20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Jon 3. 1989 HOMES ■ APARTMENTS ■ APARTMENTS FUEL OIL/COAL/ Directors OK ‘concepf of landmark accord FDR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FIREWOOD DiRosa did not name the DRASTICALLY Re­ AVAILABLE Imme­ MANCHESTER. 4 room SEASONED firewood for directors said they were in favor million in connection fees. the Buckland trunk sewer plus duced! Manchester. diately. One bedroom apartment. Just reno- By Andrew J. Davis sano was absent from the special locations being looked at. SpcciQli# D o fif! sale. Cut, split and Manchester Herald Town officials have said the $250,000 or 20 percent of the net Beautifully decorated apartment. $545. Heat voted Including new delivered. $35 per load. meeting. of the agreement. While the town occupied the J appliances. Quiet The tentative agreement will suit will be dropped if the outlet charges for the area, spacious 3 bedrooms and hot water Included. 742-1182. The directors of the Eighth according to the proposed agree­ firehouse, the district would be 1'/2 both Colonial. First 2 bedroom T ownhouse. street, nice yard. First Members of the town Board of Utilities District as well as the resolve a longtime dispute over agreement is approved. floor. $545. plus utlll- Under the proposed agree­ ment. That funding exchange allowed to occupy one bay of the CARPENTRY/ ROOFING/ floor family room, tire- $650. Heat and hot wa­ I MISCELLANEOUS Directors Tuesday approved the district’s residents also must which government is responsible firehouse garage. Among the [ miscellaneous placed living room, ter Included. Security tles. No pets. 646-7268. concept of a landmark agreement for building sewer lines to serve ment, the town would build sewer would make the cost of the accord H i ] CHILD CARE ESJ rew o d elin g 1 ^ SIDING new deck and cheery and references re­ FOR SALE formally approve the pact. Dis­ almost a wash for both reasons for this is that the Union A ■s er v ic es MANCHESTER. Modern between the town and Eighth trict President Thomas Landers the $70 million Pavilions at lines for the mall according to breakfast room over­ quired. No pets. Boyle 2 bedroom, 2nd floor. district construction plans and governments. Street bridge is closed to fire WILL Provide Daycare look o lovely private Management Com­ EIGHT month old water- Utilities District. The pact could and attorneys John D. LaBelle Jr. Buckland Hills and surrounding CiNtom bulH hom«t. atfdHiont, Carpet, oDPlIances. No The town would have to leave trucks while it is under fo r one child In mv MANCHESTER yard. Century 21 Ep- bed, $325. Courthouse 380 acres of development. In would control sewer service to the rtmoMln^. wood iMIno, docka. G A Y & SON pany, 649-4800. utilities. Adult couples ultimately end longstanding fire and John D. LaBelle Sr., who construction. home. Lunches and roofing, ooncrota work, maaonry t at! ROOFING steln Realty, 647-8895.0 One Gold member'ship, mall area. In exchange, the town the firehouse by March 1, 1990. phaaaa of conttructton. MANCHESTER. New 3 preferred. Available and sewer jurisdiction disputes. represented the district in negoti­ March, the town filed suit against A key part of the agreement snacks. Coll 646-5260. Holiday Special MASONRY WELL Cored tor Man­ bedroom duplex. Car­ February 1st. Referen­ 12'/2 months left for In an 8-0 vote, directors voted to the district seeking a declaratory would sell a firehouse on Tolland Mayer Peter P. DiRosa Jr. said ff you'ra ate* of oonfraofort nof Brick, block and stone, $450. Compared to reg­ ations with the town, could not be town Fire Chief John C. Rivosa is would have to be approved by the rafumfng yot/r eafft • oaft u» l All typai of roofing a ropoir*. ceramic tile, marble and chester. Nice 3 bed­ peted, fully ap- ces required. $575. plus approve the concept of the reached for comment on when the judgment on the district’s con­ Turnpike to the district for Fully Inaufod • Fraa Eatlmataa ular price of $700 plus. exploring sites for a new fire­ General Assembly. The town and concrete. room Cope completely pllanced, 1'/2 baths, full security. Call 429-4465 agreement, and tentatively sche­ struction plans and on which $750,000. aEANING 20% Off No lob Is too small I redone Inside. Two basement. $775. 643- after 6pm. Eric 649-3426.0 district votes would be held. house for the town to serve the A aaa CenstmctloR duled a final vote in about two After a closed-door session on government would control a The town would pay the district SERVICES tf MwdMtItr 6 4 5 -8 8 3 0 282-7341 o r 627-8973 baths, finished family 1823. $450,000 for engineering plans for Bryan Farms area. room In basement and weeks. Director Stephen T. Cas- the agreement last week, district splitter valve and collect about $1 See ACCORD, page 10 M 6 4 3 * 1 7 2 0 Aak for Mark MANCHESTER. 1 family, CONDOMINIUMS Automotive hardwood floors. Ex­ HEATING/ SNOW REMOVAL. available December l ^ F O R RENT FARRAND REMODELING tra deep lot on a quiet 1st. Large 3 bedroom, CLEANING PLUMBING Resldentlol- street. $154,900. D.W. Sorvlclno tkt Monchesttr & WII- Room additlona, decka, root­ Commerclol. Drive­ l '/2 baths, appliances. VERNON-RYEFIELD 2 llmontlc orto. Honest and rtllo- ing, aiding, windowa and gutt- Fish Realty, 643-1591 .□ Lease, security, $900 [CARS ble couple to clean your home, H ways, storting at $15. bedroom, luxury ora. All typea of remodeling and plus utilities. Close to office or windows. 9 yeors ex­ repalra. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. PJ’s Plumbing, Hiating 8 Coll Bob, 872-8841. condo. 1'/2 both, base­ FOR SALE perience and references. Coll Air Conditioning CONDDMINIUMS school and busline. 646- ment, walk out deck Laurie tor o tree estimate. Bus. 847-8509 4074, 5-8pm. Boilers, pumps, hot water ANGELIC HOME FOR SALE with view. $750/month. 1982 MERCURY Zepher. 4 742-0267 Res. 645-6849 tanks, new and MANCHESTER. Onebed- Coll 649-2209. door, 72,000 m iles. replacements. CARE REGISTRY NEW listing! Spacious room condo In Wood- Great shape. Florida FREE ESTIMATES LOCAL nEOISTRY OFFERS townhouse boasting bridge Manor. Full cor. $2600. Coll 527-1114 SAS HOME QUALITY CARE... two bedroom s, I'/z appliances, large liv­ ■ HOMES or 645-6455. CLEANING SERVICE 643-9649/228-9616 LOWER COST TO CLIENTS .. IMPROVEMENTS baths and lower level ing room and bedroom. FOR RENT BUICK Regal LTD 82, 4 Havt t iptrkling c/een home COMPANIONS. HOMEMAKERS. $550 plus utilities. tor tho holld§y$l & REPAIRS NURSES fom llv room. $121,900 door. Navy with velour MISCELLANEOUS Sentry Real Estate, 643- Available Imme- MANCHESTER. Nine Interior. Power steer­ iEanrliPalpr HrralJi Reliable retldentlal cleaning, “No Job Too Small" 6 4 7 - 1 9 5 6 SERVICES 4060.g______________ dlotely. Keith Real Est- room, single family, ing, power brakes, olr Tolland County area. Raglatarad and FuNy Inaurad ote, 646-4126.________ set bock high above Ratorancaa avallabla. FREE ESTIMATES GSL Building Mainte­ TOTALLY renovated one dependable. One bedroom Beacon Hill BOLTON. Vi modern du­ East Middle Turnpike. owner. Must be seen. BROCK BROTHERS nance Co. Commercl- Available Imme- 643-5775 6 4 7 -0 5 9 3 ol/ResIdentlol building unit. All appliances In­ plex. Closeto 1-384. Full $1,500. 649-4945. Excavatleii A LandKapiRf cluding microwave electric heat and hot dlotely. $950/month. Bulldozing — Lot Improysment repairs and home Im­ References and secur­ provements. Interior and olr conditioning. water. 3 bedrooms, 1'/2 30 Cents ■BOOKKEEPING/ PAINTING/ — Crushed Stone for Sale — Sentry Real Estate, 643- baths, fireplace. Large ity. Coll Ken 0(643-1442. Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Chai m Stone Driyewaya — Regraded and exterior pointing, CLYDE PAPERING 4060.□ wooded yard. $750 per EAST HARTFORD/Glos- CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. INCOME TAX & Installed light carpentry. Com­ plete lonltorlol ser­ AFFORDABLE and spa­ month, plus security tonbury line. Seven ROUTE 83, VERNON 6 5 9 -3 7 8 1 vice. Experienced, rel­ cious one bedroom and utilities. 649-5678, room Cope with evenings.___________ screened porch, gar­ 85 Monte Carlo ‘6995 1988 INCOME TAXES Wall Papering & iable, tree estimates. first floor unit. Well 85 Elactra T Type ’ 10,495 P a in tin g HAWKES TREE SERVICE 643-0304. maintained and deco­ TWO bedroom with heat age, nice lot, first floor Consultation / Preparation Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump on first floor. laundry hood-ups. In­ 83 Buick Regal *6995 Residential, Commercial, rated. FHA approved. tndividuala / remoyal. Free estimates. SNOW REMOVAL. Mon Sentry Real Estate, 643- $600/month. No pets. side of house Is brand 85 Merc Lynx *2STS U.S. shoots down 2 Libyan fighters References & Insurance. new. Available Janu­ Sole Proprietora Special consideration for with snowblower tak­ 4060.D______________ One month security. 85 Ford Escort 4 Dr. ‘4395 ^o rfy Mattson, 649-4431 elderly and handicapped. ing residential oc Available January 1. ary 1st. $975 plus u tili­ 86 Skylark 4 Dr. *8995 FIRST floor one bedroom Coll Don, 643-2226, ties. Security. No pets. Dan Moaler 6 4 9 -3 3 2 9 Gary McHugh, 643-9321 counts In the Monches unit. Low heating costs 86 Celebrity 4 Dr. *7695 647-7553 ter area. Coll 646-0748. leave message. After 872-4381, 649-5400, 647- and association fee. 9040. 86 Caprice 4 Dr. *9995 Incident occurs Good condition. $68,900 7pm, 646-9892. Sentry Real Estate, 643- MANCHESTER. 'Availa­ 85 Century Wgn. *8595 4060.□ ble Today'. Cleon, one COVENTRY DUPLEX 85 Century 4 Dr. *8995 bedroom, appliances, Of» Route 44A. 2 year* old. 84 SKyhawk Wag.
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