[ ________t. - •••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •••• 88th Year, Issue 17 © 1998 May 22, 1998 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THis WEEK Shifting landscape ~- IN SPORTS GlASGOW BOYS in plan By MARY E. PETZAK ... ' .............................................................. WIN STATE NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER FFICIALS F ROM WILMAPCO TRACK • PLAYED to a di appointing crowd this week when they sought input on the lat­ TITLE. est set of alternatives in the Newark/Elkton Long 18 Range lntermoda] Plan. "At the 1ast meeting in Elkton we had over 75 people," said senior planner Anthony DiGiacomo. ~ . -, . '\ . "Maybe we need to adverti c something dramatic ~-''.· IN -. LIFESTYLE p ... ~ • c ,_ ,I. • ' like four new roads and two railroads in down­ town Newark to get people here." Some of the alternatives pre ented for the cen­ tral business district in Newark include making the old Pomeroy RajJroad line a one-way street AUMPCHURCH( CELEBRATES See PLAN, 4 ~ 50TH t. Mark's WAR. 8 gets new IN THE NEWS principal T. MARK'S HIGH SCHOOL WILL BE CHRISTINA'S getting its thjrd principal in three years, S according to Sr. Marie Van ton, IHM, pre­ sent superintendent of Catholic Schools for the CODE OF Diocese of Wilmington. Vanston announced that Mark J. Freund cur­ rently principal of Lebanon (Pa.) Catholic Junior­ CONDUCT Senior High School, will take over at St. Mark's effective July I . He succeeds Dr. John Monnig, principal ince IS REVISED 1995, who announced earlier this year he would be leaving. Monnig replaced Ronald Russo who had been principal at St. Mark' ' for 18 year . BYBOARD. 3 Russo went on to become principal of the new Wilmington Charter School. Freund was the first lay principal in the 70-year history of Lebanon Catholic. The interparochial See ST. MARK'S, 7 ~ NEWS 1·5 POLICE BLOTTER 2 City Council OPINION 6 LIFESTYLE 8 THE ARTS 11 race now DIVERSIONS 10 NEWARK POST PHOTO BY HEIDI SCEING CROSSWORD PUZZLE 9 three-way SPORTS 18·22 The clock is ticking NITA PUGLISI, WHO SAYS "my life is COMMUNITY 13 ommunity activism," has decided to try By OAKLAND l. CHILDERS and pell di a ter for almost everyone. gain for elected office. OBITUARIES 24·25 Experts working to tame thi monster Puglisi filed on May 15 to run in the special NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER call it Y2K, but the average per on CLASSIFIEDS 26-32 election for the council seat in District 5, vacated knows it as the year 2<X>O computer after Hal Godwin became mayor in April. N THE YEAR 999, PEOPLE ALL problem. over western Europe braced them­ Puglisi, who previously ran against Godwin Dozens of person are already work­ and lost, said a lot of people a ked her to run. "1 I selves for what they thought would ing feveri hly to beat the clock in be the end of the world in the year would not have entered if l hadn't got a lot of Newark. encouragement and feedback from people," said 1000, but little changed besides the Data Service Center, which provides Puglisi. date. mainframe computer ervice to Christi­ This time around, the coming of a Abbotsford resident Scott Bowling and Wood­ na, Brandywine, Colonial and Red Clay mere resident John Farrell have also filed to run new millennium poses a very real pro~ lem - one that could trike at random See COMPUTERS, 5 ~ See PUGLISI, 5 ~ PAGE 2 •, ~\\' RK ~os,r • ~ 22, ) 8 Vistt us un the ·wortct·Wide. Web • Nl\\'·\1\kf\)'-.: ·:· INTHENEWS PouCE BwTIER BournEN HELPS MARrn oF DIMES to report on May IS ar und I :30 Five caught at a.m. Jeffrey Hoban and Kenneth Teen DUI on Main St. sobriety check 1 rdan, both 19, were charged with On May 17 around 1:45 a.m., a a disorderly premi. es after police 17 -year-old Newark youth wa Officers from the Newark Poli heard loud mu ic and vulgar lan­ charged with driving under the Department conducted a sobriety guage coming from the re. idence. inn uence, underage con umption heckpoint from II :30 p.m. on May In addition, 20-year-old Matthew and zero tolerance after his vehicle 15 to 2:30a.m. n May 16. Police . Einolf wa charged with under­ wa topped by poli e n Main . aid a total of 85 ar wer divert­ age consumption during the treet. ed thr ugh the checkpoint and 25 re pon e. Out ide, Roc co Malgiero, driver fieldt sted. Five were 23, wa · charged with a noise viola­ charged with driving under the tion for yelling and hooting. James Construction tools influ nee. Tw p r on. were arre t­ olomon, 19, was pursued and ed for underage alcohol po. ion arre. ted in an arby parking lot after taken from site and everal traffic citations were he shouted profanity at the police. Contractor. for Commonwealth i . ued . Officers reported a large crowd was Management at 123 E. Main St. told cheering him on and he wa cau. ing police unknown person removed Party just keeps a pub I ic di turbance. Solomon was items from the con truction ite charged with underage con ump­ ometime between May 12 at 3:30 · going on and on tion, re isting arre t and di orderly p.m. and May 13 at 7 ~.m. Taken conduct. were tool and equipment belonging A party at 78 East Madi son to the contractor va lued at $1 ,866. Avenue gave Newark Police plenty County Police seek suspect in connection PHOTO SPECIAL TO THE NEWARK POST Young Republicans at the Univeristy of Delaware and Republican with sexual assault of a 13 year-old state representative Timothy Boulden (far right) were among hun­ dreds of participants In the March of Dimes Walk America. Their New Ca tie County Police are allege he exually assaulted the vic­ is avoiding authoritie . Police are looking for a 20-year-old Middle­ tim at variou locations in the Mid­ now asking for assistance from the group raised several hundred dollars towards programs to prevent town man for allegedly exually dletown area during the aforemen­ public in locating Rodriguez. birth defects. assaulting a 13-year-old girl. The tioned times. Rodriguez, who also goes by the · incident occurred during the months The incident was reported to nickname "Tony Montana," is 5 feet, of September 1997 through January police in February by a non-family 5 inches tall, weighs 140 pounds, and 1998. Francisco Rodriguez, with a member and friend of the victim. has dark hair and brown eyes. He is last known addre of Cole Boule­ The inve tigation into the incident known to frequent the Middletown vard in Middletown, i charged with ended in March when the warrants area. Anyone with infonnation con­ nine counts of unlawful exual were is. ued. Police believe that cerning his whereabout is urged to intercourse in the 3rd degree. Police Rodriguez knows he is wanted and call 571-7924. Route 141 ramps will be closed through Aug. The on-ramp to sou thbound areas. bold Road, to May 1999; lane . 'l ;,.;, Route 141 from eastbound and Other traffic change in the area restrictions 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. and 9 ~-117e refuse. defined as . we tbound Kirkwood Hi ghway to include lane restriction 9 a.m. to 3 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Route 40 from ~ ~· .-~- .... feet x3 feet x 4 fee~ if outhbound Route 141 will be p.m. at Possum Park and Paper Mi II Walther Road to US 1through piled. maximum of four 32- closed through Augu . t 3 I . These Road (Mi I ford Croo road ) November 1998. gallotl eonU\inm, or items clo ure. are pa11 of the on-going through November 1998; lane In addition, the entrance to .· which · ould take ·more than two Rout 141 road construction pro­ restrictions during the day on Route Delaware Technical College from minutes of collection time for ject. Detours will be po ted and 273 from Marrow. Road to We. t Route 7 is closed through Aug. 15, one person. .will be collected on motorist. are ad vi ed to e pect Vaco' entrance, and on Salem 1998. andproblems excessive ca=~r;l )~=:e : a fee basis. delays when traveling through these Church Road from Route 40 to Rey- doned by ~ts.. UJIQ.CJ.Y Owners/managers of rental for the summer~ · units, defined as a single-family Pfiesteria watch on in Delaware Any c ..ups of more than residence or one~haJf of a duplex three bulk f~ lind/or items · house, have been notified of this Delawar will receive $200.000 and an additional humbling ev nt for those in Wa ·hington," aid Ca. tie. without · ~ted appohlrm.. · collection criteria and invoices $80,000 in funding f r pfie. teria re earch from th e "We realized ju t how little we kn ew about pfiesteria for pjck ..u,e Will be collect~(,& : for the collections will be for­ nvironment Protection Agency (EPA) and the Nation­ and harmful algal bloom .. " a fee basis~ cheduled pick-up$ warded to their attention. Stu~ al Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA). To date, no outbreaks of the toxic microb have been are available on a limited altd dents who are in doubt as to Delaware's share was boo. ted to $280, 00 at the reported in Delaware water . first come/first serve basis. Items whether or not theil' collection urging of ongressman Mi chael N. astle, because the Over the pa t year. Ca tie worked in Congre to must be placed at ·the curb for will be on a fee basi can con­ mild , wet winter ha.
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