record Dedicated To Serving The Needs Of The Music & Record wort Industry May 3, 1969 60c In the opinion of the editors, this week the following records are the a:Ts e.-47; C4 SINGLE PICKS OF TILE WEEK (I) C>Lil40 (11 cn 11 IA 31.tai. tic;) t,ET ME LOVE YOU RAY CHARLES,, Joe South has a topper for 1910 Fruitgum Co. keep up Steppenwolfshouldscore Ray Charlesgetsanin- "GamesPeoplePlay" in the bubblegum with "Spe- heavilywith"It'sNever fectiousrhythm going on "Leanin' on You" (Lowery, cialDelivery"(Kaskat-Ka- Too Late" (Trousdale, BMI), "Let Me Love You" (Asa - BMI) and the crowds will hoona,BMI),produced by produced by theirman, Racer, ASCAP) and the buy- gowildtheminutethey Gentry and Bloom, for sales Gabriel Mekler. Oh wow ers should move fast (ABC hear it (Capitol 2491). (Buddah 114). (Dunhill 4192). 11213). SLEEPER PICKS OF THE WEEK TINE DON DIAINNEN CONCEPT axgr....,. The Don Kirschner Concept Desmond Dekker & the Orpheus have been knock- Robin of Jon & Robin will isa chorus and orchestra Aces have a novelty chal- ing at top 10 doors for a do extremely well with her inthe modern mold doing ypsoin"Israelites"(Ken - while and with"Brown soloof"DirtyOld Man" "The Flesh Failures(Let wood, BMI), already ahit Arms in Houston" (Interval, (Metric, BMI), a funky, theSunshineIn)"(United inEngland. Should be big BMI) they will enter (MGM nittygritty one (Abnak Artists, ASCAP)(RCA 74- (Uni 55129). 14022). 136). 0156). ALBUM PICKS OF THE WEEK ,pl.., salt NO.. exam .ouItARS NT GALL "TonyBennett'sGreatest The Edwin Hawkins Singers BrendaLeehas herbig The Exotic Guitars play HitsVolumeIV"includes include "Oh Happy Day" in one,"Johnny One Time," songs as new as next week "ForOnce inMyLife," their "Let Us Go Into the inthisnew albumalong and asoldas yesteryear "The Shadow of Your House of the Lord" pack- with a widevarietyof on "Indian Love Call." Smile," "Georgia Rose," age. Other moving songs pretty old and new songs "Galveston" and so on "How Insensitive" (Colum- (Pavilion 10001). (Decca DL 75111). (Ranwood R 8051). bia CS 9814). AmericanRadioHistory.Com HONORI BRIGADE *1 R" AmericanRadioHistory.Com Produced by Dean Mathis for Pro -SoundDISTRIBUTED Productions, EXCLUSIVELY Inc. BY 3106 BelmontSSSA DivisionBoulevardINTERNATIONAL (615)of The Shelby 291-2003 Nashville, S,ngleton RECORDSCorporation Tennessee 37212 Bohanan Muntz Stereo -Pak Columbia Has Best National Music Sales Manager First Quarter VAN NUYS, CALIF. - Vet- Columbia Records has com- During the first quarter, Co- eranrecordindustryfigure pleted the best first quarter inlumbia was a runaway leader Don Bohanan has been named the label'shistory. The labelon the top LP charts. The label National Music Sales Manager reports sales far exceed thosehad a representation of 47 dif- of Muntz Stereo -Pak, Inc. for the corresponding periodferenttitlesincludingthe Bohanan has moved to the in1968,previouslydiskery's "Blood, Sweat and Tears" al- Muntz home base here from most successful first quarter. bum which held the coveted Philadelphia,wherehehad CliveJ.Davis,President, No. 1 position for four weeks been established since 1967 as and "Cheap Thrills" by Janis Sales Manager of Philco-Ford's CBS Records, commented: "The Joplin and Big Brother and pre-recorded entertainment di- year is off to a great start. The theHolding Company which vision. He had previously been momentum keeps building allwas released last year and held VP of Hanna -Barbera Record the time and,naturally,it'sa Top five chart position for Sales, Inc., and National Sales gratifying in every way. Onemany weeks. Both of these LPs Manager of Liberty Records. thing we won't doisallow earned gold record awards. The development by Muntz complacence tosetin.Self- Columbia LPs by both new Stereo -Pak of a national man- satisfaction has no place in theand established artists held a ager expressly committed to record industry." (Continued on page 58) music salesisunprecedented in the company'shistory. (Continued on page 55) Don Bohanan Ganim Label Formed Dennis Ganim, former Direc- tor of National Promotion for Transcontinental Music Liberty Records, has formed an independent label, Ganim Rec- Appoints Several Veeps ords. The label's first product, NEW YORK-Howard Wein- a single by the Blues Magoos, grow,President of Transcon- willbereleasedthisweek. tinental Music Corporation,an- Ganim, located at 6362 Holly- nounced a string of executive $6.98 Col, Epic wood Blvd., Hollywood, is cur- appointments and commented rently in the process of lining onthesuccessthe company Cassettes Price up a network of distributors achieved during the past year Columbia and Epic Rec- for the label's product. as a result of the outstanding ords' first cassettes, to be re- Prior to establishing Ganim performanceoftheseexecu- leasedthissummer,will Records, Ganim has been in- tives. carrythesuggestedretail volved in almost every facet of Named as Senior Vice Presi- list price of $6.98. the record industry, beginning dents were: Charles Schlang, in1961 when he joined MS LarryNunes,LouisFreed- (Continued on page 59) Dennis Ganim man and Leon Hartstone. Ap- pointedVicePresidentand EasternSalesManager wasSill Named Col Pics -Screen GemsParamount Becomes Joseph Dean who will operate out of the company's Eastern Dot Parent Label Headquarters in Albany.West Coast Music Operations Head (Continued on page 59) HOLLYWOOD - At press Lester Sill has been named time last week, it was rumored GRT Acquires Vice President in charge of all that Dot Records and subsi- the West Coast music publish- diary label Paramount Records Caedmon ing activities of the Columbia would reverse positions before Pictures and Screen Gems di- long, with Paramount becom- SUNNYVALE, CALIF.- ing the parent label.All pre- AlanJ.Bayley, President ofvisions of Columbia Pictures GRT Corporation,andtheIndustries, Inc. The announce- sentartistswouldcontinue stockholders of the Caedmonment was made by Jerome S. with Dot. group of record companies an-Hyams, Executive Vice Presi- nounced that GRT has entereddent of Columbia Pictures In- into an agreement in principledustries, Inc., and President of toacquiretheoutstandingthe Screen Gems division. stock in the Caedmon group. Sill will oversee the opera- MCA, Westinghouse The Caedmon group of com-tions of the music publishing panies is located in New York.subsidiaries of Columbia Pic- Merger Off (Continued on page 59) tures Industries, Inc.: Screen Gems -Columbia Music, Inc., NEW YORK-Westinghouse Roosevelt Music Co., Inc., Col - Electric Corporation and MCA, '1776' 1969 gems Music Corp., and Valen- Lester Sill oia MusicCo.,Inc.,onthe Inc., announced that their pro- Tony Winner West Coast. posed merger has been called NEW YORK - According to "This move," Hyams stated, off by mutual agreement. last week's Tony Awards cere-"reflects the unique importanceAntoon Exits Imperial The companiesstatedthat mony held at the Mark Helling-of the West Coast in the de- HOLLYWOOD - John An-after prolonged discussionsit er and aired on NBC, the bestvelopment of new concepts andtoon, National Promotion Di-hadnotprovedpossibleto musical of the season is "1776"innovations in the field of pop-rectorforImperialRecords, reach an agreement with the (Columbia caster). ularmusic.TheCaliforniahas announced his resignation,anti-trust division of the De- Other Tonies for musical ac -sound today is heard in all theeffective April 28. He will bepartment of Justice with re- (Continued on page 56) (Continued no page 59) announcing plans shortly. spect to the proposed merger. RECORD WORLD-May 3, 1969 3 AmericanRadioHistory.Com RECORD WORLD-May 3, 1969 4 AmericanRadioHistory.Com 0ve Ar- girstcJit- ight... arenVyman Karen Wyman appeared on The Dean Martin TV Show on March 27, 1969 and melted 30 million hearts with her fantastic voice, personality and performance. It was love at first sight! The enter- tainment industry was "turned on." Managers, agents, producers and record companies all wanted Karen for their very own. Decca Records is proud to announce that they have signed Karen Wyman exclusively! Product? Not yet. But we just couldn't keep this news a secret another minute. We've got plans... big plans... major star plans! You'll hear from us soon, very soon! A DIVISION OF MCA INC. Personal management: KEN GREENGRASS RECORD WORLD-May 3, 1%9 AmericanRadioHistory.Com 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Decca Wins Karen Wyman Metromedia Inks With On Thursday evening, March U. K.'s Starlite Artistes record 27, 1969, 16 -year -oldKaren Metromedia Records has world Wyman made her first profes- signed a representative agree- sionalappearanceon"The ment withStarliteArtistes, 200 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. 10019 Dean Martin Show"-and cap- Ltd.,ofLondon,announced Area Code (212) 765-5020 tured the hearts of over 30,000.- Leonard S. Levy, President of 000 viewers withher\ 01«,, Metromedia, uponhisreturn Publisher personality and performam last week from London. BOB AUSTIN Managers, agents, produv'rs (Continued on page 44) anZ1 recording companies bom- Editor -in -Chief bardedtheNBC-TVswitch- SID PARNES boardwithcalls.Everyone wanted Karen. At a gathering of trade and Marketing Vice President consumer pressonTuesday, DAN COLLINS April22,Decca Records an- nounced the signing of Karen Director of Advertising & Sales Wyman to an exclusive record- JOE FLEISCHMAN ingcontract.JackWieden- mann, Executive Administrator of Artists and Repertoire for Karen Wyman Doug McClelland Editor Decca, introduced Ken Green - Gets Big Decca Push Dave Finkle Associate Editor
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