FINAL FOURTEEN EDITION PAGES VOLUME XIV. FIRST SECTION LETHBIUPGE, ALBERTA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 21.1921 FIRST SECTION NUMBER 34 RIGHTJHONORABLE ARTHU^^IFTON DEAD AT OTTAWA Former Alberta THE REWARD OF PATIENCE! FARMERS IN FAVOR OF THE Premier Passes WHEAT POOL PRINCIPLE; Hon. A. L. Sifton Passes Away at Ottawa—Loaf in Poor Health TO GATHER INFORMATION BEST KNOWN PUBLIC Keen Interest Shown in Di»« MAN IN ALBERTA Education Minister ciifttion at the Edmonton Convention. OTTAWA, Jan. 21,—Right Hon. A. L. Sitton, secretary of state of Denounces Minimum Canada, died at 8:30 this morn- CLOSURE HAD TO BE ing at his apartment at the Chat- APPLIED BY CHAIRMAN eau Laurier. A short time prev- Salary Proposal iously Mr. Sifton had lapsed Into (By a Staff Reporter) unconsciousness. With him —Brown In Chicago Dally News. (By a Staff Reporter.) were with him in his objections. At EDMONTON, Jan. 20.~With when he died were his son and tha conclusion a rousing voto of only five dissenting votes out of Senator W. Harmer, who was a EDMONTON, Jan. 21.—Delegates in attendance at (tho morning session thanks to the minister way passed. more than .1300 delegates prevent, close friend. On Tuesday, after All educational matters coining the United Farmers of Alberta put a consultation of specialists* hope . of the United Farmers' of Alberta within the puiview of thu U.F.A. or- themselves on ; record at the . was expressed for the recovery convention stood for a minute with bowed )ieads as a tribute to tbo form- ganization will hereafter be handled Thursday evening session as fa- of Mr. Sifton, who suffered from by an educational committed compos- voring the principle of establish- hardening of the arteries, but an- premier of Alberta, Hon. Arthur L. Sifton, whose death was this ed of three members of the U.P.A. ment of a pool, and asked their other relapse early this morning NO DECISION ON and the three members of the U.F. organization officials to continue morning announced from the plat- ended fatally. to gather Information on the sub- THE LATE RT. HON. A. L. SIFTON form by Chairman Greeiifi^Id, W.A. to be appointed by the Central The deceased cabinet minister • Board at its first meeting following ject and press forward to the final had been III for some weeks and The morning session was given up mostlr to tdiicational problems and the convention. establishment of such a co-opera- had been under the care of Dr. The afternoon cession will be a tive marketing scheme. Campbell Laidlaw of Ottawa. On the presence of Hon. G- P. Smith, IRRIGATION PLAN minister of education, resulted in the joint meeting between the U.F.A. and Tho resolution, which was moveu January 19 he suffered a relapse the U.F.W.A. to take/up the matters by President Wood, and seconded by and specialists from Toronto were delegates securing a fund of informa- tion on educational problems. The dealt with in the women's section W. D. Treeo of Cleichen, is as fol- •called In. Then it was announced during tha past three days and 'at five lows: that small hope for his recovery Chairman Crofts Sounds Cabinet Minuter But Policy Is minister's unalterable opposition to SEVEN the form of contract urged by the Al- o'clock Hon. C. R. !»fttchell, acting "The United Farmers of Alberta as- was entertained. Not Divulged—San, Francisco Men Inquire t>crta Teachers' Alliance was voiced premier will address tho session on sembled in annual convention hereby Arrangements for the funeral of the rural credits. express dissatisfaction with the pres- [ate Mr. Sifton will not be made un- About the L. N. Bond*. ' , by him and the applauso of tho dele- ent system of marketing the grain til later today, it was announced, as gates seemed to indicate that they (Continued on page five.) crops of Canada; It is wished to consult with the mem- (By a Staff Reporter). manner was worth trying out. "And further do express faith in thu bers of the family. It has not yet EDMONTON, Jan. 20.—Chair- While here tn« chairman waited ability and -willingness of the farm- IRISH been decided whether Mr. Sifton will ers' organizations of the different man T. W. Crofts of the Lethbrldflf. on Hon. C. R-.-Mltchell, Hon. A. J. be buried at Ottawa or in Kildonan McLean and *ther members of provinces to create a voluntary co- cemetery, Winnipeg. The family Northern, left this afternoon for the cabinet relative to the Leth. STRIKING TRIBUTES operative system of marketing grain burial plot is In the latter place, but Lethbridge to meet bond repre- bridge Northern, but owing to the which will remedy outstanding Injus- Sir Clifford Sllton, brother of the late sentatives from San Francisco Illness of the premier he was un- tices in the existing open markets; minister has a burial plot in Beech- who are going over the district able' to obtain anything at all de- TO LATE MINISTER "Inasmuch as any venture to estab- POLICE wood cemetery, Ottawa, and the fun- prior to making « possible bid on finite a* to thai Irritation policy lish a voluntary co-operative plan ot eral may take place her*. th« bond Issue. To the Herald which may b* brought forward at marketing the grain ot Canada is to This morn Ins word was awaited OTTAWA, Jan. 21.—Regarding the of rare intellectual strength. His vast and entirely without precedent, Mr. Crtfti stated that the possi- the coming (melon of the legisla- death of Hon. Mr. Sifton, tho prime command of affairs and activity were from Sir. Clifford Sitton who left last bility of selling the bonds in this ture. this body recognizes the necessity of night for Toronto, feeling, as dtd all minister, Right Hon. Arthur Meighen, exceptional; his knowledge and. esti- obtaining, the fullest possible Informa- the members ot the family, that the said: mate of men equally ranwkable. I tion bearing upon the proposal from SLAIN "Yesterday wag the first day of Mr. never knew him to complain of tha late Mr. Sifton had a food chance ot all^ available sources and hereby ex- recovery. Sltton's Illness that there was real conduct of others; he detenbined bis presses Its appreciation ot efforts that Flags of government buildings Is Madly in Love; hope of his. recovery. This morning own course in quiet self-reliance, and are being made by th« Canadian Coun- Six Met Death When Motor Car throughout the city were Kalf-iiiasted comes the news of his death. It is ouca decided, he never varied. cil of Agriculture and Us marketing Ran Into an Am- then the,death of Hon. Mr. Sifton inexpressibly sad. "His services 'to his country have committee and urges that all .avail- was announced, and his colleagues of "The members of the government been rendered In posts of great dis- able information should, as {ar aa buscade the cabinet, many ot whom did not Pursues Man By will miss a( very able colleague, a man tinction and responsibility, but wlfh- practicable, be attributed as widely learn of Mr. Sifton's death until-they out ostentation and indeed, with little as possible amongst the grain grow- reached their offices, eipwssed their publicity. We have lost a valued ers of this country; DESTROY HOUSES regrets at his loss and their sympath- The Air Route counsellor." * 'Therefore, we recommend that our AS REPRISAL ies with his bereaved family. Startling Revelations it Inquest Sir Robert Borden'i Tribute representatives in conjunction with iCon.muW on face 4i. Briand Sets Forth OTTAWA, Jan. 21.—Sir Robert the representatives of the other pro- Alleged That^Toronto Girl Fol- Into Death of Two Tor- Borden, ex-premier of Canada, gave vincial organizations affiliated with the DUBLIN, Jan. 20.—District In- lowed Philadelphia Busi- onto Women the Canadian Press tho following at Canadian Council ot Agriculture, -pcctor Clark, a cergeant and noon today: should press forward with the work four, constables wera killed and a ness Man Program] Germany of preparing the way to the final oergeant wounded in an ambush Second Operation TORONTO, Jan. 21—That Dr. Percyl /XU.h.?ee?^BJ. r?f'ret l ha™ learn" -establishmen .--..-.-..t of a» co-operative scheme ed that the Right Hon. Arthur Sifton I f the marketing'o at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon at E. Faed had used "dlarsenol" instead 0r " wheat crop Glenwood, near Six Mile Bridge, CHASED HIM ALMOST has passed away. In him the country ot tne Dominion " of ^'neo-diarsenol" in the case ot Miss Meets Obligations loses a public servant of the highest it was announced by the authori- There was practically no discus- AROUND THE WORLD Monica Kenny, who died just ouUlde ability and of most conspicuous pat- ties at Dublin Castle this evening. On Premier Stewart of Dr. J. H. McDonnell's office on sion of the pool at the evening ses- riotism. sion, all subject matter on the big Seven Constables Killed NEW YORK, Jan. 21—(Canadian January 8, was brought out In evi-France Will Not Intervene in "From the time that he entered tha Press)—A special dispatch to the dence glyen at the inquest tonight scheme having been exhausted during DUBLIN, Jan. 21.—Eight men, sev- Alberta Legislature ig Not Like- Internal Affairs of Union government, more than three the afternoon debate. The final ac- *n of whom wero constables, were New York Tribune from Philadelphia before Coroner Qeorge W. Graham, years ago, he has never wavered in ly to Meet Until says that Miss Beatrice Hebert, 29, and that "diarsenol" waa a deadly tion on the measure was received shot and killed in engagements with Russia the high purpose which then inspired with great applause arid seemed to fiinn Feinera near this city yesterday.
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