ti~~iit~;~f¥~~:;~ , Government servants and after careful examin&tion the Go­ ,8; Shrt··V. ·B':Ghal'se Statisilcfd 0Iflt!-e¥:;·~< .• ~-,r '. vernmenthas· decided to .a!low-theweightage .' for qualifying ...servic~ . for superapnuatiori pensipn' iii:- respect of freedom .' 9. Shri D. G. Natekar Statistical Officer ,";.'. ,~'-. '.-'~'::!~ J<:!:' ,"':~" .. iigll.ters from this. State who"Wiiied service after liberation ;)f ;i6:<: sliri M:'·S. Rane .. -GQ,a. Daman and DiU:;as ·indicatedbe16W:-:- ' StatisticalOffice;r.w~~g .' , . ,"... ... ,.,. -.'. ~~' -",' ~ - ' 11. Snri M. R. Sinari , i) the concession will be applicable -to the freedom figh­ . 'S~tiatieal: Qf'fi~~;:. " te'rs of GOa: Liberation Movement who have entered ,12. Shri C. B. Pankar Research Assistan't ',': into'" .GO.vernilient'OOi-Vi~e frOm'" ;19/12/1961; to ,'31/12/1969; . 1,3. Sp.~ l}.. K., Nl?-gvep.'kar .Res~z:c~:~~sum!,· ; " , ij) ·tl:J.e,weig~ta,ge:in qu'alify1ng.semce . would be fo:r a 14; Shri R. V: Pereitra Research ~s;;.~~t·:,~ :;:"pgIl~oa;.nO\t.;e~ceedlng 1/4: 6:fthe length'of serVice,or actu~'l p~riod .' by -which their age at the. time .of . 15. Smt. M. F. de Saldanha Research Assistant ;, " rElc~i~In$it:excElede~ 25 years" orperi.od'Ot~ five . .16 .. Shri. Andrew. "~'Yea,r::j wh!cll,e"eris lea:g,t;'·, . D:Co:st{!. ",. , ri' :"<:';:.j:r':;·: '. ,: . 17 •. Shr!. J. R. Rege ,; R~,se.arch~~.s.i~~.. .';:" li~) ,,~ch:;.C9Il~~S¢OlJ .wi!l hI';' admissible only fOl' the con~ :. ~ • '. \:~ - '. • • "', <- cer.ne.<;l,·· . s (:lIDeedoin fighters &fG. L: M. who 18. Shri Ihono Miranda Research Assistin,{",::r: retired 9 .' . annautiQ!!l and not in any other class ':. .. f"'!;~~r~ ;~'~~ .~ .. vof~i:ttai'ype~oil,compensatory 19. Shri B. B. S. Surlikar ReSearch As~u!~::rif By order and in the name of the. Governor of Goa, Iv) £op£~jpp-.~oWd also be , fl.pplicable to the ,riih1~.nt.·$¢:rvanti:; (freedom fighters of' Goa Li- K, A •. 8atardekar, Under ~,(L C ;.'.~, . '. e;g,t)::\V-!to;llav:e(retired:on mtperiumiia.- Goa (Planning Dept;). : tion on!, . ,'. reissMe.qf relevant .orderof ,the,Go- v~~ro.~*t, ~trodu.q~~e scheme; ." ....... '. ~tciaji; 30th Juiy,' i~l, 720 0 OFFICIAL GAZET'l'E-GOVT. OF GOA $ERIES II No. 39 Education Department the State of Goa, The DhanshteeCoop.Credit Society Ltd... ~/o.Kamakshi Garments," KharebandRoadi . Marga<>-Goa. is.. registered under code!' symbol No. 8-RES-(a)-47/ uth Goa/91. So Order· A. V. Chikkodi,: Asst.. Registrar ofCoop~, Societies' (SoUP}' Zone). No. ,l4/17j78·EIDN Margao, 5th JUlY, 1991. JRead;'-Gbvt. Order No.,' 14/17/78/EDN da.ted 22/8/90 . 'regardingtransfers of Headffiastet!Vice Prin"'. Certificate of Registration ~ipal. , .The oDhanshree Coop. Credit Society .Ltd., c/o Kaxmi:kshi -, Government is pleased to cancel theor'der cited abo'veo, trans- '., ~arments, KharebandRoad,¥argao has boon registered QJ1_ £erring t1he Vice-Principal/Headm~ter,SIShriS. B. Salunke 5:-7,,1!)91, and it bears registration code symOOI No. 8-RES-· and 8.S., Hooaga respectively andtQ retaiIJ. them~the places' -(a) -47/SQuth Goa/91 and it is classified as "Resource ,SQ- of their original posting. ". , ciety,j undlilr Sub-classificati:on (a) of ·clause.8 in terms of­ Rule.9 of the Coop" Societies Rules 1962 for the Stl!lite of Goa•. , :~;:,~~~,~~~e~:.~~:~~:H:l~:s~e:.p'~:;t;heGovernor>Of~::~:- -11. -:'V.CJUkkoai; Asst.Regi$trar.Qf CObp;.Soc1et1es.(SOuth,- Zone). '. (,'!,~,;r ~. ~~~rodkar.U~~e~Secret~, (E;c;lU(lati~n). '. ':M:a.iga<i, 5thJUlY,··lWl.·· Panaji, 30th July, '1991." Public WOiks Department 'Departrn:enf ~f :tooller~tion' Ofticeof the Asstt.· Registrar of Coop. Societies . Order . No. 7/14-4/85-PWD&UD-V . Notification Goverment is,pleased to order the promotions on ad hoc". In' exercise of the powers'vested in me under Section 9 basis of the below mentioned JUnior Enginoors(Mech./Elect.) of theMaharashtra.qooperativeSocieties Act, 1960 as applied of Public Works Department to the post of As,sr.stant Epgineer­ to' the State of Goa, 'The Vasco Urban Coop.' .Cr€dit So<;iety (Mech.(Eileyt.) in the scale of Rs. 2000-'3500 with immediate Ltd,', ,Parab . House, Pixel11Dongri, .Vasco-da-Gama-G'oa is effect and post tlJ,e'in against the pl~cesas indi~a:ted QeloW;- . registered under cod.e symbol No. 8-RE8-(a)-49/South Goa:/91. Sr.~o. Name of the 'Official A. V. Chikkodi,Asst. Registrar of C09P: .So!!ieties (South ~~), . 1. Shr;iS. N. Patil A.S.W.;;c.o.V.,PWD"Altinho•. ":¥argll9,!.-otil,J.:Uly,19.91. " ::. ;-!.<:::,i ';.,:., . :Panajiin theexistingva-­ "';~ cancy. Certificate of Registration "',. : " . ", . , 2. Shri. V~ V. Shailkardas Engineeling Assistant, SSW's", ':'~~Tlie :Vasco Urban .COOp; Credit Society Ltd., .Parah House, Office, PWD, Altillho,Panaji Pixem Dongrt, Vasoo~Da:.Qama•. has been. ·registete:d on 15th vice Shri P. B" Raikar .1:ran.s'-­ July, 1991lUld Jt bea~ :reg"Wtrationcodesymboi No.8-RES': farred . ....(a)49J~o~t'liG.oa/!fl and it ~sci.aSf!i:fie$lll,S.··Resotlrce S()Ciety" under'Sub-clasSification (a)'OfcUtu.se.,s iIi. terms of .Rule 9 of the £oop. Societies RuleS 1962. The appointment Is purely on ad. hoc basis and will not_ bestow any c~adm for regular appointment and service 'ren­ dered on. a4 . hoc· basis' in the grade' Will' not count for' the.. ;A~ . v. .Chikkodi, Asst. Registrar of Coop. Societies ( South Zone). .' . purpose of seniority in the gIl':adJe and for 'eligibility for­ promotion in the next higher grade. :Miairg~. lSth .July, .. 1991. The appointment will be initially fOT a period of one year. The. morvement order shall be iSls:ued.by the Chief Engineer- ( (P.W.D.).. .' .',.... ...... " Notification In 'exercise 'Ofthe' powers vested in me under Section 9 By Order;md'!n the'nameOf the Governor GfGot... '., oUb;~l\(~ar~tira Cooperative Societi~ .Act, 1960 as applied :B.N. Bhd:f~··un.~fer Secreti..tY to the Gort.'ofGoa (Pk.)~ to .the·.Stateof'Goa, TheYallika Coop. HOiisingSociety Ltd., Panaji, 26th July, .1991. ~,.Agonda.-Canacona.-GoaiS registered under code symbol No.HS~(a)-52/South Goa/9'1. /.,""', A. V • .Ckikkodi, Asst. Registrar of -Coop. Societies, {South Order Zone)_·· . No. 7/14-1/79-s4-WET .Malrgao/9th·luly, ·1991. ,. ; Gov~m.nient 'is pleased to promote shiri. d. PadmaIllaJbhaih., , Certificate of Reg istraHon • Executive Engineer ofPublicWO\l'ks Department to the .. post of Superintending Engineer (Civil} in the.. scale or­ ''The Mal1ikaCoOp. Housing Society'LttI, -KaraShit, Agonda. Rs. 3700-125-4700-150-5000 with immediate effect and post: -Ganacpna:.Gaa.,bas been :registered on 9~7·1991 .and it bears him in Circle IX (MBP) against the 'post .

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