NorthernNorthern RegionRegion AirportAirport OverviewOverview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOT&PFDOT&PF TownTown HallHall MeetingMeeting OctoberOctober 22,22, 20072007 JudyJudy Chapman,Chapman, AviationAviation PlannerPlanner NorthernNorthern Region,Region, DOT&PFDOT&PF TopicsTopics •• AlaskaAlaska AviationAviation SystemSystem •• NorthernNorthern RegionRegion airportsairports •• NorthernNorthern RegionRegion aviationaviation sectionssections •• AviationAviation FundingFunding •• TypesTypes ofof projectsprojects •• AnticipatedAnticipated futurefuture fundingfunding levels/reauthorizationlevels/reauthorization •• AnticipatedAnticipated 20082008 NorthernNorthern RegionRegion projectsprojects AlaskaAlaska AviationAviation SystemSystem •• InternationalInternational AirportAirport SystemSystem •• RuralRural AirportAirport SystemSystem AlaskanAlaskan RuralRural AirportAirport SystemSystem 256 DOT&PF owned/operated Rural System public use airports, seaplane bases, & landing areas •• Often the only year-round access to a community •• Freight and fuel deliveries •• Medivacs Alaska has a high dependency on aviation for both residents and visitors Much of state has very limited highway access DOT&PF Regions NorthernNorthern RegionRegion 105105 AirportsAirports 40% of the State’s airports in the Northern Region • One International airport • Seaplane bases • Community airports • Public, locally owned airports NorthernNorthern RegionRegion AviationAviation OrganizationOrganization •• PlanningPlanning •• DesignDesign •• ConstructionConstruction •• AirportAirport LeasingLeasing •• M&OM&O AviationAviation PlanningPlanning •• IdentifyIdentify projectproject needs,needs, developsdevelops projectproject packagespackages forfor APEBAPEB scoringscoring •• DevelopDevelop projectproject scopesscopes •• ConductConduct airportairport mastermaster plansplans ProjectProject NeedsNeeds IdentificationIdentification -- RuralRural AirportsAirports NeedsNeeds ListList Development:Development: projectproject needsneeds collectedcollected from:from: •• AviationAviation interests,interests, communitycommunity representatives,representatives, FAAFAA staff,staff, public,public, LegislatureLegislature •• DOT&PFDOT&PF StaffStaff (Design,(Design, M&O,M&O, Leasing)Leasing) •• NeedsNeeds identifiedidentified inin airportairport mastermaster plansplans andand regionalregional transportationtransportation plansplans ProjectProject Scoping:Scoping: DOT&PFDOT&PF RegionalRegional staffstaff evaluateevaluate potentialpotential projectsprojects toto developdevelop preliminarypreliminary projectproject scope,scope, costcost estimateestimate andand otherother supportingsupporting informationinformation forfor APEBAPEB projectproject evaluationevaluation APEB StateState AIPAIP ProjectProject ScoringScoring Aviation Project Evaluation Board (APEB): • The APEB is a six-member airport capital project review and evaluation group composed of DOT&PF’s Deputy Commissioner, three Regional Directors (SE, CR, NR), Statewide Planning Director, and State Maintenance Engineer. • Meets once or twice per year • Applies established criteria to projects to determine priorities AviationAviation DesignDesign – Responsible for the design of state airport facilities – Experts in airport geometry and FAA design and safety standards – Develop Airport Layout Plans for airport projects – Hold public meetings on design alternatives in communities DesignDesign ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities •• EnvironmentalEnvironmental DocumentDocument completecomplete andand approvedapproved byby FAAFAA •• AirportAirport LayoutLayout PlanPlan approvedapproved byby FAAFAA •• ProjectProject DesignDesign CompleteComplete •• ROWROW complete:complete: sufficientsufficient LandLand InterestInterest (Fee(Fee SimpleSimple TitleTitle oror LongLong TermTerm LeaseLease forfor anan areaarea largelarge enoughenough toto accommodateaccommodate airportairport sponsorsponsor requirementsrequirements and,and, ideally,ideally, airportairport rehabilitation,rehabilitation, leaseholdleasehold development,development, longlong termterm needs)needs) •• GrantGrant OfferOffer ReceivedReceived fromfrom FAAFAA •• AirspaceAirspace CoordinationCoordination completecomplete ConstructionConstruction •• ManageManage thethe constructionconstruction ofof airportairport projectsprojects •• HoldHold PostPost AwardAward ConferencesConferences inin communitiescommunities •• EnsureEnsure facilitiesfacilities meetmeet plansplans andand specificationsspecifications asas designeddesigned •• ManageManage projectproject budgetsbudgets AirportAirport LeasingLeasing •• AirportAirport LeasingLeasing –– DOT&PFDOT&PF PropertyProperty ManagersManagers –– LeaseLease andand managemanage airportairport leaselease lotslots onon thethe majoritymajority ofof statestate ownedowned airportsairports –– YearlyYearly leaselease feesfees applyapply –– TitleTitle 1717 AlaskaAlaska AdministrativeAdministrative CodeCode MaintenanceMaintenance andand OperationsOperations M&O:M&O: AirportAirport ManagersManagers –– EnsureEnsure airportairport certificationcertification standardsstandards areare metmet –– MainMain issues:issues: keepingkeeping airportsairports safe,safe, lighting,lighting, runwayrunway incursionsincursions (people/vehicles(people/vehicles onon runways)runways) –– InIn mostmost ruralrural locationslocations aa contractorcontractor isis selectedselected toto performperform airportairport maintenancemaintenance (59(59 airportairport maintenancemaintenance contractscontracts inin NorthernNorthern Region)Region) AviationAviation ProjectProject FundingFunding •• TheThe federallyfederally fundedfunded AirportAirport ImprovementImprovement ProgramProgram (AIP)(AIP) providesprovides 95%95% ofof fundingfunding forfor eligibleeligible projects.projects. •• StateState oror locallocal sponsorsponsor payspays 5%5% •• 2020--yearyear grantgrant assurancesassurances applyapply AIPAIP FundingFunding andand FundingFunding LevelsLevels •• AIPAIP FundedFunded fromfrom thethe AirportAirport && AirwayAirway UserUser TrustTrust Fund,Fund, whichwhich comescomes primarilyprimarily fromfrom thethe 10%10% taxtax onon domesticdomestic airair transportationtransportation airair fares.fares. •• OtherOther thanthan sponsorsponsor match,match, VirtuallyVirtually thethe entireentire AlaskanAlaskan AirportAirport CapitalCapital ImprovementImprovement ProgramProgram isis AIPAIP (federally)(federally) fundedfunded •• LocalLocal SponsorsSponsors alsoalso competecompete forfor thisthis fundingfunding AIPAIP EligibilityEligibility FAAFAA fundingfunding appliesapplies onlyonly toto ““eligibleeligible”” projects:projects: –– ProjectsProjects atat airportsairports withwith sponsorsponsor financiallyfinancially andand legallylegally ableable toto handlehandle thethe assurancesassurances andand obligationsobligations associatedassociated withwith receivingreceiving federalfederal fundsfunds –– ProjectsProjects thatthat meetmeet eligibilityeligibility criteriacriteria –– MustMust bebe onon NationalNational PlanPlan ofof IntegratedIntegrated AirportAirport SystemsSystems (NPIAS)(NPIAS) listlist ExamplesExamples ofof AIPAIP--EligibleEligible vs.vs. IneligibleIneligible ProjectsProjects Eligible Projects Ineligible Projects Runway Construction/Rehabilitation Offices and office equipment Taxiway Construction/Rehabilitation Fuel Farms Apron Construction/Rehabilitation Landscaping Airfield Lighting General Aviation terminal buildings Airfield Signage Artwork AWOS stations Improvements for commercial Navaids such as REILS and PAPIs Enterprises Environmental Studies Industrial Park Development Planning Studies Training Snow Removal Equipment NextGen Financing Reform Act of 2007 (Reauthorization) -- Administration sent bill to Congress 2/15/07. -- Increases various user taxes to encourage all airport users to contribute to system modernization -- Implements ADSB Technology nationwide for increased air safety -- Current continuing resolution extends FAA taxes and authorizations through November 16, 2007. -- Replaces Vision 100 Century of Aviation Act of 2003 Nationwide, authorizations have been: FFY’04 $ 3.4B FFY’05 $ 3.5B FFY’06 $ 3.6B FFY’07 $ 3.7B Actual annual appropriations are less FFYFFY’’0707 AIPAIP CurrentCurrent StatusStatus •• Nationally,Nationally, AIPAIP waswas authorizedauthorized atat itsits highesthighest levellevel everever -- $3.7$3.7 BillionBillion -- forfor FFY07FFY07 •• DiscretionaryDiscretionary FundingFunding LevelsLevels roserose steadilysteadily throughthrough 20042004 andand areare nownow holdingholding steadysteady (primarily(primarily forfor runwayrunway safetysafety areaarea work,work, ARFFARFF vehicles,vehicles, andand otherother FAAFAA priorities)priorities) SevenSeven YearYear ComparisonComparison ofof AIPAIP FundingFunding AllotmentAllotment Alaskan Region AIP FFY-98 through FFY-07 Fiscal National Alaska FAA Year Level Entitlement Discretionary Total FY-98 $1,700,000,000 $58,145,873 $23,050,000 $81,195,873 FY-99 $1,950,000,000 $62,738,751 $16,300,637 $79,039,388 FY-00 $1,950,000,000 $66,698,918 $21,913,005 $88,611,923 FY-01 $3,200,000,000 $110,129,882 $40,203,817 $150,333,699 FY-02 $3,300,000,000 $112,339,548 $43,203,764 $155,543,312 FY-03 $3,400,000,000 $123,437,538 $47,836,001 $171,273,539 FY-04 $3,400,000,000 $130,191,523 $91,268,686 $218,972,821 FY-05 $3,500,000,000 $127,762,547 $77,532,500 $205,295,047 FY-06 $3,600,000,000 $111,168,086 $86,286,776 $197,454,862 FY-07 $3,700,000,000 $121,920.331 $81,541,744 $203,462,075
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