WellBeing International WBI Studies Repository 2005 Cruelty Toward Cats: Changing Perspectives Randall Lockwood American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Follow this and additional works at: https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/sota_2005 Part of the Animal Studies Commons, Other Anthropology Commons, and the Sociology of Culture Commons Recommended Citation Lockwood, R. (2005). Cruelty toward cats: Changing perspectives. In D.J. Salem & A.N. Rowan (Eds.), The state of the animals III: 2005 (pp. 15-26). Washington, DC: Humane Society Press. This material is brought to you for free and open access by WellBeing International. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator of the WBI Studies Repository. For more information, please contact wbisr-info@wellbeingintl.org. Cruelty toward Cats: Changing Perspectives 2CHAPTER Randall Lockwood Some of this content appears in L. Sinclair and R. Lockwood, “Cruelty Towards Cats” (in Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine, 5h ed., ed. J.R. August. 2005. Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc.). f all the species that have (from 1567 B.C.), paintings and of Herodotus, about 450 B.C. He been domesticated, cats statues of cats became increasingly describes his visit to the temples in Ohave historically been sub- common in Egypt (Beadle 1977). Bubastis and the various practices jected to the widest diversity of Recently, remains of a cat found surrounding the cult, including treatment by humans. They have buried in association with a human the harsh penalties for injuring or been worshipped as gods and at a site in Cyprus were dated to killing cats (Clutton-Brock 1993, reviled as devils, coddled and pam- approximately 7500 B.C. The rich 36): “When a man has killed one of pered, but also abandoned and offerings found in the grave sug- the sacred animals if he did it with abused. Our treatment of cats has gested that the person had special malice prepense, he is punished likewise created a range of prob- social status and a special relation- with death, if unwittingly, he has to lems for professionals concerned ship with the animal. This find pay such a fine as the priests with their care—from dealing could constitute the earliest evi- choose to impose.” with problems of obesity and dence of taming of the cat (Vigne Later in the same volume, overindulgence to tending to the et al. 2004). Herodotus details the reverence needs of animals who have been Serpell (1988) notes that the with which deceased cats are neglected, intentionally harmed, role of cats in the Egyptian pan- embalmed and entombed. Archeol- or even tortured. theon was complex and confusing. ogists in the nineteenth century Male cats were associated with the recovered mummified remains of sun god Ra. Cats and lionesses hundreds of thousands of cats from A Brief History were also linked to the warlike god- this period. Ironically, it is this col- of Kindness and dess Sekmet. The primary associa- lection of remains that provides the tion was with the cat goddess first evidence of what might be con- Cruelty to Cats Bastet, a symbol of fertility, fecun- sidered “ritualistic abuse” of cats. Most authorities consider the cat dity, and motherhood who was also Clutton-Brock (1993) describes to be among the most recent ani- associated with the moon and findings from the radiological mals to be domesticated, with its menstrual cycles. The prominence study of fifty-five wrapped cat origins in Egypt (Zeuner 1963; of cat cults did not develop until mummies collected by egyptolo- Clutton-Brock 1993). There are no the twenty-second dynasty (c. 950 gist Flinders Petrie in 1907. She remains of cats from prehistoric B.C.), when the capital became notes that “contrary to the gener- Egypt or the Old Kingdom Bubastis, home of the cult of al belief that ancient Egyptians (2686–2181 B.C.). Pictorial repre- Bastet, and the local cat goddess never killed their cats, many of sentations of cats that are clearly became the official deity of the these had ‘broken necks.’ This domesticated appear at the time of kingdom. The modern view of rev- could be seen in the x-rays as the fifth dynasty (c. 2600 B.C.), erence for cats in Egypt comes markedly displaced vertebrae in and from the New Kingdom onward almost entirely from the writings the neck” (38). 15 She notes that the mummies fell Similarly, Inquisitor Nicholas Remy, squashed the bodies of cats, into two groups. Twenty were kit- in his 1595 Daemonolatreiae libri twisted cats at the midsection, tens one to four months old when tres, announced that all cats were and suffocated cats. They even they died or were killed, and seven- demons (Conway 1998). improvised a gallows and hung teen were nine to seventeen Darnton (1984) details a variety cats by the neck. (1989, 48) months old. Only two were more of forms of widespread institution- The events were replayed in pan- than two years old. She suggests alized cat abuse common from the tomime many times during the that the cats were being specially Middle Ages well into the late eigh- weeks that followed. Darnton puts bred to be mummified by the teenth century. Carnival celebra- these events in the context of the priests for sale as votive offerings, tions of deviance came to an end social upheaval of the times. Print- which could explain what appears on Shrove Tuesday, or Mardi Gras, er’s apprentices were among the to have been a mass market in when a live cat was incorporated most exploited workers of the time, mummified cats. (This market was into a straw mannequin, King of while a passion for pet cats was not without a hint of fraud. Some Carnival, and given a ritual trial growing among the bourgeois, par- cat mummies from other sources and execution. In Burgundy young ticularly the masters of the printing appear to have been faked by wrap- men passed around a cat, tearing trade. Portraits were painted of ping a cat skull mounted atop frag- its fur to make it scream as a form pampered cats who were fed choice ments of human tibia and fibula.) of “rough music.” For the cycle of fowl, while the boys in the print The export of cats from Egypt was Saint John the Baptist, coinciding shops labored with little hope of illegal, so the domestic cat’s intro- with the summer solstice, cats promotion to the ranks of journey- duction into Europe and Asia did were tied up in bags, suspended men. Cat abuse was already well not begin until several hundred from ropes, or burned at the stake. established in the culture of the years after the peak period of the He further notes: time, thus cats were an easy and cult of Bastet, finally becoming Parisians liked to incinerate seemingly appropriate target for widespread by the tenth century cats by the sackful, while the this outrage. (Zeuner 1963). The spread of Chris- Courimauds (cour a miaud or Such abuse was also common- tianity brought with it what Serpell cat chasers) of Saint Chamond place in England as well. The own- (1986, 155) describes as “extreme preferred to chase a flaming ers of cats were often suspected of ruthlessness in suppressing unorth- cat through the streets. In “wickedness” and were killed, odox beliefs and in extirpating all parts of Burgundy and Lor- along with their cats, under the traces of earlier pre-Christian reli- raine they danced around a Witchcraft Act of 1563 (Young gions.” Since cats were often cen- kind of burning May pole with 2001). The first person to be tried tral to many of these belief systems, a cat tied to it. In the Metz under this law was Agnes Water- from the cult of Bastet to the wor- region they burned a dozen house, who was executed in 1566 ship of the Norse goddess Freya, cats at a time in a basket on for owning a cat unfortunately they became a convenient target for top of a bonfire. The ceremony named “Sathan” (Durston 2000). the demonization of all things non- took place with great pomp in More conventional abuse of cats Christian and the focus of myriad Metz itself, until it was abol- at the hands of young offenders forms of abuse intended to drive out ished in 1765. (83) flourished in eighteenth-century and destroy the Devil. Cats also One of the best documented England. The first illustration in were transformed from a symbol of instances of cruelty to cats was the William Hogarth’s classic series of grace, fertility, and maternal care to “Great Cat Massacre” of the Rue woodcuts “The Four Stages of Cru- one of bewitching sexuality and las- Saint-Severin, Paris, which took elty” depicts a 1750s street scene civiousness—an association that place in the late 1730s (Darnton in which young boys are torment- continues to affect public interpre- 1984; Twitchell 1989). The story ing a variety of animals in many tation and behavior and serve as a was obtained from an account by ways. Cats are the most abundant justification for continuing abuse. Nicolas Contat, a worker who had victims in this illustration. They are In the thirteenth century, Pope witnessed the event. Several young seen being thrown out of windows, Gregory IX (ruling 1227–1241) male printer’s apprentices system- hung by their tails from a pole, and issued a statement that Cathars, atically slaughtered all the neigh- set upon by fighting dogs. Hogarth breakaway Christians, were known borhood cats, starting with a was an astute observer of both ani- to be breeding black cats, who were favorite pet of their master’s wife.
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