North Pacific Union July 20 1970 VOL. 65, NO. 28 COLLEGE PLACE WASHINGTON NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER The Privilege of Stewardship-4 Official organ of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh -day Adventists DOES YOUR COUNT ENLACE LIGHT UP Editor: Mrs. Ione Morgan WITH JOY WHEN ASKED TO GIVE? Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324 Phone: JAckson 5-6030, Walla Walla Is stewardship, to you, a burden? Or necessary things in order to supply the Managing Editor: L. W. Crooker is it a joyous privilege? needs of others."—Ibid., p. 343. Phone: BElmont 5-4121, Portland Looking forward to that final extrem- They did not need to be urged! It Second class postage paid at College Place, ity, at which time hundreds of dol- was a privilege to deny themselves Washington. Published weekly, 50 issues each lars will be given as readily as dollars "even of necessary things" in order to year, at the College Press. Subscription price $2.00 a year. are now, inspiration tells how men and give! NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All women will consider it "a blessed What is your reaction when you are material must be channeled through privilege" to share in the work of pre- invited to participate in the church your local conference office. (Manu- scripts originating outside the North paring people to stand in the day of budget percentage plan? (Should you Pacific Union Territory must be sent God.—Counsels on Stewardship, p. 40. even need to be invited?) How en- to the Union Conference office in Portland, Ore.) "It is . blessed to give," said the thusiastically do you pledge towards a Lord Jesus (Acts 20:35). So great is building program? How joyous was this privilege that the faces of God's your response when the world concern NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY people might well "light up with joy offering was taken? 10225 E. Burnside when the cause of God appeals to their "Spiritual prosperity is closely bound Mail Address: Box 16677, Portland, Ore. 97216 liberality."—Ibid., pp. 155, 156. up with Christian liberality. The fol- Phone: 255-7300 (Area 503) Of the early Christians we read: lowers of Christ should rejoice in the HHES, 2101 N.E. Flanders, Portland 97232 "Unselfish liberality threw the early privilege of revealing in their lives the Phone: 234-0503 church into a transport of joy; for the beneficence of their Redeemer."—Ibid., E. R. Walde President believers knew that their efforts were p. 344. L. W. Crooker Secretary-Treasurer Lee Anderson Office Manager, helping to send the gospel message to What was the message upon your Home Health Education Serv. those in darkness."—Acts of the Apos- countenance when the offering was T. M. Ashlock.. Sabbath School, Pub. Relations tles, p. 344. taken last Sabbath? Did your face Robert Babcock Civilian Chaplain, Ft. Lewis, Wash. "It was not necessary to urge them to "light up with joy" as the receptacle Gerald Brass MV, National Servicemen's give; rather they rejoice in the priv- started down your row? Organization, Temperance ENGELKEMIER D. E. Caslow Lay Activities, ilege of denying themselves even of JOE Radio-"IV, Medical V. H. Fullerton Educational Assistant J. W. Griffin Associate Auditor Elder Hubbs an Honoree ence. He has been active in holding J. R. Hoffman Evangelist Five-Day Plans and assisted and en- C. P. Lampson Publishing At General Conference Session couraged doctors and pastors in these Sunny Liu Ministerial Assistant, MV Assistant During the General Conference ses- programs. W. L. Massengill Trust sion, eleven men from around the As a direct result of the Five-Day M. E. Rees Stewardship world were hon- Plans, Elder Hubbs has seen 66 persons \V. H. Shephard Religious Liberty, Industrial Relations, ored by the General baptized into the church. Self-supporting Institutions Conference Tem- Temperance work opens doors to T. W. Walters Educational perance Depar t- W. E. Wasenmiller Auditor evangelism that can be opened in no m e n t because of other way and today we find more LOCAL CONFERENCE DIRECTORY their involvement calls for Temperance programs than we ALASKA—J. C. Hansen, President; Richard a n d contributions are able to fill. God is truly using the Roberts, Secretary-Treasurer; 718 Barrow to the Five-Day Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Telephone, Temperance message to further His 272-3833. Plan Stop Smoking cause here on earth. IDAHO—F. W. Bieber, President; Duane Clinics. G. D. BRASS Huey, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Box 7667, Boise, Idaho 83707. Telephone, 375-7524. One of those hon- Temperance Secretary MONTANA—G. C. Williamson, President; ored was Jack North Pacific Union Warren Dick, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Jack Hubbs Hubbs, Temperance Box 743, Bozeman, Mont. 59715. Telephone, 587-3101 and 587-3102. Make wills and be- Secretary of the Washington Confer- quests payable to the Montana Conference Adventist Colleges Abroad Association of Seventh-day Adventists. COVER PICTURE: Peruvian natives puzzle OREGON—W. D. Blehm, President; R. C. over flat airplane tire and Gordon Engen, Lake Program Schwartz, Secretary; Vernon J. Jester, Treasurer; 605 S.E. 39th Ave., Portland, Union public affairs director and multimedia The Adventist Colleges Abroad pro- Oregon 97214. Telephone, 233-6371. Make producer, captured their interest on film. South wills and bequests payable to Western Ore- America "Colorama" trips this week in the gram offers rare opportunities to Ad- gon Conference Association of Seventh-day North Pacific will show Adventist missions as ventist youth. Adventists. never shown before. You'll want to be there. UPPER COLUMBIA—R. C. Remholdt, Don't let a flat tire keep you away. (See A. highly successful plan designed to President; I. E. Gray, Secretary-Treasurer; schedule of remaining showings, page 3.) give Seventh-day Adventist youth the W. 1025 Indiana, Spokane, Wash. 99205. Telephone. FAirfax 6-1550. benefits of studying overseas is opening Upper Columbia Book and Bible House doors for growth and learning to an Phone: FA 7-6631 or FA 6-1550. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send your new address with ZIP CODE NUMBER, to North Pacific Union increasing number of students. WASHINGTON—W. L. Murrill, President; Gleaner, Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. B. L. Cook, Secretary-Treasurer; 4414 Include name and old address as it appeared Known as the Adventist Colleges Woodland Park Ave. N, Seattle. Mailing on previous issues (if possible send address Abroad program, it enables dedicated Address: P. 0. Box 1585. Seattle, Wash. label). 98103. Telephone, MElrose 2-5862. POSTMASTERS: Send Form 3579 to North Pacific young people to take one or more years Washington Book and Bible House; P. 0. Union Gleaner, Box 248, College Place, Wash. of their college education in church- Box 1526, Seattle, Wash. 98103. Telephone, 99324. cerasia MElrose 2-7656. (Continued on page 4) 2 NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER COME TO CAMP MEETING, NO MATTER WHAT . Flash! North American multimedia extravaganza, just premiered at General Conference in Atlantic City, is coming too! The "Colorama" trip to South America uses ten projectors, while the North American showing will synchronize 26 slide and movie projectors, flashing pictures all over six giant screens, complete with stereo sound and narration. See Adventist outreach work in communication at its best. Schedule of Showings Remaining: Idaho Conference, Gem State Academy—July 20 (Monday) Northwest Oregon Camp Meeting, Portland—July 25 Academy Auditorium, 8 p.m. (Sabbath) Memorial Coliseum, 2 p.m. South America 'Colorama' Montana Conference, Great Falls—July 21 (Tuesday), 8 p.m. 8:30 p.m. North America multimedia extravaganza. Upper Columbia Conference, Spokane—July 23 (Thursday) Upper Columbia Conference, College Place—July 26 (Sun- Spokane Junior Academy, 8 p.m. day) 8 p.m. VOL. 65, NO. 28, JULY 20, 1970 3 ADVENTIST COLLEGES ABROAD Willis to Promote dence organizations recognized by the United States Office of Education. The (Continued from page 2) 'The Message Magazine' commission operates very much like a operated colleges abroad at an annual Charles M. Willis has joined the regional accrediting body and counts savings of from two to three hundred Southern Publishing Association peri- among its nine members such men as dollars. Rates include round trip fare Dr. Herold Hunt, Elliott Professor of from New York City, board, room and odical department as an associate cir- Education at Harvard University, and tuition, the services of a counseling pro- culation manager. Lawrence Derthick, formerly U.S. Com- fessor, and frequent tours to historic missioner of Education during the and cultural centers. He will give special attention to the na- Eisenhower presidency. According to John T. Hamilton, di- tionwide promotion The Home Study Institute has been rector of the program, a few openings of The Message fully accredited by the National Home exist for the 1970-71 academic year. Magazine, as well as Study Council since 1967 and is also a Final deadline for application is July helping to promote member in good standing of the Na- 26. Students in this year's class will fly These Times a n d tional University Extension Association to Europe on August 26. The Adventist since 1961. Home Study Institute pro- Participating students will attend the Home. vides kindergarten, elementary, secon- Seminaire Adventiste at C ollonges Charles M. Willis Before moving to dary, college, and adult education in France, Seminar Marienhoehe at Nashville, Willis was a field represen- classes through correspondence for the Darmstadt in Germany, Seminar tative for the Review and Herald peri- entire church. Schlossbogenhofen at Braunau in Aus- odical department. A native of Spar- MRS. MARY IVERSEN tria, the Middle East College at Beirut tanburg, South Carolina, he has held Administrative in Lebanon, and the River Plate Col- positions of responsibility in the lege at Parana in Argentina.
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