STATE OF THE CLIMATE IN 2008 T. C. PE T ERSON AND M. O. BARINGER , EDS . ASSO C IA T E EDS .: H. J. DIA M OND , R. L. FOG T , J. M. LEVY , J. RI cht ER -MENGE , P. W. TH ORNE , L. A. VIN C EN T , AND A. B. WA T KINS Special Supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Vol. 90, No. 8, August 2009 STATE OF THE CLIMATE IN 2008 HOW TO CITE THIS DOCUMENT Citing the complete report: Peterson, T. C., and M. O. Baringer, Eds., 2009: State of the Climate in 2008. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, S1–S196. Citing a chapter (example): Levy, J. M., Ed., 2009: Global oceans [in “State of the Climate in 2008”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90 (8), S1–S196. Citing a section (example): L’Heureux, M., G. Bell, and M. Halpert, 2009: ENSO and the tropical Pacific [in “State of the Climate in 2008”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90 (8), S1–S196. AFFILIATIONS (ALPHABETICAL BY AUTHOR ) Aceituno, Patricio, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile Bidegain, Mario, Instituto de Fisica, Montevideo, Uruguay Achard, Frédéric, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Bissolli, Peter, German Meteorological Service, Offenbach, Research Centre, Ispra, Italy Germany Acheberger, Christine, Earth Sciences Centre, University of Blake, Eric, NOAA/NWS/NCEP National Hurricane Center, Miami, Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden Florida Ackerman, Steven A., CIMSS University of Wisconsin—Madison, Boudet, Dagne, Institute of Meteorology of Cuba, La Habana, Cuba Madison, Wisconsin Bowling, Laura C., Department of Agronomy, Purdue University, Alfaro, Eric J., Center for Geophysical Research, University of West Lafayette, Indiana Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica Box, J. E., Byrd Polar Research Center and Department of Allan, Rob, Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, United Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Kingdom Boyer, Timothy P., NOAA/NESDIS National Ocean Data Center, Amador, Jorge A., Center for Geophysical Research, University of Silver Spring, Maryland Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica Brink, Andreas B., Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Antonov, John I., NOAA/NESDIS National Ocean Data Center, Research Centre, Ispra, Italy Silver Spring, Maryland Bromwich, David H., Byrd Polar Research Center and Department Ashik, I., Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, of Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Russia Brown, R., Climate Research Division, Environment Canada, Attaher, Samar M., Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Downsview, Ontario, Canada Cairo, Egypt Bryden, Harry L., Ocean Observing and Climate Research Group, Baez, Julian, DMH-DINAC/CTA-UCA, Asunción, Paraguay National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Bai, L.-S., Byrd Polar Research Center and Department of Kingdom Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Bulygina, Olga N., All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrological Ballard, Robert A., NOAA/NWS, Honolulu, Hawaii Information, Obninsk, Russia Baringer, Molly O., NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Calderon, Blanca, Center for Geophysical Research, University of Meteorological Laboratory, Physical Oceanography Division, Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica Miami, Florida Camargo, Suzana J., Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory, The Barreira, Sandra, Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service, Buenos Earth Institute at Columbia University, Palisades, New York Aires, Argentina Cappelen, J., Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Barriopedro, David, Centro de Geofísica da Universidade de Denmark Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Carmack, E., Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, British Columbia, Bartholomé, Etienne, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Canada Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy Chen, Deliang, Earth Sciences Centre, University of Gothenburg, Beal, Lisa M., Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Gothenburg, Sweden Division of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Miami, Christy, John R., Earth System Science Center, University of Florida Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama Behrenfeld, Michael J., Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon Coelho, Caio A. S., CPTEC/INPE, Center for Weather Forecasts Bell, Gerald D., NOAA/NWS/NCEP Climate Prediction Center, and Climate Studies, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil Camp Springs, Maryland Colwell, Steve, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, United Bell, Michael A., International Institute for Climate and Society, Kingdom New York Comiso, J. E., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Bellouin, Nicolas, Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, Maryland United Kingdom Cunningham, Stuart. A., Ocean Observing and Climate Research Belward, Alan S., Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Group, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Research Centre, Ispra, Italy United Kingdom Bennartz, Ralf, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Cupo, J. P, National Weather Service, San Juan, Puerto Rico University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Cutié, Virgen, Institute of Meteorology of Cuba, La Habana, Cuba Benson, R., Byrd Polar Research Center and Department of Davydova-Belitskaya, Valentina, National Meteorological Service of Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico Bhatt, U. S., Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska–Fairbanks, Decker, D., Byrd Polar Research Center and Department of Fairbanks, Alaska Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Bhattacharya, I., Byrd Polar Research Center and Department of Derksen, C., Climate Research Division, Environment Canada, Geography, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Downsview, Ontario, Canada STATE OF THE CLIMATE IN 2008 AUGUST 2009 | S3 Diamond, Howard J., NOAA/NESDIS National Climatic Data Guard, Charles P., NOAA National Weather Service, Barrigada, Center, Silver Spring, Maryland Guam Dickson, Andrew G., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Guo, Yanjun, National Climate Center, Beijing, China University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California Haimberger, Leopold, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria DiGirolamo, N., Science Systems Applications Inc. and NASA Hall, D., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland Halpert, Michael S., NOAA/NWS/NCEP Climate Prediction Dlugokencky, Ed, NOAA Global Monitoring Division, Earth System Center, Camp Springs, Maryland Research Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado Hanna, E., Department of Geography, University of Sheffield, Dohan, Kathleen, Earth and Space Research, Seattle, Washington England Drozdov, D., Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tumen, Russia Harris, Glen, Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, United Dutton, Geoffrey S., NOAA Earth Science Research Laboratory/ Kingdom Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Haywood, Jim, Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, United Sciences (CIRES), Boulder, Colorado Kingdom Elkins, James W., NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Heidinger, Andrew K., NOAA/NESDIS University of Wisconsin— Boulder, Colorado Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Epstein, H. E., University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia Heim, Richard R., Jr., NOAA/NESDIS/ National Climatic Data Feely, Richard A., NOAA/OAR Pacific Marine Environmental Center, Asheville, North Carolina Laboratory, Seattle, Washington Hernandez, Marieta, Institute of Meteorology of Cuba, La Habana, Fekete, Balázs M., NOAA CREST Center, The City College of New Cuba York, New York, New York Hilburn, Kyle A., Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, California Fenimore, Chris, NOAA/NESDIS/National Climatic Data Center, Hirschi, Joel, Ocean Observing and Climate Research Group, Asheville, North Carolina National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Fettweis, X., Department of Geography, University of Liège, Liège, Kingdom Belgium Jaimes, Ena, Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología de Fogt, Ryan L., NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, Perú, Lima, Perú Colorado Jia, G. J., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute for Atmospheric Folland, Chris K., Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, United Physics, Beijing, China Kingdom Johns, William E., Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Fonseca-Rivera, Cecilia, Institute of Meteorology of Cuba, Science, Division of Meteorology and Physical La Habana, Cuba Oceanography, Miami, Florida Foster, Michael J., AOS/CIMSS University of Wisconsin—Madison, Johnson, Gregory C., NOAA/OAR Pacific Marine Environmental Madison, Wisconsin Laboratory, Seattle, Washington Frolov, I., Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Jones, Andy, Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, United Russia Kingdom Gamedze, Mduduzi S., Swaziland Meteorological Service, Mbabane, Jones, Gareth S., Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, United Swaziland Kingdom Gill, Stephen, NOAA/NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Kabidi, Khadija, Direction de la Météorologie Nationale, Rabat, Products and Services, Silver Spring, Maryland Morocco Gleason, Karin L., NOAA/NESDIS National Climatic Data Center, Kanzow, Torsten O., Ocean Observing and Climate Research Asheville, North Carolina Group, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, Gobron, Nadine, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint United Kingdom Research Centre, Ispra, Italy Kennedy, John J., Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, United Goldenberg, Stanley B., NOAA/OAR Atlantic Oceanographic and Kingdom Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, Florida Khalil, Alaa A., Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Cairo, Goni, Gustavo J., NOAA/OAR Atlantic
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