ACS Publica,ons Overview 2017/18 Update ChemRxiv preprint server, and OA iniaves Alastair Cook Regional Sales Director, ACS Publica,ons Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) 01/11/17 Agenda § About the American Chemical Society § What’s New at ACS Publica,ons § Open Access § Unprecedented Coverage § Excep,onal Quality and Author Benefits 2 01/11/17 About the American Chemical Society 01/11/17 ACS Is the World’s Largest Scienfic Society Founded in 1876 154,000 ACS members worldwide ACS Naonal Mee>ngs twice each year aract 11-13K chemists, students, and related professionals 32 Technical Divisions provide programming and content for the Naonal Mee>ngs ACS PUBLICATIONS, A DIVISION OF THE ACS, VISION STATEMENT JACS began publicaon in 1879 “To be the world’s most trusted source 12.113 Impact Factor of the comprehensive knowledge needed to culvate the chemists of tomorrow” 46.568 22.323 Impact Factor Impact Factor ACS Publica,ons Commitment ACS Publicaons Vision: “To be the world’s most trusted source of the comprehensive knowledge needed to cul,vate the chemists of tomorrow” This vision and commitment does not stop at informaon resources. We are also commied to advancing research, educaon, and careers. 6 Reinvestment Mee>ng our commitment requires constant reinvestment Reinvestment supports new services, outreach, and engagement events • Examples include: open access, open data (SI), peer review educaon, altmetrics, researcher and student outreach events, library outreach programs 7 ACS Publishing History 2001-2016 1976-2000 1879-1950 1951-1975 21 7 11 New Journals 9 Nano Le/ers, ACS Chemical New Journals New Journals Neuroscience, ACS Sustainable JACS, Chemical Reviews New Journals Langmuir, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Chemistry & Engineering, Chemistry of Materials, Journal ACS Photonics, ACS Energy Le/ers, ACS Environmental Science & of Natural Products Technology Sensors, ACS Omega, ACS Central Science In 1960s, as concerns over First ACS journals become As field of nanoscience emerges, ACS environment grow, ACS launches preeminent leaders in among first to respond with Nano Leers ES&T mul>disciplinary chemistry in 2001 ACS launches new journals as chemistry ACS interdisciplinary surface science becomes key to advancements in fields journal named aer Irving Langmuir, such as neuroscience, photonics 1935 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 8 01/11/17 Publicaons Overview 01/11/17 Essential Products & Platform 54 Peer-Reviewed Journals: 40,000+ new peer-reviewed research ar>cles added each year ACS Legacy Archives: Digital archive of all journal arcles from 1879-1995 (465,000 ar,cles) 800,000 pages of Supplementary Informaon recently added to ACS Legacy Archive 1,000,000+ original research ar,cles Essenal Products & Plaorm More than 1,400 ACS eBooks: 27,000 chapters Searchable, indexed by SciFinder®, Google C&EN news magazine: 150,000 circulaon Print, Online, and Archive edi>ons Webinars and other digital branding programs What’s New 01/11/17 New Journals Added in Response to Demand from Scienfic Community Highly selec>ve process to add new journals ACS first validates that chemistry discipline or related field is underserved by a quality publishing venue New journal quality evident in 5.547 median Impact Factor of ACS journals launched in the past 8 years New journals push the boundaries of chemistry New Journals in 2017 New Journals in 2018 C&EN Global Enterprise: cenglobal.acs.org Replaced C&EN Online on January 1 16 01/11/17 2017 New Products ACS Reagent Chemicals Available now as subscrip>on online 17 New Services & Resources Librarians: InfoCentral (pubs.acs.org/4librarians) Tools for Authors: ACS Authoring Services, Manuscript Transfer, ORCID iD, ACS Reviewer Lab User Tools & Services: ACS2Go, Figshare & fully open supplemental informaon (SI), Altmetrics, website tutorial videos, ChemRxiv 18 InfoCentral hEp://pubs.acs.org/4librarians 19 ACS Authoring Services hEp://acschemworx.acs.org/services 20 Manuscript Transfer http://pubs.acs.org/transfer 21 ORCID iDs December 2016 November 2, 2016 November 22, 2016 ACS Publica,ons ACS Publica,ons x2 begins to jointly announces ORCID Collec,on has doubled in less than 1 month, with iDs mandate ORCID its signature of the appearing in the PDF of the ar,cle iDs for all ORCID Open Leaer subming with RSC authors Today: ORCID iDs appear in the HTML version of ar>cle as well as the PDF. ACS Publicaons deposits all ORCID iDs to CrossRef 22 ACS Reviewer Lab • ACS Reviewer Lab launched in August 2017 • Free online course providing peer review educaon • 6 interac>ve modules on the basics of peer review to the ethics and creang a quality review • Each module was designed with ACS editors and industry leaders hEp://www.acsreviewerlab.org 23 ACS2Go • Mobile op>mized plaorm • ACS2Go allows devices to be paired (up to four months) to provide seamless offsite/remote access 24 Figshare • Importance of Suppor>ng Informaon (SI) • SI is already freely available on the ACS Publicaons site • DOIs are assigned to SI • Figshare-ACS Publicaons partnership supports open data discovery and use hEp://acs.figshare.com 25 Altmetrics • What are the benefits of Altmetrics? • Altmetrics AEen>on Scores are now available across all ACS Publicaons journals • Altmetrics help provide a wider understanding of the impact of a work, beyond citaon hEp://www.altmetrics.com 26 Website Tutorial Videos hEp://pubs.acs.org/demo 27 Open Access Ini,a,ves 01/11/17 Open Access ACS AuthorChoice allows authors to publish open access in any ACS journal for a one->me fixed payment ACS Editors’ Choice releases one ar>cle of significance to the global community every day ACS Author Rewards provides the scien>fic community with savings on the order of $60 million – expires December 31, 2017 hEp://acsopenaccess.org 29 2 Open Access Journals Offering Rapid Publica,on of Mul,disciplinary Research ACS Central Science Open access with no author publishing charges Highly selec>ve, compelling mul>disciplinary research 100-200 ar>cles published annually ACS Omega Publishing peer-reviewed, technically sound research Emphasis on rapid publicaon Highly mul>disciplinary Open access with low author publishing charges Launched August 2017 ChemRxiv The Open Preprint Server for Chemistry ACS announced ChemRxiv in 2016 Poster/ Talk ChemRxiv will help complete a more comprehensive and transparent cycle of communicaon for Database Preprint chemists – conference presentaons, preprints, published ar>cles, secondary databases and search tools. Journal Journal Review or Ar,cle or Book Leer hp://www.chemrxiv.org 32 Launched August 2017 The Preprint Server for Chemistry - Partnership between ACS, RSC and German Chemical Society What is a preprint? A preprint is a freely accessible preliminary communicaon that contains new research findings and data not yet published in a peer-reviewed outlet, such as a journal. A dra or final version may be submiEed, so long as the preprint’s content is not yet published at submission and all the authors consent to the pos>ng. hps://chemrxiv.org/ Launched August 2017 The Preprint Server for Chemistry - Preprints posted on ChemRxiv are not peer-reviewed, edited, or typeset. All preprints are subject to a basic screening following submission for plagiarism, offensive, dangerous, and/or non-scien>fic content. - It is a global service hps://chemrxiv.org/ Launched August 2017 The Preprint Server for Chemistry - ChemRxiv is a preprint server intended for the pos>ng of technical, scien>fic informaon spanning the chemical and related sciences. - News, adver>sements, policy statements are not appropriate for pos>ng and will be declined. - Findings clearly falling into the physics, math, or life science fields with no connec>ons to the chemical sciences should be submiEed to similar resources, such as arXiv or bioRxiv.. Launched August 2017 The Preprint Server for Chemistry • Today, the majority of journals in the chemistry space allow authors to first post preprints. • You can find this informaon in the journals’ policies, most o]en prior publicaon or preprint policies, or by reaching out to the journal editor. • It is the authors’ responsibility to check with the journal Editor and ensure that submission to ChemRxiv will not interfere with the journals’ prior publicaon policies Launched August 2017 The Preprint Server for Chemistry - Preprints on ChemRxiv are free for authors to post and free to readers. - English is the only language accepted at this >me. - ChemRxiv is not a journal, it is a preprint service. As a result, ChemRxiv, like other preprint servers such as arXiv and bioRxiv, does not have an impact factor. Launched August 2017 The Preprint Server for Chemistry - ChemRxiv does allow metadata mining and allows all associated files to be downloaded. - The terms applicable to the mining of preprints are determined by the authors’ selec>on of a Creave Commons license – including CC-BY-NC-ND, CC-BY-NC, and CC-BY.. hps://chemrxiv.org/ Launched August 2017 The Preprint Server for Chemistry The preprint on ChemRxiv be linked to a related journal ar,cle once published ChemRxiv plans to add a link to the preprint within a few weeks of journal publicaon. The >ming depends on when the journal posts its’ files to CrossRef, allowing ChemRxiv to check and make matches between preprints and published ar>cles. Launched August 2017 The Preprint Server for Chemistry Benefits: - A chemistry preprint server enables researchers working across diverse areas of inquiry to share early results and data with their scien>st colleagues before formal peer review and publicaon, - to elicit
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