404U CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 5 By Mr. PHILBIN: enough· for the solving of the tangled (Tlie VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the H. R. 4757. A bill for the relief of Mathew tragedy of our ailing world. Our weak­ Senate a resolution identical with the fore­ Mattas; to the Committee on Claims. ness and failure cry out for inner en­ going, which was referred to the Committee forcement. Before we can help Thee on Banking and Currency.) PETITIONS, ETC. Also by Mr. BARKLEY: change the world we know that we our­ A resolution of the General Assembly of Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions selves must be changed, lest our hostile Kentucky; to the Committee on the Judi­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk spirits, our bitter tempers, our selfish ciary: and referred as follows: hearts may play traitor to the common­ "House Resolution 79 5615. By Mr. BARRE'IT: Petition of Broma wealth of brotherhood to which our lips "Joint resolution proposing an amendment L. Nefsy, president of the Woman's Christian pay homage. to the Constitution of the United States Temperance Union, and nine other members May no shoddy or selfish workmanship relative to taxes on incomes,· inheritances, of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of ours mar the divine mosaic of Thy will and gifts of Moorcroft, Wyo., urging consideration and which, day by day, our hands may help "Be it resolved by the General Assembly of support for the passage of House bill 2082, to fashion. In tense times that tempt the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That ap­ suE:pending the alcoholic beverage traffic for to petulance, grant us the grace of pa­ plication be and it hereby is made to the the duration of the war; to the Committee Congress of the United States of America to on the Judiciary. tience, remembering always that cour­ call a convention for the purpose of proposing 5616. By Mr. CAPOZZOLI: Petition of the tesy is rarer than courage and that a soft the following article as an amendment to the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, answer turneth away wrath. To a world Constitution of the United States: Richmond County Post, 80, to transfer Hal­ strewn with ashes of destruction, where "'ARTICLE- loran General Hospital to the Veterans' Ad­ tears like rivers stream o'er pain-lined ministration; to the Committee on World faces, where somber robes of grief and " 'SECTION 1. The sixteenth article of War Veterans' Legislation. amendment to the Constitution of the loss mark the passing of dismal days, United States is hereby repealed. 5617. By Mr. CUNNINGHAM: Petition of make us the ministers of Thy healing, 283 citizens of Iowa, urging support of House "'SEC. 2. The Congress shall have power to bill 2082; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the channels of Thy grace, that to those lay and collect taxes on incomes, from what­ 5618. By Mr. ELLISON of Maryland: Peti­ who sit in darkness and desolation there ever source derived, without apportionment tion of Andrew J. Tempel and other sundry may come beauty for ashes, the oil of among the several States, and without re­ citizens of the city of Baltimore and State joy for mourning, the garments of praise gard to any census or enumeration: Provided, of Maryland, consisting of 276 sheets, con­ for the spirit of heaviness. Amen. That tn no case shall the maximum rate of taining over 6,000 signatures, opposing the tax exceed 25 percent. Bryson bill, H. R. 2082, or any other bill of THE JOURNAL " 'SEC. 3. The maximum rate of any tax, like nature; to the Committee on the Judi­ On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by duty, or excise which Congress may lay and ciary. unanimous consent, the reading of the collect with respect to the devolution or 5619. By Mr. GALE: Petitions signed by transfer of property, or an-y interest therein, 2,740 citizens of Minneapolis and vicinity, Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ upon or in contemplation of or intended to opposing House bill 2082 which would im­ dar day Thursday, May 4, 1944, was dis­ take effect in possession or enjoyment at or pose complete prohibition for the duration pensed with, and the Journal was after death, or by way of gift, shall in no of the war and 6 months thereafter; to the approved. case exceed 25 percent. "'SEc. 4. The limitations upon the rates of Committee on the Judiciary. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS 5620. By Mr. RODGERS of Pennsylvania: said taxes contained in sections 2 and 3 shall, Petitions signed by 4,000 residents of the Petitions, etc., were laid before the however, be subject to the qualification that Twenty-ninth Congressional District, pro­ Senate, or presented, and referred as in the event of a war in which the United testing against the passage of all prohibition indicated: States is engaged creating a grave national legislation; to the Committee on the Judi­ emergency requiring such action to avoid ciary. By Mr. BARKLEY: national disa-ster, the Congress by a vote of 5621. By Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: A concurrent resolution of the General three-fourths oflleach House may for a period Petition of the City Council of Boston, Mass., Assembly of Kentucky; to the Committee on not exceeding 1 year increase beyond the favoring passage of House Joint Resolution Banking and Currency: limits above prescribed the maximum rate of 117, for national recognition of Patriots' Day "Se'nate Resolution 44 any such tax upon income subsequently on April 19 each year; to the Committee on "Joint resolution memorializing Congress to accruing or received or with respect to sub­ the Judiciary. pass a law enabling the ce1ling prices on sequent devolutions or transfers of property, 5622. By the SPEAKER: Petition of execu­ fluor spar to be increased with like power, while the United States is tive director, Izaak Walton League of America, actively engaged in such war, to repeat such "Whereas fluor spar is a vital and necessary Inc., petitioning consideration of their reso­ one, highly essential in the war effort; and action as often as such emergency may re­ lution with reference to the need for correc­ whereas the present ceiling prices on fluor quire. tion of pollution, etc.; to the Committee on spar are entirely too low to encourage the " 'SEC. 5. Sections 1 and 2 shall take effect Rivers and Harbors. at midnight on the 31st day of December 5623. Also, petition of the secretary, west­ proper production of this necessary material: Now. therefore, be it following the ratification of this article. ern Association of State Game and Fish Com­ Nothing contained in this article shall effect missioners, petitioning consideration of their "Resolved by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: the ·power of the United States after said resolutiqn with reference to the passage of date to collect any tax on incomes for any House bill 2241, and others; to the Committee "1. That the General Assembly of the Com­ on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. monwealth of Kentucky memorializes the period ending on or prior to said 31st day -Congress of the United States that it, at the of December laid in accordance with the earliest possible date, take such action as may terms of any law then in effect. be necessary to increase by 10 percent the " 'SEc. 6. Section 3 shall take effect at mid­ ceiling price of fluor spar, and to take such night on the last day of the siXth month SENATE additional action as may be necessary to following the ratification of this article. authorize and require the approval of such Nothing contained in this article shall affect FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1944 increase, in order to insure a sufficient supply the power of the United States to collect any of fluor spar to meet the war requirements. tax on any devolution or transfer occurring (Legislative day ot Wednesday, April 12, "2. Copies of this resolution· shall be sent to prior to the taking effect of section 3, laid 1944) the President and Chief Clerk of the Senate !n accordance with the terms of any law then of the United States, the United States Sen­ in effect.' The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, ator from Kentucky, the Speaker and Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the "And be it further on the expiration of the recess. "Resolved, That the Congress of the United The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown United States and the Representative in Con­ gress from Kentucky. States be, and it hereby is, requested to pro­ Harris, D. D., offered the following vide as the mode ·of ratification that said prayer: "KENNETH H. TuGGLE., "President of the Senate. amendment shall be valid to all intents and 0 Thou God of wisdom, by whom the "HARRY LEE WATERFIELD, purposes, as part of the Constitution of ·the meek are guided in judgment, Thou hast "Speaker, House of Representatives. United States, when ratified by the legisla­ called us to be fellow workers with Thee. "'Attest: tures of three-fourths of the several States; "MARY Lou HEEBBARD, and be it further We would face the responsibilities com­ "Asststant Chief Clerk of Senate. "Resolved, That the secretary of state be, mitted to our hands in the daily sense of "'Approved March 20, 1944. and he hereby is, directed to send a duly the eternal. Our strength is unequal to "SIMEON WILLIS, - . certified copy of this resolution to the Senate our task. Our insights are not deep "Governor:~ of the United States and one to the House of 1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 4041 Representatives in the Congress of the United RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS­ MANPOWER NEED&-EDITORIAL FROM States.
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