Case 20-13172-LSS Doc 681 Filed 08/18/21 Page 1 of 26 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE ) In re: ) Chapter 11 ) RENOVATE AMERICA, INC., et al.,1 ) Case No. 20-13172 (LSS) ) Debtors. ) (Jointly Administered) ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE I, Sabrina G. Tu, depose and say that I am employed by Stretto, the claims & noticing agent for the Debtors in the above-captioned cases. On August 16, 2021, at my direction and under my supervision, employees of Stretto caused the following documents to be served via first-class mail on the service list attached hereto as Exhibit A, and via electronic mail on the service list attached hereto as Exhibit B: • Certification of Counsel Regarding Motion of the Debtors for Entry of an Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to Abandon and Destroy Certain Data Storage Devices, (II) Authorizing the Debtors to Abandon Certain De Minimis Assets, and (III) Granting Related Relief (Docket No. 670) • Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors’ Termination of the 401(K) Plan, (II) Implementing Certain Procedures in Connection Therewith, and (III) Granting Related Relief (Docket No. 672) • Order Approving the Settlement by and Among the Debtors, Dean Hollander, and the Committee of Unsecured Creditors (Docket No. 673) • Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to Abandon and Destroy Certain Personal Property and (II) Granting Related Relief (Docket No. 674) • Order Granting Motion of Debtors to File Under Seal a Portion of the Settlement Agreement With Dean Hollander Containing Confidential Information (Docket No. 675) [THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] ____________________________________________ 1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, include Renovate America, Inc. (4352) and Personal Energy Finance, Inc. (8208). The Debtors’ service address is 16870 W. Bernardo Dr., Suite 408, San Diego, California 92127. Case 20-13172-LSS Doc 681 Filed 08/18/21 Page 2 of 26 F'urthermore, on August 16,2021. at my direction and under my supcrvision. employees of Stretto caused lhe lollowing document to be served via first-class mail on the service list attached hereto as Exhibit C. and via electronic mail on the service list attached hereto as Exhibit D: ()rdcr (I) Authorizing the l)cbtors' Termination of thc 401(K) Plan, (ll) lmplementing Ccrtain Procodurcs in Connection l'herewith, and (lll) Oranting Related Relief (l)ockct No. 672) Funhermore, on August 16.2021. at my direclion and under my supervision, employees of Stretto caused the following documents to be served via tirst-class mail on Dcan Hollander at c/o l'heodora C)ringher PC. Attn: 'Iodd C 'l'heodora. Nick J.(1. Sanchez & Christopher J Harney. 535 Anton Boulevard. Ninth Floor, Costa Mesa. CA 92626, and via electronic mail on Dean Hollander. c/o Theodora Oringher PC, Attn: 'lodd C Theodora, Nick J.G. Sanchez & Christopher J llarney al ltheodora(a)tocounsel.com, [email protected]. and charneyfrltocounsel.com: Order Approving the Settlement by and Among the Debtors, Dean Hollander, and the Committee of Unsecured Creditors (Docket No. 673) ()rder Granting Motion of Dcbtors to File Under Seal a Portion of the Settlement Agreement With Dean Hollander Containing Confidential Information (l)ockct No. 675 ) ln addition to thc mcthods ofservice sct tbrth herein. parties who have rcquested electronic notiflcation ol'filings via the Elankruptcy Court's CM/ECF' systcm were sent thc above referenced documcnts via clectron ic scrvicc ----2 Dated: August I 8. 2021 .- Sabrina (i.'l u A n()tar) pLrblic or othcr otllcer completing this certilicatc verifies only the idcntity of the individual who signed thc document to which this certitlcatc is attached. and not the truthfulness, accurac). or validity olthat document. State of California County olOrange Subscribed and swom to (or af firmed) bel'ore me on this I 8th day ol August, 2021, by Sabrina C. Tu provcd to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appcared belore me. S ignatu re f--> C'lilornr' not.rlPsDrc o li;i.2Zt l8l4 r 7 lol! Case 20-13172-LSS Doc 681 Filed 08/18/21 Page 3 of 26 Exhibit A Case 20-13172-LSS Doc 681 Filed 08/18/21 Page 4 of 26 Exhibit A Served Via First-Class Mail Name Attention Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 City State Zip Alabama Office of the Attorney General 501 Washington Ave Montgomery AL 36104 Alaska Office of the Attorney General 1031 W 4Th Ave Ste 200 Anchorage AK 99501 Alma Foster c/o UC Irvine Consumer Law Clinic Attn: Stacey L. Tutt PO Box 5479 Irvine CA 92616-5479 Ameris Bank c/o Adams and Reese LLP Attn: John Rogerson, III & Jamie Olinto 501 Riverside Ave Suite 601 Jacksonville FL 32202 Ameris Bank c/o Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Attn: Michael Neiburg & Joseph Mulvihill 1000 North King St Rodney Sq Wilmington DE 19801 Arizona Office of the Attorney General 2005 N Central Ave Phoenix AZ 85004 Arkansas Office of the Attorney General 323 Center St Ste 200 Little Rock AR 72201 California Office of the Attorney General Po Box 944255 Sacramento CA 94244-2550 Colorado Office of the Attorney General Ralph L. Carr Judicial Building 1300 Broadway, 10Th Fl Denver CO 80203 Connecticut Office of the Attorney General 165 Capitol Avenue Hartford CT 06106 County of Los Angeles c/o Rimon, P.C. Attn: Jacquelyn H. Choi 2029 Century Park East Suite 400N Los Angeles CA 90067 County of Los Angeles c/o GC Law Attn: George Chuang 898 N Pacific Coast Hwy Suite 450 El Segundo CA 90245 Delaware Department Of Justice Carvel State Office Building 820 N French St Wilmington DE 19801 Delaware Office of the Attorney General Delaware Department of Justice Carvel State Building 820 N. French St. Wilmington DE 19801 Delaware Secretary of State Division of Corporations Franchise Tax 401 Federal St PO Box 898 Dover DE 19903 Delaware State Treasury 820 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 100 Dover DE 19904 Finance of America Mortgage LLC Attn: Lauren Richmond 2500 Dallas Parkway, Suite 430 Plano TX 75093 Finance of America Mortgage LLC c/o Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP 200 Park Avenue New York NY 10166 Finance of America Mortgage LLC c/o Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP Attn: Robert Dehney & Andrew Remming 1201 N Market St Fl16 PO Box 1347 Wilmington DE 19899-1347 Finance of America Mortgage LLC c/o Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP Attn: Michael P. Goldman Riverfront Plaza, E Twr 951 E Byrd St Richmond VA 23219 Florida Office of the Attorney General State Of Florida The Capitol Pl?01 Tallahassee FL 32399 Georgia Office of the Attorney General 40 Capitol Sq Sw Atlanta GA 30334 Hawaii Department of the Attorney General 425 Queen Street Honolulu HI 96813 Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP Attn: Peter Partee, Sr & Michael Goldman 200 Park Avenue New York NY 10166 Idaho Office of the Attorney General 700 W. Jefferson St, Suite 210 Boise ID 83720 Illinois Office of the Attorney General James R. Thompson Center 100 W. Randolph St Chicago IL 60601 Indiana Attorney General's Office Indiana Government Center South 302 W Washington St 5Th Fl Indianapolis IN 46204 ING Capital LLC Attn: Sandeep Srinath and Yury Marasanov 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036 ING Capital LLC c/o Winston & Strawn LLP Attn: Michael T. Leary 333 S. Grand Ave 38th Floor Los Angeles CA 90071-1543 Internal Revenue Service Centralized Insolvency Operation 2970 Market St Philadelphia PA 19104 Internal Revenue Service Attn: Susanne Larson 31 Hopkins Plz Rm 1150 Baltimore MD 21201 Internal Revenue Service Centralized Insolvency Operation PO Box 7346 Philadelphia PA 19101-7346 Iowa Office of the Attorney General Hoover State Office Building 1305 E. Walnut St Rm 109 Des Moines IA 50319 Kansas Office of the Attorney General 120 Sw 10Th Ave 2Nd Fl Topeka KS 66612 Kentucky Office of the Attorney General Capitol Building 700 Capitol Ave Ste 118 Frankfort KY 40601 Louisiana Office of the Attorney General 1885 N. Third St Baton Rouge LA 70802 Maine Office of the Attorney General 6 State House Station Augusta ME 04333 Maryland Office of the Attorney General 200 St. Paul Pl Baltimore MD 21202 Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General 1 Ashburton Place, 20Th Floor Boston MA 02108 Michigan Department of the Attorney General G. Mennen Williams Building, 7Th Floor 525 W Ottawa St Lansing MI 48933 Minnesota Office of the Attorney General 445 Minnesota St Suite 1400 St. Paul MN 55101 Mississippi Office of the Attorney General Walter Sillers Building 550 High St Ste 1200 Jackson MS 39201 Missouri Attorney General's Office Supreme Court Building 207 W High St Jefferson City MO 65101 Montana Office of the Attorney General 215 N. Sanders Justice Building Third Fl Helena MT 59601 Nebraska Office of the Attorney General 2115 State Capitol Lincoln NE 68509 Nevada Office of the Attorney General Old Supreme Court Building 100 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General Nh Department Of Justice 33 Capitol St. Concord NH 03301 New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex 25 Market St 8Th Fl West Wing Trenton NJ 08611 New Mexico Office of the Attorney General 408 Galisteo Street Villagra Building Santa Fe NM 87501 New York Office of the Attorney General The Capitol Albany NY 12224 North Carolina Attorney General's Office 114 W Edenton St Raleigh NC 27603 North Dakota Office of the Attorney General State Capitol, 600 E Boulevard Ave Dept. 125 Bismarck ND 58505 Office of the Attorney General of the D.C. 441 4Th St NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001 In re: Renovate America, Inc., et al.
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