comprehensive bibliography of Arkansas newspapers has Introduction already been compiled, Arkansas Union List of News- Purpose papers (Fayetteville: University Libraries, 1993). This bibliography was compiled in order to provide Notes on Coverage and Subject Areas a resource for scholars and researchers who wish to ac- cess the universe of material relating to Agriculture and Because Arkansas had an overwhelmingly rural Rural Life in Arkansas, 1820-1945. population, and its economy was primarily based on ag- The compilation aims to list the universe of publi- riculture during the period covered, the selection process cations which make up the historical record of Arkansas’ was made intentionally broad to include nearly all areas agriculture, rural economy and societal activities. The of economic and social activity in the state. This was done rural and agricultural world is viewed as group activities in order to give researchers comparative materials (i.e. of people who live in the countryside and the effects these urban/rural, agricultural/manufacturing) to work with and activities have on the farm people themselves. This in- was based on the premise that the rural and agricultural cludes outside influences as well as those within the state influences were pervasive in Arkansas and all facets of which affected the activities and character of rural people. life in the state were touched by them in some way. Scope of Coverage Arrangement Included are books, monographs and pamphlets The bibliography is arranged within three broad published before 1946, including Arkansas government categories: Agriculture, Rural Life, and Miscellaneous. documents, theses and dissertations published in or about The Agriculture and Rural Life categories are further bro- Arkansas. Also included are compilations of laws appli- ken down into several subject areas as outlined on the cable to agriculture and rural life, census material and contents page. Subject and author indices are included to reports, and studies generated by the Federal Government enable researchers to find relevant information. A sample and its agencies. Of particular interest to researchers is a entry explaining the format of the bibliographic informa- complete listing of all the Arkansas Agricultural Experi- tion is presented on p.vii. ment Station Bulletins, 1886-1945, indexed by author and The Agriculture subject areas contain those entries subject. which deal in some way with the process or development Excluded from this listing are manuscripts and ar- of production agriculture. For instance, the Agricultural chival material and colonial tracts, charters, or other pre- Economics subject area is broadly defined to include 1820 publications, and newspapers. The decision not to material on banking practices in Arkansas as well as spe- include newspapers was based on the fact that a recent cific material dealing with farm credit, farm management, AAES Special Report 201 crop prices and production costs. Additional material re- Other Relevant Sources lating to economics, again broadly conceived, can be Other sources published after 1946 but dealing with found under Rural Life—Economics. The Agricultural the same period are listed here for researchers wanting to Extension and Agricultural Education subject area deals consult contemporary interpretations and additional bib- with the dispensing of agricultural information via the liographic material. various private and public agricultural extension agen- cies and specific educational programs dealing with ag- Agricultural and Rural Life History riculture in public schools and higher education. Addi- in Arkansas tional material about general educational programs in the Whayne, Jeannie M. 1996. A new plantation south: land, state can be found under Rural Life—Education. There labor and federal favor in twentieth-century Arkan- is less translation between the other subject areas in Ag- sas. Charlottesville: University Press Of Virginia. xvi, riculture and those found under Rural Life than in the 324p. two mentioned above, but researchers can consult the subject index at the back of the volume to find addi- Whayne, Jeannie M. and Gatewood, Willard B., eds. 1993. tional entries. The Arkansas Delta: land of paradox. Fayetteville: The Rural Life subject areas are broadly conceived University of Arkansas Press. xiii, 321p. because of Arkansas’ overwhelmingly rural character. The entries include material that encompasses the state as a Whayne, Jeannie M., ed. 1993. Shadows over Sunny- whole in order to provide comparative material. For ex- side: an Arkansas plantation in transition, 1830-1945. ample, under the Rural Life—Transportation subject area, Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press. viii, 172p. researchers will find reports giving state-wide traffic and Zellar, Gary and Wyatt, Nancy. 1999. History of road use statistics which can be used either to make com- Bumpers College: evolution of education in the agri- parisons or to concentrate on a specific region. The Rural cultural, food and life sciences. Fayetteville: Arkansas Life—Education subject area includes a substantial Agricultural Experiment Station. (Special Report 194). amount of material that are state-wide reports which are viii, 332p. included for comparative purposes as well as many for specific locales. Educational surveys done for every Zellar, Gary. 1998. H. C. Ray and racial politics in the county in the state that were generated by the Arkansas African-American agricultural extension service in Department of Education are also included. The Rural Arkansas, 1915-1929. Agricultural History, Vol. 72 no.2 Life—Development subject area includes industrial and (Spring), p429- 445. manufacturing development plans, promotional material generated by private concerns and by state agencies de- scribing the states’ natural resources, various “public Arkansas History improvement” programs undertaken by New Deal agen- Bolton, S. Charles. 1993. Territorial ambition: land and cies operating in Arkansas, and rural electrification ef- society in Arkansas, 1800-1840. Fayetteville: Univer- forts undertaken in the state. Under this heading a re- sity of Arkansas Press. xiii, 152p. searcher can also find immigration and promotional tracts from Arkansas’ earliest days that continue up through the Moneyhon, Carl H. 1997. Arkansas and the New South, twentieth century. 1874-1929. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press. In the Miscellaneous area the researcher will find 168p. books, handbooks, and pamphlets describing the state in more general terms as well as items that did not fit the Moneyhon, Carl H. 1994. The impact of the Civil War other areas but were considered important enough to in- and reconstruction on Arkansas: persistence in the clude in the bibliography. midst of ruin. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. xiv, 288p. 2 Bibliographic Resources to the Literature of Agriculture and Rural Life in Arkansas, 1820–1945 Sample Entry Location Symbols 1 2 3 4 AFU University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 205 Brannen, C. O. 1926. Farm mortgage and DIS Dissertation Abstracts commercial bank loans to farmers in Arkansas. LC Library of Congress 5 6 7 Fayetteville, AR, University of Arkansas. 37p. NAL National Agricultural Library 8 9 UALR University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Arkansas Experiment Station. Bulletin No 208). AFU. WorldCat OCLC Online Union Catalog on FirstSearch 1 Entry number. 2 Author. 3 Date. If the publication has no author, then the date appears after the title. 4 Title. 5 Place of publication. If the place of publication is assumed then it appears in brackets, [Fayetteville]. If the place of publication is unknown, [S. l.] is used. 6 Publisher. If the Publisher is assumed then it appears in brackets, [University of Arkansas]. If the publisher is unknown, [s. n.] is used. 7 Number of pages. 8 Series designation. If the publication is an issue of a serial publication then the series information is given. 9 Location. Where the publication can be found. An explanation of the location symbols is given below. 3 AAES Special Report 201 0008 Arkansas. Laws, Statutes, etc. [1917]. Arkansas Administration and Legislation warehouse, marketing and gin regulating law together 0001 Agriculture plans in an emergency; a summary with approved forms and index. Little Rock, AR: [s.n.]. of reports made by state agricultural planning com- 95p. AFU. mittees in Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Okla- homa, and Texas, Little Rock, Arkansas, June 25, 1941. 0009 Arkansas. Laws, Statutes, etc. [1924]. Report of seed [1941]. [Little Rock, AR: s.n.]. 96p. WorldCat. analyses season 1924. Text of pure seed law, rules and regulations. Little Rock, AR: Calvert-McBride Printing 0002 Arkansas Cotton Growers Co-operative Associa- Co. 43p. AFU. tion. [1928]. Before the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. Docket number 18, 390, et. al. Arkansas Cotton 0010 Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc. [1929]. The Arkan- Growers Co-operative Association, et al. vs. Aberdeen sas pure seed law contained in Act 609, Acts of 1921. & Rockfish Railroad Company, et al. (and consoli- Little Rock, AR: [The Author]. 16p. AFU. dated cases). Brief in behalf of complaints. Chas. E. Cotterill, attorney for complaints. Washington, DC: Press 0011 Arkansas. Office of Commissioner of Conservation of B.S. Adams. 134p. NAL. and Inspection. [1932]. Annual report. 1931/32. Fort Smith, AR: Calvert McBride Printing Co. AFU. 0003 Arkansas Cotton Trade Association. [1925]. By- laws and trading rules adopted at Pine Bluff, Arkan- 0013
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