E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1995 No. 197 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. After consultation with the majority of the committee to escort the Prime The Reverend Dr. Ronald F. Chris- and minority leaders, and with their Minister of the State of Israel into the tian, Office of the Bishop, Evangelical consent and approval, the Chair an- Chamber: the gentleman from Texas Lutheran Church in America, Washing- nounces that during the joint meeting [Mr. ARMEY]; the gentleman from ton, DC, offered the following prayer: to hear an address by His Excellency Texas [Mr. DELAY]; the gentleman Almighty God, we acknowledge this Shimon Peres, only the doors imme- from Ohio [Mr. BOEHNER]; the gen- day as always that You are the one diately opposite the Speaker, and those tleman from New York [Mr. GILMAN]; who is worthy to be held in reverence on his right and left will be open. the gentleman from Louisiana [Mr. by all the people, from the least of us No one will be allowed on the floor of LIVINGSTON]; the gentleman from New to the greatest, and so, we pray, kindle the House who does not have the privi- York [Mr. SOLOMON]; the gentleman within each of us the spark of Your lege of the floor of the House. from Indiana [Mr. BURTON]; the gen- love so that all of Your children may Due to the large attendance which is tleman from Alabama [Mr. CALLAHAN]; know of Your goodness and gracious anticipated, the Chair feels that the the gentleman from New Mexico [Mr. care. We pray, guide and direct those rule regarding the privilege of the floor SCHIFF]; the gentleman from New York who are called and selected to be lead- must be strictly adhered to. [Mr. LAZIO]; the gentleman from Mis- ers of others, so that choices and deci- Childen of Members will not be per- souri [Mr. GEPHARDT]; the gentleman sions will always be based on what will mitted on the floor, and the coopera- from Michigan [Mr. BONIOR]; the gen- bring dignity and honor to Your peo- tion of all Members is requested. tleman from California [Mr. FAZIO]; the ple. We pray, show us the great waste f gentlewoman from Connecticut [Mrs. of our wrath and our rage, and give us KENNELLY]; the gentleman from Indi- O God, good will to all and peace in our RECESS ana [Mr. HAMILTON]; the gentleman time, peace among nations, and peace The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the from Illinois [Mr. YATES]; the gen- in our hearts. Amen. order of the House of Thursday, Decem- tleman from Wisconsin [Mr. OBEY]; the gentleman from Texas [Mr. FROST]; the f ber 7, 1995, the House will stand in re- cess subject to the call of the Chair. gentleman from California [Mr. BER- THE JOURNAL Accordingly (at 10 o'clock and 4 min- MAN]; and the gentleman from Florida utes a.m.), the House stood in recess [Mr. HASTINGS]. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Presi- ined the Journal of the last day's pro- subject to the call of the Chair. During the recess, beginning at about dent of the Senate, at the direction of ceedings and announces to the House that body, appoints the following Sen- his approval thereof. 10 o'clock and 53 minutes a.m., the fol- lowing proceedings were had: ators as a committee on the part of the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Senate to escort the Prime Minister of f nal stands approved. the State of Israel into the Chamber: f b 1052 the Senator from Kansas [Mr. DOLE]; the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE JOINT MEETING OF THE HOUSE LOTT]; the Senator from Oklahoma AND SENATE TO HEAR AN AD- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman [Mr. NICKLES]; the Senator from Mis- DRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY from Michigan [Mr. KILDEE] come for- sissippi [Mr. COCHRAN]; the Senator SHIMON PERES, PRIME MIN- ward and lead the House in the Pledge from Florida [Mr. MACK]; the Senator ISTER OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL of Allegiance. from South Carolina [Mr. THURMOND]; Mr. KILDEE led the Pledge of Alle- The Speaker of the House presided. the Senator from New York [Mr. giance as follows: The Assistant to the Sergeant at D'AMATO]; the Senator from South Da- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Arms, Richard Wilson, announced the kota [Mr. DASCHLE]; the Senator from United States of America, and to the Repub- Vice President and Members of the Kentucky [Mr. FORD]; the Senator from lic for which it stands, one nation under God, U.S. Senate, who entered the Hall of Maryland [Ms. MIKULSKI]; the Senator indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the House of Representatives, the Vice from Rhode Island [Mr. PELL]; the Sen- f President taking the chair at the right ator from Vermont [Mr. LEAHY]; the of the Speaker, and the Members of the Senator from Michigan [Mr. LEVIN]; ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Senate the seats reserved for them. the Senator from California [Mrs. FEIN- The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to The SPEAKER. On the part of the STEIN]; and the Senator from California make an announcement. House, the Chair appoints as members [Mrs. BOXER]. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 14255 H 14256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE December 12, 1995 The Assistant to the Sergeant at tion and decision. We complemented the American century, yes, the century Arms announced the Ambassadors, each other in a determined pursuit of of America. Ministers, and ChargeÂs d'Affaires of the only objective worthy of the task America nurtured a way of life that foreign governments. bestowed upon us by the people of Is- has made competitive creativeness the The Ambassadors, Ministers, and rael: to carve a new era of security in engine of economic development prac- ChargeÂs d'Affaires of foreign govern- peace, to build bridges across an Arab- tically in every corner of the world. ments entered the Hall of the House of Israeli divide, an impossible divide. The United States has built strength, Representatives and took the seats re- And he, the captain, is no more. has used strength to save the globe served for them. You, dear friends, have honored him from three of its greatest menaces: the The Assistant to the Sergeant at in life with an intimate, bipartisan Nazi tyranny, the Japanese militarism, Arms announced the Associate Justices friendship to the man, to the land, to and the Communist challenge. of the Supreme Court of the United the cause he represented. You have You did it. You brought freedom. You States. honored him in death with your un- defended it. The Associate Justices of the Su- precedented presence which moved our Even in this very day, as Bosnia reels preme Court of the United States en- hearts. in agony, you offered a compass and a tered the Hall of the House of Rep- May I tell you that the fact that the lamp to a confused situation like in the resentatives and took the seats re- President, two former Presidents, a Middle East. Nobody else was able or served for them in front of the Speak- Secretary of State, two former Sec- was ready to do it. er's rostrum. retaries of State, the leaders of the You enabled many nations to save The Assistant to the Sergeant at Senate and the House and many of the their democracies even as you strive Arms announced the Cabinet of the Members came on this very sad day to now to assist nations to free them- President of the United States. stand at our side is an unforgettable selves from their nondemocratic past. The Members of the Cabinet of the experience in our life. We really thank Your sons and daughters fought President of the United States entered you. It was great on your part; it will many wars. Your great armies won the Hall of the House of Representa- be unforgettable in our history. many victories. Yet wars did not cause tives and took the seats reserved for Hence, I stand before you with one you to lose heart, just as triumphs did them in front of the Speaker's rostrum. assignment: In the shadowy light of not corrupt your system. At 11 o'clock and 9 minutes a.m., the those candles, in the tearful eyes of our America remains unspoiled because Assistant to the Sergeant at Arms an- young generation, I heard their appeal, she has rejected the spoils of victory. nounced the Prime Minister of the nay, the order, ``Carry on. Carry on.'' You have a great Constitution, a vast This is my task. land, a pluralistic civilization. Israel is State of Israel. I stand before you with one over- a small land, 47 years young, 4,000 The Prime Minister of the State of riding commitment: to yield to no years deep. Israel, escorted by the committee of threats, to stop at no obstacle in nego- Thanks to the support you have Senators and Representatives, entered tiating the hurdles ahead, in seeking given and to the aid you have rendered, the Hall of the House of Representa- security for our people, peace for our we have been able to overcome wars tives, and stood at the Clerk's desk.
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