SUBSCRIBE TO Executive Intelligence Review EIR EIROnline EIROnline gives subscribers one of the most valuable publications for policymakers— the weekly journal that has established Lyndon LaRouche as the most authoritative economic Exxecutiveecutive IIntelligence RevieReview EOctOctoboberer 3311,, 22010144 VVool.l. 44I11 NNoo.. 4433 wwwRwww.la.larrououchecheppuubb.c.coomm $10$10.0.000 forecaster in the world today. Through this publication and the sharp interventions of the LaRoucheLaRouchePPACAC IssuesIssues EmeEmerrgencygency WWarar PlanPlan AgainstAgainst EbolaEbola Executive Intelligence Review AsianAsian InvestmentInvestment BankBank WWillill FinanceFinance GGrreateat PPrrojectsojects PutinPutin SpeaksSpeaks thethe TTruthruth aboutabout NNAATOTO WWarar PPrrovocationsovocations LaRouche Movement, we are changing EIRFebruary 27, 2015 Vol. 42 No. 9 www.larouchepub.com $10.00 Thehe NeNew Sililk RoRoad:ad: MankMankiind politics worldwide, day by day. IIs thethe OnlOnlyy CrCreeatatiiveve SpSpeecicieess!! EIR Online includes the entire magazine in PDF form, plus up-to-the-minute world news. EIRDAILY ALERT SERVICE Will HSBC Crimes Sink Wall Street’s Obama Presidency? Neo-Nazi Factor in Drive for War on Russia Exposed EIR’s new Daily Alert Service provides critical Why the Jeb Bush Candidacy Must Be Squashed Now news updates and analysis, based on EIR’s 40-year unparalleled track record in covering global developments. Greek Government Is Right: The ‘Debt’ Is a Swindle SUBSCRIBE (e-mail address must be provided.) EIROnline EIR DAILY ALERT SERVICE $ 360 for one year $500 one month (introductory) $ 180 for six months $3,000 six months $ 120 for four months $5,000 one year (includes EIR Online) $90 for three months $60 for two months I enclose $ _________ check or money order Make checks payable to Name _______________________________________________________________________________ EIR News Service Inc. P.O. 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LaRouche, Jr., Antony Papert, Gerald Rose, Dennis Small, Nancy Spannaus, Jeffrey Steinberg, William EI R Wertz Editor: Nancy Spannaus Managing Editors: Bonnie James, Susan Welsh Technology Editor: Marsha Freeman From the Editors Book Editor: Katherine Notley Graphics Editor: Alan Yue Photo Editor: Stuart Lewis Circulation Manager: Stanley Ezrol INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS The resistance of the Greek government to the British Empire’s Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg, Michele scorched-earth policy, has the potential to catalyze a movement to sink Steinberg Economics: John Hoefle, Marcia Merry Baker, the whole bankrupt London/Wall Street system, and that’s what should Paul Gallagher History: Anton Chaitkin be done, Lyndon LaRouche has stressed. Otherwise, these British lu- Ibero-America: Dennis Small natics are pushing us straight toward World War III. Russia and Eastern Europe: Rachel Douglas United States: Debra Freeman Our Feature outlines the case for Greece dumping the debt: it’s INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS been a gigantic swindle on the part of the international bankers, who Bogotá: Javier Almario Berlin: Rainer Apel now demand the country further destroy itself. Even the United Na- Copenhagen: Tom Gillesberg tions has shown that the Troika conditionalities have been deadly. We Houston: Harley Schlanger Lima: Sara Madueño append a recent precedent for writing off fraudulent debt—the case of Melbourne: Robert Barwick Mexico City: Gerardo Castilleja Chávez Ecuador. New Delhi: Ramtanu Maitra Another major flank against the Empire, and its stooge Obama, is Paris: Christine Bierre Stockholm: Ulf Sandmark the focus of our Economics section, which deals with the recent scan- United Nations, N.Y.C.: Leni Rubinstein Washington, D.C.: William Jones dals blowing up around Britain’s historic major drug bank, HSBC, the Wiesbaden: Göran Haglund former Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp., better known as the ON THE WEB central bank for Dope, Inc. Pulling this string goes directly to the top e-mail: [email protected] www.larouchepub.com of the enemy of the human race—and we will be pursuing it further. www.executiveintelligencereview.com Under International, we continue our expose of the Nazi factor www.larouchepub.com/eiw Webmaster: John Sigerson driving the crisis in Ukraine, which, despite the concerted efforts of Assistant Webmaster: George Hollis Editor, Arabic-language edition: Hussein Askary the Normandy Four (Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France), threatens to explode into all-out war. Meanwhile, the BRICS nations are work- EIR (ISSN 0273-6314) is published weekly ing diligently along the lines of “development is the new name for (50 issues), by EIR News Service, Inc., P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. peace.” We feature three stories you won’t find elsewhere in the Eng- (703) 777-9451 lish-language press: 1) the recent African Union/China deal for conti- European Headquarters: E.I.R. GmbH, Postfach nent-wide infrastructure; 2) the recent Maritime Silk Road conference Bahnstrasse 9a, D-65205, Wiesbaden, Germany Tel: 49-611-73650 which promoted the Kra Canal; and 3) Argentina’s launch of the Homepage: http://www.eirna.com Atucha II nuclear plant. e-mail: [email protected] Director: Georg Neudecker In recent weeks, LaRouche has repeatedly warned about the dan- Montreal, Canada: 514-461-1557 gers of the Jeb Bush Presidential candidacy, as a potential killer blow Denmark: EIR - Danmark, Sankt Knuds Vej 11, by the British Empire against the U.S. See our preliminary profile of basement left, DK-1903 Frederiksberg, Denmark. Jeb as what he really is: a representative of the Bush dynasty of Brit- Tel.: +45 35 43 60 40, Fax: +45 35 43 87 57. e-mail: [email protected]. ish/Wall Street agents, committed to fascism and war. Mexico City: EIR, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 242-2 Our Science section this week presents the transcript of a recent Col. Agricultura C.P. 11360 LaRouchePAC New Paradigm show, featuring Phil Rubinstein, a Delegación M. Hidalgo, México D.F. Tel. 55 53182301 longtime leader of the LaRouche movement, part of the ongoing series Copyright: ©2015 EIR News Service. All rights devoted to exploring the scientific basis for the thesis that man is not reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without an animal. These weekly programs are archived and available at www. permission strictly prohibited. larouchepac.com/new-paradigm. Canada Post Publication Sales Agreement #40683579 Postmaster: Send all address changes to EIR, P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. EI R Contents www.larouchepub.com Volume 42, Number 9, February 27, 2015 Economics 11 Will HSBC Scandal Sink Wall Street’s Obama Presidency? At stake in the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney Cover General is the Obama This Week Administration’s protection of Wall Street at all costs. It was Lynch who negotiated the A LaRouchePAC Deferred Prosecution rally at EU NGTV Agreement with HSBC, the headquarters in British banking giant that has New York City, been at the center of global Feb. 11, 2015. 4 Greek Government Is Right: The ‘Debt’ Is a money laundering, tax evasion, Swindle and criminal enterprises The debt piled on Greece is significantly involving the world’s drug illegitimate in regard to its causes and relationship cartels and terrorist organizations. to the real economy of the country. It cannot be paid in the next half-century, and it cannot be paid 13 Prosecuting a Global by continued cuts in employment, pensions, wages, ‘Criminal Industry’ health-care services, and selling off national income and infrastructure. 14 HSBC Is the Face of In fact, “Greek debt” exists only on the basis of Britain’s Dope, Inc. the Wall Street practice for unpayable debt, known HSBC, formerly known as as “extend and pretend.” Its interest and repayment Hongkong and Shanghai terms have been so dramatically changed by the Banking Corp., or creditors that in debt-market terms, it is nearly “HongShang,” is one of the key worthless. controlling institutions of the global illicit drug cartel known 7 Eurogroup and Greece Sign Ceasefire as “Dope, Inc.” Agreement 8 UN Finds Austerity Violates Rights A report by Cephas Lumina, an Independent Expert from the UN Human Rights Council, documents the horrifying cost of the austerity imposed on Greece. 9 Ecuador Declares Partial Debt Moratorium A case study of “bankers’ arithmetic,” reprinted from EIR, Dec. 26, 2008. EI R Contents www.larouchepub.com Volume 42, Number 9, February 27, 2015 International National Science 18 Neo-Nazi Factor in Drive 28 Why the Jeb Bush 32 Is Man Just an for War on Russia Candidacy Must Be Animal? The Exposed Squashed Now Destruction of Science Some news media in Europe Jeb Bush speaks for the evil in the Twentieth and America are finally
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