National, marine and regional parks Visitor guide This document is available in alternative formats on request. Information current at June 2014. Department of Parks and Wildlife dpaw.wa.gov.au parks.dpaw.wa.gov.au 20140415 0614 35M William Bay National Park diseases (including fish kills) and illegal fishing. Freecall 1800 815 507 815 1800 Freecall fishing. illegal and kills) fish (including diseases - To report sightings or evidence of aquatic pests, aquatic aquatic pests, aquatic of evidence or sightings report To - Fishwatch Freecall 1800 449 453 449 1800 Freecall - For reporting illegal wildlife activity. activity. wildlife illegal reporting For - Watch Wildlife shop.dpaw.wa.gov.au (08) 9474 9055 9055 9474 (08) Buy books, maps and and maps books, Buy LANDSCOPE subscriptions online. online. subscriptions LANDSCOPE - For sick and injured native wildlife. wildlife. native injured and sick For - helpline WILDCARE Publications WA Naturally WA Walpole (08) 9840 0400 9840 (08) Walpole NATURALLY WA Geraldton (08) 9921 5955 5955 9921 (08) Geraldton NATURALLY WA parks.dpaw.wa.gov.au/park-brochures Wanneroo (08) 9405 0700 0700 9405 (08) Wanneroo credited. otherwise those except Wilkins/DEC, Peter by are photos All l htsaeb ee ikn/E,ecp hs tews credited. otherwise those except Wilkins/DEC, Peter by are photos All RECYCLE RECYCLE laertr natdbohrst itiuinpoints distribution to brochures unwanted return Please laertr natdbohrst itiuinpoints distribution to brochures unwanted return Please Information current at October 2009 October at current Information rn cover Front rn cover Front ht odnRoberts/DEC Gordon – Photo ht odnRoberts/DEC Gordon – Photo izeadRvrNtoa Park. National River Fitzgerald izeadRvrNtoa Park. National River Fitzgerald 2009459-1009-2M 2009459-1009-2M www.dec.wa.gov.au A A U U www.dec.wa.gov.au www.dec.wa.gov.au S S N N T T R R R R E E A A T T L L S S nservation nservation niomn n Co and Environment niomn n Co and Environment I I E E A A W W e 0)94 50Fx(8 817105 9841 (08) Fax 4500 9842 (08) Tel e 0)94 50Fx(8 817105 9841 (08) Fax 4500 9842 (08) Tel eatetof Department eatetof Department T T F F H H 2 layHgwy layW 6330 WA Albany Highway, Albany 120 2 layHgwy layW 6330 WA Albany Highway, Albany 120 O O Exmouth (08) 9947 8000 8000 9947 (08) Exmouth E E T T • notify someone of your expected time of return. of time expected your of someone notify • G G N N O O E E V V M M E E N N R R E ot os R Coast South DEC E ot os R Coast South DEC egio egio Office nal Office nal • supervise children at all times all at children supervise • • avoid slippery rocks and loose surfaces loose and rocks slippery avoid • e 0)93 1022 9837 (08) Tel e 0)93 1022 9837 (08) Tel • keep well clear of the sea the of clear well keep • There are no fees applicable at this site. this at applicable fees no are There etr ie(uryRoad) (Murray side Western etr ie(uryRoad) (Murray side Western nomto n erainguide recreation and Information nomto n erainguide recreation and Information • always pay attention to the ocean the to attention pay always • Fees For your safety: your For e 0)93 3060 9838 (08) Tel e 0)93 3060 9838 (08) Tel rocks and strong currents. strong and rocks This is a wonderful place year round. year place wonderful a is This unpredictable waves and swells, slippery slippery swells, and waves unpredictable atr ie(atM Barren) Mt (East side Eastern atr ie(atM Barren) Mt (East side Eastern Best season Best coast can be hazardous due to large, large, to due hazardous be can coast DANGER ! Rangers Rangers Outside of Greens Pool, this stretch of of stretch this Pool, Greens of Outside dense coastal shrubs. coastal dense detailed park information on parks and visitor sites. sites. visitor and parks on information park detailed the under or trees karri the under habitats concealed the in Coast risk area risk Coast e 0)93 03Fx(8 855045 9835 (08) Fax 5043 9835 (08) Tel e 0)93 03Fx(8 855045 9835 (08) Fax 5043 9835 (08) Tel even in the hottest weather flowers can be found, especially especially found, be can flowers weather hottest the in even time of the year. There is a peak of flowering in spring, but but spring, in flowering of peak a is There year. the of time us od ermnu A6337 WA Jerramungup Road, Quiss us od ermnu A6337 WA Jerramungup Road, Quiss such as William Bay is that flowers may be found here at any any at here found be may flowers that is Bay William as such izeadRvrNtoa Park National River Fitzgerald izeadRvrNtoa Park National River Fitzgerald Your safety is our concern but your responsibility. your but concern our is safety Your A characteristic feature of national parks on the South Coast Coast South the on parks national of feature characteristic A Camping not permitted. not Camping eirranger Senior eirranger Senior Flora Pets are not permitted. Respect our native wildlife. native our Respect permitted. not are Pets fascinating seascape for beachcombing. for seascape fascinating o edifraino assistance. or information need you o edifraino assistance. or information need you Fires are not permitted. not are Fires pools, channels and granite terraces inside this reef create a a create reef this inside terraces granite and channels pools, noal n nomtv.Dnthstt ocnatte if them contact to hesitate Don’t informative. and enjoyable noal n nomtv.Dnthstt ocnatte if them contact to hesitate Don’t informative. and enjoyable at Greens Pool because of danger to swimmers. Sheltered Sheltered swimmers. to danger of because Pool Greens at Greens Pool and Madfish Bay. Fishing is not recommended recommended not is Fishing Bay. Madfish and Pool Greens ainlpr agr r lasga omk orvstmore visit your make to glad always are rangers park National ainlpr agr r lasga omk orvstmore visit your make to glad always are rangers park National Pemberton (08) 9776 1207 1207 9776 (08) Pemberton between coast the along sea to out more or metres 100 for bushwalking. Granite boulders and rocky shelves extend extend shelves rocky and boulders Granite bushwalking. oeinformation More oeinformation More Be careful careful Be Rocks can be hazardous and slippery when wet. when slippery and hazardous be can Rocks Sightseeing, photography, swimming, marine study, study, marine swimming, photography, Sightseeing, appropriately. What to do? to What Be clean Be Take your rubbish with you and dispose of it it of dispose and you with rubbish your Take ipa hssymbol. this display ipa hssymbol. this display over to Elephant Rocks and explore the area. the explore and Rocks Elephant to over keeping to the path. the to keeping Help us to protect this fragile environment by by environment fragile this protect to us Help pool ideal for family swimming. Walkers can follow trails trails follow can Walkers swimming. family for ideal pool es edwrig hw nsgsthat signs on shown warnings heed lease es edwrig hw nsgsthat signs on shown warnings heed lease P P Walk softly Walk Walpole and Denmark. There are toilets and a natural sea sea natural a and toilets are There Denmark. and Walpole found it. found William Bay provides an excellent stop en route between between route en stop excellent an provides Bay William Respect this unique environment and leave it as you you as it leave and environment unique this Respect Be wise Be hnwt itdsaecmo ln h coastl the along common are Riptides wet. when hnwt itdsaecmo ln h coastl the along common are Riptides wet. when ine. ine. With a carpark, boardwalk and stairs down to the beach, beach, the to down stairs and boardwalk carpark, a With Caring for Greens Pool Greens for Caring What is there? is What udnyocree ncl as ok eoeslippery become Rocks days. calm on even occur suddenly udnyocree ncl as ok eoeslippery become Rocks days. calm on even occur suddenly Esperance (08) 9083 2100 2100 9083 (08) Esperance Wilderness. Walpole hour from Albany. from hour wmigepcal agru.Hg ae n wlscan swells and waves Huge dangerous. especially swimming wmigepcal agru.Hg ae n wlscan swells and waves Huge dangerous. especially swimming the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk and other sites in the the in sites other and Walk Top Tree Giants the of Valley the 20 minutes from Denmark, 45 minutes from Walpole, one one Walpole, from minutes 45 Denmark, from minutes 20 otenOeni nrdcal,mkn okfsigand fishing rock making unpredictable, is Ocean Southern otenOeni nrdcal,mkn okfsigand fishing rock making unpredictable, is Ocean Southern break and stretch the legs – or even have a swim en route to to route en swim a have even or – legs the stretch and break Travelling time Travelling rock formations. William Bay is a perfect place to take a a take to place perfect a is Bay William formations. rock hoefsigo wmigstswt ra care. great with sites swimming or fishing Choose hoefsigo wmigstswt ra care. great with sites swimming or fishing Choose The The Tower Hill is an excellent lookout over the bay and granite granite and bay the over lookout excellent an is Hill Tower Coast Highway. Highway. Coast Download Download Park brochures and fact sheets fact and brochures Park and area Pool Greens the through runs Track Bibbulmun The William Bay is 15 kilometres west of Denmark on South South on Denmark of west kilometres 15 is Bay William h oki os n crumbly. and loose is rock the h oki os n crumbly.
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