PT Puradelta Lestari Tbk PoRos PeRtumbuhAn ekonomi yAng beRkelAnjutAn The Axis of Sustainable Economic Growth Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report www.kota-deltamas.com Poros Pertumbuhan Ekonomi yang Berkelanjutan The Axis of Sustainable Economic Growth Memiliki populasi terbesar di kawasan Asia Tenggara, As the most populous country in Southeast Indonesia menjadi sasaran investasi yang strategis bagi Asia region, Indonesia becomes a strategic investor usaha, baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. investment target for the investors, both Investasi baru dan ekspansi industri terus bertumbuh di domestic and foreign. New investment and wilayah Kabupaten Bekasi, khususnya Cikarang, yang industrial expansion continue to grow in the memang dikenal sebagai porosnya aktivitas industri di Bekasi Regency region, particularly Cikarang Indonesia. area, which is renowned as the axis of industrial activities in Indonesia. Kota Deltamas, yang terletak di Cikarang Pusat, menjadi Kota Deltamas, located in Central Cikarang, saksi pertumbuhan investasi industri yang sangat masif has witnessed a massive industrial investment dalam satu dekade terakhir. Dengan konsep kawasan growth in the last decade. With the concept of terpadu modern yang ramah lingkungan, Kota Deltamas eco-friendly modern integrated township, Kota memberikan jawaban atas kebutuhan investasi, pekerjaan, Deltamas provide solution for all stakeholders’ hunian, maupun gaya hidup bagi semua para pemangku needs on investments, job opportunities, kepentingan. Aktivitas industri, permintaan akan tempat residentials, and lifestyle. The industrial tinggal dan tempat usaha, dan perputaran ekonomi di Kota activities, the demands on residentials and Deltamas senantiasa terus menunjukkan perkembangan commercials, and the economic turnover in yang signifikan tahun demi tahun. Dengan cadangan lahan Kota Deltamas continue to indicate significant yang masih luas, Kota Deltamas akan terus dibangun growth year by year. With a huge land bank, dan dikembangkan secara berkelanjutan sebagai sebuah Kota Deltamas will be built and developed kawasan bernilai tinggi dengan prospek yang cerah. continuously as a high value area with a bright prospect. PT PURADELTA LESTARI Tbk. 3 Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report KILAS KINERJA Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Performance Highlights Management Report Company Profile Kilas Kinerja Performance Highlights Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights (Angka-angka pada seluruh tabel dan grafik dalam Laporan (Numerical Notations in all tables and graphs in this Annual Tahunan ini menggunakan notasi Bahasa Inggris) Report are in English) (dalam jutaan Rupiah/ in million Rupiah) Laporan Laba Rugi dan Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Konsolidasian / Consolidated Statements of Other 2017 2016 2015 Comprehensive Profit Loss and Income Pendapatan usaha/ Revenues 1,336,391 1,593,794 2,285,854 Laba kotor/ Gross profit 814,853 895,852 1,449,050 Laba usaha/ Operating profit 624,068 724,126 1,184,455 Laba tahun berjalan/ Profit for the year 657,120 757,548 1,368,208 Pemilik entitas induk/ Owners of the company 656,718 757,238 1,367,928 Kepentingan non-pengendali/ Non-controlling interests 402 310 280 Jumlah Penghasilan Komprehensif/ Total Comprehensive Income 653,712 757,966 1,365,792 Pemilik entitas induk/ Owners of the company 653,312 757,656 1,365,512 Kepentingan non-pengendali/ Non-controlling interests 400 310 281 Laba per saham dasar (Rp)/ Basic earnings per share (Rp) 13.63 15.71 29.58 (dalam jutaan Rupiah/ in million Rupiah) Laporan Posisi Keuangan Konsolidasi/ 2017 2016 2015 Consolidated Statements of Financial Position Jumlah Aset/ Total Asset 7,470,942 7,803,852 8,007,121 Jumlah Aset Lancar/ Total Current Asset 3,535,828 3,713,837 4,495,175 Jumlah Aset Tidak Lancar/ Total Non-current Assets 3,935,114 4,090,015 3,511,946 Jumlah Liabilitas/ Total Liabilities 465,104 415,467 846,523 Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Pendek/ Total Current Liabilities 437,802 395,409 829,395 Jumlah Liabilitas Jangka Panjang/ Total Non-current Liabilities 27,302 20,058 17,128 Jumlah Ekuitas/ Total Equity 7,005,838 7,388,385 7,160,598 (dalam jutaan Rupiah/ in million Rupiah) Laporan Arus Kas/ Statements of Cash Flow 2017 2016 2015 Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi/ Cash Flow from Operating Activities 755,193 698,273 968,186 Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi/ Cash Flow from Investing Activities (140,940) (63,902) (40,409) Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan/ Cash Flow from Financing Activities (1,036,259) (530,179) (1,245,202) 4 PT PURADELTA LESTARI Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report Analisis & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Management and Discussion Analysis Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility of the Company (dalam %/ in %) Rasio-rasio Keuangan/ Financial Ratios 2017 2016 2015 Rasio laba kotor terhadap pendapatan/ Gross profit margin 60.97 56.21 63.39 Rasio laba bersih terhadap pendapatan/ Net profit margin 49.14 47.51 59.84 Rasio laba bersih terhadap aset/ Return on assets 8.80 9.71 17.09 Rasio laba bersih terhadap ekuitas/ Return on equity 9.38 10.25 19.11 Rasio lancar/ Current ratio 807.63 939.24 541.98 Rasio liabilitas terhadap aset/ Liabilities to assets ratio 6.23 5.32 10.57 Rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas/ Liabilities to equity ratio 6.64 5.62 11.82 Pendapatan Usaha (Rp Miliar) Laba Kotor (Rp Miliar) Laba Bersih (Rp Miliar) Revenues (Rp Billion) Gross Profit (Rp Billion) Net Profit (Rp Billion) 2,286 1,449 1,368 1,594 1,336 896 815 757 657 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 Laba Bersih per Saham (Rp) Rasio Laba terhadap Ekuitas (%) Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas (%) Earnings per Share (Rp) Return on Equity (%) Liability to Equity Ratio (%) 29.58 19.11 11.82 15.71 6.64 13.63 10.25 9.38 5.62 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 PT PURADELTA LESTARI Tbk. 5 Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report KILAS KINERJA Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Performance Highlights Management Report Company Profile Ikhtisar Saham Stock Highlights Volume Perdagangan (Dalam jutaan lembar) Harga Penutupan (Rp) Trading Volume (In million of shares) Closing Price (Rp) 400,000,000 350 350,000,000 300 300,000,000 250 250,000,000 200 200,000,000 150 150,000,000 100 100,000,000 50 50,000,000 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016 2017 Volume Perdagangan Harga Penutupan Trading Volume Closing Price Harga Saham, Volume Perdagangan, dan Nilai Kapitalisasi Pasar Per Triwulan Quarterly Share Price, Trading Volume, and Market Capitalization Uraian/ Description Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2017 Harga tertinggi (Rp) / Highest price (Rp) 266 260 218 202 Harga terendah (Rp)/ Lowest price (Rp) 212 210 189 163 Harga penutupan (Rp)/ Closing price (Rp) 228 216 200 171 Volume rata-rata transaksi harian (saham)/ Average 37,876,403 31,360,317 26,078,058 15,658,055 daily trading volume (shares) Jumlah saham yang beredar 48,198,111,100 48,198,111,100 48,198,111,100 48,198,111,100 (saham)/ Number of outstanding shares (shares) Kapitalisasi pasar pada penutupan (dalam jutaan rupiah)/ Market capitalization at closing (in million rupiah) 10,989,169 10,410,792 9,639,622 8,241,877 6 PT PURADELTA LESTARI Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report Analisis & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Management and Discussion Analysis Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility of the Company Kinerja Saham 2017 Stock Performance 2017 2017 Bulan Tertinggi Terendah Penutupan Volume Rata-rata Transaksi Month Highest (Rp) Lowest (Rp) Closing (Rp) Average Trading Volume Januari/ January 238 212 238 45,825,771 Februari/ February 266 222 242 40,349,026 Maret/ March 250 224 228 28,152,923 April/ April 244 224 240 36,824,212 Mei/ May 260 216 220 36,616,360 Juni/ June 226 210 216 18,159,847 Juli/ July 218 189 208 46,479,876 Agustus/ August 210 200 204 15,215,073 September/ September 204 192 200 16,106,874 Oktober/ October 202 183 188 28,636,127 November/ November 190 170 172 8,715,495 Desember/ December 184 163 171 8,281,317 Uraian/ Description Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2016 Harga tertinggi (Rp) / Highest price (Rp) 223 218 296 274 Harga terendah (Rp)/ Lowest price (Rp) 199 194 204 212 Harga penutupan (Rp)/ Closing price (Rp) 206 216 246 230 Volume rata-rata transaksi harian (saham)/ Average 12,078,512 10,889,944 76,812,053 31,505,081 daily trading volume (shares) Jumlah saham yang beredar 48,198,111,100 48,198,111,100 48,198,111,100 48,198,111,100 (saham)/ Number of outstanding shares (shares) Kapitalisasi pasar pada penutupan (dalam jutaan 9,928,811 10,410,792 11,856,735 11,085,566 rupiah)/ Market capitalization at closing (in million rupiah) PT PURADELTA LESTARI Tbk. 7 Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report KILAS KINERJA Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan Performance Highlights Management Report Company Profile Kilas Peristiwa Event Highlights 22 Februari 2017 / February 22, 2017 Kawasan industri Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC) milik Perseroan terdaftar sebagai salah satu kawasan industri yang mengimplementasikan fasilitas KLIK (Kemudahan Investasi Langsung Konstruksi). Greenland International Industrial Center (GIIC) industrial estate is listed as one of industrial estate that implement KLIK (Direct Construction After Investment) facility. 24 April 2017 / April 24, 2017 Grand Opening pabrik PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Indonesia di kawasan industri GIIC. Grand Opening of PT Mitsubishi Motors’ Krama Yudha Indonesia factory in the GIIC industrial estate. 9 Mei 2017 / May 9, 2017 Pembukaan gedung baru Perseroan untuk kantor divisi Teknik dan Pengelolaan Kawasan di Kota Deltamas. Grand Opening of the Company’s new building for Technical and Estate Management division office in Kota Deltamas. 8 PT PURADELTA LESTARI Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report Analisis & Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Management and Discussion Analysis Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility of the Company 30 Mei 2017 / May 30, 2017 Penandatanganan Persetujuan Pembentukan Perusahaan Patungan oleh Perseroan dan Panahome Asia Pacific Pte.
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