Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1994-95 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 6-15-1995 The thI acan, 1995-06-15 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1994-95 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1995-06-15" (1995). The Ithacan, 1994-95. 30. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1994-95/30 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1994-95 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. INSIDE INSIDE OPINION INDEX Fun in the sun Music for the soul Wrong reversal Opinion ........................... 8 Images of the annual Ithaca Classifieds .................... 1O A look at the new release College should have ended Comics ......................... 11 Festival from the Commons 5 from Soul Asylum 7 ROTC relationship 8 Thursday, June 15, 1995 The Volume 62, Number 31 12 pages Summer ITHACA·N Free The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Survey shows students feel unheard "I always hope for more," said because no one is telling them any­ Office of First Year Programs and By Mamie Eisenstadt A sample of survey results Larry Metzger, chair of the PAC thing directly. "People are hearing Orientation said she did not think it Summer Ithacan News Editor see next page student survey task group and di­ things second and third-hand," she was a question of students getting Students at Ithaca College are rector of institutional research and makers was rated 6.15, but the av­ said. what they want, but a question of satisfied with their educations, but enrollment planning. "But it's not erage satisfaction was only 3.82. Metzger, however, said the dis­ being heard. "I heard them saying. tired of getting the run-around and atypical to deal with a 35 percent The scores are based on seven-point satisfaction may be related to the 'You're not appreciating what I'm not being heard, according to the response rate." scale, one being the least satisfied current governance structure. He saying,"' she said. results of the Student Satisfaction In an effort to analyze the infor­ or important and seven being the explained the scores could be an However, most scores concern­ Survey. mation in the survey, the· results most. indication that the structure is not ing instructional effectiveness were The survey, administered in Feb­ were broken down into four catego­ On the same note, the availabil­ meeting the students' needs. all rated highly in both importance ruary, was completed by 886 stu­ ries: instructional effectiveness, fa­ ity of infonnation was rated as 6.26 "Whatever the student opinion is, and satisfaction .. For example, in­ dents. This is about 35 percent of cilities, student services and stu­ in the area of importance, but only it's clear that it's not what they struction in students' major fields the students who were sent surveys dent voice. 3.85 in satisfaction. want or it's not meeting their indi­ was rated as 6.83 in importance and in the mail by Noel-Levitz, a pri­ In the area of student voice, the Sharon Mazzarella, who came vidual needs," he said. 5.89 in satisfaction. vate firm that conducted the evalu­ average importance of student in­ up with the category of student Sharon Pollicello, a member of "We were pleased to note stu­ ation. put being actively sought by policy voice, said students are concerned the task group and director of the See SURVEY, next page College Make way for • • • keeps ducklings ties with ROTC By Marnie Eisenstadt Summer Ithacan News Editor Despite a recommendation by the Academic Policy Committee, the Ithaca College Board Of Trust­ ees has decided to retain its affilia­ tion with the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. The affiliation has been under scrutiny because of dis­ criminatory military policies since 1992. The Board enlisted the APC to provide advice about affiliating with the group and then went against that recommendation, in a decision to defer action on the topic until 1997. "We'renottak­ ing the high The Summer Ithacan/Jason Erlich moral ground," As the newest editions to Ithaca College's duck population, these three ducklings reside in the DIiiingham Fountains. said Elia Above: A special wooden ramp, covered with AstroTurf, was added to the Fountain In order to help the newborn ducks make their Kacapyr, chair way In and out of the water. Above right: The ducklings huddle up outs_lde of the Fountain during a rain shower. of the APC Policy Sub­ committee and Kacapyr associate pro- Finding a piece of the puzzle fessorof economics. Kacapyr wrote the recommendation to the Board, Two students get summer Dana awards to research disease-causing bacteria which explains that the Department of Defense's policies conflict with "We're doing chemical synthe­ By Lauren Stanforth the non-discriminatory policies of "In the beginning of our research we just used sis,.so we're using chemistry to get the College. He said he does not Summer Ithacan Staff trial and error. We had a master list of what was to the biology," Finger said. believe the College is living up to One could describe New Sci­ good and what was bad. " They also said that conducting its standards by retaining affilia­ ence Building Room 374 as a pos­ this type of research, which involves tion. sible throwback to the laboratories Dave Finger '96, Dana intern chemically restructuring com­ "If by February 15, 1995, the described in novels such as "Fran- pounds, usually takes years to fi­ [Department of Defense] has not kenstein" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. According to Finger and bilize a protein found in this reac­ nalize. been successful in achieving the Hyde". Lemieux, their work involves ma- tion by altering the molecular struc­ "In the beginning of our research standards set by this community for Mysterious yellow solutions nipulatingacompoundwhichcould ture ofanother involved compound, we just used trial and error," Finger the treatment of its citizens and bubble in flasks, machines burp out possibly halt the growth of the bac­ the Autoinducer. said. "We had a master list of what continues to discriminate, the Col­ mathematical readings and jars with teria responsible for cystic fibrosis If the protein is isolated, further was good and what was bad." They lege will admit no new students to unknown powders line the outer and other diseases. , research can be done to establish said they used this list to decide the ROTC programs, beginning walls. But what occurs in this Col- L~mieux said certain types of how to stop bacterial growth asso­ how they wanted to alter the with the freshman class entering in leg~ laboratory is far from make- · deep-sea fish, such as the Japanese ciated with cystic fibrosis, Finger Autoinducer, which is the com­ the year 1996-97. Students already believe. \ pine cone fish, engage in a chemi- said. pound they are concentrating on. enrolled in ROTC programs at that Dave Fmger '96 and George . calreactionwhicbresultsinaglow­ But according to Finger and Lemieux said that even when time will be allowed to complete Lemieux '96work in this lab as twQ­ ing bacteria within their bodies Lemieux, their research does not they decide on a new structure, or their courses of study," the recom­ of the 26 Ithaca College students called vibrio fiscberi. The two stu- · involve fmding a cure for certain analog, for the Autoinducer that it mendation states. awarded 1995 Summer Dana In­ dents, who each receive $3,275 for-, diseases, but attacking just one step often takes days to continue on with In response to the recommenda­ ternships. the summer, arc attempting to sta- in that process. See DANA, next page See ROTC, next page 2 The Summer Ithacan June 15, 1995 SURVEY ARE STUDENTS SAT~SFIED? Conti'nufKi ·from previous ·~ge . .' -~lo'1('81'8, sqme ohi,:e result~ qf the car:npu~wide ·studenfSati~fac­ Does your. Dad lean dents felt as strongly as they.did tion Survey. The importance rating indicates students' assessment of about their academic experiences," the relevance of a service and the satisfaction rating indicates how Metzger said. , · well the senrice met their needs. , , , . · ~ ,· · · Students also felt strongly about .. _ _ . lmpo~n~ ~dafa~tlon their financial aid, but in a not-so Iii Student input is actively solicited by 6.15 · 3.82 toward Italian? camp1.1s,policy 111ak!;lrs. positive light. The availability of - adequate financial aid to most stu- · • The campus is safe and secure for · 6:60 6.02 dents was rated as 6.60 in impor-· . .au students. Vea 1ccata - 13.95, tance, but 3.93 in satisfaction. The • The instruction in my major field is 6.83 5.89 excellent. Stuffed Sole _s 11.95, timeliness of the release of award • I seldom get the "run-around" when 6.26 3.85 BBQ Baby Back Ribs ~ 12.95, information was also rated rela­ seeking information on this campus. Prime Rib J 10.95, tively low. • Adequate financial aid is available 6.60 3.93 Delmonico Steak Changes had been made in the for most students. 16 oz. _s 13.95, Stuffed financial aid system over. the past few years, but the ratings show that reduced to percent. and found to be basically the same, Chicken Alfredo J 11.95, 37 it is an area that still needs work. This necessitated a certain he explained. You're sure to feel right "It reinforces that we still need amount of weighting among the Mazzarella, who said she often at home with to pay attention," Metzgec said.
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