
~ -- ~ .. -- ... -..... - .• -.- ..... ,~ .. -' ... ~-e --T _ ......- -q-- Give, the Gift that' R~ptah Itself 52.Times.,. a Year, , A Y urIs Sub$cription , To Th. News . ... ... rosse ~ws C.tl TUxedo 2.6900 I Compwte News' Coverage of. All the Pointes VOLUME 2o-NO .. 51 En\ered u second Class MaUer 5c: Per Copy at the Pod Oftlce at Detroit, M1ch. GROSSE POINTE, M!CHIGAN. DECEMBER 17, 1959 '3.50 Per Year 28 PAGES TWO SECTIONS SECTION 500 See Neighborhood Club C,hristmasProgram YoungExtortionist Students Air oj th, ~, p, 'l'.' Opinions, in \VEEK N bb d ,UJ 0 lee Interviews As Go";piled by the " a 'e Gross, Poi"te News Michigan State Freshman For Bomb Threats Quizzed at Gathering of Thursday. Decembl',r 10 AS THE PRESIDENT'S peace High School Faculty and goodwill tour continues to Four Pointe Residents Among Nine Receiving Letters the' various countries" of the Demanding Money; Teenager Falls Into Trap Eight members of the world, the receptions given him Set Up by FBI Agents Grosse.Pointe High School grow in size and acclaim. In- faculty were participants in dians in New Delhi yestel'day Nine homes, including four in. the Pointe, were the recent interview of cur- turned out a millon and a half threatened with bombings by air by a'bold extortionist rent college freshmen at strong to greet the man they who sent crude hand.printed notes to pome owners, proclaim to be the reincarna- Michigan State University. tion of Vishnu, the proleclor of demanding $2,.000 from each, or he would drop two small Dr. Robert J. Hansen, Orris the Hindu trinity: The welcome bombs "with just the right power to reck one house." Nagle, Mrs, Dorothy:, Eldred. Eisenhower received is said to Richard A. Lada, 19, of0------------ Mrs. Irma Mann, How a r d be the biggest ever given a for- 12328 Chelsea. Detroit, a paint- Thompson, Mrs: Patricia Lipski. eign visitor In India.. er, was arrested by FBI agents Miss ottlila Schubert and Orie and st. Clair Shores police Liechty spent!. full morning As the emotiortal crowd pres- Goodfello.w Wednesday evening. December talking with Grosse Pointe High sed forward, Ihe 0 pen blue 9, following a police stake-out Cadillac, in which the Presi. 1959 graduates on thl! subject of and plant in a phone booth at dent was riding, was forced to, Paper' Sale their preparation for college. halt its forward progress. 'fhe Nine mile road and JeCferson. Praises Hlrk Sehools ' trip fl'om the airport to India:s Early Thursday morning, Ute Nets $6,OO~ At a luncheon following the Presidential Palace, took two case was handed to a Federal morning inlerviews, Dr. Gordon Grand Jury: in session in the hours and five minutes. twice as A. Sabine, State's Director of long as expectcd. At the end of Federal Building, and an indict- Late Returns ExpeCted to Admissions and Scholarships, ment was returned immediately. the eleven mile. journey, Mr. Boost Amount; Woods spoke to the faculty representa- Eisenhower stood "ankle deep Placed Under Boad tives from the various M1chigan in flower petals." Lada appeared before Federal Gets $I,bb8in Sepa- high schools. "I am' very im. + + + Judge Thomas P. Thornton, alld rate Drive pressed wHhthe wonderful job , entered a plea of guilty. 'rhe high schools are doing in prepa. (;01lIED1AN HOB HOPE has judge placed' Lada under $1,000 accused NBC of ccnsol'ing his ration for college," he said. bond, and ordered a pre.sen- The (}oodfellows' paper TV skit on payola 'that is to be Dr. Sa bin t' said that. he tence investigation. sale, conducted throughout part .of hl~sho\V Friday night. The four from the Pointe who thought the new students Were NBC has denied that it used any the Pointe last Monday received the threats. were: Al- showing a great desire to learn 'censorship. The skit involves a . fred J. Fisher of 681 Lake Shore morning, December 14, has And many of them, according disc jockey n a m e d Herman road, president of Fisher In_ brought in a total of slight- to Dr. Sabine, said that the Payola, played by Hope, who Is -Piclure by Fred Runnells dustries Inc in BirmIngham, ly over $6,000. most important courses to employed by station KLIP, and M th' 500 G P . t th t t featured the months of the year. T.he program was, from ,~ht)m' Lada demanded the'11, In high school, were the who Is under investigation by ore. an rosse om ers saw e w:en y- . That total is from the joint $3.000 instead the usual ones that related to or, could a senator. Hape said that net- ,sixth annual Neighborhood ,Club C!1rfs,tmas program under the direction of Miss Pa'uline Masak, who was oI collections in the Park, City, - $2,000; Mitchell R. Housey of help them with their COllege work representativcs had tri~d held at the Club, Friday, December n. Two hundred ,assisted by Mrs. Ethel Drake, Mrs. R.Kamischke,Mrs. 1002 Lake, Shore road, owner of Farms and Shores. The Woods major. Also, the high school to take the whole skit off the and sevent:v-fi~e youllgster~ ,vere in the cast which Roland Blank, Miss Marion, Campbell and Bill Carlson~ Housey's restaurant and .the Lions Club, which conducls its teachers who made the sludents own sale, took in $1,668, The allow, not cut• just• *.parts of ,it. , ,,' , '. ",( i;' . ,s " , ' .. , Maison Riviera; Dr. William work hard and also made the Yotts of 854 Lake Shore road; Pointe total will be a bit larger course interesting, were the by the end of the week as some I. , EUROPE'S WORST storm in Center, Tree Ou ...:ch and Schoo.''I Leaders ':Fo'rd" X. Way and Mrs. Henry Webster of 583 "most, valuable" teachers. ".0- 23 years according to seafarers, , Loch moor boulevard. funds come in via the malls. Participating in the sale were Have VariN C_llleat. Othtrs, all from SL Clair the Grosse Pointe Lions Club The GPHS 1959 grads who ~r~:~~~~~~:~~~~lo;n~LightiJ.~$,~ff~;'foHold Panel~l~~ss~on N,eiv Secti~n Shores. were: Paul D. Madsen and the Pointe police' and fire- were interviewed all had vari- of 21430 Share; Edward L. men. ous commellts on their h1gh ~~:\~~:~o~o;:~altn~~::s~:~:FQr:\~urtdliy Gloviale of 22428 Lake drive; Five.Hour Sale school education. Some praised ',n ',(!~o~~':P~.ip~~'Ttl.lues ..4ids' Pointe Dr, E. S. Maxim of 34140 Jef- such, c',urses as advanced Eng- sel overboard leaving th~' ship ." :_,-'- Program WiU ~e Held in C"r~t Church Undercroft, at'. • fe'rson; and William Gathen of These men were en the li3h and History as musts for deserted and drifting. Numer- Whole Co,.n:'Imunity Invited . 1.1 a.m. on Tuesda,y' I January 5', . 4.9. Miles Exte.nslon Mak.es 33444 J e f fer son. Police are streds from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. college bound students. aus other ship.~ were threat- H h E I checking the Identitjes of two ened. Participate in, Tradi. Luncheon Will Folio.,., Ig way aSI y Access.- selling the Grosse Pointe Ne'Ys Others hnd criticisms such as to others who got letters. More * • ... 'tional Ceremonies at . ' , , ' . ble to' Motorisi-s' of and the Detroit Free Press. Any the need of a more impersonal may turn up, police said. and college-like attitude towards Friday, December, 11 War Memorial As a step toward bringing home, church and scho~l This Area DrOPPed Two in Boxes contribution was accepted for HOUSE DEMOCRATS y e s- into closer communication, Christ Episcopal Church is high school students, and in Police said that all the lettel's the paper. The money collected the same line, that there should terday threatened to pass a The' Grosse Pointe War sponsoring a Panel Discussion 'on the subject "Values n The longest stretch of were sent through the mail, by the Grosse Pointe groups is be no "warning or pampering" corporation profits tax of 6 per M '. l' A 1 Ch . t 'our Gros,!ie Pointe Community." , u r ban ex,pres, sway e,vpr except those, to Mrs. Webster Cent, which \\.'ould raise 90 niil- em OJ;']a s nnua, .ns • , '11 k ~ I , used to help needy families in on papers for seniors. The , "'dt l' ht The .discussion 'WI Ita e(., '\ ;" opened i,n MI'chI'gan..-;. a 4.9- and H 0 use y. which' Lada lion dol!ars a year. The Demo- mas program an ree 19 • I 't 11 T d J • " ' lhe Pointe area, on\y.Names of need for more writin'g and self pac)! a , a.lD. ues ay, an- pal of Trombly, participating in mile stretch of the Edsel dropped in the house mail expression Is needed at the crals s e i zed control oC the irig .;:.eremony for th e com- uary ,5, following .the regular the panel. F boxes personally. area people in need of help are high school level, many of House after _the Republicans IllUnity will take place this m 0 nth I y me e tIn g of the Under consideration will be ord expressway in Detrqit ..On receiving and discovering turned C?ver to George EI- them thought. More lecture. ' failed to pass their 49 million Sunday; Dec.ember20. The Women's A u x ilia r y, in the such challenging questions as: and Harper Woods - was the contents of lhe letters, each worthy, director of welfare.
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