y • The American PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY TO ADVANCE THE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION OF WELDING AND ALLIED PROCESSES, INCLUDING JOINING, BRAZING, SOLDERING, CUTTING. AND THERMAL SPRAYING One Word Defines / Select-Arc's New Electrode Line and ReputatigtTgf or Quality... Select-Arc, Inc. has earned teristics, consistent deposit electrodes' higher deposi­ Discover for yourself the an outstanding reputation chemistry and excellent tion rates improve produc­ many benefits of specifying in the industry as a manu­ overall performance you tivity and reduce welding Select-Arc's new premium facturer of premium quality have come to expect from costs. stainless steel electrodes. Call tubular welding electrodes Select-Arc. us today at 1-800-341-5215 for carbon and low alloy SelectAlloy's smooth bead or you can visit our website steel welding. The chart below shows contour, easy peeling slag, at www.select-arc.com for that SelectAlloy flux cored minimal spatter, closely more information. Now Select-Arc has controlled weld deposit expanded its range of Typical Deposition Rates for compositions and metal exceptional products Various Stainless Steel Consumables soundness deliver addi­ with the introduction tional savings. SELECT of a complete line of .fl-45 " Fli x Cor d / .045" vletal lored austenitic, martensitic Elec rode E ectrod e The Select 400-Series and ferritic stainless metal cored electrodes steel electrodes. Both offer the same advan­ the new SelectAlloy tages as SelectAlloy and 600 Enterprise Drive ^MS" So idWir e P.O. Box 259 and Select stainless Elect ode are ideally suited for Fort Loramie,OH 45845-0259 steel wires deliver the difficult-to-weld appli­ Phone: (937) 295-5215 m 5/32" Covered superior feedability, su­ Electrode cations, such as auto Fax: (888) 511-5217 perb welding charac­ Current (amps) exhaust systems. www.select-arc.com Circle No. 39 on Reader Info-Card tfitf^&fi Sink your teeth into an unmatched assortment ...of forming, fabricating, tube & pipe, and welding technology. Compare 800 exhibits and more lhan 2,000 machines in action. Consult with thousands of technical experts who can help you work smarter and run a leaner, more competitive operation. Evaluate more than 300 new products to boost your productivity. Select from over 50 conference sessions Lo maximize performance. At last, there's one show where you can easily evaluate options, upgrade critical skills and stay on top ofthe latest innovations. It really doesn't get any sweeter than this! November 13-16, 2005 FARTFCH McCormick Place South INTERNATIONiff*" „ Chicago. Illinois USA Cx AWS North America's Largest Metal Forming, t »""•* Fabricating & Welding Event Register online today for free show admission I www.aws.org/expo Circle No. 6 on Reader Info-Card One of these welds costs 10 times more than the other. Can you tell which one? •. p • .-••>.*- • lif "^ lpg^^Br-*5sp^»*=^ WaliJlijjj Sjjjjkr'yfciU' i JiMiiiia waJiJjjj.j Biisii JjJii/iJiiay-jjj'jjiJiiiiJjJjiyj! The new AWS Certified Welding Supervisor program targets productivity and NEW! how to maximize it. It will enhance your supervisors' skills, providing added AWS Certified Welding value to your welding processes. Supervisor Training Seminar & Certification Exam The program lets them gain the essential knowledge that will... Long Beach, CA— improve productivity improve throughput November 7-12,2005 improve weld quality improve safety Boston, MA— If you're interested in reducing welding costs and increasing January 23-28,2006 profitability, contact AWS. See the AWS website for a complete 2006 schedule. For more information on the AWS Certified Welding Supervisor program, visit our website at www.aws.org/certification/cws American Weiding Society or call 1 -800-443-9353 ext 470 <m (Outside the U.S. call 305-443-9353). ^ Founded in 1919 to advance the science, technology and application of welding and allied processes including Circle No. 4 on Reader Info-Card joining, brazing, soldering, cutting and thermal spray. ©American Welding Society 2005 CER1236-1005 CONTENTSOctober 2005 • Volume 84 • Number 10 AWS Web site http://www.aws.org Features Departments 25 Brazing in Space: Enabling the Next Frontier Vacuum brazing shows promise for assembling large truss Washington Watchword 4 structures durina future space missions Press Time News 6 Y. Flom Editorial 8 30 *Zeroing in on a Lead-Free Solder Database News of the Industry 10 A Web site was developed to share information regarding lead-free solders Letters to the Editor 14 T. A. Siewert et al. Book Review 16 33 Brazing Magnesium Alloys and Magnesium Aluminum Q&A 18 Matrix Composites Brazing Q&A 19 New interest in brazing magnesium has arisen because of the material's use in automotive and aerospace parts New Products 20 A. E. Shapiro Coming Events 50 44 Advanced Milling Technology Helps Identify Navy Joining Center 54 Phase Transformations Society News 55 Focused ion beam milling techniques can help lead to a better understanding of fusion zone microstructures Tech Topics 56 M. J. Perricone ASME Section IX 58 Guide to AWS Services 72 The American Welder New Literature 74 Technology 76 80 Students Explore Welding in Space Personnel 78 A group of Missouri students flew on NASA's "Weightless Wonder" to test welding in microgravity conditions American Welder K. Campbell Learning Track 93 85 Tube Welding: The Foundation for Building Your Fact Sheet 96 Own Motorcycle Welding Project 97 Help for the do-it-yourselfer who wants to learn how to build a custom motorcycle Keep It Sale 99 Classifieds 100 91 How to Choose a Welding Glove Tips to help you select comfortable, long-lasting Advertiser Index 102 welding gloves J. Swearingen and J. Carter Welding Research Supplement 149-s Estimation of Cooling Rate in the Welding of Plates with Intermediate Thickness Welding Journal (ISSN 0043-2296) is published A method was developed to estimate the cooling rate of monthly by the American Welding Society for S90.00 per year in the United States and posses­ a welded section based on applying a weighting factor to sions, $130 per year in foreign countries: $6.00 per the Rosenthal analytical solutions for thick and thin single issue for AWS members and $8.00 per sin­ plates gle issue for nonmembers. American Welding So­ K. Poorhaydari et al. ciety is located at 550 NW LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126-5671; telephone (305) 443-9353. Periodi­ cals postage paid in Miami, Fla., andadditional mail­ 156-s Particle Size Distribution of Gas Metal and ing offices, POSTMASTER: Send address changes Flux Cored Arc Welding Fumes to Welding Journal, 550 NW LeJeune Rd., Miami, Impactor separation of welding fumes showed the FL 33126-5671. welding process determined particle size distribution N. T. Jenkins et al. Readers of Welding Journal may make copies of ar­ ticles for personal, archival, educational or research purposes, and which are not for sale or resale. Per­ mission is granted to quote from articles, provided customary acknowledgment of authors and sources is made. Starred (*) items excluded from Cover photo courtesy of NASA. copyright. WELDING JOURNAL WASHINGTON BY HUGH K. WEBSTER •;\ Aft^' WATCHWORD AWS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS OFFICE Hexavalent Chromium Rule Enforcement" position has been created within the U.S. Depart­ Moving Forward ment of Commerce. This senior staff position is intended to as­ sist in U.S. efforts to combat intellectual property violations overseas. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) It is estimated that intellectual property theft costs U.S. busi­ is continuing its work toward the January 18, 2006, court-ordered ness $250 billion annually. The coordinator will oversee the vari­ deadline for issuing a final hexavalent chromium rule. In a ous initiatives ofthe federal government, and the current admin­ progress report submitted to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals istration, with respect to international intellectual protection, in Philadelphia, OSHA stated that it is resolving disputed issues, and coordinate the efforts of other federal agencies. crafting the language of the final rule, and drafting a preamble explaining its decisions. OSHA originally proposed to reduce the permissible expo­ sure limit for hexavalent chromium from 52 micrograms per cubic Congress Creates Manufacturing Caucus meter to 1 microgram per cubic meter as an 8-hour time weighted average. Hearings were held earlier this year, and many indus­ A new bipartisan "Manufacturing Caucus" has been estab­ tries opposed these reductions. lished in the U.S. Senate. A caucus in the Senate, or House, is The next progress report is due essentially a committee composed of interested members of Con­ in early November. gress who work together to fur­ ther causes related to a specific interest. The Manufacturing Caucus is expected to identify U.S. House Passes Job strategies to address the root Safety Legislation Intellectual property theft costs causes of the problems facing American manufacturing, and The U.S. House of Representa­ U.S. businesses an estimated $250 opportunities for Congressional tives has passed four bills that are action to create and keep man­ designed, according to their respec­ billion annually. A new Commerce ufacturing jobs. tive sponsors, to ease burdens on staff position will work to combat Many congressional causes small businesses. The four bills are also establish advisory boards as follows: these violations. consisting of industry or interest group representatives, and it is • (H.R. 739) The Occupational anticipated that the Manufac­ Safety and Health Small Business turing Caucus will do the same. Day in Court Act, which would give the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) additional flexibil­ Small Business Drives the U.S. ity to make exceptions when a small business misses the 15- day deadline for filing a response to OSHA citations. Economy • (H.R. 740) The Occupational Safety and Health Review Com­ mission Efficiency Act, which would increase the membership A recent study by the U.S.
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