--::::.-- --:-- -. -- --- Page Fiv~ Thursday, June 13, 1963 THE JEWISH POST THB IBWIS.B .pOST Thursday" June 13, 1963 P~e Four School Association sponsored a· RECEIVES DOCTORATE David R. Masson, who has, been Dr. and Mrs. Marvyn D. Cohen, p .. ~._.J.. Mark 50th Anniversar,",".'tI GymlHlsium Dedication dance as the first, public function . ':". ,'- '. :-:'. ','-. '. " '-- '.' - .' -'. on a three-year National Research of Columbwi, Ga., nee Gloria Green- Wllf4J- GraduatesWithHighesf ··Stllnding in the new gymnasium. Soeial and berg, formerly of Winnipeg, are Mr. and MrS. L. D. Promislow ing during the three yearscof her Over 600 people gathered for the Council scholarship doing post pleased to announce the birth of a wish to announce the engagement nursing education. , golden anniversary banquet, also graduate work in I".ondon, England, Person.' son, Sonny Harold Michael Cohen, of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. les .As an undergraduate, Mrs. Boal held in the gymnasium auditorium. received his DO,ctorate degree in Naomi Barsky of Toronto will on May 22, a brother to Mauri van Messe1, of Vancouver. The also received the award given for ,Catered by the Mo~ers' AuxiliarY, Physics last month. Dr. Masson return to Winnipeg Saturday, 'June Allison. Dr. Cohen is originally from wedding will take place june 23 the best academic performance dur­ it was the largest dinner ever held graduated in 1958 with B.Sc. Honors _ 15, for a week's holiday at the home Winnipeg and the son of. Mrs. Lily at the Beth Shalom ·Synagogue, ing the pre-clinical period; the by the Edmonton JeWish commun­ from University of Manitoba and of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bur- Cohen of Columbus, Ga. His wife is Edmonton. Joseph1\{. Harris Award for general ity. Chairman of the evening was won an N.R.C. scholarship for Mc­ nch Barsky, 434 Inkster Boulevard. the gi-anddaughter of Mr. an4 Mrs. --'-----..,...-- proficiency in the Junior period, and Marvin Dower, president of the Tal­ Gill University where he received his • • • IGeorge Greenberg of Aster Street, the Canadian Nurse· Journal Award mud Torah.' Guest speaker ,was Dr. Masters degree in 1959. for demonstrated promise of profes­ Dr. Masson is returning to can­ · 'Garden City. OH fo'srae'-',"'- - Samuel M. Blumenfield, director of Mr. and Mrs . Na te ' Stre ifler, nee • • • sional growth•. education and culture of the Ain¢­ ada shortly to be on· the stafi of Sheila· Charach, announce the birth Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bell announce A cocktail party was held in her can Zionist Council and Jewish the University of Toronto. He is of their son, Marc David, on June the birth of their' daughter, Debra honor May 25 at the home of her Agency, New York. Married to the former Noerni 5, a brother for Leesa Sheryl. Lynn, a sister for Joady, David and parents, Mr. and Mrs. CyBrown- Hadassah SChick, who is a graduate , • • • KarYn. Proud grandparents· are . .. Seven . oaks Avenue, Mrs. pharmacist from the University of London, England, and they have Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fien announce Mrs. D. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. A. ~iI'.,,,, .. the ,wife ,of Jh;,,,Ben-.BoaI. a Wins Fellowship the marriage of their daughter, Bay. I ~!62' •. ·~IU,ius·l·te :0£ th~Ul1i~rSity of one daughter, Sharonah Rachael Dr. Masson is the son of Mrs. Fay Carol Lee, to Dr. Char1esFejrnan , • ,. • ~nitc)b8 FacUlty ofMecUcme. son of _Mr. and. Mrs. Max Fajrna , . Ra· bl.:· b' .. Masson of Ste. 1C - 99 Roslyn Road, , n .;.,1 cIi~~, ,;;nN ,~~W,iS - aw:n:' ",;,~-,princ!-pal . Sunday, June 16, at the Talmud of the.·Eitz,ChaimSchoobl of Tor­ ',IN ,. LAS' VEGAs ' Winnipeg, and the late Donald G . .. It's' . Masson, former crown prosecutor­ Torah SynagOgulil.· onto,luiS been"eleCted vice-president At 50th anniversary and gymnasium dedication of the Edmonton Talmud Torah are (left to,right): of Edmonton, Alta. ~~_~~~~~~~___ ~_ ~~_ for Canadaof,the National Confer- Pamela Sharon Boal, a 1963 gradu­ Dr. Samuel M, Blumenfield, guest speaker; Marvin Dower, presiden"'t of' the Edmonton Talmud Torah; ofYeShlva the pro­ Kosher MIL AND MRS • .JACK KNAZAN eu,ce ~pa1s, ate of the Winnipeg General Hos­ Hy S. Baltzan, chairman of the building fund committe!!; Mrs. Marvin Dower, Mrs. By S. Baltzan. cordially invite their relatives and fesliio.nal. organization comprising' pital School of Nursing, received Style GRADUATES friends to worship with them the heads of nearly 300 Hebrew The Edmonton Jewish community munity. In September 1925, the cor- completion of the'gymnasium build­ . at the" '.. Day Schools' throughout' the United the Isabel Emmett Memorial Award Open at the 75th annual commencement celebrated the 5Oth.anniversary and nerstone of the Talmua Torah build- ing, the "10-Year Master Plan" has States and Canada. 24 Hours DeUeatessen gymnasium dedication of the Ed- i ing on 103rd /)treet was laid. In become a reality; Hy .S. Baltzan exercises held on May 13 at the , Restaurant • • • . Civic Auditorium. The award is montonTalmud Torah tecently.I1952, ''The l~-Year Master Plan" was chairman of all three building Mr. and Mrs. Sam Finkelstein of . "AMERICA'S Ji'INES'r' of tIielr SOD given to the graduate who has .Just N~ of Sahara .Hotel·· LeaD Kagna was chairman of the' was made, a plan wh;ich envisaged campaigns. Vancouver, B.C., ro"rmerly of Win­ golden anniversary committee. the erection of building to serve the The golden anniversary week~d attained the highest academic stand- , ., IlHnI SllllJon nipeg, are visitors in the city, the The Edmonton Talmud Torah, was growing Edmonton Jewish com- celebration included the late Sab­ guests of their· sister, Mrs. Bertha on . FRED' BIDEBMAN FOR YOUR established in the basement of the munity with more edaquate 'educa- bath evening and regular Sabbath Lezack and family, and sister-in­ SATURDAY, .JUNE zz, lJI3 TRAIN, PLANE or STEAMSHIP ~CKEliS - Call Beth Israel Synagogue in Deceinber tiona! facilities in 'the future. Con- services, Oneg Shabbat ~d Kid- at 9 a.m. at the law Mrs. R. Silvert and family. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Biderman will 1912. In 1922 plans were begun for struction of the first wing began in dush conducted by pupils and BOSII PJNA SYNAGOGUE ii=~~~~==~==~=~ leave Winnipeg Sunday, June 16, Gray's Trave' Service the construction of a school and a .April 1953,and that of the second Mothers' Auxiliary. Kid'dush folloWmg service ' ' ' · , for Montreal, prior to his return ~tural centre for the Jewish com- stage in 1958. This year, with the The Talmud Torah Home and -:- No Cards .-; 408 Mab;t St., Winn~peg.. Ph.WH 3·6621 ¥F ...... _ .. 5pec,~, , .'".. ~ Israel oIl: coID.pletion of ~. UI,~" '·d·. ·t·· " Biderman's· mission to the, Labour ,MIL AND MBS. DAVID .owa B eeKen : . a «!s ZioniSt Movement. ofc8nadaIn 'Confinellt,.,',frave",.,ureau ., 'Alvin Shapiro, 21, son of Mr. ,and .cordially invite their relativeti' and i Mrs. Ben Shapiro, 3037 - 24th A,ve­ friends to worship with them AT THE Canada he ~pported the·.;ftorts in 4th FIr., Hudson's Bay Co.. Ph. SP2-0371 on the Occasion of the . western'Canad,toJ:e!i~ pro~ ·Twoomces~tOiieJ:Ve . .... .. .. " nue, Regina, received his bachelor's degree (honors, economics) at the IJIU''ff/ilzval. " :a:a~Mr~=:7:J:i "~~f;~~'~"~' ~~' ~"~'~·!~~i!~~,~T~.ta;"·~YI!l;,~Sez~ .. ·~·'iY~~Ce,±· ~~~ spring convocation of the University WitJ1thePupli~~ticmsd~eDt ~ of Toronto. He was awarded an of their SOD oftiii!Gov~t 'l'oUrlst' Corpota- II! ,'~. '. Ontario Gove~ent Fellowship of ..... -'1:1"'" tioD; in'J8rl1S81eui.' ... '~.' fDrucll, ror $1,500 for post-graduate work and . ... ~.' Bidelman, who'seitIed will leave for England in August to on Rabbi Harold Karp, a fomer Z NIGB'l'S ISrael in 194s; is origin al1y from Star,"" continue his studies at the London SATURDAY, .JUNE 15th,194q :MontreaI.and is ~to· School of Economics and Political Winnipegger, has received the de­ Torah Service Chanted by , gree of Juris Doctor from De Paul f9ln1ei~ oa~d;a of ;.AOI~rr '~'.hl~r:ah'HI&· imJCa.tIlHr6 ,': Science. Shapiro graduated ,Bar Mitzvah Boy ai10 a.m. liatiVe Mr. University, Chicago. A graduate of • COurtesy Car' Bombay, India· ' from Davin School and Central Col­ ,atthe to m,ld from: theAJrport. t '_.' ,.. J '. FEATtnriNG ,.A.' COMPLETE' 'LINE·' OF -, legiate in Regina . the Winnipeg Talmud Torah and m:RZI,It\-ADAS' YESllUBVN .~oheatedswhnmi';g pqoIs. TAKE AWA¥ KOSHER FOODS. SYNAGOGUE Maimonides College and St. John's • CompUmentary outdoor mov.;. 'P~LICATESSEN~ .FAMOUS . PASTRY High School, he also attended the Kiddush followiDg service . ies on· giant ,screen coUrtesy Clothiers and Importers . -No Cards- F~us PlayerS.· ' .. Complete rac:lBtbIs for ,. Cateriq University of, Manitob/!. ..... "' """ .... ...... • ,Famous Foods by Town N' Rabbi Harold Karp is a member CowitrY~ , ,... WEDDINGS.,..BARMI'iZVAilS ..• ..BANQUETS . of the Chicago Rabbinical Council :Jownn'(J"",w.'1 Operated~1!1' pemiissil)nand m.Ictsupervision oithe ' and a past officer of the Council as . .. '. '. Co~cil~BabblSofWiDD1peg . 317 Kemt. St., Ph.WH .3~818111 III' LTD. well as a member of its' religious ,"KOSHER. U.TERING ,AT trsBl!ST" court. He received his ordination ,., .' ',,- , ' - , - . , 241 PORTAGE AVE. , ,OnN.DAlLY< ." ...• " from the Hebrew Theological Col-- '.Closed Fridai ~t SundoWn.. open Saturda7 aJght at SUDdown ~=========~=!!i1 lege, Chicago; holds a· degree in JtehJion '715 SALTER Ir INTRODUCING chemistry fro~ Roosevelt' Univer- ST. ,. ' . "PHONE:ED4~2250. sity, as well as Diplomas in pastoral nn care; ~amily counselling; and preach­ HANDY ClEW ing from the, University of Chicago, I Airlinerlolor Hotel and has been serving as spiritual . Z38 EDMONfON 1740 Ellice at Madison· . LTD. WE SPECIALIZE IN: leader of the. Hyde Park Hebrew Open 5 p.m. to Mldnfght Ph.SP 5-7131 Telex O3-ii26'lrll Commerdal and Residential Center, Chicago, for the past eight MoDday through Saturday CoDstraetioD- years.
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