APPENDICES APPENDIX A Scoping Documents rH'.:1t:. t:lL www.herald.com www.elherald.com PUBLISHED DAIL Y MIAMI -DADE- FLO IUD A STATE OF n..ORIDA COUNTY OF MlA1\fi-DADE Before the W1dersignedauthority personally appeared: JEANNETTEMAR nNEZ who on oath says that hdshe is CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS of Thc: Miami HCI3Id,a daj1ynewspaper published at Miami in Miami-Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisementwas publishedin said newspaperin the issuesof: Apri127,2003 ) Affiant further says that the saidThe Miami Herald is 3 newspapcrpublished at Miami, in the said Miami-Dadc Cou;nty,Florida arid that the said ncwspaperhas heretoforebeen continuouslypublishcd in said Miami~DadcCounty. Florida each day andhas bcen entercd as secondclass mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Miami-Dade County, Florida, for a pcriod of onc year ncxt ptecedingthe [LISt publication of the attachedcopy of advertisemcnt; and affiant further says that he b3sneither paid nor promised any person,Iron or corporationany discount, rcbate,conunission or refund for the purposc of sccuring this advertiscmentfor publication in the said A ~ _28'" day of -April. 2003 My commission Expires: _August 1, 2006 ~ Silvia Acosta / " "~Notary ~~~~§~=~~~~~.", "'-4,) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILlE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGMEAS P.O. BOX 4970 JACKSONVilLE, FlORl)A 32232-0019 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Planning Division Environmental Branch TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: DATE: Tuesday, May 6, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Terminal 12 -Port of Miami 1200 Port Blvd Miami, Florida ( r - This letter has been sent to those individuals who asked to be on the mailing list or otherwise expressed an interest in the project by providing comments during the EIS scoping process. If you know others who may wish to attend the meeting, please advise ~") -2- them of this notice. Any questions may be directed to Ms. Terri Jordan at the letterhead address, or telephone 904-232-1817. Sincerely, James C. Duck Chief, Planning Division vr ~ .~ 20386 Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 80 / Friday, April 25, 2003 / Notices air filters and playground soils; and ERP No. D–AFS–K61158–CA Rating Final EISs failure to consider the facility’s possible EC2, Silver Pearl Land Exchange ERP No. F–AFS–E65053–NC Croatan failure to comply with a permit Project, Proposal to Exchange 2,153 National Forest Revised Land and provision prohibiting emissions causing Acres of National Forest System (NFS) Resource Management Plan (1986), a public nuisance. Land for up to 3,963 Acres of Sierra Implementation, Carteret Craven and The EAB found that the petitioners Pacific Industries (SPI) Land within the Jones Counties, NC. made no showing of clear error, the boundary of Eldorado National Forest, Summary: The final EIS is responsive existence of an important policy matter Eldorado and Placer Counties, CA. to issues raised in the draft EIS and EPA or an abuse of discretion warranting Summary: EPA expressed has no objections to the proposed review and denied review. environmental concerns and requested action. Dated: April 3, 2003. additional information regarding ERP No. F–AFS–J82016–MT Bitterroot Bharat Mathur, impacts to threatened and endangered National Forest Noxious Weed Acting Regional Administrator, Region 5. species and Forest Service sensitive Treatment Project, Ground and Aerial [FR Doc. 03–10272 Filed 4–24–03; 8:45 am] species. EPA also requested additional Herbicides Application, Mechanical, information on cumulative impacts. BILLING CODE 6560–50–P Biological and Cultural Weed Treatment ERP No. D–SFW–K99032–CA Rating and Public Awareness Measures, EC2, Western Riverside County Multiple Implementation, Stevensville Ranger ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Species Habitat Conservation Plan District, Bitterroot National Forest, AGENCY (MSHCP), Implementation, Incidental Ravalli County, MT. Take Permits Issuance, Riverside and [ER–FRL–6639–7] Summary: EPA’s review has not Orange County, CA. identified potential environmental Environmental Impact Statements and Summary: EPA raised environmental impacts requiring substantive changes Regulations; Availability of EPA concerns that information from other to the proposal. Comments regional plans has not been fully ERP No. F–AFS–L65403–WA integrated with the analysis and Quartzite Watershed Management Availability of EPA comments conclusions of the MSHCP. Other EPA Project, Watershed Management prepared pursuant to the Environmental concerns are the assumptions regarding Activities including Vegetation Review Process (ERP), under section the level of species protection provided Management, Riparian/Wetland 309 of the Clean Air Act and section by Public/Quasi-Public lands, the Management and Road Management, 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental scientific basis of MSHCP assumptions Colville National Forest, Thomason Policy Act as amended. Requests for and conclusions, enforcement, and Sherwood-Cottonwood Creek, Three copies of EPA comments can be directed consultation with and evaluation of Rivers Ranger District, Stevens County, to the Office of Federal Activities at potential impacts on Indian Tribes. EPA WA. (202) 564–7167. An explanation of the also recommended the Service provide Summary: No formal comment letter ratings assigned to draft environmental future opportunities for public and was sent to the preparing agency. impact statements (EISs) was published agency input, and consult with Indian ERP No. F–DOE–L08059–WA Schultz- in the Federal Register dated April 1, Tribes on a government-to-government Hanford Transmission Line Project, 2003 (68 FR 16511). basis. New 500 kilovolt (kV) Transmission Draft EISs ERP No. DS–COE–C36031–NY Rating Line Construction, Central Washington LO, Irondequoit Creek at Panorama ERP No. D–AFS–F65037–MI Rating north of Hanford connecting to an Valley Flood Damage Reduction Project, LO, Interior Wetlands Project, Timber existing line at the Schultz Substation, New Information concerning Harvest, White Pine Trees Pruning, Kittitas, Yakima, Grant and Benton Resumption and Evaluation of a Flood Growth System Adjustment, Wildlife Counties, WA. Damage Reduction Project, Town of Openings Creation and Maintenance Summary: No formal comment letter Penfield, Monroe County, NY. and Transportation System was sent to the preparing agency. Summary: EPA has no objections to Improvements, Hiawatha National Dated: April 22, 2003. Forest, Eastside Administrative Unit, the implementation of the proposed project. Joseph C. Montgomery, Chippewa County, MI. Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office Summary: EPA did not identify any ERP No. DS–DOE–L08055–WA Rating EC2, Kangley—Echo Lake Transmission of Federal Activities. potential environmental impacts [FR Doc. 03–10273 Filed 4–24–03; 8:45 am] requiring substantive changes to the 2 Line Project, New 500 Kilovolt (kV) main project alternatives. EPA believes Transmission Line Construction, BILLING CODE 8010–01–P that A5 would better accomplish old Updated Information concerning Re­ growth stand improvement and road evaluating Alternatives not Analyzed, U.S. Army COE Section 10 and 404 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION conversion to forests and wetlands. AGENCY ERP No. D–AFS–J65371–WY Rating Permits Issuance, King County, WA. Summary: EPA expressed EC2, Medicine Bow National Forest [ER–FRL–6639–6] Revised Draft Land and Resource environmental concerns with the lack of Management Plan, Implementation, clearly defined mitigation measures to Environmental Impact Statements; Albany, Carbon and Laramie Counties, protect drinking water sources and Notice of Availability WY. ensure the integrity of the City of Summary: EPA expressed Seattle’s Habitat Conservation Plan. EPA Responsible Agency: Office of Federal environmental concerns that without recommended that the EIS not be Activities, General Information (202) specifically outlining the baseline by finalized until such mitigation has been 564–7167 or http://www.epa.gov/ which future projects are tiered from determined. EPA also recommended compliance/nepa/. Weekly receipt of this Plan, potential impacts to that the final EIS more clearly identify Environmental Impact Statements filed ecosystem processes, water and habitat the significance of predicted effects of April 14, 2003, through April 18, 2003, quality may occur. the project. pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9. VerDate Jan<31>2003 18:37 Apr 24, 2003 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\25APN1.SGM 25APN1 Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 80 / Friday, April 25, 2003 / Notices 20387 EIS No. 030172, Final EIS, FTA, NC, Operation Project, To Provide Reliable Land and Resource Management South Corridor Light Rail Project to Transportation between Seattle and Plan, Implementation, Carter, Provide Light Rail Service between Bellevue, Sound Transit Regional Cocke, Greene, Johnson, McMinn, the Town of Pineville and Downtown Express, U.S. Coast Guard Permit and Monroe, Polk, Sullivan and Unicoil, Charlotte, City of Charlotte, Charlotte- U.S. Army Corps Nationwide Permit, TN, Comment Period Ends: July 3, Mecklenburg County, NC, Wait Period King County, WA, Comment Period 2003, Contact: Terry McDonald Ends: May 19, 2003, Contact: Alex Ends: June 9, 2003, Contact: James A. (423) 476–9700. Revision of FR McNeil (404) 562–3511. The above Leonard (360) 753–9408. This Notice Published on 3/21/2003: FTA EIS should have appeared in the document is available on the Internet CEQ Comment Period Ending 6/16/ 04/18/03 Federal Register. The 30­ at: http://www.soundtransit.org/ 2003 has been Extended to 7/3/ _ day Wait Period is
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