�j{]&lrYJm[�[ill��lRl rn�m��� Official Game Accessory Gamer's Handbook of the Volume 8 Contents Acolytes of Magneto .......... ............3 Legion of Night .........................67 Banner, Betty Ross .......................5 Living Lightning ........................71 Bishop ......... ........................7 Midnight ........ ......................73 Blackout ...............................9 Midnight Sun ..........................75 Braddock, Jamie .......................11 Omega Red ...........................77 Cardiac ...............................13 Overkill and the Stark .... ........... .....79 Cloak and Dagger ......................15 Pacific Overlords .......... ........ ..... 81 Code Blue . ............................19 Pantheon ..................... ........85 Collector ..............................23 Portal ...................... ..........91 Corona .......... .....................25 Rancor and the Nine ....................93 Darkhawk ... ........ ..................27 Riders of the Storm ... ..................97 Deathwatch ......... ..................29 Sabra ................................99 Domino ..... ..........................31 Scarlet Scarab ........................101 Equinox ............... , ............... 33 Shadow King .........................103 Feral .................................35 Shatterstar ...........................105 Firebrand II .................... ........37 Shinobi ..............................107 Force of Nature ........................39 Silhouette ............................109 Foreigner .............................43 Sleepwalker .................... ......111 Fury, Nick .............................45 Sphinx II .............................113 Gideon ...............................47 Stained Glass Scarlet ..................115 Harness and Piecemeal/Proteus II ......... 49 Strong Guy ...........................117 Hate Monger ...........................51 Tetrarchs of Entropy ....................119 HYDRA ...............................53 Thane Ector and the Brethren ............123 Infinity Watch .......... ................59 Vixen ................................127 Iron Fist ...............................65 1 Written by Scott Bennie, John Elliot, and David Pulver Design Development by Dale A. Donovan Edited by Caroline Spector, Steven E. Schend, and Karen S. Boomgarden Project Coordination by Steven E. Schend Cover by Jeff Butler Interior Illustrations by Mark Heike and John Statema Typography by Tracey Zamagne TSR, Inc. POB 756 l§i=ii�Lake Geneva, WI 53147 This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR, Inc. and Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc. The names of characters used herein are fictitious and do not refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental. MARVEL SUPER HEROES and MARVEL UNIVERSE are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Marvel characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. and are used with permission. ©1992 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The TSR logo is a trademark owned by TSR, Inc. Copyright ©1992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. ISBN 61-56076-407-4 2 ACOLVTESCF MAG'NETC The Acolytes are a band of mutant refu­ Acolytes remained loyal to Magneto; Place of Birth: Unknown gees who stole an American space shut­ while they may have perished in the as­ Marital Status: Unrevealed tle and came to Asteroid M hoping to join teroid's apparent destruction, it is also Known Relatives: None Magneto to fight for mutant supremacy. possible they survived through the use Base of Operations: Formerly Asteroid Magneto was initially reluctant to be­ of Magneto's powers or their own. M, now unknown come involved with them. But when one Descriptions of four of the five Aco­ Past Group Affiliations: Acolytes of of the Acolytes (Ann marie) was attacked lytes are given below. The fifth Acolyte Magneto and seriously wounded by the SHIELD was a silent, cloaked woman who did not Present Group Affiliations: officers pursuing them to Asteroid M, actively participate in the Acolytes' bat­ Magneto adopted the Acolytes as his fol­ tles. Her name and powers have yet to KNOWN POWERS: lowers for their own protection. be revealed. Power Amplification: Cortezhas the Re­ Fabian Cortez, the Acolytes' leader, markable mutant ability to amplify the urged Magneto to acquire nuclear weap­ powers of another mutant, increasing ons for Asteroid M. He then persuaded FABIAN CORTEZ the power by up to 3 column shifts. If a the Acolytes to conduct a terrorist attack STATISTICS: mutant's powers are enhanced beyond on the island of Genosha. These acts their normal level, they may go out of convinced the Soviet Union and United F GD(10) control. A yellow FEAT roll against States that Magneto had to be de­ A GD(10) Psyche is needed to prevent this from stroyed. They attempted his destruction S TY(6) happening, with a further roll allowed by firing a plasma cannon at Asteroid M. E GD(10) every turn to regain control. The effects This was Fabian Cortez's real inten­ R EX(20) of the amplification are up to the Judge. tion-he wanted Magneto to die a martyr I GD(10) Examples of the effects are: a mutant to the cause of mutant supremacy at the P GD(10) with telekinesis might randomly attack hands of the superpowers. Cortez also Health: 36 everyone in the vicinity, a character with attempted to turn Magneto against the Karma: 40 an enhanced sense of smell may be X-Men, persuading him that Moira Mac­ Resources: GD(10) overwhelmed by odors, and so on. Taggert and Charles Xavier had tam­ Popularity: 0 Cortez must touch his subject to use pered with Magneto's mind during the his power. This requires a successful years that he had been a regressed in­ Fighting FEAT roll. Thus far, he has only BACKGROUND: fant under Moira's care. Cortez's treach­ affected a single person at a time and Real Name: Fabian Cortez ery was exposed by MOira, but it was too the effects have worn off within 3d10 Occupation: Mutant terrorist late for the X-Men to save Asteroid M. turns. Legal Status: Citizenship unknown, but As Asteroid M began to disintegrate, has American criminal record Ta lents: Fabian Cortez has the Medicine Cortez escaped in a stolen shuttle, vow­ and Genetics talents and is a space Identity: Known to the authorities and ing to continue to wage his terrorist cam­ X-Men shuttle Pilot. He also has Martial Arts B. paign for mutant supremacy. The other 3 Contacts: Unknown; he may be an old Ta lents: Martial Arts B, Wrestling and Pi­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: enemy of Wolverine. lot. Delgado can function as a crewman Like Magneto, Chrome is devoted to on a space shuttle. If Delgado is actually fighting for mutant supremacy and is will­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: a SHIELD agent (see below), he will pos­ ing to kill and/or die for that cause. Unlike Cortez is highly skilled at flattery and de­ sess Law Enforcement and Detective/ Magneto, Chrome has no compassion for ception. He is willing to sacrifice anyone Espionage talents. normal humans, referring to them con­ and anything (except his life) to further Contacts: Magneto and possibly temptuously as "flatscans"-that is, peo­ the cause of mutant supremacy. Cortez SHIELD. ple who show no significant mutations was instrumental in urging Magneto into when genetically scanned. a collision course with the world's great ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Although he worships Magneto, powers and the X-Men, events which Like the other Acolytes, Delgado is a Chrome is prone to taking unauthorized culminated in the destruction of Asteroid mutant-supremacist who worships Mag­ actions in Magneto's name for what he M. He was cunning and ruthless enough neto. He is the group's powerhouse, perceives as his master's best interests, to conceive a plan in which Magneto, the slugging it out with their strongest foes. regardless of Magneto's own wishes. other Acolytes, and the X-Men would die A Harry Delgado was on the SHIELD at the hands of the United States and team sent to arrest the would-be Aco­ ANNMARIE Soviet Union. It was Cortez's hope that lytes. If he is the same person, he might their deaths would inspire other mutant have been mind-controlled or brain­ STATISTICS: supremacists to rise up against normal washed. humanity. F GD(10) CHROME A GD(10) DELGADO S TY(6) STATISTICS: E GD(10) STATISTICS: R TY(6) F GD(10) I TY(6) F EX(20) A GD(10) P TY(6) A GD(10) S TY(6) Health: 36 S RM(30) E GD(10) Karma: 18 E EX(20) R TY(6) Resources: PR(4) R TY(6) I TY(6) Popularity: 0 I TY(6) P TY(6) P TY(6) Health: 36 KNOWN POWERS: Health: 80 Karma: 18 Annmarie's exact powers are unknown. Karma: 18 Resources: PR(4) It is possible they involve brainwashing, Resources: PR(4) Popularity: 0 which could account for Delgado's Popularity: 0 change of allegiance. KNOWN POWERS: BACKGROUND: Body Tr ansformation-Others: Chrome Equipment: Real Name: Unrevealed, possibly Harry possesses Amazing power to alter the Body Armor: Annmarie wears a suit that Delgado molecular structure of a living being at a acts as Typical rank body armor vs. Occupation: Mutant freedom-fighter, touch. He can perform the following physical attacks. possibly a former
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