M l. : '- - ‘ • - } ^ h W . V . •- .ty ^ •"^••x'.;;- NBT PBSSS Bim THE WEATHER. ATEBAGB DAILY OIRCULATIOIi OF THE EVENING HERALD Fair tonl^t. Tneadaj increasing for the month of September, 1926. cloudiness and wanner proboUy 4 , 8 4 9 followed by showers. VOL. XLV., NO. 3. Clasaifled Adrertlslng on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1926. * j!i PAG £S) PRICB THItEB CENTS NEW HAVEN TRUSTIES’ Masons Lay Corner-Stone of Temple SUNDAY GAME BREAKS MASONIC DAYS l o n g w a l k s s p o il e d QUEEN MARIE IS K 1 hu(EST4 • ATTENDANCE RECORD. ROOD SWEEPS New Haven, Oct. 4.— Joseph New York, Oct. 4.—A world’s Malone and Tony Negretti, both record was established yester­ of New Haven, are held on day when '63,600 fans paid HERE BRING OUT bench warrants, served in the OFFERED $25,000 MORE AS HALL AWAY ILLINOIS* $201,828 to see the second county jail here Saturday even­ game of the world’s series. The ing, charging them with jail former record, made at the breaking. The two men, serv­ a FOR MOVIE DAY M U R ^ AIDES Yankee stadium in the . fifth RECORD C R O P ing liquor law violation sen­ TOWN’S LEVEE game of the 19.25 series, was ^ - tences, were trusties working in ---------- S. ■ the jail boiler room and found an attendance of 62,817 and Largest Gathering of Mem­ the chance to take long walks Check Awaits Rumanian leceipts of $201,949. Counting each evening, going and coming Woman Among Quartette "dead-heads,” it was estimated Beardstown People Flee to without trouble. Police detec­ Consort If She Will Aid that 67,000 saw the game yes­ bers Town Has Seen Lays tives picked them up on the to Be Charged With Help- terday. The official figures on street and their secret was dis­ the first and second games Hills After Losing Fight; covered. They will be tried in in Regal Scenes of Tol­ combined are: Temple Corner-stone, Ob­ superior court on Tuesday af­ mg Hide Crime; Dickman Attendance, 125,258; re­ Huge Loss and Peril in ternoon. ceipts,' $400,704; advisory stoi’s Resurrection. council’s share, $60,105; play­ serves Centennial. Corrohorated. ers’ share, $204,360; clubs’ Oklahoma, Missonri. share, $136,238. -<$> Four events on the program of Los Angeles, Oct. 4.— The larg­ A.F.L.WILinGHT Somerville, Oct, 4.— A man Beardstown, III., Oct. 4.—^ Manchester Lodge of Manons’ cen­ est salary ever offered to any per­ prominent in national politics is to tennial celebration will stand out son for one day’s work in the be questioned in connection with PASSED THE BUCK Beardstown Is threatened with In the history of the lodge as epoch FOR 5 DAY WEEK movies, $25,000, awaits Queen the Hall-HlUs murder Investiga­ complete inundation from the making and exceptionally success­ Marie of Rumania in Hollywood — ^Photo by Blite tion, the authorities announced to flood waters of the Illinois river, Past Master Fred A. Verplanck, chairman of the Centennial committee, day. His name was not revealed- following two disastrous breaks' In ful. They Include the ceremony early in November. A check for He Is believed by the investiga­ ON MERTON CLAIM of laying the corner stone of the that amount, drawn by Edwin is here shown, with back toward camera, just about to lay mortar on the tors to have been the powerful in­ the levee. Hundreds of citizens, new Masonic Temple at the Center, Takes Up Ford Cue in Less Carewe, a movie producer, is on corner-stone of the new Temple. Grand Master Arthur Nash is at the fluence bronght to brar on Hie working day and night during the the conferring of the Master Ma­ deposit under certification here, left. original investigation of the fonr- past week to keep the protecting waiting for advices from the Ru­ year old crime which Is alleged to son degree in the High school as­ Than Week After He An­ Williams Admits That Was dykes Intact, have abandoned their manian Legation at Washington as have resulted in the failure of the task and left the town to its fate. sembly hall, the banquet at the to what disposition to make of It. first grand jury to return Indict­ Many families have vacated their State Armory and the Masonic ser­ nounces New Plan. The movie offer to the Queen ments. Purpose of Indefinite homes and fled to the hills nearby. vice in the South Methodist has been transmitted to the Ru­ The water is pouring into the church. manian Legation and from there Somerville, N. J., Oct. 4.— The town and now stands several feet goes to the Queen’s Chancellor. Mr. Hall-Mills murder investigation Recommendation” deep in many of the streets. The celebration began with the Detroit, Oct. 4.— The forty-hour Carewe says he has unofficial as­ laying of the corner stone Satur­ moved back to New Jersey today Some of the more courageous five-day work week was projected surance that the Queen will accept citizens have moved into the sec­ day afternoon. For months the his offer. where the state investigators were Centennial committee, headed by Into the foreground as a dominant New York, Oct. 4.— George E. ond floor of their homes, hoping May Go to Charity. busy preparing their case for pre­ the water will not rise above that Past Master F. A. Verplanck had issue as the fo|^y-sixth annual con­ Williams, managing director of the According to Douglas Fairbanks, sentation to the grand Jury which level. The toirn. Is Isolated. Rail­ been working on the program and vention of the American I^ederation who talked to Queen Marie in Eu­ alien property custodian’s office un­ arranging its details. It meant a meets on Thursday. Senator Alex­ roads and highways are all under of Labor convened here today. rope, her royal highness has her der Col. Thomas W. Miller, today water. The river has reached a lot of work for the committee to heart set on a fund for the needy ander Simpson, special prosecutor plan and carry out a program of A scant week after Henry Ford in charge of the case, intimated he took the stand at the opening of the flood stage of 2 3 ^ feet and is had startled the industrial world children of Rumania, and Mr. Ca- still rising. this character. rewe’s proposition carries with it will ask for four more arrests on fifth week of the conspiracy trial of The committee secured the High with the announcement that he was So far no loss of life has been the suggestion that Queen Marie’s charges of accessories after the Miller and Harry M. Daugherty, for­ school hall for the meetings be­ inaugurating this revolutionary fact. One of these persons is said reported. Damage is beyond esti­ cause it was the largest hall in policy in his motor and allied in­ $25,000 check can help swell the mer attorney-general. mate. fund for the children in her king­ to be a woman. town and peculiarly adapted for dustries, leaders of organized labor, The trial of the fonr-year-old •The charges against the two de­ The flood conditions, resulting such a gathering. The State Ar- gathered here, at the home of the dom. from almost continuous rainfall The arrangement submitted to mystery had shifted temporarily to fendants abe in connection with the \ mory was chosen for the banquet Ford factories, announced that they Brooklyn supreme court, when Felix approval of the $7,000,000 claim during the past several weeks, is 'tor the reason that it too was large would fight to extend the Ford plan the Rumanian Legation calls for - .. general over parts of Illinois, Indi­ Queen Marie to enact the film part Di Martini, chief detective for Mrs. for war-seized assets of the Ameri­ eTOugh to seat 800 or more. to all industry. Frances Stevens Hall, widow of the can Metals company. ana, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma Visiting Masons The attitude of federation leaders of a Queen in the screening of and Texas. Count Leo Tolstoy’s volume, "Re­ slain Rev. Dr. Edward W. Hall, Ckmtradictory Records. Masons from every quarter of was voiced by President W’illiam was admitted to $10,000 bail, fol­ A memorandum was introduced, Farmers are the heaviest losers. surrection.” Millions of dollars worth of crops the state began to arrive in Man­ Green. lowing his arrest on Saturday night giving the evidence of Miller, Wil­ chester shortly after noon. Suit­ All the Queen’s scenes will *be “Established Policy.’’ on charge of being a futfitlve from liams and Adnah Johnson, former are under water. able headquarters were provided in ■ Declaring that this movement made in one day. She will be di­ —Photo by Elite Oklahoma Torrents rected by Count Ilya Tolstoy, son justice In New Jersey, where he is assistant attorney general, in the the classrooms for the different or­ was in line with the established Manchester Lodge of Masons Idid the corner-stone of their new Temple Brookhart-Wheeler investigation in Tulsa, Okla., Oct. 4.— Northeast­ ganizations that were to have a of the Russian novelist, who is wanted as an accessory after the ern Oklahoma today was stagger­ policy of the American Federation Saturday afternoon. The stone, which is a block of the purest granite fact in the murder of Dr. Hall and 1924 when the American Metals part in the proceedings. of Labor, Green said: now in Hollywood under 'contract ing from the effects of the most The Parade of Mr.
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