US008137477B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,137,477 B2 Wittorffi et all e 45) Date of Patent : Mar.e 20, 2012 (54) METHOD OF CLEANING ASURFACE 4,753,805 A 6/1988 Cherukuri et al. ATTACHED WITHAT LEAST ONE CHEWING 2. k} A 1 3. 39 Elia et al. w 4 rpma GUMILUMP 5,858,117 A * 1/1999 Oakes et al. .................... 134,27 5,866,179 A 2, 1999 Testa (75) Inventors: Helle Wittorff, Vejle Ost (DK); Jesper 5,880,080 A * 3/1999 Amory et al. ................. 510,320 Neergaard, Arhus C (DK) 5,976,581 A 1 1/1999 Song et al. 6,017.565 A 1/2000 Rancich et al. (73) Assignee: Gumlink A/S (DK) 6,322,828 B1 1 1/2001 Athanikar et al. 6,323,007 B1 * 1 1/2001 Moller et al. ................... 435/74 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 648 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS JP 19979957 A 1, 1997 (21) Appl. No.: 11/887,043 (Continued) (22) PCT Filed: Mar. 22, 2005 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (86). PCT No.: PCT/DK2OOS/OOO2OO Booma, M. et al., “Degradable Plastics': Journal of Elastomers and S371 (c)(1), Plastics, vol. 26, No. 104; Apr. 1994; 40 pages. (2), (4) Date: Sep. 24, 2007 (Continued) (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2006/099866 PCT Pub. Date: Sep. 28, 2006 Primary Examiner — Alexander Markoff (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — St. Onge Steward (65) Prior Publication Data Johnston & Reens LLC US 2009/O2O3564 A1 Aug. 13, 2009 (57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl. BOSB 700 (2006.01) The invention relates to a method of cleaning a surface (1) (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 134/40: 134/42 attached with at least one chewing gum lump (2) whereby (58) Field of Classification Search .................... 134/40, said cleaning is at least partly based on an enzymatic degra 134/34, 36, 39, 25.2, 26, 30, 42: 426/3; 510/320, dation of at least one biodegradable polymer in said chewing 510/392,530 gum lump (2) and whereby said enzymatic degradation is See application file for complete search history. initiated by the application of at least one enzyme to which said at least one polymer forms Substrate and whereby said at (56) References Cited least one enzyme is added to said chewing gum lump (2) Subsequent to chewing and attachment of said chewing gum U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS lump (2) to said Surface (1). 2,607.359 A 8/1952 Oesting 4,067,773. A 1/1978 Martin 4.405,647 A 9, 1983 Fisher et al. 65 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets R v W US 8,137,477 B2 Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS WO WO 2004/028267 A1 4/2004 6,376,450 B1 * 4/2002 Ghosh et al. .................. 510,392 WO WO 2004/028268 A1 4/2004 WO WO 2004/028269 A1 4/2004 6,818,236 B2 11/2004 Hill et al. WO WO 2004/02827O A1 4/2004 6,824,623 B1 * 1 1/2004 Gross et al. ..................... 134.36 WO WO 2004/068964 A1 8, 2004 6,982.244 B2 * 1/2006 Gross et al. 510,365 WO WO 2005/063O37 A1 7/2005 2002/0009436 A1* 1/2002 Doyle et al. ... 424/94.6 WO WO 2005063O37 A1 * T 2005 2004/0115305 A1 6/2004 Andersen et al. ................. 426/3 2004/0142066 A1* 7/2004 Andersen et al. .. ... 426/3 OTHER PUBLICATIONS 2004/014.6599 A1* 7/2004 Andersen et al. .. ... 426/3 39:8. 5: A. ck s3. E. et al. .. ... 426/3 Notice of Opposition & Grounds of Opposition prepared by Mr. esseling 2007/0154591 A1* 7/2007 Andersen .......................... 426/3 Murphy; Application No. 05715121.9; May 13, 2009; 15 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS International Search Report; International Application No. PCT/ WO WO 97.21424 6, 1997 DK2005/000200; Date of the actual completion of the international WO WO O2/O76227 A1 10, 2002 searchNov. 9, 2005; Date of mailing of the international search report WO WO O2/O76228A1 10, 2002 Nov. 18, 2005 (3 pages). WO WO O2/O76229 A1 10, 2002 EP0513978; Nov. 19, 1992; Abstract Only (1 page). WO WO O2/O76230 A1 10, 2002 WO8603967; Jul. 17, 1987; Abstract Only (1 page). WO WO O2/O76231 A1 10, 2002 EP0890358; Jan. 13, 1999; Abstract Only (1 page). WO WO 2004/004480 A1 1, 2004 DE 19751330; May 20, 1999; Abstract Only (1 page). WO WO 2004/028265 A1 4/2004 WO WO 2004/028266 A1 4, 2004 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2012 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,137,477 B2 Fig. 2 U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2012 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,137,477 B2 US 8,137,477 B2 1. 2 METHOD OF CLEANING ASURFACE rubber degrades and becomes brittle upon exposure to ultra ATTACHED WITHAT LEAST ONE CHEWING violet light (such as Sunlight), OZone, heat, and other environ GUMILUMP mental chemicals. A problem generally related the second path is that Sticking FIELD OF THE INVENTION to Surfaces of the final chewed chewing gum lumps is hard to avoid without compromising the textural properties of the The invention relates to a method of removing a chewing chewing gum during use. gum lump completely or partly from a surface. A problem is however that the expected non-tack proper ties of so-called biodegradable chewing gum may be present BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 under Some conditions for Some types of chewing gum, but that the general approach that biodegradable chewing gum It is generally recognized that chewing gum that is dropped has non-tack properties does not apply. in indoor or outdoor environments gives rise to considerable SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION nuisances and inconveniences due to the fact that the dropped 15 gum Sticks firmly to e.g. Street and pavement Surfaces and to The invention relates to a method of cleaning a Surface (1) shoes and clothes of people being present or moving in the attached with at least one chewing gum lump (2) whereby environments. Adding Substantially to Such nuisances and said cleaning is at least partly based on an enzymatic degra inconveniences is the fact that currently available chewing dation of at least one biodegradable polymer in said chew gum products are based on the use of elastomeric and resinous ing gum lump (2) and whereby polymers of natural or synthetic origin that are substantially said enzymatic degradation is established by the application non-degradable in the environment. of at least one enzyme to which said at least one polymer City authorities and others being responsible for cleanli forms substrate and whereby ness of indoor and outdoor environments therefore have to said at least one enzyme is added to said chewing gum lump exercise considerable efforts to remove dropped chewing 25 (2) Subsequent to chewing and attachment of said chewing gum, Such efforts, however, being both costly and without gum lump (2) to said Surface (1). satisfactory results. It is noted that the term cleaning should be understood as a Attempts have been made to reduce the nuisances associ relative term, i.e. in the sense that cleaning may both mean a ated with the widespread use of chewing gum, e.g. by improv total removal or releasing of a chewing gum lump from a ing cleaning methods to make them more effective with 30 Surface or at least a partly removal or diminishing of a chew regard to removal of dropped chewing gum remnants or by ing gum lump from a surface. incorporating anti-sticking agents into chewing gum formu A further advantage of the invention is that cleaning of lations. However, none of these precautions, which follows Surfaces with respect to chewing gum may be performed with mainly two paths, namely either improving the methods of cleaning agents quite lenient to the Surface compared to 35 cleaning performed to conventional cleaning methods. cleaning the chewing gum from a surface or either preparing Enzyme based cleaning agent is thus very lenient to e.g. a chewing gum having non-tack properties, have contributed terraZZo, marble or other types of Surfaces, which may typi significantly to Solving the pollution problem. cally be very difficult to clean. A cleaning agent and a method related to the use of this Moreover, when applying an enzyme based cleaning agent, agent according to the first path are disclosed in US patent 40 remains of the applied agents may typically be regarded as application no. 2005/0032670. According to this document very friendly to the environment in the sense that non-toxic and other related methods, a change of consistence of the enzymes are well-fitted for the purpose. polluting chewing gum is obtained by means of e.g. Steam Evidently, the terminology related to the so-called inter Supplied with chemical reactive agents. A problem related to molecular forces in this context refers to the overall intermo these post-processing techniques is generally that chewing 45 lecular forces resulting in that the chewing gum lump is gum residues are typically accepted. fastened to the surface. The intermolecular forces may thus Several attempt have been made following the second path, e.g. comprise cohesive and/or adhesive forces or e.g. namely basically that of avoiding the Sticking of chewing gum mechanically fastening resulting from that a part of the chew lump to Surfaces. The past two decades have seen an increas ing gum lump has floated into cavities or openings of Surface ing amount of interest paid to synthetic polyesters for a vari 50 and thereby establishing a mechanical lock.
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