NAMS Council National Asset Management Strategy Update May 2019 Several NAMS Council items were reported at the meeting held on the 3rd May 2019. Of interest to readers and members are: 1 Projects Report 1.1 The National AM Congress The National AM Congress took place in August 2018. It was attended by 100 delegates and included presentations by many eminent speakers addressing a range of asset management issues. Outcomes from the Congress has allowed the IPWEA Board to endorse a “Public Infrastructure Action Plan” with the following key headings: 1. Increase competency in strategic infrastructure planning 2. Maintain funding at adequate levels for local government to deliver sustainable asset management plans 3. Promote effective knowledge sharing 4. Embrace emerging digital technology 5. Drive organisational cultural improvement 6. Build right place, right time projects 7. Provide investment and planning certainty 8. Integrate and coordinate national infrastructure planning It is anticipated that the broader NAMS and advocacy initiatives should be consistent with the relevant elements of the Action Plan. 1.2 Asset Management Basics Asset Management Basics (AMB) – Applying Infrastructure Asset Management Principles has been completed and is now available in hard copy or as part of the new E-Library. AMB is designed as a companion document to the IIMM and has been written to assist people and organizations that are new to asset management and need a grasp of the basic requirements of asset management planning. It is designed to be a resource that can be used by a variety of staff and elected members starting the journey of understanding the requirements of base and core level asset management planning. 1.3 ISO Asset Management Standards The new updated version of AS ISO 55002:2019 has been published and also adopted as a Standards Australia version. Copies can be obtained through SAI Global at: https://infostore.saiglobal.com/en-au/Standards/AS-ISO-55002-2019-111504_SAIG_AS_AS_2718755/ This new version includes much more detail on issues like the suggested content of a SAMP and scope of AM systems etc. There is also good information on the content available through the TC 251 website at: https://committee.iso.org/home/tc251 This website also includes some good articles that have been published on topics such as Why and How to achieve alignment between AM and Financial Management functions. NAMS COUNCIL UPDATE MAY 2019 1/24 NAMS Council The new ISO 55010 aligning Financial and non-Financial Functions is progressing well with the ballot for adoption and publication being recently approved with no votes against. Some suggestions for improvement were received and the Working Group that I convene is working through those to incorporate. We are looking to finalise the document at the forthcoming meeting in China in May. It is hoped it will be published during the third quarter 2019. A new Draft Standard 55011 on setting Government Policy for AM is still at draft stage and has also recently been open for comment. The Australian Mirror Committee expressed strong reservations about the quality of the document and voted against it in its current form. This is still a work in progress. Other ISO works recently published include ISO 41001:2018, Facilities Management systems – Requirements with guidance for use. Again, this is available through SAI Global. 1.4 International InFrastructure Financial Management Manual (IIFMM) The document is currently being revised and updated following feedback through the review process by a selected team of reviewers including our NAMS experts and several international reviewers. We have been fortunate in involving KPMG Australia to be part of the review process. We have also had feedback from the International Federation of Accountants based in New York. A significant number of suggested enhancements were received requiring further work. Final editing is now taking place. This means it is likely the finished document will be ready for launch later in the year. 1.5 Resource Development Elected Member Training Resources The training materials for both elected Member awareness and Introduction to AM have been temporarily placed on hold to ensure that our team efforts are both consistent with AMBasics and our strategy to communicate credible and consistent messaging to elected members is on the right path. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education Programs Professional Honours and Postgraduate programs are run in partnership with the University of Tasmania and the Centre for Pavement Engineering Education (CPEE). Details can be found at: https://www.pavementeducation.edu.au/study/programs/programs/ Investigations continue on expanding the program to develop further courses at AQF5 level to build the capability of technical officers in Asset Management. Training Programs Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning The Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning is delivered across the globe and supported by the American/Canadian Public Works Association, Canadian Network of Asset Managers, Finnish Association of Municipal Engineering and the International Federation of Municipal Engineering. The course includes: • 8 live webinar presentations held over 10 weeks • Forum challenges NAMS COUNCIL UPDATE MAY 2019 2/24 NAMS Council • Multiple choice questions • Two assignments • ‘How to’ videos and resources • Qualification of Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning Details are available at http://info.ipwea.org/professional-certificate-asset-management-planning and Members are encouraged to promote the short YouTube video that is an excellent promotion of the Course. The course is currently in its 6th year of operation with registrations totalling 1,887 participants to date. The average completion rate is 77%. A NAMS Canada specific course commenced late September 2018. Details can be found in the International Activities report. Planning is underway to conduct courses during 2019. Details can be found at: www.ipwea.org/certificate. NAMS COUNCIL UPDATE MAY 2019 3/24 NAMS Council 2 Information Exchange 2.1 Strategic Alliances IPWEA is continuing discussions with the following entities to foster alliances and best practice for members. • Asset Management Council, • Engineers Australia • Public Assets Collaborative Group • AustRoads • Australian Local Government Association 2.2 International Activities The following Report from Chris Champion (Director International IPWEA & Secretary General IFME) on International Affairs for asset management is presented to keep NAMS Council informed on what is transpiring globally. Chris Champion reports: Activities in Progress • Canada. Canadian Government has provided 80%+ grant subsidy of 6 Professional Certificate courses in Asset Management Planning for the 18 months ending 31 December 2019. • Courses #10 and #12 successfully delivered and fully subscribed with over 200 participants in each “Canada Only” course. • Course #11 is the AU course which had a further 21 International enrolments (CA, US, MU, RSA). • Course #13 commenced 26 Feb and was fully subscribed with 200 enrolments. • Course #14 is a further International course which commenced March 21/22, 2019. • Course #15 for Canadian municipalities only commences April 30, 2019. • A 3 further courses scheduled for delivery in 2019 (CA, AU/Int, French Canadian) • Now 3 presenters in CA to support AU presenters. New Initiatives • International Opportunities continue to be explored. Director International is gradually phasing across from operational to governance role with passing over of responsibilities to Nicole Allen, Executive Director, NAMS Canada. Director International proposes to continue exploring new international opportunities as they arise. • Work underway for translating Professional Certificate platform and course materials into French-Canadian (grant funded). Will provide significant future capacity to translate to other languages in time. • Swedish Public Works Association has sponsored 4 participants in Course #14 (March 2019) and commissioned an AM in Sweden study to explore suitability of Professional Certificate to wider application in Sweden. • Director International is presenting at AITF (France) & FAME (Finland) Association Conferences in May/June 2019. Combined with the Board Meeting of IFME in France. NAMS COUNCIL UPDATE MAY 2019 4/24 NAMS Council • The French-Canadian translation, while not directly transferable, provides a new possibility to explore introduction to France. Finland has previously sponsored participants in the Professional Certificate and shows continued interest in expanding its interest in asset management. • APWA President, and for the first time APWA CEO, will be attending IPWEA Hobart Conference. Attendance of APWA CEO will provide continuity & new international interest. Commencing further discussions with APWA on Professional Certificate. • IPWEA’s leadership role & active involvement in IFME over the years has provided strong international networks and interest in asset management. IFME provides ongoing networking opportunities which has led to most of the above international leads. • Enrolments in the Professional Certificate are now up over 1,700 across 12 countries with an average 77% successful completion rate. • Canada now represents 44% of total enrolments (766 when adding in the about to commence Course #13) and is running at an 80% successful completion rate. • In addition, **a further 202 Canadians are enrolled in Course #13
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