J Ö N K Ö P I N G I NTERNATIONAL B U S I N E S S S CHOOL JÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY The European Enlargement - To the East and Beyond? Bachelor Thesis within Political Science Author: Jenny Granstrand Mentor: Benny Hjern Jönköping February 2010 Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratefulness to Professor Benny Hjern, who has contributed to my knowledge in Political Science, and who has acted as my mentor when I was doing my research. His knowledge and comments have helped me on my journey through this thesis. I am also very grateful to Dr. Matthias Waetcher, who taught me in international relations at EDHEC Business School during my exchange in France, and Dr. Inga Aflaki for their comments. They both gave me insightful tips when I was writing this thesis. I would further like to express my gratitude to Rebecca Vooght and Bradley Coyne for their comments. At last, I would like to thank my boyfriend, family and friends that always are there for me. Jönköping, February 2010 Jenny Granstrand 2 This thesis is dedicated to my brother Mattias, for being the light in my life. 3 Abstrakt De två östutvidgningarna 2004 och 2007 utgjorde ett nytt kapitel i EU:s historia då det var första gången som Unionen påbörjade utvidgningen mot Öst. Denna uppsats undersöker gränsproblematiken som uppkom i samband med Artikel 49 i Maastricht Fördraget om Europeiska Unionen, vilken gav rätten till varje Europeiskt land som respekterar principerna om: frihet, demokrati, mänskliga och fundamentala rättigheter, samt rättsstat, att ansöka om medlemskap i EU. Denna uppsats närmar sig EU:s gränsproblem genom att ta sig an tre fallstudier bestående av Ungern, Litauen, och Ukraina, i syfte att analysera östutvidgningen och Ukrainas potential att bli medlem i EU ur ett utrikespolitiskt perspektiv. Anledningen till detta är att jämföra Ukrainas potential att bli medlem i EU med två öststater som, i likhet med Ukraina, har varit involverade i Sovjet Unionen, men som oberoende graden av involvering med Ryssland, framgångsrikt blivit integrerade i EU. Eftersom EU påbörjat utvidgningen mot Öst så förskjuts EU:s gräns gradvis, med varje östutvidgning, nära ryskt territorium. Därmed är det nödvändigt att utreda hur potentiell integrering av ett land som Ukraina kan påverka EU:s relationer med Ryssland. Den avgörande aspekten när det gäller relationerna mellan EU och Ryssland, är det ömsesidiga beroendet kring energi, där Ukraina utgör ett strategiskt viktigt land, eftersom det för närvarande verkar som en korridor mellan Öst (Ryssland) och Väst (EU). Denna uppsats visar att problematiken kring potentiell integrering av Ukraina rör problemområden bortom geografisk natur, så som inhemskt politisk instabilitet i Ukraina, samt Rysslands politiska inflytande genom energiförsörjning till Europa. Denna uppsats närmar sig EU:s gränsproblem från ett utrikespolitiskt perspektiv genom att utreda Ukrainas potentiella medlemskap i EU. Den föreslår, med hjälp av Westbergs integrationsteoretiska ramverk, att en tredje generation av integrationsteorier är nödvändig för att analysera problematiken kring utvidgningen mot Öst. Uppsatsen ger rekommendationer till hur EU kan hantera sitt gränsproblem genom att svara på tre frågeställningar gällande utvidgningsproblematiken. 4 Abstract The two Eastern enlargements in 2004 and 2007 marked a new chapter in the EU‟s history, since it was the first time that the Union turned to enlarge eastwards. This thesis examines the borderline problem that arose with Article 49 of the Maastricht Treaty on the European Union, which gave the right to any European country that respects the principles of: liberty, democracy, human and fundamental rights, and the rule of law, to apply for membership in the EU. This thesis approaches the EU‟s borderline problem by taking on three case studies consisting of Hungary, Lithuania, and Ukraine, for the purpose of analyzing the Eastern enlargement and Ukraine‟s potentials of becoming a member of the EU. The reason for doing so is to compare Ukraine‟s potentials of becoming a member in the EU with two Eastern states that, like Ukraine, have been involved with the Soviet Union, and that despite their degree of involvement, have been successfully integrated in the EU. As the EU has turned to enlarge eastwards, it gradually pushes its borderline with every enlargement, closer to Russian territory. Hence, it is necessary to investigate how potential integration of a country like Ukraine can affect the EU‟s relations with Russia. The crucial aspect of the current relations between the EU and Russia is the interdependence of energy, where Ukraine is as a strategically important country, since it currently serves as a corridor between East (Russia) and West (EU). This thesis therefore shows that the problematic of potential integration of Ukraine goes much deeper than that of a geographical matter, and therefore touches other problem areas related to domestic political instability in Ukraine, and Russian political influence through its gas supplies. This thesis approaches the EU‟s borderline problem from a foreign political perspective by investigating Ukraine‟s potentials of becoming a member of the EU and suggesting, by the assistance of Westberg‟s theoretical framework of integration theories, a third generation of integration theories to be needed in order to meet the problematic of the enlargement towards East. The thesis further gives recommendations to how the EU could deal with its borderline problem by answering three research questions related to the enlargement problematic. 5 List of Abbreviations CEE = Central and Eastern Europe CEECs = Central Eastern European Countries EAEC = European Atomic Energy Community EBRD = European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC = European Community (or European Commission) ECSC = European Coal and Steel Community EEC = European Economic Community EFTA = European Free Trade Association EMU = Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union ENP = European Neighbourhood Policy EU = European Union G-7 = Group of seven leaders of industrialized economies G-24 = Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IMF = International Monetary Fund 6 LON = League of Nations MNC = Multinational Corporation NPP = Nuclear Power Plant NSA = Nuclear Safety Account PHARE = Pologne et Hongrie: Assistance à la Restructuration Économique PCA = Partnership and Cooperation Agreement SEA = Single European Act UK = United Kingdom USA = United States of America USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 7 Table of contents 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 10 1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 11 1.2 Research Questions ........................................................................................................ 11 1.3 Disposition .......................................................................................................................... 12 2 Methodology............................................................................................. 14 2.1 The Research ..................................................................................................................... 14 2.2 Method .................................................................................................................................. 15 2.3 Sources................................................................................................................................. 16 3 History of the European Union with Respect to Enlargement ............. 17 3.1 Founding Treaties ............................................................................................................ 18 3.2 Amending Treaties .......................................................................................................... 19 3.3 Chapter Overview: Integrating the East into the EU ......................................... 20 4 A New World Order: The Argument for Integration .............................. 21 4.1 A Solution for Peace ....................................................................................................... 21 4.2 Economic Integration for Cooperation ................................................................... 22 4.3 Why Nation-States Give Up Their Sovereignty ................................................... 22 4.4 Chapter Overview: Exchanging Sovereignty for Membership ..................... 23 5 Integration Theories ................................................................................ 23 5.1 Integration for Cooperation ......................................................................................... 24 5.2 First Generation of Integration Theories ................................................................ 24 5.2.1 Constitutional Federalism .................................................................................................. 24 5.2.2 Functionalism ........................................................................................................................... 26 5.2.3 Neofunctionalism ................................................................................................................... 26 5.3 Second Generation of Integration Theories ......................................................... 27 5.3.1 Intergovernmentalism
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