REPORT OF THE VISIT OF THE EDUCATION COMMISSION TO MADHYA PRADESH (20th March—1st April, 1965) EDUCATION COMMISSION GO\^RNMENT OF IN^IA 1965 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY REPORT OF THS VISIT OF THE EDUCATION CDMilSSION TO MADHYA PRADESH ( 20th Marisrh to 1st 4pril,1965) SaUCATION COi^'MISSION GOVERimNT OF IT'D IA 1965 -2- CON TE N T S pace No, A REPORT OF THE DISCUSSIONS HELD AH BHOPAL DURD^G THE VISIT OF THE EDUCTION COMyllSSION TO MADHYA PRAI5ESH (26th to 2Sth Mal’ch, 1965) I. Discussion with the Principals and teachers of secondary schools selected fron all over Madhya Pradesh. II. Discussion -with teacher educators selected 9-11 fron all over Madhya Pradesh* III .Visit to Plarnidia College and discussion with 12-17 the Principals of Arts and Scicnce Colleges and neeting with students*: representatives. IV. Discussion with Education Officers from the is Directorate. • V. Discussion with Individual Educationists. 19-22 VI. Discussion with the Ghairnan and Secretary of 23-26 the Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh. VII.D iscussio n with the Headsr' of Departments 27-30 (Director of Public Instruction, Dii'ector of Technical Education, Director of Employment Exchanges, Director of Health Services and Director of Tribal VJolfare). V III.D iscu ssio n with the Vice-Chancellors of 31-33 Universities in Madhya Pradesh. IX. Discussion with the. Education Secretary. 34-35 X. Discussion with the State Council for V/omen‘ 3 36 Sducation. X I. Discussion with per sons 'inter ested inthe 37-41 education of the Scheduled Tribes. X I I . Discussion with the Chief Minister. 42-45 X III.D isc u ssio n with the Education Minister. 46-48 XIV.'Discussion with the Secretaries to 49-50 Government (Chief Secretary, Education Secretary, Fiaanao Secretary, Planning & Development Secretary and the Agriculture Secretary). XV. Discussion with Principals of Engineering 51-54 Colleges, Polytechnics and I.T.Is. selected from a ll -over Madhya Pradesh. * . p .t.o . -3- KAa^^-iaseO’lfeEMD.^ions TEJiT EM3RGED IN THE 55 DISCUSSIONS'HELD ;lT-'THE DIFFERENT CEl'^TRES .JM LliiDiHY;; PRADESH (Except at Bhopal 25 March 28 March, 1965), ••‘A - DISGUSoION,-AT GV/ALIOR I. With the. vice-Chancellor and the Exocutive 56 . -I'Council'of the ji\^/aji piiversity,, I I , With.-Menbors of ’the - staff of the Jiwaji 57-53 ' . University,■ Principals and Professors of Colleges.' '■ '• I I I . With, representatives of students. 58-59 IV. With educationists. V. ‘’With Principals and Lecturers of' Higher ^ ;61 Secondary Schools. ^ ' V I. With Teacher-Educator s. ' 61-62 V I I . ■ With inenibcrs of the ‘staff’^of„ the ;Rani : 62^6? - - • Lakshmibai ’ColiGGe o f Physical-Education. B - DISCUSSIONS kT SAG^a/. ^^D -JmilPUR. VIII. With Vice-ChanceHer and Rector, Saugar 64-67 University. DC. ^ith Heads of Faculty of u'lrts,SaUs^ir'' University. ' / X'. with Heads of Faculty of Sc'icnc,e,Saugar' - ’ 69 Iftiiversity. • • . ■, - — _ . XI. At Hone Science Cpllege, Jabalpur. • 70 X II. With Rector and Registi'ar’,Jabalpur piiv.er;sity.70-71 X I I I . With. Principals of Colleges and-Heads ,'of ’; , "72 Departments, Jab alp 1:0: Toliver sity.• • , ^ ‘ • .-XIV. With'Research Students at-Jabalpur University. 73 XV. With'Principals ^ d Teachers''of Secondary 74 Schools at Jabalpur. - ... XVI. V/ith’-Vicc-Chancelibr and Members of Staff 74-76 of the Jawaharlal Neliru Agricultural University, Jabalpur. XVII. With Principal and Other Staff of the 76-73 Governnleht Engineering College, Jabalpur. XVIII. With local educationists at Jabalpur. 73-82 ✓ XIX. With local educational officers at Jabalpur. 83-34 ■ C - DISGUSSIOKS ■■.g' IHDORE .IMP " ^5 XX. i.t Malharashran, Indore, qq X XI. At Islania Kar iniia" Dcbrd'^’ Coilbgc and Higher Socondary S^jhool, Indore. XXII. At Fine iU?’ts College, Indore. ''••• .... 3^ XXIII. V/ith yice-Chanccllor and Menbers of the 83-89 Executive Council of'the Indore'Uhiver sity. XXrr. ■ *W-ife-Principals of Colleges and Teachers at qq ‘••'Indore,- .. ' ; - ■* : XXV. With students'"af' lhdbre,v.. ..XXVr. • With .The Qf.?ic^‘i’ ...Commanding ,N .C .C . in 92 ’ Madhya Pracicsl:;'. at Indore. XXVII. With Headmasters of local Secondary Schools 92 at Indorv.. ^ •XXVIII. ^t P .G .B .T . College, Dewas. 93 XX.IX. i^t Higher Secondary SchoolV* Ujjain. ‘ ■■ 94 XXX. iwt P.G.B.T. College, Uj jain. 94 ■ XXXI. • With Headnaster.s of Higher Secondary Schools 95 and Principals of Basic Triainingu Institutes. XJQCII. Vikram University, U jjain. ^ 96 XXXIII. A t Madhav College, IJjjain. 97 XXXIV. At Sciia4ki€i Oriental Institute. ’ 98 XXXV. With local educationists at Ujjain. 98-99 D - DISCUSSIONS AT RAIPUR /J\ID BHILiU XXXVI. With Principals of Colleges and University lOO Teachers at Raipur. XXXVII. With educationists at Raipur. 1 0 1 XXXVIII.With Principals and Teachers of Higher lOl Socondary Schools at Raipur. XXXIX. At Kamaladovi Sangeet Hahavidyalaya,Raipur. 102 XXXX. At Science College, Raipur. 102 XXXXI. At Engineering College, Raipur. ' 103 XXXXII. At Sanslo'it College, Raipur. IO3 XXXXIII.At Durga ;j?ts College, Raipur. 103 XXXXIV. With Teacher-Educators. 104 XXXXV. With the Vice-Chancellor ,Ravishankar University,104 Raipur. XXXXVI. With student leaders at Raipur. 105 -5- XXXXVII. Governiinent Dani Girls Multipurpose, 105-106) Highe.r Sc<condary School, Raipur* E - Dl.suUS^iUi\|S AT KORBA XXXXVIII. with lc3adlcrs o^ the ivComaunity, i07-109 Korba andl Members of Coi’^r.un'ity Developrient Blocks, Kvw3?ba and- Kartala, XZXXIX At Indust^rial Training Institute., F - SUn-'ui^'JlY OF THB m i OR/JIim SUBMITTED T0)'"TOE EDUCATION COMMISSION IN 111-157' PRADESH G - Ei^GLISH LANGUAGE TEACHEJG INSTITUTE mS 5 ^ a “PR ^ S H T BHOP^U.. ...... “ISS-IGD) iJINEKURE I - Progic-aixie o^. the visit of the 170-175 Ed uc.at ion Coriiiiission' to Madhya Pradesh. iOTSKURE II- List- of persons who uet the Gor.inlssion in Mladhya Pradesh. 176-204 iiNNffiCURE III-List of Memoranda received by the 205-210 ^ ^ E;duc;ation Coixaission in Madhya Pradesh. A REPORT OF TRE DISCUSSION HELD JiT BHOPiJL DUR'IKG THE VISIT OF THE SDUCiaiON GO^fr■iISSIOK TO lUDHZil PRaOESH (25t,h to 23th March, 1965). A REPORT OF THE DISCUSSIONS HELD AT BHOFAL^QJRK^G THE VISIT OF THE EPgCATION GOMIlIgSION TO KADHYA PRADESH ~( 25t-b to a ^ n March. l & M Y , ^ ,, I . Discuss ion; with the Principal^ and/Teachers / .'• ' of Secondary Schools selected from a ll ,over Madhya fPradesh held at; Bhopal-on 25.3.19,65; The following points o:nierged in the course -of the discussion at the meeting: (1) The development of personality of students in secondary schools through games, sports and other . , . ... physical education activities should be included among the Aims 'and Objectives of Secondary Education^ * •; -■;£, ! '■ /.* I . *»■ (2) The duration of school education should pre» ferably be 12 years as greater maturity is required-of students who proceed tio the university. But this ,-;r- '1^ V.‘V "c -A,.. T 7 l ^tension of the •school period can be brought about without dis-organising the existing educational structure t'N ^ r. ';*.L ‘ v • ' • in the different states. * (3) Wherever possible middle school classes should be attached to secondary schools even though the firsts 7 or . V 8 years of elonentary education is regarded as'a • continuous integrated course. • (4) The twelfth year should be added to tj^ese higher secondary schools which have the acccanmodation, staff, equipment and other necessary facilities for the purpose* 'The other alternative of constituting a 'separate unit' called a Junior College consisting of Classes XI and XII should also be explored. ,........ ... ^ - •. L- -'‘i-’ (5) ' The’ open-door policy in secondary and higher education adopted by certain State Governments has led to considerable deterioration of standards. .No q ualitativ e improvement is possible unless selective admission is introduced at least at the higher education stage. , »-8*« X6') - burden of language learning is very heavy. It is'possible to have at the secoidaryy stage two languages for compulsory study'and the third llanguage as an opt ional. • ■ .( 7) .The copgestliofi ^ist ihg In't school today prevents the innlfcro duct ion of dynamic methods of •’i T;.J -ir-v'T . , ti-fi... 1.V ■ ... teaching. Whatever I is learht in 'the training colleges Cannot be Implement eod bWause- of lack of .accommiodat ion, equipment arid'other rn'ecessai*y facilities* rUnless better environment exists fc'bir the leai*rting process,'t cannot be much- qualitat ivei '"'iimp^ov^enti ' (8) The externia^l exaj^ltiation W ill continue for a long; time to ccme. But ilt s evils Can'be minimised if better techniques are devisaed for internal as Cessment* The experiment of intern.ial assessment which was tri'ed in Madhya Pradesh had too' be abandoned as it waS' hot carried out with proper* checbkis and 'saf e^ardisv •• (9) The standarc»di or the l^igher Secondary-School Examination as"a quaalifylng test for admiss-ion to the universities ia holb hiigh ettough* It i s '^ that the standard of thiss lamination should b‘e raised and brought on a par witth thSt bf the'^Indian'School Gei^tificatbe Examination. " ' • 0 (10) Pr ivate ehnt erpr ise has a gr eat r^le' to play in the development coT secondary' educ-atton- in- the future. Therefore voluntary effo rts in the establishirient and promotion of secondaary educat'ional ’instIttitioris should be encouraged by 'stat e ■ Governments* —9 lit THS SDUCATION COMMISSION MET ITEACHER EDUCATORS FROM MADHYA PRADESH FOR A DISCUSSICO^>J ON 25.5.65, DURING 'WHICH THii; FOLLOWING:- Prlmarv Teacher Education; 1, Differing educational standarc-ds of trainees in Primary Te,achers’ Institutions, such as'Middle-ppass, S.S.C., Intermediate, make the classes very heterogeneous.
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