> t SATUBDAY^ DECEMBER 14, 1968 p a g e s i x t e e n iianrbPBt^r Sttming ll^raUi r—: Stores Open Until 9 0*Clock Tonight for Christmas Shopping Sunset Rebekah Lodge will BVdIowiigr ttw written sxam- ■j'l meet MCnday at S p.m. at Odd Exam Scheduled taaitions, oral teds win be gtv- About Town FellowB Hail. Refreshments will ea in Manchester within tw o n be served. For Rec Post weeks to aU who quaUfy, he IO m Patricia KeUy, daughter said. ' Awm ee Daily Net Frees Ran TTie Weallier at Mr. and Mr*. ChrUtofdwr The Administrative board of Written examinations wlH be 1110 new rec director will suo- Kdly of 41 Unnmore Dr„ will North United Methodlat Church given next ifMlc to "the 16 ap­ oeed WUUam Boyle, who re- ■tar Sbe WWk M e i participate in the Chrietmaa Fair and very ooM tonlgirt, will meet MCnday at 8 p.m . at plicants for the post of Man- s^pMd effWUve Nov. 1. The p o­ NevanbW Ig 16 6 1 ocnoert to be preeentod by the dw ter reo dbeotor, according sition pays $8,788 to $10,996 an­ lows 6 to 10 above aero. Part­ the church. ly aunqr, oonttnuad cold tomor­ Musical Alts Association of Al- to word from John Harkfna, de­ nually. ilanrhFfitpr fcumtttg IlFraU) velopment ooordlnHtor and di- row. high around 20. bertus MBgnus Oollega in co­ The East CaihoUo High Harkins said that written ex- 1 5 ,3 4 1 reotor of the town’s Peisofind operation with the New Haven School glee club and dance MaHche$t€r~-A City of Viltage Charm Office. amtoBtions will be giycn in Oouhcll o f CSuirdwB. The pro­ band will present a Christmas Manchester near the beginning gram, wM di wUi include early Harkini said that those of the concert tonight and tomorrow of the new year to.tto lO'appA (Ctaadfled Advertiaieg ea P a ce M ) PRICE TEN CENTS Spanish music, will be present­ appUcanlB who Uve in the Man­ VOL. LXXXVni, NO. 6 S (TWENTT-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECmONS) ' MANCHESTTBR, CONN., MONDAY, DECEBfBER 16, 1968 night at 8 in the school auditor­ canto for the new ■ post of as­ ed tomorrow evening in Trinity chester area will be tested In ium. sistant planner. He said that CSiurch on the Green. Mandieater’s Municipal Build­ ing. ’Those who Hve further all appUcanis Hve close enough Amanda Denmison o f 700 to Manchester to be tested hers. away will be tested by agencies Second Congregcdlonel Church Spring St. reported a Canada TU s position will pey $8,190 to wlU have a coffee hour tomor­ similar to Manchester’s, but not gooee made the family pond in the apidlcants’ home towns, $10,140 amuaBy. row at 11 a.m., in Fellowshtp and lawn a restorer spot fo r he said. Harkins said that the town will Hall following the morning serv­ three weeks during its southern advertise soon for a superintan- ice. The Rev. Ernest Harris, ’The Mancherter examlnaitlans migration. It was apparently w ill be on Tuesday. ’Thoee In dent of lU water and sewer de­ Warden’s Kidnaper 7 North Victs Released; associate minister, and Mrs. separated from the flock in a partment, to succeed t*wnae Harris will be honored by the .the other towns wSl be aU week spell of had weather. Indica­ and the resuhs will be relayed WlttkoCdce, who has resigned «<- congregation. tions are It has now departed here, HaiUns said. feettve Jan. 11. for Warmer climes with the The church dtoirs of Center freesing over of the pond at the Caught in Hartford t t *6 t t c x Congregational Church will beginning of this week. sing the cantata, “Rejotoe, Be­ HAMTORD, Conn. (AP) — Hariford, and forced him and reooghlaed Mabery from a pho­ loved Christian, tomorrow at Alptna Society will hold a spe­ HALL FOR RENT ”WeI treatodtreated him ilkaUke a aoi^” MMre. n . Reinefce,Retaieke, 69,09, to drive to togn^tograph. Mabery offeredoCfered np le-re- JL B B B JL -JH— JL M -M--M- ra/ 9:15 and 11 a.m. church serv­ cial meeting tonunrow at 2 p.m . Haiioi to rF US r ilots eaid the warden of State Pzleoa HartfomL whme be fled. aiotanee. He had pleaded guUty 00 ices. The Rev. Clifford Simpson’s at tile ItaUan-American Club to FOR ANY OCCASION who wae etabbed by hie houee- sermon at the 8 a.m. service Relnofce, attacked with a Feb. 31, 1961 In the Maying at - SAIGON (AP) — Tlie vote on dlasoluticn of society. boy In an eeea|ie. " I don’t know New Haven of Ua gMfrtend’a wlU be "The Grace of Christ­ knlfe-like object, wae reported what happened to Urn.” aon. After hla reoapture ha w«a United States today return­ m as." in eeiMefactoiy oondRlan at Hert­ New President 135 ELDRIDGE ST; ’Hm houartwy, David F. Ma­ ford Hoapltal with minor eteb charged with aggravated aasautt ed seven civilian seamen to North Vietnam, and Radio MANCHESTER ttery, who wae Mndng a life wounde. Hie wife wee tw atad and carrying a dangerone Weap­ Marino Sgt. Roland J. HARTTORD (AP)—The new tann for the elaying of a 16- for tiiock and releaeed Satur- on. Moscow confirmed that D’Amour, son of Mr. and Mrs. presldmt of the American As- nnitlvold boy, wae oaught Bun- day. While tbe eearoh for Mabery Rcdend E. D’Amour of 821 Lake soctaUon: of State Colleges and Hanoi has announced it will CALL 649-8203 <tay In downtown Hartford by Mabery’e dutiee ae a trurty wae oiv BJma C. MaoDougall. rdease some American pi­ Rd., Andover, Is serving with Uidversities is Dr. ISlton Buley, two polioemen. in the Reirtcke bourn had been atate onmmlaeinnwr o f corrso- the First Marine Dlvislan in president of Southern Conneott- lots at Christmas. Warden BVederlck Reincke, 69, primarily to look after the war- tiona, ordered the suapenalon of A U A spokesman said the re­ Vietnam. cut State College. den’e 90-yearotd mother-in-law. trusty sssigiwnsnt at the home aald Mabery attacked him flat- lease of the seven North Viet­ One of the axreeting ofOoen, of prison MBoiala pending a rs- iwday at hla home at the pcieon namese was arranged In Vienti­ in aomwe, 30 mUee noith of rookie MUce McOonnell, aald he evabiation of Um Inmate oleeti- ane, ths lototlon capital. He flcatlott program. aald Hand’s repreoentaUves Mkhcry, M, had a malieriilR knife In hla poiWet when stopped had given no Immediate Indica­ In downtown Hartford abmit tion that their government 6 :1 0 p.m. come 88 hoots after planned to release any of the MIDNITE SALE the warden and Mfs. Retaioke hundreds of American filers It Helms of CIA, were abducted. has captiind. MdOoonsa, a member of the But a spokesman for Moscow force for mtiy 10 days, Jumped Radio confirmed a broadcast by Ctrl Obermeier, 89, of Glastonbury, sits in his truck just after it ran into a RADIO SHACK out of the poUoe ctutaw and tbe Soviet radio Saturday whldi Truck Hits bridge abutment on Spring St. early yesterday afternoon. There were no seri­ Hoover o f FBI a sk e d 'fo r the man^a Idantifloar aald: "Radio Hand stated today ous injuries in the accident. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) tion. “Mabery," the eaoapee re­ Deo. 14 that a group o f Ameri­ Bridgere W a ll portedly aald. in one of Mar can pilots who were taken Into Kandd, 478 E. Colter St; SAT., DEC. 14 bery*a potdtebs MbOonnea and captivity when tbelr planes follow patrolman Jamee ehaarar were sbd down over the territo­ A Hartford Electric Light Hospital Notes Mrs. Yvonne M. PeUetler, 18 ^ Oak Place; Charies FUler, 82 Fire Calls Stay in Posts found a Uafta from a pidr of ry of the Demooratic Republic Company aerial repair truck AH evening visiting hours end Mrs. Julia J. Vln- of Vietnam will be rdeased at ran into a bridge abutment on great riieara wMb Mack tape at 8 p.m., and start. In the oek 35 Greenwood Dr.; Mrs. There was a minor grass fire 9 p.m. To MIDNITE WABHHoroM (AP) — Fnel- wound around ona end. Obrtatmas.” Spring St. yesterday afternoon, various milts, at: Pediatrics, S ’Ih e 2»-year-old M cOoon« aald severriy damaging the right Marie A. Hayes, Broad Brook; on Oloott St yesterday morning dent-elect Mhoon, here to confer A Tokyo monitor reported a wUfa ReptdiUoan oongrBwIwiel rimSar announcement broad- half of'Its cab; there ware”no Monteal, 120 Haiti Dr., at 10:46. Town firemen answer- (See Page Twelve) serious—I— iiduries.— »*• TalcottvlUe; iTmMrs. TMilmLouise Mon-Mon­ damage was We Have A Magnificent Gift For Y o u ... idileCe, announced today that J. oot by Hand Saturday in the days, 3 p.m., weekends and hoU- roe, RFD 1, Bolton; Edmund ■dger Hoover hae natwad to Japanese language. But In the The drivm: of ihe truck Carl daya; private rooms, 19 s-m.; A. Kunhardt, RFD 1, Stafford slight. continM* ae I B I direotor and absence of ofdotal word from J. Obermeier, 39, o f CHaston- semi-private rooms, 3 p.m. bury, said he was going west Springs; Weeley P. Alvord. ^ ^ Center Springs Pwk nKSMiv iMinia win fonMus on the North Vietnamese, It wa« ^ rin g St. when K tried to Williams Rd. Bolton; Joseph brought Town fh^en yester- * A custom-pressed STEREO LP ' 'tbe job endtrector of the On- thought then that both the Mos­ squeeie by a Town dump truck j, minute Umlta- C.
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