University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 11-9-1950 Sandspur, Vol. 55 No. 06, November 9, 1950 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 55 No. 06, November 9, 1950" (1950). The Rollins Sandspur. 867. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/867 ELECTION BATTLE ENDS TODAY .^^%5 RC3i-.L-I M3 Established 1894 15c FLORIDA'S OLDEST NEWS-STAND College Newspaper PRICE VOLUME 55 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1950 NUMBER 6 ONE, TWO, THREE . KICK! Shorts, Contest and Election Debated During the thirty minute Student Council meeting last Monday night in the Alumni House, discussion about girls wearing shorts to classes, a report on Pelican improvements, an appropiration of thirty dollars to the cheer leaders for a song contest, and the counting of the Freshman ballots monopolized the session. The Council applauded Ann Gar- retson for the job done at the Pel­ Frosh Pick Slate ican. Skook Bailey read a report on the improvements executed the In Run-oFfs Today past weekend. A motion was made that a letter Frosh came out strong for their candidates in yesterday's ballotting be sent to th eAlumni Association in the Student Center, but no stating that Pelican repairs are nominee was given a clear ma­ still going on and that help is still jority and the race for all three needed. offices was still hot today. The greatly discussed subject of John O'Keefe and Bill "Stumpy" Wilkinson topped the five presi­ wearing shorts to classes was dential hopefuls in the primary brought up again this week. Dean that eliminated John De Carville, Cleveland suggested to Ken Horton, Tom Simmons, and "dark-horse" who had already asked about the Ed Stark. problem that the girls try to settle Vying for veep spot, Sam Barley, the matter with their individual Iris Frye, and Sheila Libby got to professors. A suggestion was made Plenty of enthusiasm and lots of good look seems to be the recipe for the Freshman Show. The scene keep their names on the second that a letter be written to the in rehearsal here is just a small part of the show scheduled by the Freshmen for an Annie RusseU showing ballot while Simmons' running- physical education teachers excus­ during Thanksgiving week. mate, Carolyn Simonds was edged out. ing lateness due to previous classes. The best possible solution to the Pelican Wears Explorers' Club Diane Holland and Inez Libby Corn Is Green contend for post of secretary- controversy seems to be that the Brand New Look Re-organized treasurer which six had originally girls wear skirts over their shorts Begins Tuesday hoped for. Barbara Bremerman, when in class. Last weekend a committee of 34 "In the heart of every individual Don Marvin, Lynn Bailey, and Diane Vigeant, head of the cheer­ appointed by the Student Council The Corn Is Green by Emlyn Wil­ there is a yearning for adventure," Becky Strickland were struck from leaders, made a motion to the Coun­ and headed by Ann Garretson, went liams will open in The Annie Rus­ stated Don Marvin. "That is why the lists. cil that thirty dollars out of the Council funds be used for prizes in to the Pelican at New Smyrna sell Theatre on November 14 with I,am re-organizing the Explorers' Surprisingly, the race that had a campus song contest. The con­ Beach to begin the job of redecorat­ a five-night stand. Club at Rollins." only four candidates, that for VP, has left three in the second run­ test having the purpose of writing ing and improving the Rollins beach The action takes place in a Welch Originally founded in 1934, this ning. \ new songs to get up college spirit. Thirty dollars would be divided house. mining village at the turn of the club is primarily for those students Ticket alignments influenced the between the three winners for the ' With the "new look" of the beach interested in exploring the unde­ voters choices little, if at all. Pos­ century. It is the story of a spin­ best songs. , house, there have come two new veloped regions of Florida. sibly Libty-Libby was the only ster school teacher who discovers After the songs have been chosen strong combination. rules: real genius in a student, Morgan The basic requirements for join­ it was mentioned that Mr. Wood­ Student Council President Ken 1. There will be no sitting in Evans. Thenceforth she conducts ing this group are a thorough un­ ruff might be able to have them Horton declared he was unable to wet bathing suits on the unholtsered her one room school for his benefit, derstanding of handling fire arms, printed. It was also suggested that give out the numerical counts for the college have a new song book furniture. There are plenty of knowledge of flora and fauna, and hoping to send him to Oxford. She each candidate. published. wooden chairs for those who have overcomes many tribulations cul­ first-aid experience. Horton did say, however, that Rollins has not had a new song on damp suits. minating in her adoption of Evans' The Explorers' Club plans to take the voting had been close for all book for several years. Council 2. Cigarettes will be watched daughter, Bessie Watty (off stage). a trip to the Everglades and down run-off candidates. thought this a commendable idea very carefully. Use will be made Three-fourths of the eligible and plans to look into it further. The Corn Is Green is an excellent Okeephenokee River to the Gulf of the many, many ash trays. voters exercised their privilege in Last on the agenda was the ap­ play written with great depth of of Mexico, and trips in the Western pointment of a committer to count Work started on Saturday with the primary, it was disclosed. feeling. regions of the United Stales next The exact figure runs to 76.5%. the votes after Freshman election. the painting of 824 square feet of summer. Ken Horton, John Vereen, Mary The role of Miss Moffat, which living-room walls. The hard job of Ann Hobart, Dan Eastwood, Ann was originally created by Ethel Those students who are interest­ fastening 12 brackets to the walls Lewis Turley, and Dean Cleveland Barrymore and later by Eva La ed in joining the Explorers' Club make up this committee. for curtain poles was ably accom­ Gallienne, is being brought to life should write Don Marvin, c/o Cam­ Studio Club Wiil plished and also the making of six on the Rollins stage by Jan Olson. pus Mail, Box 321. rods. Henry Shannon will appear as Continue Poster Art In the dining room, the girls were Morgan Evans, while Miss Ronber­ Coming art activities at Rollins Next Talent Show busy sewing on two borrowed ma­ ry will be played by Eleanor Hum­ ROBERT McCUE were discussed by members of the chines. Hard-to-make slipcovers mel, Mrs. Watty by Peggy Burnett, Studio Club at its first meeting of for two couches and four chairs and Bessie Watty by Lynn Bailey. DIES OF INJURIES the season last Tuesday night in Tomorrow Night were one of the projets finished dur­ Shirley Christensen will appear as Robert Foster McCue, Jr., one of Sullivan House. The second Talent Night of the ing the weekend. Making curtains Sarah Pugh, while Mr. Jones will the two Rollins students who were The members decided to continue term will take place on Friday and seven scarves was another com­ be played by Ranny Walker. in an automobile accident on Oc­ their policy of making posters for night, November 10, at 8 PM in the pleted job. They also found time to Others in the cast are Gerard tober 24, died Saturday night, No­ college organizations and of hang­ Center. hang four mirrors and five pictures Walker, Ray MacMullen, Jack Meh­ vember 4, at the Orange Memorial ing weekly pictures by Rollins stu­ The All-College Talent Night on the wall. lek, Ronald Trumbull, Corky Scar­ hospital. dents in the Student Center to be sponsored by the Independent Men While the girls were industrious­ borough, John DeCarville, Jidge criticized. Next Spring they will is not restricted to amateurs alone. ly working downstairs, boys were McCue was riding in a car with Wood, Ed Wells, Catherine John­ sponsor an amateur art show for Previous publications contrary to busy upstairs repairing seven pieces Lawrence Wagner of Mount Dora, son, Iris Johnson, Nancy Huff, Hen­ those students who are non-majors this have been misleading. of furniture. Every piece donated when their car was reported to rietta Nemeroff, Jane Kottmeier, have suddenly veered off the road, in art. The only requirement is that the and already possessed by the Pel­ Barbara Spencer, Richard Verigan, striking a tree. The two men were" There was some discussion of group be represented on campus. ican, that needed mending, was sub­ and Hal Wittaker. taken to Orange Memorial hospital joining a national art fraternity. No restrictions to the type or ject to hammer and nail. Nine The entire production is under where the attending physician re­ The Studio Club meets every length of acts are made.
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