• Page Two Thursday,. February THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursday, February 10, 1955 l 0, 1955 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS -----------------.,....------------------,--...:.......:.... .,.... Page Three IIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIJIIIIJllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll•~ _____ _______ _ ' m~t 'lltBttnt 3JtUti.6~ Ntwn . ~ = Th• Leading National Weekly Devoted to Jewish Interests TaE HOLD AND T1rn TaRAII ~ ~oirE HEiping Hands· for lsraEI Council 13.-idEs G.-oup To Stai~ Edmonton To Mark Jleads Hospital Member ol tbe Jewish Telographlc Agency I ~·-j,t··, . Correction Published every Thursday by With In our issue of Feb. 3 in the spread ~ Anrthina GoEs" Show F~b. 14- devoted to Pierre's Restaurant, it J EW I S H N EW S LT D. I The Wrestling Rabbi Say~ i l>ioneer S. A. BERG, LL.B., President was Jncorrectly stated that Williams By Raplaael llalpcrn Restaurant Supply Ltd. was re­ DAVE CORNE, Advertising Manager e I at the a911ual brotl~crhood :--:c1·vicc or Beth Sholom congregation 8 p,m, • :~:. ...,, sponsible for .. complete moderniza­ HAROLD- A. HYMAN, Edilor-in-Chlet 51 (Aa AJP Fnhard U:.'JtlCJA.£1 9 Friday, Feb, 18. nnd the men's group o( Knox United. church will be ,~ 'T guests. -------------- ,· tion and interior design," ,.., Editorial Offices: 307 Paris Building THE SECRET OF SUCCESS th This was done by Simpson's, Con­ Telephones 02-6361 - 92-6362 Rabbi Dr. Louis L. Sacks, Dr. ~:~:~,e:i::!:~e for Bc Shalom ·::~ f~'./J;i·.':.... ;,~. .. \··,,:·.·.. ·.. -,.' 1 · 11Luck11 unqitcstionably plays a big part In the success of a person's B3rncy Mass .ind the children's choir .... ~ < tract Divlslon, Winnipeg, as correct­ Authorized as _second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. career, It is my .belle! that human being arc born in- 11 stnrs." But I also directed by 8nm Cohen will officiate. Brotherhood week will al.so be 'li.. .... -·. ly stated in thCir advertisement. BubacripUon Rates: Five Cents the Copy at News Stnnds; by Moil, $3.00 believe that a person born in a 11lucky" star has in him the power and Following the service the con• observed by Beth Shalom sisterhood [1_.~:<f. ·. I per Annum, payable in advance. Foreign Rates on Application. ability to work himself up towards his destined goal. gregation's brotherhood will serve at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, when '. Printed by the Wallingford Pres:; Limited. Usually, an individual docs not actually start his basic life's career ,:l the Oncg Shabbat. u symposium on brotherhood will be WHEN IN CALGARY, VISIT until the age of 18. At 65, in most cases, nmbition for the creation of a iii Sunday, Feb. 20, Jtabbl Sacks featured with the following pnrtici­ ~ greater career vanishes. It must be remembered, also, that a great part ~I wlll be guest ttrcacher at the ICnox pnting: Father Joe Malone, Denn Al's Delicatessen WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1955 of olle"s life is devoted to sleeping, shopping, travelling nnd hundreds of United Church evening service to Grant Sparling und Rev. Douglas for these Tasty and Dellclous other tillle-killing pursuits. Hence, a person's actual life-span is much which the Beth Shalom brother- Smith. llnbbi Sucks will be modci-a­ Corned Beef Sandwlchc• . .. shorter than it may appear to be. , llooll has been invited as guest~. tor. "SERVICE ALWAYS" Therefore, when you meet a person who has reached the top in his ! . M Lou Moss Is ehalrmnn of this Inter- Jteliglous Cantata 713 - lit Slrcct East No Romance ...•• , ,__l_.._~ .... ., .. ,¢.'... ,i.::~ partl~ular field, you can be sure that, aside from the fact that he was Wnmen's groups o( St, Joseph (Opp, Post Office) SPY stories are still the food and drink of the literary esca~e artist; born Inn lucky star, the secret of his success was due mainly to the foci Leading members of Pioneer Women are shown here as they charted the course of the current Cathedral, AIi Saint.s, First Presby­ CALGARY ALBERTA but In real life spying is a sordid business, and everything con- that he never stopped thinking or working with the greatest zeal towards membership expansion drive, now entering its accelerated, wind-up stage. Seated left (foreground) Cultu.-al i..ission terian church and Robertson United rd is Mrs. E. Vineberg. To her left, and reading left to rights, ore (seated) Mesdames J. Sherebrln, H. nected with it is sordid, and mean. There is little romance in be- his goal. In simpler wo s, "God helps them that he]p:themselves." church will be guests. IN EDMONTON h EdJtor's note: Raphael Halpern won his 179th straight victory at New Shlain S. Todres (membership chairman), Sam Greene (council president), J. Zarnick, A. Miner, and E.-i •• gs H1:~.-1:~.­ The sisterhood will present a troyal, and not much adventure i!' deception. The spy W O plies York's Madison Square Gorden last Monday night). DR. S. S. PEIIWFF MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT L. Mo~er. Standing left to right, ore Mesdames M. Namak, M. Plattner, Yakir, D. Gorstein, and J. Autl•o.- To Canada cantata based on sacred days of the his unsavory trade for ideological reasons sometimes ascends t~ ----------------------------. Mindess. Missing from the picture ore Mesdames I. Nisenholtz, Julie Margolese, Jennie Rich, Sybil Hebrew cnlcndar, directed by Mrs. prominent Winnipeg doctor who ha.s Lou's Delicatessen the heights of tragedy; the unscrupulous fellow who sells his services Plattner, and D. Soudock. Harry Bloomfield. Mrs. Celia Ba1tzan been named president of the medical MAX SHAPIRO, Prop, to the highest bidder is never anything but contemptible. Yet spying is sisterhood president. staff of St. Boniface·hospitlll. Serving Home Cooked Meoh1 is a recognized part of diplomacy, with tacit awareness on the port VAVII). SCHWARTZ Fishman; treasurer, Sheila Ph~rce; Manitoba are now open for new effort "to provide Israel with the The brotherhood theme will also Other officers elected at the an· Full Lino of Imported Ko1hor advertising, Miriam Grcenstone and sinews of pence and constructlon,JJ Delicatessen of all nations that it is being carried on. The search for spies is members to join. Those now enrolled Songs, dances, laughter arid hilari- Blankstein, Mrs. P. Gold and Mrs. T. Goldberg, A. Ginsberg, L. Goltsman, be dealt with by Robbi Sacks 11.15 nual meeting included: Dr. H. Guyot, • CORNED BEEF e SALAMI Molly Luffman; social, Ronn Wolchj The veteran Zionist leader warned under the Non-Group Plan may ous commercials arc promised in the 1 Gilman with Mrs, S. Jacobson as T. Jacob, G. Kale!, S. Koz, J. Kay, a.m. Sunday, Feb. 20, on his "Sparks 1st vice-president; Dr, Pnul G_rcen, • PASTROMA • LUX quiet but constant; the handling of them usually quiet and swift. drama, Brenda Warshawsky; chess, of the Mid-Eastern designs on Is­ fast-moving TV show 11Anything pianist. A. Kipness, H. Levine, L. Landa, of Truth" broadcast over CKUA 2nd vice-president; Dr. R. T. James, • KNISHES, KREPLACH, BLINTZES However, the post few years - as often happens in years of Mark Schulman. transfer to the community group Abraham Lincoln rael's security, aided and abetted by Goes" to be staged by brides group, Shown above are members. of the L. Levine, L. Mante], M, Nezon, J. when he speaks on "The Bond of secretary; Dr. L, R. Rabson and Dr. Phone 86166 Modelling nt the ten will be Pearl upon request. restless peace - have seen much publicity given to coses of spying, I looked bock to the New York Jewish Theological Seminary saw the Washington arms policy, and ap­ National Council of Jewish Women cast including (all Mesdames): I. Neaman, L. Polinsky, D. Pearlman, Brotherhood." J. Downey, board members. 11639A JASPER AVE. Kraut, Sheila Pierce, Carol Genser, pealed Winnipeg to generously to 2 p.m. Monday, Feb, 14, in the Averback, M, Blanksteijl, J. Bass, N. S. Roytenberg, I. Rpsc, M. Rypp, J. Round Table with foreign spies openly apprehended. Nations which claim to be Herold for April, 1865. I wonted to some Talmudic qunlities in Lincoln. Honey Breslauer, Rona W o 1 ch, EDMONTON ALTA. support the 1955 Histadrut dri\l'e uas Y.M,H.A. auditorium. Bager, P. Devins, Z. Feldman, B. Stillwater, H. Schwartz, M, Shaffer, The Edmonton chapter of the civilized have even executed men and women whom they have see if there was any special Jewish' The rail splitter· was compared to Mindel Mohr, Elaine Muryn, Sandra the most effective, immediate answer The review is directed by Mrs. M. Gorenstein, P. Gold, T. Gilman, M. J. Slater, E. Simovilch, N. Spigelman, Round Tahlc of Christians and Jews Edmonton Mizrachi condemned as spies. The most recent case, in Egypt, of the ·execu- reaction that might have been re- Hillel, the wood ch0pper. Lincoln's Ross, Lynne Rabinovitch, Phyllis Mass Meeting to Israel's urgent need." H. Sawyer, M. Tapper. will celebrate its charter night Tues­ lion of two Israeli citizens is O horrifying example of the procedure. ported on the assassination of Lin- alleged retort to the protest against Kare, Sandra Rubin, Verne Rubin­ IN CALGARY Mr. Hamlin will be In Winnipeg Proceeds will go to the White day, Feb. 15, with a banquet nnd coin. Sure enough there was a page the drinking of Grant - that he stein, Brenda Warshawsky, Mickey Fete Mrs. Wainherg It'• tho New and friendly Even romantic literature postulates the premise that no country devoted to the reaction of the vari- would like to send the same whiskey Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 21 and 22, Cross Guild of Winnipeg General program at the MacDonald hotel. Grosh, Eleanor Sangro, Norma Fish­ EDMONTON, (Special)-Mizrachi Slates Hamlin hospital and to the "Ship-a-Box" John F'lsher, noted radio personality, can afford to come to the support of a spy who is caught.
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