01 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge INTRODUCTION Introduction Gladman Developments Ltd have successfully invested in communities throughout the UK over the past 20 years, developing sustainable high quality residential, commercial and industrial schemes. We are proposing a residential development on land to the north of Corbridge. N Have your say We wish to hear your views with regard to the quality, mix and design of this proposed development.velopment. We will consider your views and ideas as we develop our masterplan. 7KLVLV\RXURSSRUWXQLW\WRFRPPHQWRQDQGLQÀXHQFHWKHSODQQLQJRIWKLVVLWH<RXZLOOKDYHDIXUWKHUYHDIXUWKHU opportunity to provide comment to Northumberland County Council during the planning application process. 02 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge HOUSING NEED Housing Need (YHU\&RXQFLOLVUHTXLUHGE\WKH*RYHUQPHQWWRERRVWVLJQL¿FDQWO\WKHVXSSO\RIKRXVLQJDQGWRPDNHSODQQLQJGHFLVLRQVLQWKHOLJKWRIDSUHVXPSWLRQ in favour of sustainable development. Northumberland County Council do not presently have a 5 year supply of housing land. Approval of this development will help towards addressing the present shortfall of housing within the area. N Site Boundary A68 Existing Settlement Leazes Lane Aydon Road Primary Roads A69 Secondary Roads A69 Corchester Lane 0LONZHOO/DQH Public Footpaths Stream/ St. Helens Lane Aydon Road Watercourse Watling Street CORBRIDGE Railway River Tyne Woodland Main Street 7LQNOHU¶V%DQN B6321 A695 Why is the site suitable for development? Corbridge supports a range of services and facilities which are used by both residents of the village and those in the surrounding rural area. The VLWHLVVXVWDLQDEO\ORFDWHGZLWKJRRGDFFHVVWRH[LVWLQJFRPPXQLW\IDFLOLWLHVDQGWKHORFDOSXEOLFWUDQVSRUWQHWZRUN7KHSURSRVDOZLOOSURYLGH new homes to sustain the vitality and viability of the local community. 03 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge EXISTING CHARACTER The Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment provides a detailed NCA 12: MID NORTHUMBERLAND assessment of the landscape character around Corbridge. The site falls within the Glacial Trough - Valley Sides character area. Acomb to Ovington. 34a The area comprises of valley sides of glacial trough, sitting between the North 38e Pennines and the Northumberland uplands. Land within the character area FRQVLVWVRISUHGRPLQDWHO\PL[HGVFDOH¿HOGSDWWHUQVGH¿QHGE\KHGJHURZV post and wire fencing and stone walls. The well settled landscape features of mainly pasture with ancient semi-natural woodland, natural springs and tributary valleys. The landscape incorporates historic houses, Roman 31f VHWWOHPHQWVZLWKDVLJQL¿FDQWDUHDVRI5LGJHDQG)XUURZ KEY: 30c NCA 11: TYNE GAP & HADRIAN’S WALL Site Boundary Glacial Trough Valley Floor 30 30c: Corbridge to Wylam National Character Area (NCA) Glacial Trough Valley Sides Boundary (Natural England) 31 31d: /DQJOH\WR6WRFNV¿HOG 31f: Acomb to Ovington 31d Northumberland Landscape Character Assessment - August 2010 Upland Commons and Farmland 34 34a: Acomb Ridge 22b NCA 10: NORTH PENNINES N Farmed River Valleys Lowland Rolling farmland 22 22b: Dipton Wood and Slaley 38 38e: North Tyne Ridge Local Character The local character of Corbridge provides design HOHPHQWV WKDW FRXOG EH WDNHQ IRUZDUG LQWR WKH proposed residential site design. Main Street forms the main route through the village. The centre of the village contains a large number of narrow streets that are enclosed by stone terraces, rectangular in form with the constant Corbridge Village CentreMain Street terraced dwellings featuring short Stone terraced dwellings with stone use of stone lintel, cills, timber sash windows and frontages, stone lintels, chimneys and bays lintels and timber sash windows narrow front boundaries. Larger dwellings are located around the periphery of the village. These generally have a wider frontage and feature timber eaves, front canopies, timber sash windows, multiple chimneys and stone boundary treatments. Larger dwellings on the peripherical of the Large stone dwellings include larger garden Larger dwelling with timber sash village, rectangular in form frontages set back from the road windows and stone boundary walls 04 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES What are the constraints and opportunities? N A69 A69 A68 Corbridge Old Pottery Kilns Priory Gardens 0LONZHOO/DQH Corbridge Middle The Riggs School Cow Lane Synclen Road Stagshaw Road Hippinhstones Lane Corchester Lane Synclen Road St. Helens Lane Contours Existing Public Rights of ways Ridge and Furrow Proposed Vehicular Access off Cow Lane Listed Building Existing Pylons Existing Hedgerows and Trees Scheduled Monument Planning Application Approved for 18 dwellings 3RWHQWLDO)RRWSDWK/LQNV World Heritage Site Consider View from Adjacent Properties Consider Views from Existing Kilns 05 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge VISUAL CONTEXT Visual Analysis The site lies on the northern edge of Corbridge. The site is bordered by Corbridge village centre to the south and the A69 to the north. 1 To the west of the site lies a World Heritage Site, Corbridge Roman Town DQGIXUWKHUWRWKHQRUWK+DGULDQV:DOO7RWKHHDVWRIWKHVLWHOLHV0LONZHOO Lane and the existing Corbridge Pottery Kilns that are both Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monuments. 2 Existing residential properties along The Riggs and Synclen Avenue border the site to the south. An existing public footpath spans from Chantry Estate to the northern boundary of the site. Cow Lane borders the site to 3 the west providing access into the site. The A69 runs along the northern boundary of the site . A planting buffer sits LQWKHQRUWKHUQSURSRUWLRQRIWKHVLWHLQIURQWRIDQH[LVWLQJHPEDQNPHQW N to the A69, providing strong screening of the site. Aerial photograph with site boundary and viewpoint locations A69 Site Public Right of Way Existing Woodland 1 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 1: View South from Existing Public Right of Way Public Right of Way Site Housing along The Riggs 2 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 2: View north from existing Public Right of Way within the site 0LON/DQH EHKLQGKHGJHURZ Housing off The Riggs Site Corbridge Old Pottery Kilns 3 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 3: View North off Synclen Avenue 06 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge HISTORIC CONTEXT Historic Maps ,GHQWL¿HGLQWKHKLVWRULFPDSSLQJEHORZWKHVXUURXQGLQJDUHDRI&RUEULGJHDSSHDUVXQFKDQJHGXQWLO7KHPDSUHFRUGVWKHSUHVHQFHRIQHZ housing development off Synclen Avenue to the south of the site. The map also shows the addition of Corbridge County Middle School to the south west of the site. The A69 can been seen on the 1958 map to the north of the site, alongside the addition of the Chantry housing development to the south of the site and to the east along Priory Gardens. The 2014 highlights further residential development to the south of the site, along The Riggs. 1863 1963 1896 1985 2014 07 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge FACILITIES What are the local facilities? 7KHVLWHLVVXVWDLQDEO\ORFDWHGZLWKHDV\DFFHVVWRWKHYLOODJHFHQWUHH[LVWLQJFRPPXQLW\DPHQLWLHVDQGWKHSXEOLFWUDQVSRUWQHWZRUN$PHQLWLHVLQFOXGH a middle school, primary school, pub, doctors surgery and local shops. There is an hourly bus service to Hexham, Carlisle and Newcastle. Additionally, there is a bus service to the Metro Centre that runs every 30 minutes. A train station is also located to the south of Corbridge that runs to Newcastle and &DUOLVOHHYHU\KRXUVHYHQGD\VDZHHN Key N 400m Application Boundary Footpath/Cycleway :DONLQJ'LVWDQFHIURP6LWH 400m/800m Bus Routes S Middle School P Primary School S N Nursery P M Local Food Store P R Religious Centre S P S MP R R S P D P Pubs and Cafes S £ S S Local Shops Local Bus Stop Sports Facilities Community Facilities P P 800m P Station D Doctors £ %DQNV 08 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge THE FRAMEWORK A69 Retained Existing Trees and Hedgerows A69 Retained Existing Public Footpath Main Indicative Proposed Road Layout Footpaths Main Access Proposed Point off Cow Residential Area: Lane 7.90Ha Up to 237 Corbridge Dwellings Old Pottery Kilns Proposed Footpaths Buffer planting Cow Lane Corbridge Middle School 0LONZHOO/DQH The Riggs Balancing Pond Proposed Public Open Space Local Proposed Equipped Area of Proposed Public Open Synclen Road Play Space Footpaths and Stagshaw Road Cycleway Corchester Lane Hippinstones Lane Synclen Road St. Helens Lane N 09 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge Illustrative Streetscenes A PUBLIC OPEN SPACE Retained Existing Proposed Balancing Pond Proposed Play Area Trees Proposed Housing fronting onto Public Open Space B MAIN STREET Higher Density Dwellings Fronting onto Main Street Retained Existing Trees and Hedgerows B A Location Plan Main Street Proposed Play Area 10 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge Illustrative Streetscenes C AERIAL PERSPECTIVE Proposed Play Area within Public Open Space Proposed Proposed Buffer Planting Balancing Pond Proposed Main Access off Cow Road Corbridge Old Pottery Kilns Retained Existing Public Right of Way Retained Existing Trees C Location Plan 11 Milkwell Lane, Corbridge THANK YOU 7KDQN\RXIRUWDNLQJWLPHWRYLVLWWKLVSXEOLFFRQVXOWDWLRQ Comments can be sent via the website, email or posted to the address below. www.your-views.co.uk/corbridge FRPPHQWV#\RXUYLHZVFRXN <RXU9LHZV&RUEULGJH Gladman Developments Ltd. Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton CW12 1LB.
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