S Missouri Biver 33^*91 Basin final r<I7rorpfw environmentai 1992 impact statement for water reservation applications above URI RIVER BASIN FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR WATER RESERVATION APPLICATIONS ABOVE FORT PECK DAM MONTANA STATE LIBRARY"nn i S 333.9 1 N7mrptw 1 992 c. 1 Missouri River basin :finar environmenta FEB 9 tW4 Tr. ABBREVIATIONS XT 2 5 2004 af acre-feet af/y acre-feet per year ARM Administrative Rules of Montana BHES Montana Board of Health and Environmental Sciences BLM United States Bureau of Land Management Board Montana Board of Natural Resources and Conservation BOD biological oxygen demand BUREC United States Bureau of Reclamation cfs cubic feet per second cm centimeter COD chemical OJQ^gen demand Corps United States Army Corps of Engineers DFWP Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks DHES Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences DNRC Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation EIS environmental impact statement EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission GW gigawatt GWh gigawatt-hour kV kllovolt kW kilowatt kWh kUowatt-hour MCA Montana Code Annotated MEPA Montana Environmental Policy Act mg/1 milligrams per liter MNHP Montana Natural Heritage Program MNRIS Montana Natural Resources Information System MFC Montana Power Company MW megawatt MWh megawatt-hour ppm parts per million SCS United States SoU Conservation Service SHPO Montana Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Office TDS total dissolved solids TSS total suspended solids micrograms per liter USDA United States Department of Agriculture USDI United States Department of the Interior USES United States Forest Service uses United States Geological Survey : DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION LEE METCALF STAN STEPHENS, GOVERNOR BUILDING 1520 EAST SIXTH AVENUE STATE OF MONTANA' DIRECTOR'S OFFICE (406) 444-6699 HELENA, MONTANA S9620-2301 TELEFAX NUMBER (406) 444-6721 January 8, 1992 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: This environmental impact statement (EIS) has been prepared by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) on behalf of the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation (Board) . The EIS and supporting environmental assessments analyze the impacts on the environment from the proposed reservations of water in the Missouri River Basin above Fort Peck Dam. Reservations of water have been sought by the following state and federal agencies and state subdivisions: Conservation Districts: Municipalities Big Sandy Belgrade Broadwater Bozeman Cascade County Chester Chouteau County Choteau Fergus County Conrad Gallatin Cut Bank Glacier County Dillon Hill County East Helena Jefferson Valley Fairfield Judith Basin Fort Benton Lewis and Clark County Great Falls Liberty County Helena Meagher County Lewistown Lower Musselshell Power Pondera County Shelby Teton County Three Forks Toole County West Yellowstone Valley County Winifred State Agencies; Federal Agencies: Montana Department of Health and United States Bureau of Environmental Sciences Reclamation Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife United States Bureau of and Parks Land Management CENTHAUZED SERVICES I On July 3, 1991, DNRC released a draft EIS. Informational meetings and public hearing on the draft EIS were held in Helena, Roundup, and Big Sandy on August 5, 1991; in Great Falls, Ennis and Valier on August 6, 1991; in Lewistown and Bozeman on August 7, 1991; and in Glasgow and Dillon on August 8, 1991. The 60-day comment period, originally scheduled to end September 2, 1991, was extended to September 16, 1991. DNRC received 121 written and oral responses on the draft EIS. While not including any major changes from the draft EIS, the final EIS includes corrections, clarifications, and additions to the original text. Two new alternatives were considered - a municipal alternative and a water quality alternative - as the result of public comments. Public comments and DNRC' s responses to the comments are also included. The EIS does not recommend a course of action to the Board. The Board has appointed a hearing examiner to conduct a contested case hearing, which will begin in February 1992. Hearing times and locations where the public can give testimony will be published in newspapers of general circulation. Based on information in the applications, the EIS, and on testimony at the hearing, the hearing examiner will present findings and recommendations to the Board. The Board has until July 1, 1992, to make a final decision on the water reservation applications. Further information, including additional copies of the final EIS, can be obtained by calling (406) 444-6627, or by writing to DNRC at 1520 E. Sixth Ave., Helena, MT, 59620-2301. Sincerely, OU^jJii-dLy— Karen L. Barclay Director MISSOURI RIVER BASIN FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR WATER RESERVATION APPLICATIONS ABOVE FORT PECK DAM Biizcre Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation January 1992 , S-1 SUMMARY In July 199 1 . the Montana Department ofNatural vation districts requested 388.137 af/yr, primarily Resources and Conservation (DNRC) released Its draft for 2 19 proposed irrigation projects covering 1 54,604 environmental Impact statement (EIS) for water res- acres. The Montana Department of Health and En- ervation applications above Fort Peck Dam. Informa- vironmental Sciences (DHE^) applied to reserve half tional meetings and public hearings on the draft EIS the average annual flow at four points on the Mis- were held in 10 Missouri basin communities from souri River (near Toston, Ulm, Vlrgelle, and August 5 through August 8. The public had until LanduslQ^) to maintain dilution of arsenic in the river September 2 to comment on the draft EIS, with this water. The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife deadline later extended to September 16. This final and Parks (DFWP) applied to reserve Instream flows EIS responds to comments and questions pertaining on 283 streams or stream reaches, one lake, and one to the draft EIS and summarizes and updates the wetland, to protect fish, wildlife, recreation, and water draft. quality. The U.S. Bureau ofLand Management (BLM) requested instream flows on 31 streams for fish, MISSOURI RIVER WATER wildlife, recreation, and to maintain channel form. RESERVATION STATUTE The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BUREC) applied to reserve a maximum of280 cubic feet per second (cfs) up to a yearly total of 89,000 acre-feet (af) from the In 1985, the Montana Legislature directed DNRC Missouri River. This water would be diverted into the to begin a basinwide water reservation proceeding for Milk River basin to relieve water shortages and pro- the Missouri River basin above Fort Peck Dam. The vide for some new Irrigation. legislature felt that implementation of a water reser- vation procedure would encourage more coordinated development of the water resources in the basin and EIS PROCESS would help form a strong and unified basis for pro- tecting Montana's share of the Missouri River water The Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEP^^ from downstream states. Reservations granted in requires preparation of an environmental Impact this process have a priority date of July 1, 1985. statement for major state government actions that Under Montana water law, reservations allow for have the potential to significantly affect the human existing or future consumptive uses of water and for and natural environment. An EIS examines the en- maintaining Instream flows to protect aquatic life, vironmental, social, and economic impacts of the recreation, and water quality. Only public entitles proposed action and is generally prepared in two such as local governments, conservation districts, phases—a "draft" and "final" EIS. Because the Mis- and state and federal agencies can apply for and hold souri basin water reservation proceeding is a major water reservations. DNRC was assigned by statute to state action that could have substantial effects on coordinate the process and to provide technical and the environment, an EIS was prepared. financial assistance to conservation districts and municipalities in preparing their applications. The In the summer of 1989, DNRC held 10 public Board ofNatural Resources and Conservation (Board) meetings at different locations throughout the basin must reach a decision on water reservation applica- to identity Important issues for analysis and inclu- tions above Fort Peck Dam by July 1, 1992. sion in the draft EIS. DNRC also developed a com- puter model of the Missouri River basin to assess the availability of water. The draft EIS included discus- APPLICATIONS sion of issues raised by meeting participants, along with analysis based on the computer modeling. Fur- DNRC received 40 reservation applications. Eigh- ther information, research, and analysis was pro- teen municipalities applied for 34,689 acre-feet per vided by DNRC staff and consultants. The draft EIS year (af/yr) to meet future growth. Eighteen conser- was distributed In July 1991. S-2 Information meetings followed by hearings were held in 10 Missouri basin communities during Au- gust 5, 6, 7, and 8. 1991. to take comments and questions on the draft EIS (Table S- 1). Distribution of the draft EIS was followed by a 60-day comment period during which DNRC accepted written com- ments on the draft EIS. This comment period was extended two weeks to end on September 16, 1991. DNRC received 86 written comments in response to the draft EIS. This final EIS was then prepared to respond to comments
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