Sloir Pitch Trops Romp Play Off* llcatit Tonight at Park To Girls loop 1'1,-iy off for the City cham­ pionship in slow pitch soft- ball opens tonight at 8:30 p.m., at Torronce Park when In Over Duds the Blue Streak and Service Three hits were all the Tro- Club league titlists vie in the jans needed Thursday as they first game of a best of three BLUES BOUNCE swept p.ist the Duds. 14-4. in niris' Softhall League action at MciMastcr Park The Fire Department "B" squad, representing the nine Llla Cordray posted a ono- UNIONMEN IN hittcr in tossing the win for the League's champion American Trojans. It was their eighth Legion will open play. Winner straight Girls' League triumph. will get special awards from FINAL GAME In a pair of Tuesday games the Recreation Department. The National Bluns and -,t \v-iltn.-ia park, the Huns TORRANCE HERALD AUG. 15, 1955 1 Rogues, 13-10. and A second game Is set for | Local 1135 closed out the Blu« ijins swamped the Friday night, same time and I Streak slow pitch soft hall sea­ place and I i ! : ..- 137. a third game, If son Friday night, at necessary. Is set for next Torrance Seven i rrors by the Duds en­ Park, with the Blues really abled the Trojans to grab off Torrance Bows hanging one on the Unlonmen, the game. They also benefited 27-5. from eight walks supplied hy Dud hurler Ada Dot Hayes. Al Tipton had a perfect five for five at the plate to pace the nets Two lilts nines to their league Dot Nelson, catcher, got two Out Of Tourney win. He home-red in the first of the Trojan hits. Alice Cruz Inning, got the only Dud bingle. By JIM CRUMPACKER doubled and tripled In the big hird inning, doubled in the Four runs in the last of the Vancouver, B.C.'s Little Leaguers, put an end to Tor- fourth and singled in the sixth. sixth pave the Huns their win ranee's third place ambitions at the Region The Blues rocked home 14 over the 8 tournament Rocues. The losers Saturday morning when they rallied for two runs in the tuns in tnelr third inning rally. had talilerl seven big run* in Thev got IS hits in scoring the the List of the fifth to take a last half of the sixth inning to edge the locals, 8-7. mass of tallies. ion lead. Torrance had taken a 6-0 lead In the first inning Scott Albright had an easy But hits by Marsha Post and when they put together four j Gave Wllwn and a pair of er­ time of it on the mound for the rors by Rogue ihlrd baseman hits, coupled with four Van- < doubled. He was brought In by Filues. spacing 10 hits. He was Sue C.imphell gave the winners couver errors to get off to a: t et,.a|ght bunt safeties, Kicked by a 29 hit attack. quick start. Doug Potts, who * their final tallies. All four count- went the route on the mound | Aft" Pott» and HalaP' n na<1 Other Hitters fte out. for the All Stars, hit a homer made top defensive plays In Other top hitters for the Break Tie Blues included George Ahrent, The Walterlans broke a 7-7 with Cliff Roy on base to pro- registering the first, two cuts four bingles. Harry Theodosls. tin to wallop the Flamingos The vide the big blow. of the frame. Lea and Pete Potts, hrce safeties; Jim'carlin. four winners got six hits, while the who lost his fir-it tour- Blacl< singled In succession to hits; Jim Wlelman, n».ment three safe- Flnmlngos got nine, hut could game after four "nd the tilt, i^s. and Bruce Llndsay, thm not hunch them effectively. straight play-off wins, senlnd For the second straight day hits. down and hurled shutout ball i the locals' League play continues tomor­ defense betrayed t The row night at Waltfria Park at the Canadians for four | them. They committed four winners got two scon, when the Flamingos tarkle the straight Innings. ; mlscues to Vancouver's five, in each of the first two Inning* Huns and the Wallet-Inns ho.-rt New THS In the fifth, however, the win-1 but faltered when It. hurt the and then poured home 14 in the the Duds in a twin hill. First ners evened the count by tally- ' most. third, two in the fourth ar" a me rts at 7 p.i Ing six runs. | Curt Probst retired after the wen in the sixth inning. 022 MO 4 1 Coach Due h Hitter Hits first Inning with a sprained Emo Platlsha. Tex Wlllianif. 221 800-14 3 Jim Si-o tt. a pinch hatter, ankle. Mewborn went to short: and Si Whitman each had twe Hayf-s and Specht; Cord ray Here Soon ned Potts first offering down and Halapln was Inserted Into! base hits for the 1135 gang. and Nelson. he middle for a single. Potts the third base spot. | Williams was the losing pitch­ Huns ....... ....050 314 13 11 A fo Hu k a groundcr by Ron End for Ixx-alu i er. He hurled the entire con Rogues .... ...... ....100 270-10 4 college star ; Dave Dana,, Brl ,, w Torrance got nine hits, the i test for the Unlonmen. is due to a nd threw high to sec- Alhertson and Post; Turgeion re soon to onrl ha . giving the Vancouver i winners collected 11 off Potts, | ! Local 1135 yielded two run., and Camp. take over newly assigne ach- squa ,| who pitched a good game' 'to National in the first Inning, Ing duties as baseball t wo runners on. Jim Flamingos ........... 001 240- 7 9 klnpaugh then grounded to ' despite being free with the hits. but then took a brief lead In Walterlans ........ 230 260 -13 8 Torrance High school. I He was in control of the sltua- | their half of the initial canto, Dana, shortstop John Mewhorn. who Max and D. Vlveros; Wilson a native of th< north threw out Bridge at second. | tlon until the last two Innings, | by scoring three times. It was and Zack. Torrance second baseman ; when he and hl« teammates ! no contest from the third In __ and schooled in Oregon. He at­ : committed their telling errors. nlng on. however. tended college at Washington Rick Gomez mishandled Ba Kellett's bouncer and the bases Manager Bo Pal and the Get Fourth Place State college and Humholdt were full with only Dandoy In State, at Arcata, Calif., where one out. Go Torrance youngsters now are The win enabled the Blues to he completed degree work. mez then got Kellett at second finished for the 1955 Little nail down fourth spot in the He on Sheldon Cole's grounder hut '-eagus season, but certainly final Blue Streak standings. lettered in football, has. the first Brown-All ketball and baseball while at run crossed the plate, ''"n't have to hang their heads They finished the campaign Humboldt. After completing With two out the winners ln defeat. The pressure of the WEWOMK HO.MK . John with plght wins, six defeats. really got to work. < 'liRl" elimination Mewhorn, standout performer for the Torran his studies, he signed to play tourney final- throughout tournament Local 1135 finished In sixth Star Peckinpaugh counted when i lv 8ot tn« hustlers from Tor- play, Is mobbed by teinmmtcH following two-run homer In opening Fray professional baseball with the game agalnut place, with four wins, 10 losses. Roy threw to catcher Mike j rance- Kirkland, Wash., on Thursday. I.ooal* ground out A-l victory over Uie North­ Dandoy, orrance's I Salem Senators of the Western fhalllo rtn naiin Tn« erners. Mewborn'* Blues .........22(14) 207 0 27 29 ntrihutlon Lhdiiis on uave Jcsslmane ir« * »>« s | v»Torrancen.-cuvrr ...........600ooo 001062 7811 fl 4« homer, his first for the All Stars, sailed Into the eenterfleld hleacliem at to the football i International League, but was Santa Monica Unionmen . 302 000 0-- 5 10 world, saw brief action with I sidelined after a single sei bouncer, but Challis failed to ~ .nil ChiMli Little l-eaguc Park and sparked a five-run sixth Inning uprising. Torrar.ce'i champlonihlp hopes were dashed Albright and Cicchlnl; Wil­ the World Champion Cleveland Ith burslt make the play. on Friday hy a slugging North Shore* of San Diego team. liams and Whitman. After a two-year tour in the A single hy Dave Lea, double Brown's pro team Friday night hy whrn the College All-Stars wax­ Navy, Dana returned to Hum­ Scott who was up for the ed the beefy pros, boldt State and engaged In second time in the inning and SPORT SLATE 30-27. by Bruce Halapin Dandoy was listed as a de­ graduate studies and also as. j'""'f .-..., and All Stars Lose After Anglers Get slsted In ching the college's,, [ Challis brought four more nins fensive left halfback In the In to tie the score at 8-8. game .summary. He was one of athletic sqi SOFTBALL a few rookies on the Bro' Dana found time while In the Gomez Homers Today City Slow rite San Berdoo squad vho played In the wild ! Navy to play both football and Gomez led off Torrance"s plonihlp: Fire D*pt ' Bombing Kirkland, 6-1 tussle. j baseball with the powerful sixth inning with a homer and A foi er THS and SC Trojan '---- -f the San Diego Naval then Potts and Mewhorn ? 30 p°,i .
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